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Website Down Because Judgment? & More. - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: Warfare Boards (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=6) +--- Forum: Warfare RP Board (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: Website Down Because Judgment? & More. (/showthread.php?tid=4819) |
Website Down Because Judgment? & More. - Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 07-23-2013 The congregation begins to clap and rejoice loudly in the presence of Eli following the testimonies of various people and Eli's talk about the person of Neonero. As continue on the 'high' of Eli's speech and the emotion that has carried through the 'service', the Channel 7 news team, looking a bit suspicious about the whole thing, begin walking up to Eli and try to get him alone. Eli dismisses everyone and tells them to continue to work hard for the rest of the day and tomorrow he will give them a day off. They all leave happy for a day of rest, which marks two days of rest for the week coming. Becky stands off-ish in the back by herself looking at Eli as if she has something for him. Eli notices her look and is about to make his way towards her when he is somewhat cut off when the Channel 7 News people walk in front of him. Channel 7 News "Mr. James, may I have a quick word? Eli James IV "Listen. I know ya came here to uncover some rumors and find somethin' to accuse me of. You're the media, it's what ya do. How about ya continue that story of yours about them monsters you've been hearing about? Channel 7 News "I thought you said there were no real monsters. Eli James IV "Why believe me when I say that, when ya don't believe the rest of what I say? Truth is, what you perceive as monsters may be different than reality. Ya lookin' for frankenstein? A vampire? They don't exist. People call somethin' that looks odd or doesn't fit any other description around a monster. Well, by that they do exist. I don't know what you're lookin for as far as monsters go, but why don't ya stay a few nights and look for yourself? Ya don't have to take my word for it, since ya don't believe the other things I say. There's a cabin in the middle of the woods.. furnished.. electricity.. fireplace with wood all around.. ya'll can stay in there if ya like. Then you can come tell me if monsters are real. Channel 7 News "I appreciate the offer, Mr. James, but.. Eli James IV "Come on now. I'll get whatever food ya want, and I'll make sure you get taken care of. I just want ya to leave satisfied and able to report the truth. That's all. Channel 7 News "I'm not sure my boss will go for it. Eli James IV "Already taken care of. Your boss wants a story. Monsters at Eli James camp? There's a winnin' story for ya, whether true or false. It'll put everyone at ease. Channel 7 News "Well, alright.. I guess. Eli James IV "Beautiful! Frederick.. would you please help get all their belongings and make sure they get what they need? Show them to the cabin. Fred, the man who shared his testimony earlier about murdering someone just because the way they looked at him, shakes Martha's hand from Channel 7 news. She looks frightened as she looks at Eli shaking a former murderers hand.. Eli gives a smile. Fred follows them to their news van to gather any belongings they may have. Another lady follows to make sure they both have clothes for the next few days and is willing to help them feel comfortable while at The Promise Land. They all walk off, and Eli watches them disappear. Eli turns his attention back to Becky who is standing by herself making eye contact with Eli as if she's waiting to speak to him privately. Eli signals for her to come towards him, and they begin to walk off by themselves away from everyone else. Eli James IV "What's wrong? Becky "Mystica. David. I have an entry to his journey he wrote I guess a day or so ago. Maybe last night? Eli James IV "Ya talk to him or see him? Becky "Nope. His door was shut this mornin'. And this afternoon. Eli James IV "Let me have a look at it. Becky hands Eli the journal entry Mystica, err, David wrote sometime within a day or so. Eli enjoys the thoughts David writes down regarding himself and what Eli personally has done for him. Eli is beginning to think it was meant for them to meet at this time for this reason. Eli enjoyed all the praise David gave him and lessons he was supposedly learning from the teachings Eli gives. Not only did Eli leave him a Bible in his room, but he also left some special "writings" from Eli himself that everyone must read each day... of course it's become known as The Writings of Eli or the Book of Eli. It's not allowed to leave the house, be written in, or anything placed on top of it. They are considered sacred and pure. Eli makes sure, with several of those a part of his inner circle, that his rules are obeyed and his high standards are kept. Eli finishes off the