X-treme Wrestling Federation
Opening up! (Madness r/p 1) - Printable Version

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Opening up! (Madness r/p 1) - Rebel - 09-03-2013

September 3, 2013
Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Hospital

The view of the Cincinnati skyline is the first thing seen as light sheds into the picture. The sun shines brightly on the city after a huge weekend. The WEBN Labor Day/ Summer's End fireworks happened a few nights ago and things are getting back to normal.
The scene pulls back to a view of the cityscape through a plate glass window. A slight glare reflects off of the window as the rest of the room comes into view. The room has a very calming appeal to it. Pictures of scenic areas all over the world line the walls. The Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, a panoramic of the Rocky Mountains line one entire section of the wall.
A long, very comfortable couch sits to one side of the room. Jonny Rebel is laying down on it, with his feet crossed and his hands resting behind his head. Another piece of furniture, a single chair sits, at the head of the couch that Jonny is laying on. In this chair, a older woman with long blond hair and wrinkles that show her age, sits with a pad of paper and a pen, writing constantly. A table to her side, carries a tape recorder and a Newton's Cradle Pendulum.




The sound rattles through the room, until the woman's soft voice breaks the monotonous sound.

Doctor Jenna Heyslip
Alright Mr. Thompson, let's talk about what happened on April 21, 2009 in Kirkuk, Iraq.

Jonny seems hesitant at first, but begins to talk, with a rather somber tone.

Jonny Rebel
It was just after dark. I remember it like it was yesterday. The thoughts are just burned into my brain. I mean the days in Iraq were hot. I had sand everywhere, in places that made it so uncomfortable to walk.
Hell in a Helmet is what the 2nd Battalion 9th Marines is known as. We were out of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. There were 25 of us at the time. The entire battalion was close, I mean, we had seen some combat and we all had each others backs.

A smile is spread across Jonny's face as he reminisces about his crew.

Jonny Rebel
Like I said, it was dark. There was no moon light and per our orders, we couldn't set up camp. No lights. The mission parameters were to stay out of sight and not to catch anyone's attention. The mission was suppose to be easy. In and out in a few days. Survey a enemy point, relay the information and take 'em out. We were about 4 klicks out, which was maybe 2.5 miles from the target. We were quiet and thought we hadn't been noticed. V-tech, our commanding officer, had us laying low in some hills, off of the road. We had light sleeping gear. It wasn't too cold that night either.

The smile on Jonny's face disappears and a grim and upset look speads across it. The doctor weights in as Jonny is hesitant to continue.

Doctor Heyslip
Listen Jon, I know this hard and you haven't talked about this to anyone except your commanding offices, but this doesn't leave my room. I'm only here to help you get through this, not judge you or anything. Take your time and continue.

Jonny Rebel
Alright Doc. Where was I.........yeah.......we were rotating groups of 4 for the watch. 4 up, while everyone else slept. We rotated every 2 hours, just to keep everyone fresh. But that's where shit went wrong. I had just got done my rotation and closed my eyes when I heard the deafening explosion. My face got littered with dirt, sand and blood. I looked over and saw that three of our battalion were dead. It was a grenade. I was frozen as I blinked and saw the night start to light up. All I could hear was the muffled screams of my mates being shot at and a few explosions.
After what seemed like forever, Chase, one of my best friends, shook me to life. He yelled at me to take cover. It was an ambush. I grabbed my gun and crawled behind him. We made it to behind a rock. From what I could tell, there were 11 of us. I asked where everyone else was, but no one knew for sure. They were either dead or still at the camp.
The 11 of us took aim and returned fire. From the amount of gunfire being slung at us, we were out numbered 4 to 1.
I emptied my gun and reached for another clip. I turned to find it, only to find Chase leaning over the gear, a bullet wound thought the side of his face. 10 of us, cornered and outnumbered. I reloaded and continued firing at the enemy.......look Doc, I need a break.

Jonny sits up and Doctor Heyslip closes her notebook and shuts off the recorder. She looks at her watch and stands up.

Doctor Heyslip
That's fine Jon. Your hour is almost over, why don't we call is a wrap and I'll see you next week?

Jonny Rebel
That sounds like a plan Doc.

Doctor Heyslip
Just remember the breathing techniques and stay calm. How is the wrestling going for you? Is it a good outlet?

Jonny Rebel
It's a perfect outlet, Doc. I get to beat people up and get paid for it. It's fun and not stressful. You should tune in to watch it sometime. Next Monday, I have a match against Matt Lennox. Should be fun. Hopefully it's a challenge. I'm also thinking of starting a security business, but I'm working out the kinks.

Doctor Heyslip
Great Jon! Just stay out of trouble and take it easy. I'll see you next week.

Jonny leaves the office and walks down the long halls of the VA hospital as the scene fades.