X-treme Wrestling Federation
Important: Why it had to happen. - Printable Version

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Why it had to happen. - Cam Lang - 10-19-2013

I had a very serious decision to make, some point last week one of the people closest to me here and the person who I'd been aligned with in LJ Havok had sent me a PM regarding another fed which he and apparently Matt Lennox had created... I only found out that Lennox ALSO was involved with it, but that's out of the subject.

The point is LJ had sent a PM to be regarding a fed they'd opened, and I checked it out... the fact that they had a fed wasn't really the problem for me, but the fact that they PLAGIARIZED the wrestler template from the XWF and put it on their fed. The one thing that I've been affected by in the past is the CRIME of plagiarism. That's one thing I can't tolerate.

That's that, I don't believe I need to but I apologized to LJ already. He trusted me with keeping it a secret but one thing I can't keep a secret is something that's considered to be a crime, for those that are confused on the matter this is why I'm posting this. I'm sorry to anyone that doesn't exactly agree with me on ''ratting'' out really my only friend on this place, but it had to be done. Plain and simple.

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

Cam, I told you I didn't create the board.. Just the webpage. so the template thing wasn't my doing. and anyone else who reads this.. i didn't mean to disrespect anybody's hard work, i just wanted to write storylines and matches when I wasn't rping here it's that simple. And I asked one person..that person being Cam to join..I had no intention of asking anybody else. I hope everyone understands, but if not I don't care. Bye I guess

Why it had to happen. - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 10-19-2013

Well, there's no point in keeping people around who don't like the fed or who just want to use the forums to recruit people. I'm not sure why Lennox didn't just send off his final, farewell PMs, and then go away.

Apparently, Mr. Lennox believed that there was favoritism here in XWF. That's cool if he wants to think that, but I'm not sure why he didn't speak to us privately about it or just leave if he thinks it's that bad. For the record, we keep an open judge panel so anyone is welcome to sit in and judge any match they want. On top of that, you can probably get Shane to allow you to run your own show on these boards if you asked him.

I think Lennox just saw how we have a good thing going here and wanted to steal it. That's pretty obvious seeing as how he apparently stole some of the roster profiles.

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

I'm not disagreeing with you. He should have talked to you guys about how he was feeling. He messaged me because he saw I was getting bummed about losing all the time. btw I do not agree with him. I had every intention of staying here. I really hope you guys understand because I really dislike making myself the victim or villain OOC..I really do dig this fed its the most fun I have had rping in YEARS and I have learned a lot about character development. I just don't wanna people to think me an asshole.

Why it had to happen. - Miranda Tigris - 10-19-2013

Allow me to chime in, seeing as I was one of the people who Lennox claimed was only at the top because of favoritism.

When he got picked for LL, I literally had to look at my computer screen and actively try to remember who the fuck he even was. That's not favoritism, that's being a totally unmemorable douche. THAT was why Lennox would never have been a top name, were he not to do this stupid shit, not because of the favoritism he was crying about.

Why it had to happen. - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 10-19-2013

Yeah, I can't remember the last time that Lennox put much effort into anything. He just kind of threw up his 200 words a week and apparently bitched in private. I'm curious how he expects to be able to run an entire fed if he isn't even that involved with this one as an RPer. You'd think that if you were gonna try to recruit from within, you would at least build up a solid reputation.

Why it had to happen. - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-19-2013

good riddance..

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

btw gilmour our banter on the results has nothing to do with this.. it's something im workin on for the faction

Why it had to happen. - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-19-2013

i see

Why it had to happen. - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 10-19-2013

Pissing myself at this...

How can their be favouritism? We were all new here at one time or another... Lennox's problem is that he made little effort in character and didn't seek help in order to improve in character.

Help at Hogwarts will come to those who ask for it!

PS. As someone who's been competing for years and ran my own federation I can tell you now that all the hard work that is needed makes it really not worth having favouritism anyway.

