X-treme Wrestling Federation
A Night To Remember (Part 5 of Joint/Collab) - Printable Version

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A Night To Remember (Part 5 of Joint/Collab) - AlexandraCallaway - 08-27-2013

Once on the roof, Alexandra looked around for the door that would lead her inside the power plant, slipping into her leather gloves. She found it quickly, trying to stay out of view for the most part, crouching down, and pulling out the metal lock pick that Griffin had given her. She got through the door rather quickly and slipped inside, closing it back down. She made her way down the metal ladder. She stood there for a few moments’ looking around, wondering just what she had gotten herself into tonight.

“What the hell am I doing? Come on, you can do this, you’ve done it before. It’s for the team, besides you owe Angel for helping you out back there at the bar. Without Angel and Griffin being there, you could be in the hospital, or worse right now.”

At this exact moment she paused, slipping the metal pick into the back pocket of her pants. She noticed the power inside was on, with gloved hands, she walked over to the main power grid and grabbed two different wires, she pulled the flashlight out of her boot and turned it on, sticking it inside her mouth.

“Wire, wire, who’s got the wire? Ah! There you two are and don’t you look lovely. Right, now, just a little switch around here and we should be in business.”

Looking at the two wires, she found the two that would cause this entire building to go up in flames in less than five minutes. She cut them and reversed the two, sending the power back into the huge machine in the middle of the room. Alexandra grabbed the sledge hammer by the door and swung it at the main power generator causing it to flip into the on position and she busted out the doors, grabbing Griffin’s hand.

“We have less than three minutes to get as far the fuck away from this building as possible. Unless you feel like fuckin’ dying tonight. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my tombstone saying she caught on fuckin’ fire, while trying to play hero.”

“Holy Fuck! Then let’s get out of here. Anj better be ready to make his move and get that guy.”

“I’m sure he’s wondering what’s taking us so damned long. I can hear it now. What did you all do? BOOM, Big explosion and the look of 'oh' on his face.”

Alexandra and Griffin ran back towards Angel’s car, as she rattled on. She knew they could make it back. Occasionally she looked over her shoulder to make sure Griffin was still behind here and that no one had seen them break in. She was smart, gloves always work wonders. Alexandra ran as fast as could, but they hadn’t quite made it back to the car when the first explosion hit. Alexandra hit the ground hard, and Griffin covered her. Alexandra scurried behind the car, Griffin following close behind. A chorus of snap and pops went off around them as the plant caught on fire and knocked the power out in this small town. Alexandra leaned against the side of the car laughing crazy. Alexandra looked up at Angel, knowing it was all on him now.

“So that’s what took so long?”

A second explosion rang out and Alexandra’s covered her ears shouting up at Angel.

“You’re up Champ.”

Alexandra watched as Angel ran across the street and down a bit, nearing the building his target was in. Alexandra peeked over the back of the car, looking at the power grid building as it burned. She laughed momentarily, shaking her head. She had fun with that little adventure; to be honest it was the most fun she had in a while.

“Well that was a blast.”

"Working on your lines for the movie adaptation of what just happened?"

“Oh come on, don’t act like you didn’t have a good time Griffin. I’ve never done that before… well the breaking in part anyways, I’ve set plenty of fires before.”

Alexandra poked his shoulder.Griffin shook his head.

"Yeah that shit does get the blood pumpin' doesn't it. I ain't gonna lie. That shit was a bit exhileratin' and hey at least we're alive. So fuck yeah...it was a good time!"

“See, I knew you had a good time. To be honest, I thought I was going to fuckin’ fail in there. I didn’t think I had it in me. Hey Griff, in case we don’t make it out of this situation tonight, Thanks for what you did back there at the bar.”

"Don't mention it Callywacker. As for makin' it outta here don't sweat that shit. I don't plan on makin' this town my last place o' restin' and if I ain't dyin' here you certainly aren't either. You’re not exactly travelin' with someone who's at a loss in situations like this. I've been in worse spots and walked out alive."

She stood, dusting herself off. She hoped that she gave Angel what he needed to get the guy out of there. Alexandra and Griffin waited by the car while Angel did his job.

“I’ve never really done anything like this. But I guess there’s a first for everything right?”


There was nothing to do now but wait it out and see if Angel came through with his part. There was no doubt about it though, after all with the power out, it would be a piece of cake for Angel to get in there and get the guy out. Then they could get the hell out of here and get some more alcohol, because after that, she needed it.