X-treme Wrestling Federation
Nobody's Hero - Printable Version

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Nobody's Hero - JosephKain - 09-18-2013

XWF fades in from commercial as Joseph Kain is standing back stage in the interview area with no Steve Sayors just a microphone in hand and a serious look on his face.

I failed my objective last week, but I went home. When I got there I fucked Tiffany over and over and didn't even think about my match. I blew off steam. I had to. Some of you are sitting at home right now and may be wonderin "after this Warfare will we ever see Joseph Kain?" The answer to that question is yes. You won't like me when I return, but I am takin some time off. I have yet to win a match. And you know who I blame.. I blame all of you. Everyone in the audience and everyone sittin at home. I cared too much of what you all thought of of me. I tried to impress instead of doin the very simple task of winnin a fuckin match!

I'm done with the feedin off your cheers and feedin off your boos. I simple don't give a damn anymore. I should have seen it a lot sooner. My matches were piss breaks for you idiotic people. You people have no idea what a true WRESTLER does. You people look for us to hurt ourselves for your amusement. It's disgustin to me. When I was growin up, I enjoyed the pagentry and the violence of professional wrestlin. But as I got older I started figurin shit out. See I flocked to the technical and fast-paced side of things. There's where the talent comes in that way its not a bunch of 300 pound men who don't know their head from their asses much less a wristlock from a wrist watch.

Speakin of things that don't belong in a wrestlin ring. There's a weddin happenin tonight?! What?! I be everybody out there is happy to see that garbage and were happy to see Alexandra and Mytica crucified together in a Christ-like style! This isn't fuckin ECW you can't walk around here and do anythin you want Eli. You're not Raven. You THINK you're a man of truth too. Haha what a crock of shit. I always thought we believed the same. But I think you use your beliefs for your own personal gain. I'm not worried about that horrid segment though. By then, I will be out of the arena and on my way home to Alabama where I belong.

I do have a road block though. A road block in the form of Baalberith. Undoubtedly he's a barbaric personality that you people seem to worship. I know nothing more than that he is a Satanic-esque "badass" and I use that turn VERY loosley. He's one of them people that I've heard his name and seen him around, but I don't really know the man. Hell I bet half of the idiots in the locker room don't know who he really is. But tonight I will show the world that my change is for the better when I win my first match against him...

Then I will be gone for a while, but I will be back whether you like it of not. I am the Lone Wolf. I am Joseph Kain, and I can't be your hero. I am nobody's hero. FUCK ALL OF YOU!

Joseph Kain drops the microphone and walks of the screen as XWF fades to a commercial break.