Why it had to happen. - Cam Lang - 10-19-2013

LJ had told me that he only made the webpage, but it wasn't until after I made this thread that I saw. Either way, in my eyes it's kind of guilty by association. Although his claims are that he didn't do anything wrong, he did know of the templates that were being taken from here and used on his/Matt's fed.

LJ's computer was down for a few days and that's understandable, and he did tell me that he would've perhaps fixed it and he says he knows he should of asked Matt about it, to be completely honest it's not even the fed that bothers me it's just the plagiarism, not saying that recruiting isn't wrong because it kind of is.

I honestly had no idea that Matt had anything to do with it, LJ had told me him and a ''friend'' were the two that created it, I had no idea he had Matt with him either, which is kind of suspicious because he didn't tell me about Matt's involvement... either way, I still believe I'm in the right for coming out with this and LJ we talked a bit after and I hope by now you'd understand why I decided to do what I did.

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

Oh for fucks sakes, Cam, I didn't tell you it was him because HE told me not too. Damn. And I had nothing to do with the boards and I will stand by that claim..I just made the web page..that is it. I'm getting sick an tired of my having to defend myself.. And in a lot of ways I shouldn't have to.

The join template, like i said before, did not even cross my mind when I was filling it out. I'm just saying.

Why it had to happen. - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 10-19-2013

To be perfectly honest, this came my way before I even knew Cam had spoken up but I do appreciate you coming forward Cam. At the same time though, it was the sloppiness of those at fault that brought this out into the open... passing around of links and passing around of ridiculous BS tends to make quite a noticeable dust cloud.

Also... bonus feature. lol My site monitors for certain types of suspicious anomalies and I get a special admin notification when something that "might" be another e-fed gets passed through a PM. Yay!!! (certain obvious keywords that a spammer would use can trigger this warning, and certain types of obvious spam URLs trigger it) Yup, this means I was silently aware of this since the first day you guys (Matt/LJ) started directly referencing the other fed within our PM system. I wanted to see who truly was at fault here so I just sat back and watched, and it became clear through all of the PMs I dug up that Lennox was pulling the strings and making the most comments about favoritism while LJ was just going around telling people about the fed and warning them to keep it quiet because he knew he was breaking our rules.

LJ - The fact that you're documented as telling others you KNOW you're breaking our rules, and to not tell anyone, is the reason you came this close to experience an even worse fake fate than Lennox. It's a problem that you were aware of the wrong and openly admitting it as you spammed. Remember in our fake world we (XWF) can do whatever we want and that includes keeping your characters as permanent fuck dolls, etc... and making humiliating posts from your accounts to make you look like a . When somebody spams our fed, all class and respect goes right out the window with it and we'll act on that too! We won't just take the immature bullshit... we'll give it right back and have fun doing it... because we're here TO have fun. Either participate with us, or BE our laughing stock. I'm not going to reach through my screen and slap you in real life, but I'm always going to have some fun (in the shows, etc) with anybody who fucks us over by spamming our members and using "favoritism" speeches as their #1 sales pitch to get others to join.

Thanks again for sharing those PMs. It does make it a little easier when the PMs are sent right to us rather than me having to dig them up out of our massive database.

PS: To anyone else who might think of spamming for another fed... don't bother. We're going to know when our members are getting spammed. We're going to know if you use our system in a suspicious manner. We're going to know if somebody is trying to "get around" being caught and those precautions you take are going to be what draws our attention to the fact that you're doing something wrong in the first place. Plus, as soon as we get sick of watching you do it right under our nose, we're going to seek further entertainment by ruining your own site/boards to the point of them being unusable. Smile Assholes of the past have made us pretty well built up for this kind of BS. We've already seen it all and caught it all, long ago.

Why it had to happen. - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 10-19-2013

This is why the one eyed man is king

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

so my obvious question is, where do i go from here?

RE: Why it had to happen. - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 09:54 AM)ljTheSavior Said: so my obvious question is, where do i go from here?

The fact that you can even post publicly to ask that question means it's entirely up to you where things go from here. I tried to make it very clear in the results that this was a fork in your road and I think I succeeded. I'll be watching just like everyone else to see where YOU take things from here.