journal entry from David and looks to have some thought. Becky looks back and forth between Eli's facial expressions and the entry he holds in his hand.. she kept help but wonder what Eli is thinking. Eli James IV "Tell David I don't want him fighting Wednesday. Tell David to talk to Mystica. Let Mystica fight. Becky "Wait. Isn't that what you're tryin to get rid of Eli? Don't you want it being just David and not whatever else he has going on? Eli James IV "I want you to do this. Go to David, turn on every light in the house, open all the curtains and let the sun shine in.. don't let a shadow exist in there. Open all the doors.. don't leave any sort of darkness around. Write this down. I want you to sit David down in a chair in the middle of the room.. all the light shining on him.. lift all the windows up.. get by one of the windows.. and say what I'm about to tell ya to say. Don't let him see ya,, just let him hear your voice coming from the window outside. Then, when you're done.. cut the wires that send power to his house. Shut the windows, cover them up.. I don't want any light getting in that house. Lock the doors. Board them up. Make sure he doesn't leave. Ask for help if ya need it. Becky "I don't understand? Why? Eli James IV "Not every thing I do is meant to be understood. Remember Becky, my ways are not your ways.. nor my thoughts your thoughts. Eli begins to tell her what he wants her to read to David/Mystica. Meanwhile, Frederick is able to help the Channel 7 people get their stuff from their van and begins taking them to the cabin. He leads them to the middle of the woods where Eli asked them to be put and there it is.. a cabin.. by itself.. surrounded by firewood.. lights on.. fully furnished.. 3 bedrooms.. 2 bathrooms.. a hot tub outside.. a jacuzzi tub in one of the bedrooms.. perfect for a vacation.. a free vacation.. Martha and her camera man thinks. Frederick shows them the inside, reveals the fridge is packed full of all sorts of food, and gives them one rule of the cabin.. no sleeping together. Martha lets Frederick know that the man is just a camera employee of the office and they don't have any sort of relationship other than work. Frederick restates the rule to make sure they get it. Frederick lets them be and lets them know he will come get them in a few days to see how they are doing. Eli finishes telling Becky what to read to David/Mystica, and she walks off to go deal with that situation. Eli looks around at everyone back at work after the testimonies and words of Eli. Eli decides to work alongside everyone to help finish their work to prepare for a extra Sabbath Day Eli has granted them. As the sun goes down, and people head home after the long eventful day.. they begin hearing noises again coming from the woods. Chatter among several start up about the Channel 7 News team that's in the woods with this creature looming around. Some try to ignore the noise and hope its nothing but animals. Emma-Lee brings Eli some fresh lemonade to stock it in his fridge, and keeps him company for a few hours. Emma-Lee "Great day. Thank ya for giving us the day off tomorrow. Eli James IV "Everyone deserves it. They work hard. While we may work for the rewards in the next life, rewards do take place in this one. Eli stands up to go get him some fresh lemonade from the fridge, while Emma takes out her cell phone and starts browsing the internet. She decide to go to the XWF website to see if they are reporting any news or have special videos from anyone. The problem is.. it's down. Emma-Lee "Eli. The XWF Website.. is down. I was seein' if any news was there or if they were talkin' bad about ya. Eli James IV "Of course it's down. Even though I serve my King here, and work with the Black Circle... judgment still cometh. The website going down is just another sign that my arrival is with purpose and does have a cause. Everyone will pretend it's somethin' else and continue to ignore the signs, but maybe some will start to see the truth. Emma-Lee "Why do ya think everyone thinks everything ya say is lies? Eli James IV "Several reasons. California has many gangs. Hell's Angels, Mongols, Bloods, Crips, Bulldogs, Public Enemy, and many more. They all wanna claim to be the number one gang. Until there's one left standin', the argument will continue. Those a part of the Hell's Angels will think they are the number one.. and those part of the Mongols will always think they are number one.. and so on. People form their own opinions because there isn't a clear advantage. Everyone claims the same thing. So ya either form your own opinion about each gang or the entire gang world, or ya ignore it all and think they are all the same and none of them will be the best. There's so many preachin different things in the world.. even in the XWF world. To us, anyone that opposes my words and the word of the Almighty is wrong. We see it through signs.. we see it through facts slowly bein