X-treme Wrestling Federation
Confused? - Printable Version

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Confused? - Liz Hathaway - 09-29-2013

The scene opens up to Liz sitting in room. She is adjusting her handy dandy camcorder. In the back ground, it looks as if she has removed the images of Ric Flair, and replaced them with one, Jenna Silver. It has pictures of Jenna Silver on a stripper pole, twerking, and some of her famous lesbian porn images. Liz looks like she’s been in her home what seems like an eternity. After stretching and yawning, she looks into the camera.

Madness 9/23. I debuted against Ric Flair. And after every big move, he kicked out.

Until it seemed like he was …


He won that match fair and square. But I won’t forget it for a while. I don’t take losing kindly, which is why I am 100% focused on winning my next match against ….

Jenna Silver.

When she came here, of course the guys were hovering her vagina one by one. It seems like guys such as: Gilmoor, Rebel, hell even the King. All converted themselves to teenage boys. Gilmoor really needs to focus on fixing Rose’s gap. Rebel needs help with his personality disorder, and regaining the Xtreme Championship. As for the King, well it’s not much for him to do. I mean he is the King after all.

But enough with the irrelevant, I’m turning my attention to Jenna Silver; former Pornstar, Stripper, and Twerker of the Year 2011.

So Jen, how’s it going babe?

You seem to be in the wrong place.

You see XWF, is a place of gigantic psychotic loco motherfuckers. Not for a sweet innocent delicate piece of ass such as yourself. Oh no, you shouldn’t be facing me on Madness 9/30. You should be home, fixing me breakfast naked as your vagina airs out from 3 rounds of hot steamy sex. You’d like that, and I’m sure I would too.

We may be able to even bring Peter Gilmoor.

On second thought, no we can’t. He creeps me out.

But anyway, Jen don’t do this to yourself. I’m not going to go easy on you, just because you’re gorgeous. You’re going to accept the same ass whooping as everyone in your future. And maybe, just maybe, after I’m finish shoving a baseball bat in your asshole, then we could talk.

No, you might enjoy that.

Ugh, I keep forgetting that you were a Pornstar. So you’re probably used to having your vagina ripped open.

Fuck, well there goes that plan.

Anyway, I am enjoying you here in XWF.

And after I kick your ass all over Phoenix, Arizona, maybe we can be friends. Because unlike the rest of the cunts here at XWF, your cool.

You’re not like Sincere Lee Wild, crying because Eli dumped that ass. No, you’re abstract.

I like that.

But we can never be together. My heart is for my sweet sweet, Jessie Diaz.

But I’ll catch you around, Jen.

Liz Out.

Liz leans toward the camera, and it fades to black

The scene opens up to Liz and Cole, on the couch in Liz’s apartment. Liz looks as if she didn’t get any sleep the night before. She’s obviously bothered by something. Cole notices it, and has to speak up.

Cole: So, what’s up? You don’t seem like yourself.

Liz: I’ve been having … I don’t want to dreams or nightmares, so I’ll just say flashbacks, from when I was a child. And in every flashback, there has been this little boy, with black and blonde hair, screaming “help… help…. Help me Liz.” I don’t know what it means, but it’s confusing me.

Cole: That’s …. That’s interesting, yet strange, all at the same time. I don’t know what to tell you honestly. You can go to a therapist, or you can just try to ignore it.

Liz: What do you think I’ve been doing? It’s not as hard as you make it out to be. This boy, whoever he is, has some sort of attachment to me. I don’t know why, but he just does.

Cole: You need to go see a professional then.

Liz: No. I’m not crazy. Don’t make it seem like I’m crazy because I’m not!

Cole: Why are you jumping to conclusions? I never said you were crazy.

Liz: Whatever, I’m going out.

Sarah walks in through the front door.

Sarah: No you’re not. I can hear you two down the damn hallway. Now what’s going on?

Liz: Nothing.

Cole: She’s been having flashbacks, and it always ends with a little boy, screaming.

Sarah: Again? Liz, I thought you said that ended.

Cole: You knew about it?

Sarah: Yeah, like in high school. But that was like almost 10 years ago. I had no idea that it was still going on.

Liz: It’s nothing for either of you to worry about. This is about me.

Sarah: Liz, you have to have the power to let power go.

Liz looks into Sarah’s eyes, surprised that she would say that.

Sarah: You’ve always been in charge, doing it your way, ever since grade school. Sometimes you have to keep calm and step aside.

Liz: Never in your right fucking mind. I had to fight for what I believed in. Now you’re telling me to let go? Hell no!

Cole: Why are you so damn stubborn?

Liz: Why won’t both of you shut the hell up and leave me alone!

Liz storms out of the apartment, leaving Cole and Sarah alone. She gets in her Rent-A-Car and drives around the city. Thinking…

“They don’t know what it is like to be me. To be laughed at because you don’t have a mother. ; To have over 10 siblings. To be used an abused by my mother until she died. They don’t understand. “

Liz parks, and looks up at the building. It was a therapy doctor’s office. She sighs and gets out the car. After looking at the building for what it seemed like an eternity, she goes in. It’s empty, “must be a slow day” she thought to herself, as she rang the help bell. A woman came to the booth.

Nurse: How may I help you?

Liz: I’m here to see the therapist.

Nurse: Right through that door, ma’am.

Liz: Thank you.

Liz looks at the door, and storms in to see a doctor, sitting at his desk reading the daily paper. She walks to his desk.

Liz: I need help, and I hear you’re good at helping people, so fix me.

Doctor: Um, okay?

The scene fades to black as Liz thinks to herself “What have I gotten myself into.”