X-treme Wrestling Federation
Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Printable Version

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Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

I wanted to let my Shove it contestant's know that you officially have until Sunday at the normal time to complete your posts. I have gotten a extension for us until then, do not let me down.

Shove It GM for 9/22
Alexandra Callaway

Shove It Update - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013


Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Christine Nash - 09-20-2013

I posted already hun. I think you are going to have a awesome show.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Giovanni Ferrari - 09-20-2013

Honestly, bumping up deadlines. This is absurd! What's next, a chinchilla army? God you're already growing mad with power and you're only gming one show!!

I kid. Good luck with your show Ally, I'm certain it will be a magnificent one Smile

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

Thanks Sweetness

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

Oh Gio... you meanie!

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Christine Nash - 09-20-2013

Your welcome hun and LOL at Geo!

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

And oh yes the Chinchilla army will be there.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Ann Thraxx - 09-20-2013

Suddenly, Alexandra.... I don't like you very much. We can no longer be thunder buddies.... I mean... I was gonna get another RP up just in time, with the hopes Diaz didn't get anything else up and WIN THIS, but now you're just giving Diaz more time. You will not be forgiven.

I hate you.



I'm so sorry, can we still be thunder buddies?

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Jessie-ica Diaz - 09-20-2013

What you don't realize is, I wouldn't be procrastinating on my second RP if the deadline were still tomorrow. Okay, I would still be doing that, but there would at least be a draft open in one of my 80 million tabs somewhere!

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Ann Thraxx - 09-20-2013

Still beats facing Luca and being crushed twice daily by great RPs, I suppose! >.<

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

I love you all.. You know I do.. besides.. the school thing would prevent awesome results anyways... cause I have class from 8am till after noon

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Ann Thraxx - 09-20-2013

Alright, I forgive you. Just don't let it happen again!....... In the other shows..... That you aren't GMin-- I need to think before I talk!

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Jessie-ica Diaz - 09-20-2013

Only then, I had much more free time, and actually had a semblance of a plan! Now, I stare at my computer screen all like, make words!

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Ann Thraxx - 09-20-2013

I would expect you to know that ordering your computer around doesn't make a good RP.......... Does it?....... I've never tried...... So THAT'S the secret behind these great RPers! *yells at laptop*

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

I love you all... but I have cupcakes! *holds them out*

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Ann Thraxx - 09-20-2013

Cupcakes make up for all mistakes. Even if this isn't a mistake, just an extension I'm being overdramatic about because I have nothing to do but push you around like a big meanie.... So...... GIMMEH! Angry

And if they're laced with cyanide, I'll kill you. Probably the other way around.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

*giggles* No.. Just full of love and rainbows.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Ann Thraxx - 09-20-2013

BLAUGH!........... Even worse!... Too happy! GET IT AWAY! PLEASE!!! :'(

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

Fine they are full of bats, newts eyes, and nightshade.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Ann Thraxx - 09-20-2013

*eats the cupcakes*
See, this is why I like you........ Strange cupcakes for strange Ann. ^_^

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

Of course.. only the best for my thunder buddy

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Mr. Radio - 09-20-2013

ah, a Zylonian delicacy!

I'm sure your results will be awesome Alexandra. Just please don't completely blow mine away.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-20-2013

Awww... Poor Radio.... you had a chance to be a part of the action...

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Christine Nash - 09-21-2013

Oh I can't wait to read the results... I can't wait to see someone get burned. LOL I also can't wait to see my knight kick some but too. hehe

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Rain - 09-21-2013

Alex, I know this decision had nothing to do with me... but thank you. It helped.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - AlexandraCallaway - 09-21-2013

Doesn't fucking matter.. you've already ruined my dinner post.

Shove It Update (deadline extended to Sunday!) - Rain - 09-21-2013

... I didn't try to ruin it.

... ok. I'm sorry.