Lennox on the other hand doesn't have that option. I made sure not to ban him so he could still see what's going on and feel stupid, but his account can't post anyway. I wasn't about to have him coming on and posting stupid BS while I was out in the fields all morning. Ya know?

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

I know and I posted that before you sent me the message. And I understand now

RE: Why it had to happen. - Tony Santos - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 09:43 AM)Shane "The Big Potato" <img src="https://i.imgur.com/pUgtAVa.gif"> Said: To be perfectly honest, this came my way before I even knew Cam had spoken up but I do appreciate you coming forward Cam. At the same time though, it was the sloppiness of those at fault that brought this out into the open... passing around of links and passing around of ridiculous BS tends to make quite a noticeable dust cloud.

Also... bonus feature. lol My site monitors for certain types of suspicious anomalies and I get a special admin notification when something that "might" be another e-fed gets passed through a PM. Yay!!! (certain obvious keywords that a spammer would use can trigger this warning, and certain types of obvious spam URLs trigger it) Yup, this means I was silently aware of this since the first day you guys (Matt/LJ) started directly referencing the other fed within our PM system. I wanted to see who truly was at fault here so I just sat back and watched, and it became clear through all of the PMs I dug up that Lennox was pulling the strings and making the most comments about favoritism while LJ was just going around telling people about the fed and warning them to keep it quiet because he knew he was breaking our rules.

LJ - The fact that you're documented as telling others you KNOW you're breaking our rules, and to not tell anyone, is the reason you came this close to experience an even worse fake fate than Lennox. It's a problem that you were aware of the wrong and openly admitting it as you spammed. Remember in our fake world we (XWF) can do whatever we want and that includes keeping your characters as permanent fuck dolls, etc... and making humiliating posts from your accounts to make you look like a . When somebody spams our fed, all class and respect goes right out the window with it and we'll act on that too! We won't just take the immature bullshit... we'll give it right back and have fun doing it... because we're here TO have fun. Either participate with us, or BE our laughing stock. I'm not going to reach through my screen and slap you in real life, but I'm always going to have some fun (in the shows, etc) with anybody who fucks us over by spamming our members and using "favoritism" speeches as their #1 sales pitch to get others to join.

Thanks again for sharing those PMs. It does make it a little easier when the PMs are sent right to us rather than me having to dig them up out of our massive database.

PS: To anyone else who might think of spamming for another fed... don't bother. We're going to know when our members are getting spammed. We're going to know if you use our system in a suspicious manner. We're going to know if somebody is trying to "get around" being caught and those precautions you take are going to be what draws our attention to the fact that you're doing something wrong in the first place. Plus, as soon as we get sick of watching you do it right under our nose, we're going to seek further entertainment by ruining your own site/boards to the point of them being unusable. Smile Assholes of the past have made us pretty well built up for this kind of BS. We've already seen it all and caught it all, long ago.

Can I just start tea bagging folks that get the proverbial banhammer? Please?

Why it had to happen. - Theo Pryce - 10-19-2013

Quote:Can I just start tea bagging folks that get the proverbial banhammer? Please?

I say go for it, it's going to be the only way your balls see any action at all.

RE: Why it had to happen. - Ann Thraxx - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 11:53 AM)Theo Pryce Said:
Quote:Can I just start tea bagging folks that get the proverbial banhammer? Please?

I say go for it, it's going to be the only way your balls see any action at all.


RE: Why it had to happen. - Tony Santos - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 11:53 AM)Theo Pryce Said:
Quote:Can I just start tea bagging folks that get the proverbial banhammer? Please?

I say go for it, it's going to be the only way your balls see any action at all.

Oh Theo, I understand. You're confused. A testicle doesn't go in to a vagina, FYI.

Why it had to happen. - Theo Pryce - 10-19-2013

Quote:Oh Theo, I understand. You're confused. A testicle doesn't go in to a vagina, FYI.

And neither do you, so my original points stands. Bazinga bitch.

