X-treme Wrestling Federation
Russell Mania Debut + New Valet Introduction *Repost* - Printable Version

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Russell Mania Debut + New Valet Introduction *Repost* - RussellMania - 07-19-2013

[Image: russellmaniabanjkkjkjkjkjnerjpg_zpsb5a46b0c.jpg]
Scene #1:

[Image: 2pnqc.gif]

We are live at an episode of X-Treme Wrestling Federation T.V and following a phenomenal match between two XWF superstars we then see ringside commentators Michael Cole and Jerry "King" Lawler sitting at ringside. Commercial break is seconds away but we then hear the following:

Michael Cole: Well ladies and gentlemen we have been talking about it all day! Here tonight live we are going to see the in-ring debut of none other than "The Funkasauras" Brodus Clay and Tensai (Sweet T) collectively known as Tons Of Funk! We don't know who their opponents are going to be yet but King we do know it's going to get funky in here tonight!

Jerry "King" Lawler: Oh I can't wait for this one Cole! Brodus Clay, Tensai are two big men who know how to get down! And you just know the lovely "Funkadactyls" are going to be joining them at ringside tonight.

Michael Cole: No doubt about it King, Tons Of Funk makes their XWF debut here tonight live! But earlier tonight XWF backstage correspondant; Steve Sayors had a chance to talk to Tonnes Of Funk about their upcoing debut, heres what they had to say.

Jerry "King" Lawler: This should be good.

Scene #2:

The X-Tron flashes and we see Tons Of Funk sitting backstage with Cameron and Naomi talking with Steve Sayors in what appears to be a locker room.

Steve Sayors: Ladies and gentlemen I'm Scott Sayors and I am backstage this evening with XWF's newest tag team; Brodus Clay and Tensai, Tons Of Funk! And of course the lovely "Funkadctyls"; Cameron & Naomi. Guys, it's great they you allowed us the time to sit backstage with you this evening, and I believe everyone is wondering the same thing, what is Tons Of Funk going to bring to the current XWF Tag Team Division?

- Brodus and Tensai look at each other Tensai nods his head at Brodus to answer the question.

Brodus Clay: Take a good look at us Stevie! What does Tons Of Funk bring to XWF? Thats real simple, we bring "Tonnes Of Funk" thats what we bring! One thing XWF is not lacking is tag teams! We watch the product and we signed our names on that dotted line so we could face the best tag teams in wrestling! But we are without a shadow of a doubt the most destructive and most entertaining tag team this business has ever seen, dawg. You take a look at the current XWF tag team champions! Eric & Emily! Emily? One half of the XWF Tag Team champions is a woman! Wassupwitdat, man?

- Tensai leans over smiling and whispers something in Brodus ear and Brodus looks stupified up at the camera.

Brodus Clay: Eli? So it's a man then?

- Tensai motions that he doesn't know and chuckles a bit.

Brodus Clay: Ok well apparently Eli or Emily may or may not be a female who is currently one half of the XWF tag team champions, but thats what i'm talking about, dawg! XWF may have some great tag teams but a champion should be someone people will remember, I don't even know what gender your tag team champions are. It don't matter anyway! In a few weeks your tag team champions will be two men who everyone will never forget! Brodus Clay and Sweet T!

Steve Sayors: Okay... Well for the record it is Eli and he is a male incase any of the viewers at home were wondering. Now one question thats been on everyones mind since hearing about your debut tonight is "Who is your opponent tonight?" [/i]

- Clay and Tensai look at each other and simotaniously let out a sigh and look confused.

Brodus Clay: We really don't know, dawg. We really haven't even signed a contract yet, Cameron and Naomi received texts from XWF asking us to be here tonight, they might just be testing the waters to see if they can handle Tons Of Funk before trying to hold us down. But one things for sure, it don't matter if it's Erica and Emily, it don't matter if it's Kane and The Undertaker, it don't matter if it's Itchy & Scratchy, Bo & Luke, Will & Grace, the Bushwhackers or the New York Yankees, playa! Tons Of Funk is here to stay!

