X-treme Wrestling Federation
Ballad of Mr. Radio IV Act 4 (RP 2) - Printable Version

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Ballad of Mr. Radio IV Act 4 (RP 2) - Mr. Radio - 07-27-2013

Ballad of Mr. Radio IV Act 4

Previously on Ballad of Mr. Radio... Radio had found out that the man under the cloak was actually Bloodlust who was out to kill his father who he had been hunting down for more than a decade. Radio decided to let the two end all of this finally and just let them have a good old fashioned assassin battle. They threw swings at each other for some time until Robert got Bloodlust in the stomach. Robert then told Radio to go finish off Bloodlust or he wouldn't join his squad. Radio rejected his offer. Bloodlust then Cut Roberts head off with the last remaining energy he had left. Shawn and Radio carried Bloodlust back to the Leviathan were Bloodlust started to get assistance from Jessica Williams. All of the squad mates sat around a table and discussed what the plan was and afterwards they all just went back to their quarters.

I opened my eyes, But where was I? It seemed as if I was in a dark realm. There was nothing but dead trees, burnt houses, and the sky was as black as the universe. I got up from my bed and walked around, The next thing to happen was that I heard a lot of screaming coming from the burnt houses. A little girl who was burned alive ran up to me and said "Why didn't you save us?" Was I on earth? That's impossible, Everything on earth was completely destroyed, It would take years to be able to defumigate the whole planet. The little girl slowly started to fall down straight onto her face. I heard a women scream in horror coming from the burning house. It was a pregnant woman in the attic of the house. I started to run up to the house. when I got to the door, The house just blew up. What was going on? Father Flokyok walked up to me and started to laugh and he put his foot on my chest and pointed his pistol at me and then his head got blown off. What just...I could see an army coming...The centurions they were coming over the hill! I started to run in the other direction only to be slapped in the face by Vulpix. He told me that his son Centora will be my demise. Then he vanished and then His son picked me up and cut my head off.

"NO!" I screamed in terror in my bed on the leviathan. It was all just a dream, But it felt so real... I guess the Centurions are coming quicker then I thought, They're going to come and kill all of us if we don't figure something out. I got out of my bed and walked in front of the coffee table which was a bit to the left of my bed. I sat down on my couch and started to just think about what we were going to do. How are we going to get to the green horse? how are we going to kill Father? What are we going to do when the Centurions show up? So many questions that I don't know how to answer. All I can say is that...I can damn sure try my best to do what I do best. Protect the Universe. That's what I...We do. I got off of my couch and walked up three steps to which were located a few feet in front of my bed. I walked over to my desk which was left of the stairs and sat down on my chair and started to review holopads. I found on a file about the history of the Flokyoks that Father has been alive for more than a thousand years and their home planet Serepeant will slowly disintegrate when Father dies. So if we kill him, They all die.

I started looking through some more holopads and I couldn't find anything else that was important. Then I found something. It's said that the green horse stops at the Flokyok waterfront every five days to resupply on energy for the horse. Their schedule was that they visit on every Tuesday and Sunday. Today is Wednesday so we could either rush what we are doing or we could wait another week or two and we could attack the Waterfront base and kill all the Flokyoks in it and then wait for the Green horse to show up and that's when we hop aboard the green horse and kill the Father. Before we do all that I did promise my squad mates that I would do some tasks for them and I promise to fulfill those promises. I got up and walked over to the elevator which was right behind my desk and went down to the crew quarters. All the lights were shut off except for one, the light in the small kitchen area which is across from the med-bay. I saw Shawn sitting alone with one light on and he had a bottle of whiskey with him. I walked over to him and took a seat in front of him. I asked him why he was down here drinking all of his problems away. He asked me what else does he have here? He apparently just got a call from his sister telling him that his mother had just died. Shawn started to tear up a bit. Shawn put his hand on his forehead and looked at the floor. I put my han on his shoulder and told him that we can go to Gado and go visit your family first thing in the morning.

Shawn fell asleep in that chair he was sitting in last night and I walked over to the lounge chair in the middle of the crew quarters and fell asleep on that. I sat up and walked up to the cockpit and started to talk to Trent. He was wide awake and he asked me why me and Shawn fell asleep in the middle of the crew quarters...not in the quarters. I told him that me and him were having a rough night and we decided to just stay down here. He asked if I was ready for any mission. I told him to set course for cherub and to call Gunnar and Krios up here. He said sure thing and turned the intercom on and called Gunnar and Krios up to the Cockpit. They both walked into the cockpit and asked fi they we were going to cherub. I told them yeah, We were going to go to Gado first but it looks like Shawn is still passed out so We'll be going there next. Within thirty minutes we landed on Cherub. We walked down the ramp and saw all of the construction that was going on. the tree were burnt, the buildings were getting rebuilt, and there were still corpses on the ground. I walked up to a random civilian and asked them what happened. He said that the Guardians tried to protect the city but they failed and now Carbosh is the only Guardian still alive, and he's just barely hanging in there. The Guardians are the leaders of Cherub, They lead and protect all of this planet and try their best to not let anything happen to it. the civilian continued saying that the Flokyoks had showed up two nights ago and destroyed practically every thing. That's why we didn't get a call for this, We were still in Breleton sector and there was no way we would've been able to get here in time.