revealed one day at a time.. ya see it in the lives of many. To those lookin in from the outside, they see lies. Brainwashin. They don't understand. Maybe it does make sense to them, but they look at other religions out there like Scientology and say 'those guys are nuts'.. and since that religion is like that all must be similar. So they form an opinion on us based on all the others. To many, no final truth will be known until one religion.. one leader.. is the last standing.. like the gangs. We know that judgment will bring even more illusions to lead people astray than what's already out there. This is just the beginning. More will come preachin' somethin other than the truth.. either people will turn to the lies or think all the preachin' is lies. They will miss out on the truth I speak. They may sit and wait for the 'one' religion to rise and be the last one standing.. then they'll say 'now we know the truth'. Problem with that, Emma-Lee, is that will be the end of all mankind. It'll be too late for people to turn to the Almighty for salvation. They will see the truth in its pure form, and weep.. because it will be the last person they see before they go to darkness for eternity. Signs will be clear that judgment is coming, but people will still ignore it. They'll conjure up somethin' they understand and place it on the sign. It eases their soul. It takes pressure off the possibility judgment is coming. They can ignore it and keep doin what they're doin. Maybe Neonero is thinkin about the truth. Maybe he realizes his whole 'spider-web' belief system falls when truth walks through it. Maybe he sees the truth, even if he doesn't like it. The world is watchin' us Emma-Lee. They want us to fail. They sit and wait.. hoping what I'm sayin is lies. They hope the message I'm bringing is a joke. The more they search me.. the more truth shall be revealed. The more they look at us, the more light will start to shine. They'll always put us in a box together. Like they do the gangs. They put Hell's Angels with Bloods, and think because they have the word 'gang' associated with 'em then its pretty much similar. But truth is, they are completely different. They'll always put us in a box with every other religion or belief system out there.. thinkin we're similar.. when we know we're not. They are buying in the illusion placed before them. Let them. Just gotta let them make the choice on their own while we continue to preach the truth.. whether they listen or not. Understand? Emma-Lee "Makes sense. Kinda like what Neonero was doin when he was talkin about you. Eli James IV "Yep. He thinks he knows all about me and my world. He thinks he knows even what I preach, heh. Far from it. Far from it. Now go on. Time for everyone to get some sleep. Emma-Lee "See ya in the mornin'. Thanks for the chat. Emma-Lee leaves and heads back to her house. Eli finishes his lemonade and rocks in his chair. A few hours pass by, and it being close to midnight, Eli wants to walk outside. Eli opens the door and is greeted by something wrapped.. kind of.. in leaves. Eli kicks it and it's some a dead beaver. Eli starts hearing the noises coming from the woods in the direction of where the cabin is. Eli decides to take a stroll through the Promise Land. He thinks he sees someone walking deep in the woods, but he doesn't say anything. He just watches. The person or figure disappears.. Eli continues to walk. Eli walks in one of his barns with his rocking chair there.. completely dark. He gets a few candles and lights them near his chair.. and sets a camera up. Eli James IV "Oh Neonero? You didn't disappear on me did ya? Maybe you decided you won't show up after all. Maybe ya do believe all that hot air you talk about. Heh. That title doesn't belong around your waste.. it doesn't belong with you.. it's meaningless. It's nothin. At least in your eyes. Why hold it? Why did you even try for it, boy? It's gonna be ok. Hehehe. Not really. Nobody saw me comin', did they? Nobody expected me to be where I'm at, did they? You saw a man preachin and rolled your eyes. I know. Ya saw me fight a few people and thought I was a fad.. comin and goin. Just another preacher man, you all said. Another guy talkin' about a higher power.. Hehe. I tried to tell ya. I tried to tell ya all. Stubborn souls. You shoulda saw it comin'. You shoulda understood it Neonero since you were in the ring with me already. You decided to remain blind. Cast your bread upon the waters. Judgment is coming and without delay. You will feel its pain.. like a bare man hugging a tree on fire. They will come out.. look.. and point.. sayin, 'What a fool that person is! Hugging a tree on fire in the nude. No clothes. No blanket. What a fool!'. It may seem like you're saving a village from burnin to the ground, but you'll really be destroyin yourself. I warned ya. The end was here I said, and you all rolled your eyes. Hehehe. Shhhh. Sleep well. See ya soon. |