- Clay puts his hand down and Tensai slaps it, they stand up and the Funkadactyls get close to them and smile as the two men walk away.

Steve Sayors: Well those are big words from two big men, ladies and gentlemen thats Brodus Clay & Tensai; Tons Of Funk and we will see them in action tonight!

- The image of Steve Sayors standing backstage is the last image we see before the show goes to commercial.

-----------------------------Commercial Break----------------------------

Scene #3:

- XWF fans are treated to yet another phenomenal matchup between two XWF superstars and immediatly afterwards we once again go to Michael Cole & Jerry "King" Lawler at ringside.

Michael Cole: Wow! What a night it's been thus far and King.... It's only going to get better.

Jerry "King" Lawler: Oh you got that right, Michael.

- The X-Tron flashes and we now see Brodus Clay, Tensai and the Funkadactyls backstage making their way towards the stage area.

Michael Cole:[/color] Ladies and gentlemen it's Tons Of Funk's XWF debut live and it's NEXT!

Jerry "King" Lawler: Oh boy! I can't wait!

--------------------------Commercial Break-------------------------------

Scene #4:

- We are live in the arena and the XWF fans are going absolutely nuts as they know that Tons Of Funk are about to make their debut and then the lights go down, the giant disco ball lowers above the ring and we hear the sound of over the P.A system! We see Cameron and Naomi skip out onto the stage and begin dancing around until Brodus and Tensai dance out on to the stage area. The four make the way down to the ring, dancing the whole way down the ramo. Cameron and Naomi hop up onto the turnbuckle first while Clay and Tensai make their way up the stairs, all four stars get in the ring and begin to dance around until their music stops playing.
Brodus Clay and Tensai stand in the ring waiting to see who their opponents will be in their XWF debut match. They walk around, pacing back and forth not taking their eyes off of the X-Tron. We then hear the sound of by Heatwave and the fans all rise to their feet wondering who was about to emerge from the curtain. The crowd begins too boo loudly as none other then Mr. Russell Mania steps onto the stage from behind the curtain. Russell is wearing a green disco jacket with his wrestling short-tights on aswell, on his face he wears a pair of oversized black shades and in his hands is a microphone. Russell dances around for a few seconds in the stage before his music slowly dies down. Once Russell's music has come to a hault we see Brodus and Tensai look up at Russell with a confused expression on their faces. Russell then raises the microphone to his lips and begins to speak.

~Mr. Russell Mania~: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to what will forever go down in wrestling history as the night that the industry staggered! This fateful night will forever go down in wrestling history as a turning point! This night will forever be remembered as the night that International Wrestling Sensation; Misterrrrrr. Ruselllllllll Manieeeeeeyaaaaaa officially joined the ranks of the X-Treme Wrestling Federation! Now for those of you who may have been living under a rock for the last 24 years please let me give you the "pleasure" of getting to know me.

- Russell begins to make his way down the ramp while talking on the microphone, Clay and Tensai continue to look on confused, yelling at Russell to leave so they can get on with their match.

~Mr. Russell Mania~: My name is Russell Mania, you may call me "Mister. Russell Mania", you may call me "The Showcase Of An Immortal", you may call me "The Grandest Man Of Em' All"... Or you can just call me SIR! I have been in this industry for 24 years! I have wrestled AND BEATEN the likes of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, "Hardcore Icon"; Terry Funk, Scott Hall and many more, I have wrestler all across the globe! And I have NEVER worked for a Mainstream Wrestling Company...until now! Ha ha. You see when I got the phone call from XWF President; Shane I was initially not interested. However, Shane is a smart man, he sees the value of MISTER. RUSSELL MANIA and he offered me a price I couldn't refuse! Ha ha.
And that brings us to right here, right now!

- Russell reaches the ring and begins to make his way up the steel steps where Brodus and Tensai (now angry) are anxiously awaiting him to step into the ring so they can rip him apart. Mania smiles at them and confidently steps through the ropes and into the ring. Mania is now fully in the ring and Clay and Tensai both run at him and Mania raises one hand up to stop them and the other hands he uses to raise the microphone to his lips. Russell tries to get words out of his mouth but Clay and Tensai each have grabbed him by the shirt, Brodus raises his hand in the air and is about to punch Mania in the face when Mania barely get the micto his mouth....