RE: Why it had to happen. - Tony Santos - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 12:17 PM)Theo Pryce Said:
Quote:Oh Theo, I understand. You're confused. A testicle doesn't go in to a vagina, FYI.

And neither do you, so my original points stands. Bazinga bitch.

That post literally means nothing, Pryce.

RE: Why it had to happen. - AlexandraCallaway - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 12:17 PM)Theo Pryce Said:
Quote:Oh Theo, I understand. You're confused. A testicle doesn't go in to a vagina, FYI.

And neither do you, so my original points stands. Bazinga bitch.


High-fives Theo.

Why it had to happen. - Theo Pryce - 10-19-2013

Quote:High-fives Theo.

[Image: internet-high-five.jpeg]

RE: Why it had to happen. - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 11:23 AM)Tony Santos Said:
(10-19-2013, 09:43 AM)Shane "The Big Potato" <img src="https://i.imgur.com/pUgtAVa.gif"> Said: To be perfectly honest, this came my way before I even knew Cam had spoken up but I do appreciate you coming forward Cam. At the same time though, it was the sloppiness of those at fault that brought this out into the open... passing around of links and passing around of ridiculous BS tends to make quite a noticeable dust cloud.

Also... bonus feature. lol My site monitors for certain types of suspicious anomalies and I get a special admin notification when something that "might" be another e-fed gets passed through a PM. Yay!!! (certain obvious keywords that a spammer would use can trigger this warning, and certain types of obvious spam URLs trigger it) Yup, this means I was silently aware of this since the first day you guys (Matt/LJ) started directly referencing the other fed within our PM system. I wanted to see who truly was at fault here so I just sat back and watched, and it became clear through all of the PMs I dug up that Lennox was pulling the strings and making the most comments about favoritism while LJ was just going around telling people about the fed and warning them to keep it quiet because he knew he was breaking our rules.

LJ - The fact that you're documented as telling others you KNOW you're breaking our rules, and to not tell anyone, is the reason you came this close to experience an even worse fake fate than Lennox. It's a problem that you were aware of the wrong and openly admitting it as you spammed. Remember in our fake world we (XWF) can do whatever we want and that includes keeping your characters as permanent fuck dolls, etc... and making humiliating posts from your accounts to make you look like a . When somebody spams our fed, all class and respect goes right out the window with it and we'll act on that too! We won't just take the immature bullshit... we'll give it right back and have fun doing it... because we're here TO have fun. Either participate with us, or BE our laughing stock. I'm not going to reach through my screen and slap you in real life, but I'm always going to have some fun (in the shows, etc) with anybody who fucks us over by spamming our members and using "favoritism" speeches as their #1 sales pitch to get others to join.

Thanks again for sharing those PMs. It does make it a little easier when the PMs are sent right to us rather than me having to dig them up out of our massive database.

PS: To anyone else who might think of spamming for another fed... don't bother. We're going to know when our members are getting spammed. We're going to know if you use our system in a suspicious manner. We're going to know if somebody is trying to "get around" being caught and those precautions you take are going to be what draws our attention to the fact that you're doing something wrong in the first place. Plus, as soon as we get sick of watching you do it right under our nose, we're going to seek further entertainment by ruining your own site/boards to the point of them being unusable. Smile Assholes of the past have made us pretty well built up for this kind of BS. We've already seen it all and caught it all, long ago.

Can I just start tea bagging folks that get the proverbial banhammer? Please?

Yeah Boi!! The Peoples Teabag Biatch!!

RE: Why it had to happen. - Ann Thraxx - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 12:27 PM)AlexandraCallaway Said:
(10-19-2013, 12:17 PM)Theo Pryce Said:
Quote:Oh Theo, I understand. You're confused. A testicle doesn't go in to a vagina, FYI.

And neither do you, so my original points stands. Bazinga bitch.


High-fives Theo.

I said burn before it was cool........ Well, no I didn't. But before you said it! XD

Why it had to happen. - Theo Pryce - 10-19-2013

Quote:I said burn before it was cool........ Well, no I didn't. But before you said it! XD

Ladies, ladies, there's plenty of Burns to go around. Just ask Matt Lennox's groin area.

