X-treme Wrestling Federation
Here's to you Big Preesh and a message to Ned Kaye - Printable Version

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Here's to you Big Preesh and a message to Ned Kaye - Mastermind - 09-22-2024

It's just after his match with Big Preesh, it's still Night 2 of Relentless and the camera finds Mastermind already changed into his normal street gear as he waits to be picked up to head back to the airport to go back to his home in Wellington, New Zealand.

It also finds him sitting on a normal chair in the middle of the room.

"First of all let me say this.  Big Preesh you were no where near what I imagined you to act come this PPV so I have little sympathy for you for my win."

"As for my win there's a little something awaiting for you in the locker room that you changed in.  But for my so called fans out there, and I know I have a few, here's a little looksie."

Mastermind grabs his bag, and unzips it, and takes out a shirt and shows it to the world.

[Image: 8665429383%20Front.jpg]

A little smile crosses his face, then he puts the shirt back in his bag, zips it up and looks directly back into the camera.

"This message goes out to the so called Universal Champion, Ned Kaye.  Remember me?  You should.  You faced off against me a few times, especially in your early days of the XWF.  I want to ask you in front of the old world.  Why are you ducking me?  Why are you resisting me?  Why are you not wanting anything to do with me?

"I want you again one on one, whether its on Warfare, or Anarchy, or a Pay Per View, but I want you and only you.  Not your title.  I don't care about the Universal title.  I'm not on that realm at the moment.
I am not even on the realm of the Anarchy title, or the Television title or whatever else title that XWF has at the moment.  I just want a one on one match with you.

"So you are either going to give it to me peacefully, or I'm going to be sick and tired of asking so nicely at this very time.  Give me a 1 on 1 match Ned and I want it now.  Either its going to happen peacefully or unlawfully.  But at the end of the day, YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME my match."

The camera fades out as Mastermind gets up and walks off.