~Mr. Russell Mania~: No no no no no no no no no no.. Wait... Wait .....WAIT!!!! You guys don't get it! I'm not here to mess with you guys, I like you guys! I am here tonight because I am your first opponent here in the XWF! It's Tons Of Funk Vs Mr. Russell Mania is a Double-Debut Handicap Match.

- Brodus Clay and Tensai smile at each other and begin to lick their lips with excitement, hardly able to contain themselves. Tons Of Funk then begin to look around for something in confusion Brodus Clay can then be heard yelling "Wheres the ref?" at Russell in the ring, Russell (still smiling) raises the microphone again.

~Mr. Russell Mania~: Oh well luckily the kind of match we are going to have doesn't need a ref!

- Clay and Tensai begin to yell in confusion at Mania, ready to pounce on him at any second.

~Mr. Russell Mania~: Because our match needs a HOST! Because ladies and gentlemen, live tonight on XWF it's a Double-Debut Handicap Dance Off between Tonns Of Funk and MISSSSTERRRRRRR........RUSSEL.L.L.L.L MAAAAANEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAA! And thats next.

- Clay and Tensai look at each other, still with angry expression and nods that they accept the Dance Off Challenge. We hear Michael Cole announce the following to the viewing audience:

Michael Cole: Well ladies and gentlemen it's a "Double-Debut Handicap- Dance Off" Match between Tons Of Funk and Mister. Russell Mania and thats up next and King I was just told that YOU are going to be hosting this one.

Jerry "King" Lawler: Oh great! Aren't I lucky?

Michael Cole: Ahahaha. Well ladies and gentlemen Russell Mania/Tons Of Funk "Dance Off", live. Next!

- We get one last look at Tons Of Funk trash talking Russell Mania while Mania tries to cool things over by explaining himself as the show goes to commercial.

-------------------------Commercial Break-----------------------------

Scene #5:

- We are back live at the XWF event and we see on one side of the ring Brodus Clay and Tons Of Funk, and on the opposing side we see Mister. Russell Mania. In the middle of the ring we see Jerry "King" Lawler who is hosting the match with a microphone in his hands.

Jerry "King" Lawler: Ok ladies and gentlemen! This next match is a Handicap Dance off between Tons Of Funk and Mister. Russell Mania! The rules are simple... Russell Mania will get 30 seconds to perform, immediatly afterwards Tons Of Funk will get an opportunity to perform within their own 30-second interval. After both parties have completed their dance routine we allow you the XWF fans to choose the winner! So with that being said, Mr. Mania, your up.

-Russell steps to the middle of the ring while the sound of begins to play throughout the arena, we see him do some pretty creepy, old school, disco-style dance moves for the entire 30-seconds, immediately after the music stops playing we can hear the sounds of "Your a.....Douchebag........*Clap*Clap*ClapClapClap*Your a.....Douchebag........*Clap*Clap*ClapClapClap**

Mania acts as though he only hears a tremendous ovation in his honor and bows multiple times before blowing kisses to the crowd, he walks over to Lawler and kisses him on the cheek and Lawler bluntly shoves him away.

Jerry "King" Lawler: Ok well, now that that is over Brodus, Tensai... Your up next.....

- Brodus walks over to Lawler before his song begins to play and grabs the mic.

Brodus Clay: Ladies and gentlemen allow Tons Of Funk to introduce you to our dance partners, the beautiful Cameron & Naomi! The Funk-A-Dactyls!

- Cameron and Naomi make their way into the ring and the sound of begins to play throughout the arena and Tons Of Funk and The Funk-A-Dactyls begin to dance around in the ring, the crowd is strongly behind the two big men until suddenly as Tensai and Clay were dancing Cameron and Naomi both turn on them! Cameron kicks Brodus with a low-blow from behind, Tensai asks her what she is thinking and Naomi low-blow's Tensai from behind as well!

