X-treme Wrestling Federation
Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Printable Version

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Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Swift Ion - 08-30-2013

Heath Slater VS Ion

Slater shoves Ion aside and does some air guitar. Slater with a go-behind, but Ion takes him down. Ion with an armdrag, then mocks Slater. Ion with a drop toe hold, then rolls up Slater.



Kickout by Slater.
Ion with an armbar, followed by another roll-up.



Kickout again by Slater.
Ion with a wristlock, but Slater
with a right hand. Ion with one of his own, followed by a chop and then locks in a side
headlock. Ion with a shoulder tackle, cartwheels over Slater, then armdrags him
again back into the armbar, but Slater gets to the ropes. Slater trips up Ion and locks in a side headlock. Ion takes down Slater and goes to his own side headlock.

Ion with another shoulder tackle, then blocks a hiptoss
and hits a monkey flip. Ion follows up with another armdrag right back into the armbar. Slater backs Ion into the ropes, then whips
him, but Ion goes up & over and takes Slater to the outside with a headscissors
takeover. Ion with a head of steam and takes Slater with a tope suicida. Ion sends Slater back. Slater nails Ion from
behind, but then Ion sidesteps and sends him to the outside. Ion seems to be in
complete control as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial as Ion has Slater once again in an armbar. Slater comes back
with right hands, but Ion reverses a whip. Ion is sent to the apron, but he comes
back with a roundhouse kick to the head. Ion heads up top, but Slater runs up the
ropes and hits a powerslam. Slater with the cover.



Ion gets his foot on the bottom
rope breaking the count. Slater stomps away on Ion, then has words with the ref. Slater locks in a chinlock
as the crowd wills on Ion.

Ion fights back, but Slater with a knee to the ribs. Slater
with left-hand jabs, followed by a big right hand. Slater taunts the crowd with some air
guitar, then drops a knee on Ion. Slater with a hard whip to the corner, followed by
another big right hand for a nearfall. Slater goes to the 2nd rope, but Ion catches him
with a boot to the face when Slater leaps off. Ion with a leg sweep, then avoids a charge.
Ion with a series of kicks, tiger flips over Slater and hits a spin kick.

Ion with a discus right hand, does a little werewolf howl,
then hits an angled avalanche in the corner. Ion heads up top and hits a Springboard crossbody.



Srong kickout by Slater.
Ion with forearms, followed by a leaping back kick off the 2nd rope. Ion
heads up top, but Slater stops him. Slater goes up with Ion and goes for a superplex, but
Ion knocks him off. Ion hits the 450 Splash.




Winner: Ion

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - JTC - 08-30-2013


Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Swift Ion - 08-30-2013

Better performance than you can ever have.

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Mr. Radio - 08-30-2013

What the fuck is Slater doing here?

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - AlexandraCallaway - 08-30-2013

"That's five minutes of my life that I will never get back"

[Image: tumblr_inline_mfjbd2l1iR1rxb8do.gif]

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Swift Ion - 08-30-2013

It was for promotional work. That's why Slater was here.

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Swift Ion - 08-30-2013

OOC: Was that match written good?

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - JTC - 08-30-2013

you wish kid that you could out wrestle me. dream on.

OOC: yea

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Matt Lennox - 08-31-2013

Ion, me and Morrison will destroy you and Faze on Madness. We will send you back to the unemployment line

Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Peter Fn Gilmour - 08-31-2013


Heath Slater VS Ion-XWF LIVE! Event - Jessie-ica Diaz - 08-31-2013

"I'd rather get a fucking root canal than ever watch another Swift Ion match."