Why it had to happen. - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 10-19-2013

Yeah, like I said in the PM, Lang, I don't have a problem with you sticking around. If I thought you were going to be a negative influence on the fed, I would have suggested to Shane that you get the ban as well.

I guess you got "caught up in the wrong crowd..."

You're not the first one to fuck up, won't be the last. Look at it this way, we didn't even suspend your account like we do to most people who screw up.

Just do whatever you feel comfortable with.

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

I'll just continue rping and posting and try to put that bs behind me.. once again i apologize for being a pain in the ass...

I'm just glad I don't have to taste Tony's ball bag and for that I thank you. lol

Why it had to happen. - Sebastian Duke - 10-19-2013

That fact that the two of you wanted to start your own fed is not the problem. I commend anyone that wants to start one because it truly does take a lot more work to do so, than some might think. The problem lies when false accusations are made by a bitter little prick that wouldn't put in the work required to improve ones work.

The other problem is trying to recruit our guys. Guys and girls that have came here through Shane's advertising efforts which I can guarantee you isn't free in all places. I once tried to start my own fed. I realized the cost involved in getting any site placed within google and other search engines, and it's not exactly cheap.


That's a bad word. Anyone claiming that the XWF plays favorites is a delusional little douche cunt. If John Madison is on top of the mountain, its because he's that fucking good. And believe me, he is. If Luca Arzegotti or Sebastian Duke are considered the center of anything, it is pretty remarkable. We earned it. If you look at Luca's fiorst RP or mine, you can see how far both of us have come. Through hard work. Not by becoming friendly with Madison or Shane. Which, by the way, I do happen to enjoy our friendships.

Saying that we play favorites is unbelievably disrespectful to not only mine and Luca's writing abilities, but to those who are working hard to improve their work.

I'm in the process of training Mystica to be a GM, and he will one day take the reigns completely on Madness. You can ask him yourself what one of the first things I said to him when judging matches was. I told him to not get caught up in someone's reputation as a writer. Just because someone is considered one of our best does not mean that they won't have an off week sometimes. That maybe their opponent isn't considered one of the best, but if the circumstances and the timing is right, anyone can beat anyone here.

Claiming there is favoritism within the XWF is not only disrespectful, it's just flat out wrong and inaccurate. If it did play a part, do you think that Eli James, a relative newcomer at the time, would have beaten Sebastian Duke? Neonero is one of the better writers I have ever seen, I gave the Senator a shot at the title to see what he could do. He rose to the challenge and shocked the world and defeated Neonero. You, yourself, LJ Havok. I held this Rumble once. While the entrant order was legitimately pulled out of a hat, I wanted to give the opportunity to face John Madison to someone unknown. To prove to the entire federation, that anyone can earn a shot at the top. You won that. You faced Madison.

Your theory is shit.

RE: Why it had to happen. - Smoke - 10-19-2013

I actually found this site after some guys on another forum were talking about e-fedding. I googled some feds and came across a top 100 e-feds list. The XWF was number one.

I checked it out and stayed. Purely because this place is too good to go anywhere else.

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

man it wasn't my theory that there was favoritism.. I just went along with Matt..even though I knew it was wrong. I accept responsibility for my actions.

RE: Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

(10-19-2013, 01:38 PM)Smoke Man Said: I actually found this site after some guys on another forum were talking about e-fedding. I googled some feds and came across a top 100 e-feds list. The XWF was number one.

I checked it out and stayed. Purely because this place is too good to go anywhere else.

That's how I found it too

Why it had to happen. - Theo Pryce - 10-19-2013

Quote: douche cunt

Maybe I'm an immature man boy but that phrase above is never not funny.

Why it had to happen. - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 10-19-2013

that's how i found it too

Why it had to happen. - LJ Havok - 10-19-2013

no it's funny.. when I read it I laughed hysterically...and then it turned to disappointment because I didn't think of it first Big Grin

Why it had to happen. - Rebel - 10-19-2013

I didn't find XWF, XWF found me.