X-treme Wrestling Federation
Hanging Secrets - Printable Version

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Hanging Secrets - Mystica - 08-28-2013

How does you get home in the dark without a light to guide you there?

This was the thought bouncing around Mystica's head as he wandered aimlessly around the arena prior to Warfare, trying to get himself in proper shape. It had been a sleepless night, plagued by, of all things to bother the monster, nightmares. He couldn't remember them, but he knew they had occurred. He had tried so hard to get some rest, but it was an effort in vain. Every two hours or so, his eyes would snap open, not used to the dark, and he would sit up calmly, though his heart was racing. There were thick lines of sweat around him, locking him up in a shell of unknown purpose. Why terrors? What was he afraid of?

As he rounded a corner and passed Eli, David decided to make his presence known in their collective head.

"Bad night?" David asked with a tone of knowing. This in particular ground down on Mystica's nerves. His face twisted into a pure rage.

"Oh, is this a role reversal?" Mystica snarled. "Bit of revenge for how I didn't let you sleep?"

"Exactly," David laughed back. "How's it taste?"

"Like you just gave me fuel for the fire," Mystica smirked, pushing David back down into the confined of their brain.

As he moved further into the bowels of the building, he could feel a particular pressure building in his temples, as though something were burrowing inside his head, looking for a way out. It chewed and bit it's way around, sending Mystica into a stupor of sorts. As the descended a staircase toward the basement, there came an echo from inside his skull.

"So...I see you boys are enjoying yourselves. Getting along. You know, like I asked."

"Shut up, Benedict," Mystica replied with disdain, working his way down into the basement and trying random doors to see if they were unlocked. It wasn't a matter of anything in particular. He just liked to explore. The War Room wasn't exactly an enigma of a building, but the budding curiosity in his gut wanted to know all its secrets. Where did they hide all the fun? What deep, dark secrets were hiding behind closed doors? Heck, where exactly was the locker room? Trying the last door on the left, Mystica found himself in what could vaguely be called a boiler room. Several water heaters and assorted pipes lined the floors and walls, covered in cobwebs and creepy crawlies. Seemed about right.

"You can't keep me silenced," Benedict muttered from inside Mystica's head. "You don't have that power over me that you do over David."


"You've really screwed the pooch in my book," Benedict sighed. "My job was to try to unite you two, but...I think you took Eli's words and just heard what you wanted to hear. His urgency was to have you and David overcome your differences for the greater good of the Congregation. Instead, look what you've done. You've broken down the man inside in favour of your own interests. You wanted power, and you distorted Eli's advice. You made it your own. Took control."

"And why shouldn't I?" Mystica shot back, finding momentary refuge in a small crawlspace. Like a cave, he crawled inside and sat in the dark, finally able to hear himself think above the voice still echoing in his brain.

"Because that's not what we need to do," Benedict replied. "The very purpose of my existence is to mediate your distinct differences. But somehow, you two have been shutting me out. Let's reiterate our points of last meeting."

"Let's not."

"Too bad. You can't shut me out. You found something out the woods. You never told us what it was. You locked up like a prison cell and threw away the key. What did you find, dammit!"

"Unimportant now."

"Don't you tell me what's important to us! We are one entity, you fool! I refuse to allow you to resign us to darkness and despair. You can't keep your secrets in the night forever. Hang your secrets up!"

Mystica sighed and began rubbing his temples, hoping to shut out Benedict's gratingly high-pitched voice. He may have been the word of reason, but he was particularly obnoxious to both the Id and Ego of the man David Martin. True, they were one person, but there were some things Mystica knew should never be known. The reason behind David's rampant amnesia was more than they could handle right now. Some things were meant to stay in the dark.

"Listen...take your time in telling, but assure me you will reveal it eventually. If we lock these things up, it only further divides us. We cannot continue this way. The human heart is not an island. Choose your allegiances well. Whether that means Eli or not, I don't care. I know you want to stretch your legs, but for God's sake...try. Try to let us in. We need to fix all this. Mend the broken heart."

Mend the broken heart. Mystica could hear the words bounce around his cortex, bending the corners of his head. It meant something. But he didn't know what. Benedict himself had secrets. In that moment, it occurred to Mystica that there was indeed one singular truth they all understood. It was clear.

They all had memories. But of different times. Divided.

Who was telling the truth?