X-treme Wrestling Federation
Some information about XWF Presents: Free For All - Printable Version

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Some information about XWF Presents: Free For All - Theo Pryce - 12-03-2023

The first Pay Per View of 2024 will be Free For All. This PPV will have your standard title matches but it will also will feature the XWF's first ever OPEN Battle Royale but not just any ordinary Battle Royale. This will be a LAST BLOOD Battle Royale. The only way to get eliminated is to bleed. Last person who remains bloodless will be declared the winner. and will receive a Universal Title shot at March Madness. This event will be OPEN TO ANYONE who thinks they have what it takes to compete in the biggest and possibly bloodiest Battle Royale of all time.

We are going to make graphics to post on Twitter/X for any confirmed entrants so if you'd like to participate shoot me a DM on the site or message me on Discord to let me know so we can get those graphics out. If you'd like to enter as a surprise you can still message me and let me know though in a perfect world we don't have 10 surprises cause that would be lame. If you are a champ or will otherwise be booked on this PPV you can absolutely enter this match as well. There will not be any max number of entrants but it will mean having to do double the work but if you're willing to do it who am I to stop you. 

If you have any friends in other feds who you think might enjoy a stress free match with potentially high stakes let them know about this event. It will be a 1 rp 4k match like everything else.

RP window will be January 13/14 to the 27th