Michael Cole: What the hell is going on? Cameron and Naomi both attacked Tons Of Funk! What has just happened?

- Tons Of Funk's music ceases while Cameron and Naomi smile at Russell Mania who opens his arms and both women seductively walk over to him, throwing their pom-poms to the ground. Russell see Clay using the ropes to help himself back to his feet, and rushes over to him and nails him with a He then see Tensai getting to his feet and quickly nails him with the as well. Mania stands up smiling at the two giants he just knocked out cold and Cameron and Naomi once again walk over to him, Russell puts an arm around each woman, he seductively kisses Naomi on the lips, before turning his head and sticking his tongue deep down in Cameron throat. Both women continue to hang off of Mania, kissing his neck, rubbing his chest while they stare down at Clay and Tensai who are just starting to stir. Tensai gets to his knees and Russell runs over to him and kicks him right in the temple, knocking him unconscious!

Michael Cole: Oh my god that was so vicious! Tensai might be seriously hurt.

- Russell sees that Brodus is almost back to his feet and runs at him in an attempt to kick him in the skull the same way he had Tensai, but Brodus avoids contact gets to his feet and when Mania turns around Brodus nails him with an awesome HEADBUTT and Mania goes down hard and rolls right under the bottom rope, crashing to the arena floor. Brodus looks at Tensai worried before turning his head and seeing the now frightened Cameron and Naomi shaking in the corner, Brodus' look of concern for Tensai had turned into a look of rage directed at the former Funk-A-Dactyls. Brodus begins yelling "How could you do this? Why?" while Cameron and Naomi apologize repeatedly and begin to cry. Brodus Clay continues at his stand off with Cameron and Naomi in the corner while Russell Mania sneakily slides in the ring with a steel chair, Russell runs at Clay and attempts to hit him in the back with the chair but Clay turns around quickly and catches the chair with his hands, the two men get into a "pulling war" over possession of the chair until the much stronger Brodus Clay easily sends Mania crashing to the mat. The crowd goes wild as a smiling Clay raises the chair high over his head and is about to crash it down on top of the skull of Russell Mania, but suddenly we see Cameron and Naomi leap up and grab the chair from behind, Brodus turns around to get it back but Mania turns him back around and nails him with a .

Mania tells the Naomi to leave the ring to grab another steel chair and motions to Cameron to put the steel chair in the ring around the left leg of Tensai. Naomi comes back into the ring with a steel chair and Cameron successfully wraps the first chair around Tensai's left leg. Mania then looks at Naomi and advises her to wrap the second chair around Tensai's right leg, which she promptly does. Mania stands at the feet of the unconscious Tensai and smiles before doing a jumping double stomp crashing down on both chairs, clearly twisting both of Tensai's legs! Tensai flops around in pain, screaming.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen at home I do apologize, we certainly didn't intend for you viewers to see that.

- EMT's rush the scene and Mania delivers several more kicks to each individual chair causing further damage to Tensai's injury. He then delivers one more fierce kick to the skull once again causing Tensai to lose consciousness before roughly prying both chairs off of his legs and kicking his carcass under the bottom rope, to the floor where the EMT's quickly begin to work on him. Mania smiles at Cameron and Naomi and passes them each a chair, he then sadistically points at Brodus Clay who is once again using the ropes to pull his body to his feet, Mania snatches the chair back from Cameron and begins smashes Clay across the back with the chair multiple times until Clay falls back onto his knees, he then nails Clay 8-times in the back until Clay is lying flat on his stomach at which time Mania raises the chair high above his head and crashes it down onto the skull of Clay which not only knocks the Funkasauraus unconscious but also busts him wide open! We then see Mania roll Clay on to his back and passes the chair back to Cameron and advises both ladies to once again wrap their chairs around both legs of their former friend. Cameron and Naomi do so and Mania once again prepares to leap on to the chairs, crippling Brodus Clay but just before he is about to jump we hear Jerry "King" Lawler who is on a microphone rolling into the ring.

