X-treme Wrestling Federation
Get a new act, Eli. (RP #2 - Last RP) - Printable Version

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Get a new act, Eli. (RP #2 - Last RP) - Shawn Steele - 08-27-2013

|-| If they want a war, it’s a war they’re going to get. |-|

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[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
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As the scene fades back up, we find ourselves in the hallways of The War Room in San Diego, California. The home of XWF’s Wednesday Warfare. This is an unknown location for the focus of our story, Shawn Steele, who has just arrived at the building and is headed in through the back door, gym bag slung over his shoulder. After yanking the door open, Steele takes just one step in before he’s confronted...

Steve Sayors: Shawn Steele! Welcome to The War Room, the home of Wednesday Warfare!

Steele, clearly displeased with having to deal with Steve Sayors yet again, drops his bag on the floor.

Shawn Steele: Thank you for the kind welcome, Sayors. But if you don’t mind, I’d like to ....

Steve Sayors: Just a few words. This is your first appearance on Wednesday Warfare, and your first encounter with quite a few of the Wednesday Warfare roster. So I’d like to get your comments on them, as well as everyone else in your main event War Games matchup, starting with your Team Angelus partners. Let’s start with the team captain, and the XWF Xtreme Champion, Angelus.

Sayors shoves the microphone in Steele’s face, who just stares at him for a moment before sighing, apparently accepting his situation and deciding to go with it.

Shawn Steele: What do you want me to say about him, Sayors? I’ve talked to the man once. When he asked me to be a part of his team. And frankly, that’s all I care to talk to him. I’m not here to make friends. I’m not here to help Angelus win the match tonight. The reason I agreed to join his team .. the reason I agreed to even work on a Wednesday night, is because Madness was canceled this week. It’s that simple Sayors. I didn’t feel like a vacation. So I have no allegiance to Angelus. But I respect the man. I respect him because he’s a Champion. He’s held that XWF Xtreme Championship three separate times. That’s something to be respected. And I respect the man because, unlike the majority of my opponents thus far, he’s actually done a little bit of research. He knew he was going to war. He knew in order to win this match, he’d need a group of warriors to fight by his side. And that’s why, Sayors, he came to me. Because I’m a warrior. So I respect Angelus for that. I respect him, simply for seeing who the fcensoredk I am. He sees who I am Sayors, and he knows that I will brutalize every single son of a bitch inside of that ring.

Steve Sayors: Well I guess that... makes sense? Kind of. Anyway, moving on. Also on your team, is Alexandra Callaway.

Shawn Steele: I said it before Sayors. I like Callaway. And I honestly can’t say that for many people in this company. But .. and I liked her before this, but what I’ve been watching involving Alexandra and Swift Ion .. or whatever the hell he’s going by these days, I can be completely honest when I tell you, I’m a fan. And I respect the woman. She can go with any superstar, male or female, in this company. When I’m going into a battle .. a war, with superstars by my side, she’s exactly the type that I want. She’s afraid of nothing Sayors. She’ll go into a losing battle and she’ll destroy. Win or lose, she’s going to tear people apart.

Steve Sayors: That sounds like a pretty accurate description of Ms. Callaway. Next up, member of The Brotherhood and one half of the XWF Tag Team Champions, Griffin MacAlister.

Shawn Steele: Griffin is a fighter. Pure and simple. That’s what The Brotherhood is all about. Duke, MacAlister and Gilmour are fighters. I can respect that. But personally? I don’t like MacAlister or anyone else in The Brotherhood. Then again, I don’t like anybody. And as long as MacAlister does his job in our War Games match, we’ll have no problems.

Steve Sayors: Making friends left and right, I see. Thoughts on Tony Santos?

Shawn Steele: Former Xtreme Champion. Always smiling. What’s he so damn happy about? There’s something wrong with him Sayors, something wrong.

Sayors stares blankly at Steele for a moment.

Steve Sayors: ....... Okaayyy. Moving on. Troy Turner?