I told the Civilian thank you and while we were walking Gunnar tapped on my shoulder and said reminded me why we were here. I told him that I know but we can't just leave these people like this, we have to help in anyway we can. Gunnar sighed and said ok. We walked into the Guardian Building and walked up to Carbosh. He was hostile at first because of what he just went though. He pulled his Laser pistol out and yelled at us asking what we wanted. The Cherubians are the only Alien race to use the Laser weaponry because it may sound weird but the ammo is made from their blood which is weird and pretty cool at the same time. I told Carbosh that we just wanted to know if they needed any help. Carbosh put his gun down and told us that he didn't need our help. Cherubians have always been difficult. I asked them if we killed off the Silver stars that were hanging out in the Grinsoiur cave on the side of the mountain, if that would help them in any way. Carbosh just shooed us and said fine just get away from him. I nodded my head and me, Gunnar, and Krios all walked to the mountain. On our way their we had to kill some Flokmutts that were still hanging around, and some Chinguars. Chinguars are huge cats with six limbs and four tusks. Thankfully they only live on Cherub. We finally made it to the Silver Star hide out, Outside it looked like nothing except for a hole in the side of the mountain.

we walked in and god damn it looked like a high tech base in there. Four Silver Star Mercs pointed their rifles at us and told us to put our hands up. Gunnar yelled at them "Fuck you!" Krios put his hand on Gunnar's chest and pushed him back a ways so me and Krios were in the front. Then we heard a voice start saying that he had been waiting for us to finally show up. He had been waiting in this specific base for us to show up. Then finally a nicely dressed punk came out from behind the barricade and said his name was James Khan, Leader of the Silver Stars. He said that we were probably expecting him to be on Tama, well he was but he came here last night because he heard the news that Gunnar and Krios were coming back and they had a friend. He walked up to me and took his shades off and put them in his white suit, He was wearing a white suit with a black V-neck underneath. This guy was definitely an asshole. He pulled out a Holopad and said that this Holopad has exactly 10,000 Credits on it. He said he would give it to us if we left him and his mercs alone. I changed the deal up a bit. I offered him 10,000 Credits if he abandoned this base and go back to Tama. If he declined we would kill him and his buddies. He took the pad and told all of the mercs to pack up, they're going back to Tama. I smiled and told him that it was nice working with him. He just walked out of the cave and said that this wasn't the last time he would see us. Gunnar started to tell me that the mission was to kill all of them not just let them leave! Gunnar was pretty angry but Krios just grabbed both of his shoulders and told him that it was okay, at least they are out of the cave. Gunnar looked at him and smiled and told him that he was right. Gunnar looked at me and said that him and Krios will be behind you with anything you need help with. I smiled and told them good and let's get back to the ship.

Chatting with Radio!

Well I have been watching these idiots say stupid stuff all week but I actually heard something that I could actually relate to! surprisingly enough it was from Jonny Rebel
Quote:I'm not here to make friends. Friends are overrated.

I totally agree with that statement! I don't have friends, I either have People that are close to me, My Brothers at Arms, or my Family. I don't have "friends" now okay don't get me wrong since I've been here I have found some pretty interesting television shows. The only Friends I like are Joey, ross, Chandler, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe. That show is fucking quality! I don't even know what the fuck is going on between the connection and that I-Everlust guy but I want no part of that idiotic fight. I also saw something that just dumbfounded me! that Andrew Aldway guy said I was outdated! what the fuck is that Bullshit?! I'm Outdated!? I agree that Luca is just an idiotic Joker but Me? Outdated? How dare you good sir I challenge you to a Brawl! Yeah, I hate British people, What of it? His Connection buddies are just...what the fuck?! What is John Austin and is Andrew Morrison a Vampire wannabe?! Everyone in the Connection just suck. Speaking of Sucking there's the Crimson Dong who is in this match. By the Way by Suckin I meant He sucks both ways *Wink* Okay anyways I would rather not talk about that disgusting excuse of a human. By the way am I the only one who noticed that Andrew Morrison was talking about Evil/Love? Besides that I do agree with him that Humanity is dead on this planet. I mean Earth does get blown up in about one hundred plus years. so Soon enough they all will die! Oh by the way I found out why Luca is always making stupid Puns! the disease is called Witzelsucht. I have met maybe no one who has ever had such a disease. But here let me give you guys the definition of this disease ahem " Witzelsucht- Causes a tendency to make puns, tell inappropriate jokes or pointless stories in socially inappropriate situations." sounds like Luca does it not? any ways I think that just about wraps this session up so See Ya Cunts!