Jerry "King" Lawler: Russell, Russell... Wait! Stop this! Come on, you come from the same old school days that I come from, your better then this.... Your better then this, do you know that the man you just injured; Tensai.... He has a family! A family that he supports, do you know how long its going to take for him to rehab those legs? For a man of his size and age you might have just prematurely ended his career... Come on Russell, don't do it to Brodus too, he's a young guy, with zero injuries and a great future... Don't take that away from him....

For the first time the smile is not on Russell's face, he lowers his head before looking up at Lawler and nodding respectfully at him, he walks over to Lawler and apologizes, the words “I’m sorry, I was wrong” can be heard from Russell to Lawler and Russell, Cameron and Naomi walk towards the ropes while Lawler walks over to check on Clay... Then suddenly Mania runs up to Lawler, spins him around and nails him with a

Michael Cole: Oh come on DAMMIT! That was so uncalled for! We need medics down here for Lawler ASAP!

Mania turns his attention back to Clay who is still down, he is about to jump on top of the chairs when the ring is invaded by referees, EMT’s, agents, etc..... Who demand that Mania leaves the ring immediately, they remove the chairs from Brodus’ legs while Cameron and Naomi once again take their place under Manias arms, Mania once again tongue kisses both women before the town women kiss each other. Cameron and Naomi step through the ropes and hold the ropes open for Mania who steps through with a gigantic smile on his face... In the ring Clay is beginning to show signs of movement while Mania and the two former Funk-A-Dactyls make their way up the ramp, the whole time it is clearly visible that both of Mania’s hands were firmly planted on each Cameron and Naomi’s backsides. By the time the trio reaches the stage Clay is sitting in the ring, blood streaming down his face staring up at the man who broke his partners legs, attacked the legendary; Jerry “King” Lawler and attempted to end his own career..... The trio turn around on the stage and smile at the angered Clay while the show goes to commercial.

------------------------ Commercial Break---------------------------

Scene #6:

When we return from the commercial we are greeted by Michael Cole who has a shocked expression on his face.

Michael Cole: Well ladies and gentlemen for those of you who are just tuning in the reason I am sitting here alone right now is because moments ago my broadcast partner; Jerry “King” Lawler was the victim of a cowardly assault by XWF newcomber; Mr. Russell Mania, now this attack took place as a result of King attempting to convince Mr. Mania not to break the legs of Brodus Clay the same way he had done to Clay’s tag team partner Tensai just seconds earlier. If you didn’t get to see it unfortunately we are going to give you a few of the highlights of what just went down.

- Tons Of Funk Enter
- Mania Enters
- Dance Off Match Announced
- Cameron/Naomi turn on Tons Of Funk
- Russell Mania Moments
- Tensais leg break
- Brodus legs wrapped in chairs/Lawler makes save
- Lawler’s Russell Mania Moment
- EMTs/Security/Referees/Charge Ring
- Bloody Clay stare-down with Mania/Cameron/Naomi.

-Then suddenly on the X-Tron we see Brodus Clay backstage sitting on a table, getting the cut on his head stitched up. He twitches as the doctor puts each staple in. He looks furious. We then see XWF backstage correspondant; Steve Sayors approach Clay.

Steve Sayors: Hi Brodus, would you be available to give us your thoughts on what just happened out there, I mean I just interviewed you a few short hours ago and you were surrounded by your friends... And now this, I just can’t imagine how you must feel right now.

Brodus Clay: Yeah Steve, Imma tell you how I feel right now! I’M PISSED THE *BEEP* OFF! What just happened out there...MAN... Thas BULL*BEEP*!!! Cameron and Naomi girls you just made a BIG MISTAKE!!! Because girls this big boy is coming for you! And as far as you go, RUSS.... Ya’Know what homeboy... Actions speak louder then words....

-Brodus Clay stands up, dried blood crusted on to his forehead.. Doctors and EMTs try to convince him to sit back down but he doesn’t listen, he walks with a stagger but is seemingly “okay”.

Doctor: Mr. Clay, what are you doing?

Brodus Clay: I’m going back out to that ring, right now and calling that son of a *BEEP* out! I am going to kick his ass!

