X-treme Wrestling Federation
These Iron Bars - Finale - Printable Version

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These Iron Bars - Finale - Smoke - 10-17-2013

So it's the day of my match, and my required week is up. I guess I'm ready to head home.

Are you sure they would want you back after what you did? If you weren't part of all this then you'd be in prison. For a very long time. In fact you're lucky Matt Ward didn't die from that.

Really? I think Matt Ward's the lucky one because despite what I did, he was standing on his feet in no time. Either way I've been cleared to wrestle. I suppose they think it's a little too risky to prevent me from performing given that they already had named me captain, and that they were already tight on spaces as it is, without complications such as these.

Still though, if you hadn't been part of the company...

What does it matter!? Unless you forgot, the 'company' is the XWF. One of the most dangerous federations in the world. We are all trained to take falls like Matt did. We're trained to withstand torment and punishment - if only for the sake of a piece of otherwise meaningless gold and a pay rise. If anything, I'm mad they sent me to jail in the first place. The police need to read my fucking contract.

Shane is the one who needs to read your contract.

Yeah, fucking him too. God, he's such an ass.

...He's your boss.

Doesn't make him any less of an ass.

...So... What are you gonna do?

...Train I suppose. There's not much I could do while staying at Hotel Donut, and there's not a lot I can do now in the few remaining hours, but that.

Still got time to talk, haven't you?

Of course. Why, is there something you wanted to talk about?

Now, your match tonight--


Yes, really. I just wanted to know what you felt about Shawn Steele.

It's a damn shame, can I go now?

No no, hold on. That's not the full story, now is it?

...Alright, okay yeah. I'm disappointed. He hasn't chirped up all week long. Unless he's planning to pull something out of the bag at the last second, I'm hoping that the rest of us can pull through enough without. Of course my mind would be settled once he even drew breath to mutter a letter.

It was the same for Eli as well. I'm glad he's in the game because otherwise, I don't know what I would've done.

But what about Kimmy-K?

I-- I don't want to talk about her...


Nothing, nothing. It's just... nah it doesn't matter. I mean, she's been keeping me confident all week long. To see how ready and cheerful she is really helped me cope leading up to this big match. I have the faith that she'll pull through in the end, and I'm happy I ended up with her, even if she wasn't strictly my first choice.

Anything about your opponents?

Yes. Juan Madison scares the shit outta me. And Hunter Payne. Got a Mexican duo thing going on there.

That's an interesting thing to say going into your match against them as captain of the other team.

Then let me explain.

Had you seen my last shoot, you would know how I feel about Hunter Payne, and Juan.

Yes I have.

Exactly. That's what I have against them going into this. All of it. And there's no point in repeating it. But the thing is, they're opponents who are - quite frankly out of my league. You could say that praising them is a dumb idea but anyway you swing it, it's true in my case.

But that's a good thing. I'm not complaining at all. For any other wrestler here, I'd imagine a steady progression, from the opponents that are equal to their low skill level, to getting all the more tougher as time goes on. As time progresses, they become skilled themselves to be parallel to the stronger foes they face. Why is this important? Because I have not had that progression.

That hard work I've been building on, working my ass off as I've said countless times before, all that work has finally paid off. I'm captain of my own team, going into a battle so apparently unevenly matched, that nobody even thinks we'll win, much less have a chance. Even under those circumstances, I've bumped up the order to stand in the main event of Warfare among some of the biggest names in the company.

Sure, it may not mean much to them for being in the final match but dammit it means a lot to me because I've always wanted to headline an event - even if it's just part of a group in the first round of a tournament.

You can be damn sure I ain't gonna blow it tonight because if I do, then I'll be kicking myself for weeks. Win or lose I'm going to try my hardest to come out with a victory. And a damn good impression.

Because I know I can prove it.