X-treme Wrestling Federation
Chatting with Radio! MEGA edition (RP 1) - Printable Version

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Chatting with Radio! MEGA edition (RP 1) - Mr. Radio - 08-14-2013

Chatting with Radio!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Chatting with Radio! as most of you know I have a match with Jonny Rebel, yippee... I will talk about that in a minute, first I just want to congratulate myself on kicking two guys asses with the slightest of ease, just like I predicted! Now I'm going to do the exact same with Jonny Rebel. This man is the epitome of everything I hate about America or should I say "Murica" as those redneck assholes like to call it. I mean C'mon say it right or don't say it at all. to top it off his nickname is the "Murican rebel" That is so stupid I almost want to back out of this match. Almost. He started saying how he slipped up and lost to the lovely Alexandra Callaway and now he needs this win to see how far he has come In XWF. Yeah whatever. Now I need to address something regarding the Rookie uprising. I was up for it but guess what idiot decided to go make a fool out of himself? Caliban, I wanted to use a CaliBANNED joke right there but Luca got to it first. Now I'm shit out of luck to getting close to the king. There's not really anything else I could do to...wait...There's that fucking Warfare shit coming up isn't there? I listened to it but I didn't really care and I tuned out for most of it until I heard that the XWF Crown will be defended against whoever wins the match. I of course entered the match. I know for sure this time will be the time I get my shot, Or not because I did hear something about only the fucking leader get's the shot. This would be the time that everyone hating me really comes into play. Unfortunately for me I'm probably just going to be a god damn Pawn to whoever the Madness leader is.

This is suppose to be chatting with Radio isn't it? So I invited a guest with us! *yay!* It's not an XWF superstar though so put your dicks back in your pants! Welcome Camera guy number 3! *boo!* Camera guy number three I have noticed that you like to get awkward shots of the women here in XWF? like for example You tried to zoom in on Alexandra Callaways no no area at that Ladder shit. Why are you such a pervert?! Don't answer that I don't want to know. you probably dress up as Santa Claus during the Summer and drive up in front of a park that is filled with Children and just go yank on your shit don't you? You sick motherfucker! Get off my stage, you child molester! On to other news. This Monday, the Madness that I kick Jonny Rebels tookus. It's suppose to be MEGA! But then we have Peter Gilmour in the main event. Whatever, At least HOPEFULLY Peter Gilmour or lj Havok are able to take the Crown away from John Madison. Now what I don't understand is why My match is the second on the card as if I'm a fucking Lower Card Superstar. I don't think so. I will not stand for this Heyman. I don't like you or any "boss" in XWF. I hate Warfare because it got rid of the perfectly fine Wallace Witasick and you wanna know who they replaced him with? John Madison! oh and co GM uhh...fuck face McGee! I can't remember his name so I'm not going to give a shit, ever!

Back on the Mega Madness topic. I honestly don't think its very Mega at all, actually I think it's just a normal god damn Monday but with titles and the stupid crown on the line. We all know that Sid Feder is most likely going to win, Mr. Satellite is going to win, Madison is magically going to defend his stupid crown by turning into his stupid Mexican form or maybe even his Black form and pop a cap in Gilmour's ass! oh and then there's that Brand match who absolutely no cares about except for Santos and the Whore. Oh and for all of you Radio Head's, How's that name for you ass clowns? Whatever I just wanted to tell all of you that I will not be a fucking Lumberjack for that stupid crown. I don't care about it! I'm not fucking in it because of John Madison contending for his own god damn crown. It's just a whole lot of bull shit if you ask me. I think the other people in the match eliminated by him will have the same answer. But at least we can be rest assured that Luca's scrawny ass won't be out there...hopefully...Or he might walk out there on his crutches and some how whack everyone in the face with one of his crutches. that would only happen because this shit is scr...What do want? I can't say that on air? Well fine fuck you too producer! I'm getting pretty heated so lets talk about something soothing that will calm every one down.

well...THERES NOTHING HAPPY IN XWF! Everything just pisses you the fuck off! Fuck Jonny Rebel, Fuck John Madison, Fuck Paul Heyman, Fuck Luca Arzegotti, and Fuck mega Madness! Paul Heyman doesn't give two shits about me, wanna know why everyone? because I'm second to Mr. Satellite! I'm the Vegeta to Goku, The Robin to Batman, The Shannon Leto to Jared Leto from 30 seconds to mars! People said I actually look like Shannon Leto, can you believe that? That's the reason why I am over looked here. Yes, I'm being a man and admitting that Mr. Satellite is actually *sigh* str - stro - I cant do this. All of you get my point though! I hope you hear this Satty, I'm sure you would love to brag about this. I decided to come out with this because now maybe Heyman might actually give me a fucking chance instead of putting me in the lower card of his show. I'm tough but he's just a bit tougher... Dammit, Never thought I would actually admit to anyone being stronger than me because I usually never have to. Well it's said and done and now we're changing subjects.

someone who isn't tougher than me by a longshot however is John Madison. If he were to fight me off scr...Shut up producer! I forgot I can't say it ok! Anyways, Sooner or later I will get my hands on Madison, and I will take that Crown so I can finally get off of this disgusting planet. Now, If you'll excuse me I'm done talking here. So if you will all please make your way to the exit!
There's a picture of the Stage!
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