Doctor: Mr. Clay you are not in good enough health to return to the ring tonight, it would be a liability to the company, I simply cannot allow it.

Brodus Clay: Doc, I might be a little bit “woozy” right now but earlier this evening when I arrived here I was told I was having an “XWF Tryout”.... I don’t have a contract with the XWF... Instead I signed a liability waiver which protects the XWF in the event of my injury... I can take no legal action against the XWF if anything happens to me tonight! Now your either going to tell me “Yes, go out there and compete infront of the fans” or “No, sit in the back, get injured, be unable to press charges and not even get a chance to redeem myself”..... Doc... I want my chance...

Doctor: I cannot advise that you compete. However, if the Board of Directors allows it to take place and you realize that you can take no legal action against the XWF.... Then I cannot stop you.

Brodus Clay: Make the call...

We see the doctor calling up what is seemingly XWF: Board of Directors and a few seconds later we see the doctor walk back onto the screen. He sighs and looks at Clay.

Doctor: The board of Directors have made their decision and while I do not agree... If you choose to compete tonight then they have agreed to give you your match.

Brodus Clay: Me Vs Pornstache? Tonight.

Doctor: Yes, But Mr. Clay once again I cannot......

Brodus Clay: Sorry Doc. I’ve got an ass to kick.....

Clay hops down from the table and staggers out the locker room door and begins to walk down the hallway as the show goes to commercial.

--------------------Commercial Break------------------------

Scene #7:

We are back live and we get a recap of everything that has gone down between Tons Of Funk/Russell Mania tonight and it has been made official that our next match of the evening will be the official in-ring debut of Mr. Russell Mania and “The Funkasauraus” Brodus Clay. The arena raises to their feet as begins to play throughout the arena and Brodus Clay storms the stage area, no dancing, no smiles and heads straight to the ring, he slides in under the bottom rope and begins to impatiently pace in the ring, showing signs of drowziness from the near-career ending attack he suffered several minutes earlier. We can hear a chant of respect coming from the crowd towards Brodus until the sound of begins to play and Mr. Russell Mania appears with a gigantic smile across his face, he is once again wearing his disco jacket and wrestling tights. Once again he stops on the stage with a microphone in his hands, his music dies down and the “Asshole” chants begin.

~Mr.Russell Mania~: Ladies and WannaBeMe’s... my name is “The Showcase Of An Immortal”, “The Grandest Man Of Em’ All”, MISTER. RUSSELL MANIA! And what you saw tonight wasn’t an act of “hate”, it wasn’t an act of “cowardess”.... It was an act of “respect”, an act of “passion” and an act of “love”... I don’t “respect” you, I am “passionate” about Funky Ladies, And Funky Ladies “love” me... Ha ha. Speak Of “Funky Ladies” allow me to introduce to you my own personal valets... Ladies and gentlemen give up for Cameron and Naomi “The RussellManiacs”....

begins to play throughout the arena and Cameron and Naomi dance out on to the stage wear very little clothing dancing with an ecstatic Russell Mania down to the ring... Brodus looks on with furious rage. The three reach the ringside area and Mania deep-kisses both women before both Cameron and Naomi slap him on the ass, he then rips off his disco jacket and races under the bottom ropes. But as soon as he enters the ring Clay nails him with a jab to the throat and the referee calls for the bell...


- The fans are going wild as Mania rolls around on the floor, clutching his throat struggling to breath as Brodus Clay seemingly has been rejuvinated! Clay grabs Mania by the hair and pulls him back up, Mania forces Clays hands off of him and nails him with a dropkick but Brodus doesn’t go down and is now sadistically laughing at Mania who looking up in fear, Mania crawls backwards away from Clay begging for forgiveness, Clay shakes his head and says “No” and immediatly boots Mania in the chest causing him to smash back into the turnbuckle!
Cameron and Naomi look back in horror as Clay begins to mudhole stomp on Mania until the ref breaks it up.

