X-treme Wrestling Federation
New King of Extreme Pt2: DriveSlo - Printable Version

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New King of Extreme Pt2: DriveSlo - TroyTurner - 08-19-2013

the following Announcement
Has been paid for by the Leaders and sponsors of

[Image: er1_zpsb7b00e15.jpg]

Let's have a toast for the douchebags,
Let's have a toast for the assholes,
Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast to the jerkoffs
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

Troy Turner turns down his ipod as he makes a right turn at a traffic light. Troy Turner is heading out for the night ready to hit up a couple of bars and maybe some strip clubs. It is a typical weeknight for Troy Turner; a life of luxury and excess without any of the responsibility that usually clings to it. The camera crew is set up in the back seat, zooming in on the rear view mirror to see Troy’s eyes go back and forth from the traffic and the mirror.

{Troy Turner}
My boy Kanye says it best… let’s all have a toast to me. A guy everybody hates, a guy everybody wants dead…and yet a guy who never takes a night off. Every week you can usually count on two things. Troy Turner wrestling and Troy Turner winning. I don’t take weeks off, and I don’t lose matches. You know a little something about that. Don’t you Anj. Mr. Consistency himself!

Troy nods his head up and down in acknowledgement of the so called wrestling icon.

{Troy Turner}
You know Angelus I tried. I really did. I didn’t want to disrespect you… because in all honesty I respect the hell out of you. Could I shit all over your dreams Yeah… of course I could. In fact I’m the best at it. But you don’t deserve that Anj. You’ve worked far too long and often enough where you’ve earned not only my respect… but everybody else’s in XWF as well. You never take work off Angelus. Always dependable and at one time dominant. Sounds good to me, quite frankly you were and still may be the fucking man.

Troy adjusts the rear view mirror so the camera can get a better shot of his face.

{Troy Turner}
And then it happened. The Angelus I thought I was dealing with, and the one that reared its ugly head in, it was a little…a little shocking to me. I don’t know about all the XWF fans out there… but I wasn’t expecting this at all. Angelus talking about…how I am not experienced at being the best in a federation. How I have no idea what its like to slash thru people, how I still have a lot to learn about being on top. Sounds like a bitter old veteran to me. How about you? Where did that come from Anj? That’s not the sound of fear, of an over the hill old-timer is it? Can it be?!

Troy sarcastically shrugs his shoulders

{Troy Turner}
You know, I could just see it now. Maybe 5-6 years ago, some guy who’s been on top for a while. Maybe a Stone Cold Steve Austin, maybe a Sting, maybe a Triple H… shit even a New Jack. One of those hall of famers sizing up a cruiserweight like Angelus and saying something along the lines of… You know Angelus you are not experienced in being the best in the Fed. You have no idea what pressure comes with it…and you still have a lot to learn about being on top.

Couldn’t you just see that conversation taking place? I could… in fact I’d bet a buck or two that the conversation actually DID take place. Somebody along the line warned you, Angelus, about not having any experience being at the top of the mountain. You know why they told you that Anj?

Troy Turner slows down leading into a stop sign. Troy looks left and right before continuing on route.

{Troy Turner}
Many years ago you got that message because they were afraid of you. They knew who you were, and what you were going to be and it scared the ever loving shit out of them. They were protecting themselves, stalling the inevitable. Traditional bullshit in the wrestling business. Do you know what you did after you heard those words Angelus? After they slapped that ignorant doubt right on your chest? Of course you know… you did it!

How did you react? You said… uhhh…go fuck yourselves. And you began to shoot them down, one by one. Legend by legend fell at your feet. You didn’t have experience being ‘the man’ and yet it didn’t matter. You handled your business because you were the best. And yet… This brings us to our situation…our dilemma. Not only do we both know I’m the best this place as to offer… we also know I’m ready to take you out to prove it. Regardless of my experience at the top. You can force feed me the same bullshit they tried to give you. The fact is, to quote Kanye again…you can’t tell me Nothin.

Troy gets a text on his iphone and laughs after reading it. Troy turns left and heads down the street of his first stop on the busy night.

{Troy Turner}
But that’s cool Anj, like I said…it just surprised me. But as previously stated and as you reiterated, we are in different times I haven’t earned it and You are that guy now. The grizzled vet, been there, done that, talk when you’ve laced my boot type shit.

Just do me a favor Angelus, make sure you wipe those boots off before you enter the house that motherFUCKING Troy Turner built. The guys I’ve taken out may not impress you but they were performers and athletes who competed in this company until I decided they weren’t fit to do so. That book your writing has a backdrop of this federation because I’ve held it on my back since its inception. You’re great comeback story is taking place in a company Im helping construct. While the great Angelus pondered his next step in wrestling Shane hitched his company to my ass and started counting the cash. AND Angelus, I went from fighting Kain,now about to mainevent after my 1st week…with you? Now a top card, from a Bottom card. Just saying…

Troy laughs to himself with his last remark and parks the car by the curb as a valet comes and opens the door. Troy tips the driver $50 as the camera crew exits the car as well.

{Troy Turner}
Angelus you may have surprised Stevie, you aren’t going to surprise me. Because contrary to what they believed, I know how great you truly are. Now even though I haven’t beaten the cream of the wrestling crop in your tunneled vision XWF perspective… I may just surprise you.

Whatever the case, Just remember after our match… wherever you go to have a good time, even in a loss… Let’s have a toast…to me.

Troy winks at the camera and flashes his million dollar smile before turning his back and entering the night club.

::To Be Continued::