Shawn Steele: What is it with these rookies? Turner, Jones and Havok. Acting like they mean something by banding together. The Extreme Revolution. I was a rookie a month before they were but I didn’t take the easy way out. All three guys have the goods inside of the ring. But they go around acting like the world owes them something. It’s pathetic. And Troy Turner .. Troy had better remember which team he’s on tonight.

Steve Sayors: Well that takes care of your teammates, if you could call them that, I’m not so sure you seem to see them that way, but what about the men you’ll be facing off against, starting with team captain Eli James IV, United States Champion and leader of The Congregation.

Shawn Steele: Am I the only one who’s grown tired of Eli’s bullcensored rhetoric already? It’s like watching a fucensoredking documentary on Jonestown every god damn week. Yeah, we get it Eli. You’ve been sent here by a higher power. Here to save us all from ourselves. Show us the error of our sinning ways. Blah blah blah. Holy scensoredt man enough. Get some original material and maybe .. just maybe I’ll be interested in something that you’ve got to say. But for now, just keep on singing your little karaoke longs.

Steve Sayors: That’s an... interesting characterization of Eli Jam...

Shawn Steele: Wait. Wait. Eli did say something that struck me. You’ll have to forgive me, it all gets lost in his ramblings. You want to know, Eli, why you’re a Champion and I’m not, when we’ve been here about the same amount of time? It’s because I’m not a pathetic whore like you are. That’s what you’ve become Eli. A whore for The Black Circle. Doing their dirty work. You think John Madison .. Shane .. you think they didn’t plan this all in advance? They played you like a fiddle .... man. This is what you are, Eli. You’re John Madison’s bitch. Continue, Sayors.

Steve Sayors: That... is not going to end well. Next up, two men you mentioned previously. Two thirds of The Extreme Revolution, Casey Jones and LJ Havok.

Shawn Steele: They’re spoiled brats. I can understand it from Turner, daddy handed him everything on a platinum platter. But these two? What makes them think they deserve anything? What makes them think they even deserve to be in a main event match? Havok got lucky and was handed a chance to take the Crown from John Madison. And then what happened? Pete Gilmour was put in the match to save it from being a train wreck in the ratings. Havok never stood a chance. And he doesn’t stand a chance now. As for Jones .. who?

Steve Sayors: Members of Eli James IV’s Congregation, Death Merchant and Mystica.

Shawn Steele: Bitches of James Madison’s bitch. Eli wants to call me a parrot? Say I do whatever I’m told? He’s confusing me with one of his whores. See that’s not me. I don’t do what I’m told. I don’t do other people want me to do. I do whatever I damn well feel like doing. Death Merchant and Mystica? They do what they’re told. They do whatever Eli James tells them to do. Whatever is best for Eli James. Because he’s a coward.

Steve Sayors: And finally, the twelfth person in the main event War Games match, Jessie Diaz.

Shawn Steele: I’d love to stand here Sayors, and tell you all about how smart Jessie Diaz is. What a wonderful talent she is. But the fact is, who can understand a word that woman says? So, frankly, every time I see her on some XWF programming, I just mute the audio. Trust me Steve, it’s much more entertaining that way.

Sayors again stares blankly at Steele for a few silent moments.

Steve Sayors: That’s it? That’s all you have to say about Jessie Diaz? She’s one of the hottest rising stars in the X-treme Wrestling Federation and that’s all you have to say?

Shawn Steele: What do you want me to say about her? Contrary to what your wife tells you every night, size does matter, Sayors. Look at me. Now look at her. What do you think is going to happen when I get my hands on Diaz? I’m going to break her in half Sayors. IN. HALF.

Steve Sayors: Well there you have it fans, Shawn Steele, just hours before he steps into the main event War Games match here tonight!

Steele reaches down and picks up his bag before continuing on his original path towards his locker room as the scene begins fading away.

[ .. Fade out .. ]
[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
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