Suddenly Cameron hops up on to the apron and begins to yell profanaties at the referee and Clay, meanwhile Naomi has run to the opposite side of the ring and climbed on to the apron and began to untie the turnbuckle padding, she is successful and gets it fully removed but while the referee is still distracted Brodus Clay sees her and rushes over to grab her by the back of the head before she can get off the apron, Clay seems ready to throw her down when all of a sudden from behind we see Mania run up and shove Clay from behind, head first into the exposed turnbuckle, reopening Clay’s wound! Naomi falls to the floor, uninjured as Clay staggers in the ring wearing a “crimson mask”.... Mania bounces off the ropes and nails Clay with a And Cameron hops off the apron allowing the ref to watch as Mania makes the cover for the 1.........2............. KICK OUT! Clay gets the shoulder up and Mania and “The RussellManiacs” mouth’s drop in disbeliefe.... The crowd goes absolutely nuts.

Mania gets to his feet and begins to taunt the bloody Clay to “Get up”.... Clay slowly gets to his feet when he does Mania runs at him with another “Russell Mania Moment” but this time Clay catches Mania’s foot and shoves him rolling backwards and the fans once again begin going nuts!!! Mania quickly scales the ropes and leaps off with an attempted Diving Double Axe-Handle but Clay bursts out of nowhere with a devestating mid-air headbutt which sends Mania flying through the air and crashing to the mat! Clay is feeding off the crowd now and he is going for the big splash he bounces off the ropes but Cameron and Naomi both snag one o his legs from under the ropes and he trips to the mat. The fans boo Cameron and Naomi who look around laughing at their actions.

Mania gets to his feet, clutching his head in pain following the head but sees Clay staggering to get back up he then quickly runs towards Clay and attempts another Russell Mania Moment but Clay rolls out of the way and Mania crashes onto the mat! Clay quickly gets up and sees Mania lying on the mat, rusn to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring bounces off and nails Mania with the BIG SPLASH!!!!! The ref sees the cover..1.............................2.....................But suddenly Cameron and Naomi pull the ref out of the ring and beat him to the ground..... Clay sees what happened and stands up furiously but suddenly the sound of Jerry “King” Lawler begins to play throughout the arena and Lawler races down the ramp to ringside, Lawler chases after Cameron and Naomi and both ladies run around the ring and the hightail it up the ramp to the backstage area.... Lawler sees that the ref is still down and is about to revive him when suddenly he sees that Brodus is standing in the ring and Mania is still down, moaning in pain. Lawler smiles at Clay and walks over to the announce table and grabs two chairs, Clay smiles back at Lawler and Lawler tosses the chairs into Clay. Lawler gives Clay the thumbs up and then retreats backstage again to keep Cameron and Naomi from coming back out.

Clay is about to do on to Mania what Mania had done to Tensai earlier in the evening, Clay picks up the first chair and wraps it around Mania’s left leg.... Then he bends over to pick up the second chair from behind Mania low-blows Clay with his free right leg! Clay grabs onto his groin and falls to his knees!!! Mania takes the chair off of his leg and runs at Clay and nails him with a Mania then smirks sadistically at the two chairs sitting in the ring, he picks up the first chair and wraps it around Clay’s right leg, then quickly wraps the second chair around his left leg.... Mania smiles around at the booing crowd and leaps into the air and smashes down on to both chairs with a double stomp!!!! The chairs mangle Clay’s legs and the ref is just now begining to get to his feet.... Mania quickly nails Clay in the head with a vicious boot and agressively removes the chairs from Clay’s legs and tosses them out of the ring, Mania then rolls to the outside and tosses the ref back in.... Mania then stands over Clay and locks in the and Clay screams in pain until he begins to tap out!!! The ref calls for the bell but Mania refuses to break the hold until Clay has passed out from intense pain from his two broken legs, and immense blood-loss!.

Mania finally lets the hold go as Cameron and Naomi make their way back down to the ring. EMT’s check to the health of Brodus Clay and a stretcher is called form. begins to play throughout the arena as Cameron & Naomi hold the ropes open for Mania who steps through the ropes, hops down to the floor and puts boths arms around the girls and smiles perversly as the last image we see is a bloody, unconscious Brodus Clay being loaded on to a stretcher as the show goes off the air.

End of R/P