X-treme Wrestling Federation
Igniting the Flame (Tag Team Match) - Printable Version

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Igniting the Flame (Tag Team Match) - Crimson Deadly - 02-09-2013

The scene fades into view on the X-Tron as the camera view changes from the arena to the camera in the video backstage. Steve Sayors is seen walking around the backstage area, seemingly looking for something. He comes across many of the in-ring competitors and attempts to greet them but gets ignored. He finally approaches a door and stops.

Steve Sayors: "Ahh, here we are."

The door says "Crimson Crest" on it. Steve Sayors is about to knock on the door when suddenly it opens and Crimson Cobra walks straight into Steve Sayors.

Crimson Cobra: "Hey man, watch where you're standing!"

Crimson Cobra pushes through and disappears down the corridor in some kind of rush... Steve Sayors peers into the room and the camera shifts into his point of view. Crimson Deadly is taping up his hands and is looking rather thoughtful. Steve Sayors waves his arm at the camera and they walk into the room. Crimson Deadly looks up and suddenly has a confused look on his face.

Crimson Deadly: "Who the heck are you guys? And why are you in my locker room? Is this some kinda joke?"

Steve Sayors approaches Crimson Deadly. going towards his side and standing side by side with Crimson Deadly, who's still seated and looking up at Steve Sayors as though he's the local village idiot.

Steve Sayors: "Are we on...? Oh... My bad. Crimson Deadly! I'm Steve Sayors and I'm the interviewer around these areas."

Crimson Deadly: "Is that so? Well in that case, grab a seat and come sit down with the minions master."

Steve Sayors gets a chair and places it beside Crimson Deadly. Just as he's about to sit down, Crimson moves the chair and Steve falls straight onto his behind. Steve is in a sudden state of shock and Crimson uses this to grab the microphone from his hand.

Crimson Deadly: "Get out. I'll tell you when to come back."

Steve Sayor leaves the room.

Crimson Deadly: "So apparently, me and The Cobra have got a tag team match next Wednesday... Who were our opponents again... Those guys that nobody cares about... Oh yeah! Cassius Stone and Benjamin Crane! I'm sure they were in the US Title tournament... Eh, I can't remember, they must not have gotten very far."

Crimson Deadly gets up from his seat and gets a little bit closer to the camera.

Crimson Deadly: "How depressing. I was kinda hoping that my first match here in XWF would be a good challenge but it's beginning to look like I could take them both out by myself. They've both had countless opportunities to win belts and based on memory, they still haven't gained anything. How humiliating.

"Okay guys, do you want to know why you've got no chance? Because not only is me and Crimson Cobra permanent tag team partners, but we've also developed an understanding for each others style of fighting. We know where to be and what to do at the right time... Meanwhile, the closest you guys have been to being in the ring together is a championship tournament that could have put you against each other. Pretty outstanding really, how you guys have been here for so long yet you can't seem to get anything from anyone. It's obvious this profession isn't for you."

Crimson Deadly begins moving away from the camera, and grabs something from his locker, before walking towards the locker room door.

Crimson Deadly: "Follow me."

The camera man follows Crimson Deadly as he exits the room and starts walking down the hall and into a rather large opening, a few people are seen hanging around and talking to people, Peter Gilmour is talking to Mark Flynn.

Crimson Deadly: "You're just two guys who probably think the exact same as most of these old faces think... That we're a bunch of cocky nobody's who are in way over our heads. That you've seen nothing from us... How exactly can you say we're nobody if you've never seen us in the ring for a one on one fight? For all you know we could be unstoppable freaks of nature who won't stop until we're the only two superstars here.

"But let's actually pretend that you guys have a chance. How would you do it? Do you even know what to expect from us?

"Of course you don't. Nobody does... Look, I'm gunna be honest with you guys. Your careers are something that most "teenagers" would call a 'Fail!'. How's the dust in your trophy cabinets look...? Me and Cobra haven't even been here for a week and already ours have gold in there..."

Crimson Deadly continues walking through the hallways until he sees something of interest. Crimson Cobra is seen in the distance and Deadly begins walking over to him.

Crimson Deadly: "Cobra! What the hell are you doing now?"

Crimson Cobra's head pops out from nowhere with a surprised expression on his face, until he makes out his partners face and goes back to what he was previously doing.

Crimson Cobra: "I think those guys are in there bro... That... Ah what were their names again..."

Crimson Deadly: "Ahh man, you too?"

Crimson Cobra: "Yeah! Man, Their names are so forgetful! Anyways, those nobody's that we're facing... I think they're in here, 'cause I heard our names mentioned.

Crimson Deadly leans in and places his ear against the door. His eyes take on a very peculiar look. Suddenly his eyes light up.

Crimson Deadly: "Oh my god bro, I just had a great idea... Wait here!"

Crimson Deadly gives the mic to Cobra and runs off down the halls. Crimson Cobra puts his ear back on the door while awkwardly looking towards the camera. thirty seconds later, Deadly reappears and puts a heap of firecrackers onto the cabinet outside of the locker room door.

Crimson Cobra: "Holy crap man! Where did you get these from?"

Crimson Deadly: "My bag! I had the weirdest idea of bringing these here to pull some prank on somebody but I just thought, why not scare the crap out of our opponents!?"

Crimson Deadly pulls a lighter from out of his pockets as both him and Crimson Cobra grab a bunch each and put the wires perfectly next to each other, lighting them all in one easy motion. They open the door and quickly throw them in.

Cassius Stone and Benjamin Crane: "Hey, what th-"

But Crimson Crest slam the door shut and run down the hall way. The camera changes views to the opening and Crimson Crest appear and hide directly behind the corners, each picking a steel chair as the quiet space is suddenly filled with cracking sounds followed by shouting and heavy footsteps moving quickly towards the opening. The camera pans around as both of the men are seen sprinting towards the opening to find the Crimson's. Just before they reach the end of the hall way, both members of Crimson Crest swing their chairs directly in front of the passage and their unexpected opponents can't react quick enough as they collide directly with the momentum of the chairs, hitting the deck completely knocked out.

Crimson Deadly: "HAHAHA! I can't tell what's gotta be worse... The ringing in their head from the crackers, these steel chairs or the realization that they're against us in a few days!"

Suddenly Crimson Deadly remembers the camera and sees the microphone on the ground near Crimson Cobra, he quickly grabs it and approaches the camera again.

Crimson Deadly: "Such a waste of talent don't you think? Why would anybody install athletic ability into such gullible and idiotic people? But that's not important.

"What's important is that these are our opponents for this coming Wednesday. They don't realize the flame that me and Crimson Cobra possess, why do you think we're so red? Someone better grab a water hose and start spraying us down 'cause if you don't stop it, this flames only going to continue, and it's gonna eat through larger and larger challenges. It will never stop feeding... And just like the fire that ignited a few firecrackers tonight, the flame that we possess will also lead Cassius Stone and Benjamin Crane into the exact same predicament they are currently in; On the ground, unconcious and... After the smokes cleared... Losers."

To add an extra mark to that statement, Crimson Cobra suddenly swings his chair downwards which connects with the mid-section of Benjamin Crane.

Crimson Cobra: "Insult. Injury. Raped of their dignities... Ahh... There's nothing better."

Crimson Cobra throws the chair like a frisby as it comes crashing down onto the solid concrete floor, as he starts chuckling to himself and walking away. The camera man then proceeds to get another shot of Cassius Stone and Benjamin Crane before it slowly fades into nothing.