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Warfare RP - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: Warfare Boards (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=6) +--- Forum: Warfare RP Board (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: Warfare RP (/showthread.php?tid=469) |
Warfare RP - RandallCross - 01-22-2013 It hasn’t even been a month since we made the move to a new headquarters and already all the promises that were made by the higher ups about this being a better place has taken a turn into that long swirly road that ends up being nothing but a dead end. I’m not going to sit here and lie by telling you that I knew this would happen; I actually had a lot of hope for the XWF. I didn’t think that losing three of the top superstars in the industry today would be a drag the way it’s been. There’s no one that even comes close to showing the potential that we had lost. I honestly though the likes of Feder would show up to save the day. The man was very instrumental about the things that were going down, and as soon as they went down; where is he to be found. Attempting back stage pins every chance he gets for a belt that doesn’t mean shit to anybody but himself. What makes matter worse is that as soon as he gets tired of wearing it he finds a poor soul to try and drop it on. I’m not going to lie to you Feder. I got no respect for you at all. When we met at the Lethal Lottery I didn’t even take the time to study you, or to bring my best for that matter. How are your ribs by the way Feder? How did it feel to have the table do a complete 180 and turn on you? How was that Russian Roulette? Of course I’m not going to stand around and wait for an answer; it’s a known fact that the only promos you care to watch are your own. It’s also a known fact that this Randall standing before you today is three times better than the one you met at Lethal Lottery when I was paired up with a loser none the less. It would have took a fucking miracle to come out with any kind of dignity being paired up with a freaking lite version of Mr. XWF. Then we got Cyren, another talent that was supposed to fill the void that Slater and Page have left behind; another talent that much like Feder hasn’t shown shit since the departure of the Egomaniacs. I was slated to take this guy on in the last week’s Warfare. I was slated to put my name back on the map by beating a so-call top talent. But just like the bitch that Cyren has proven to be the past it came as no surprise to see him back out of a match that the Amazing One was sure to control. So if no one else is going to say it then let me be the one. My heads goes off to you Cyren for being the better man and not putting yourself in a situation that you were sure to lose. Let’s not forget about the GM we lost through this whole ordeal, let’s not forget how management chose a superstar that has faded away faster than a pair of black jeans rinsed in hot water over the woman who was here making a bang every chance she got. How about her replacements, for god’s sake can we get a unique gimmick in this bitch or do the fans of the XWF have to suffer through another Million Dollar Man and Virgil storyline. This shit is going nowhere fast and lucky for the XWF fans that we still have Madness to fall back on; especially now that Warfare and the show formally known as Impact has turned into nothing but shit. I mean come on Witasick; did you really think that you would garner my attention by throwing a few lousy bills in my face? Do you really think that Amazing one gives a fuck about anything that you’re about? About what ever 3rd world country it is that you own. You and your show is a fucking joke, and Tyrone is the biggest blackest bitch I’ve ever seen, and that’s just the way it is motherfuckers. Once again I’ll be bullshitting if I told you that Madness has been getting the ratings its use to having. Ever since the move my show when from number one in the country and dropped down all the way to number two just behind Judge Judy. Now don’t go getting your panties in a bunch Witasick that thing that airs on Wednesday that you call a show is still miles away. The sad part is that your show is supposed to be one of the major ones, but just like in that 3rd world country you own; the superstar under your contract just aren’t eating right. Well Gilmour, why make you wait any longer for the things I’m about to say about you. First things first Gilmour. How does it feel being in the spotlight for once in your pathetic career? How does it feel knowing that the only reason you got as far as you did in the Lethal Lottery was because you were being carried? I applaud the man that had the pleasure of teaming with you; somehow they made it as far as they did even though all you presented was a bunch of baggage with dead weight. When I look at your best promos from that storm, I can’t even give you full credit for them, they would have been shit if it wasn’t for the surprise appearance that Feder made in them. How the fuck you came up with the December Star of the month beats me. I was there when the votes came in and it was obvious that the award was given out of pity more than it was out of talent. I could name two hand full of superstars who deserved that award more than you did. You should be a shame of yourself Peter, the way superstar after superstar came in the XWF and just overshadowed you at every turn is just pathetic. You were here since before time and still haven’t accomplished shit. While the Amazing One did in a matter of months what every superstar wish they could do. I fucking made an ever lasting impact while main eventing Impact on my first match in my career. I threw the fucking biggest party the world has ever known and in just a matter of a month I was the name in every household’s mouth. When you opened a wrestling magazine, you were sure to catch a glimpse of the Amazing One doing nothing less than performing. I graced the cover of GQ and set the XWF in a direction that was nothing short of Amazing. I went from being Joe Blow to everybody on my dick….no homo. Ever since ![]() I would love to keep standing around and complaining about the beatings that I took for two shows but the Amazing One isn’t about that. Instead I’m going to go and that ring and do exactly what I said I was going to. I’m going to bust your head wide open and go ALL IN bitch in what is a knock off Bloodletting Match that was officially introduced to the XWF on Madness if I made add. My goodness Witasick can you come across your own fucking ideas instead of stealing the ones that my former Co-GM Soldier came up with. You would think that a guy who owns his own Country could come up with some clever ideas wouldn’t you? I say not, you Witasick, are nothing but a bitch that will hide behind a couple of dollar bills. I’m not as fat as Pete but just like an elephant I never forget. You will get yours playa. I know Pete, you probably wondering why the hell I keep get side tracked. Well is obvious isn’t it; you’re just not a threat that I take heavily. You will be a simple victory, in fact one of the simplest I ever had; I don’t have not even an ounce of fear when it comes to facing you. My night will be a smooth one and I will walk away with my Tag team titles. Unlike you Pete, I actually earn those. So hopefully you took enough pictures with those titles because on Warfare they will be coming right back where they belong, and perhaps for the first time in your lousy career you will see what it’s like to be in the ring with nothing but pure amazement. -------------------------------------------
Randall couldn’t feel any prouder than he’s been feeling now-a-days. Even with the ratings spike his show has taken he’s still seems to be on top of his game. Randall is not the type to be easily rattled about any situation and even when things are looking bleep the man always seems to find a situation where he can get things on track. Take now for instant; even with Stoney drilling holes in his office wall the man seems to keep a calmest that is not seen these days. Randall: Are you done with that plaque yet? Stoney: Perfection takes time Randall. Once I’m done hooking this up. The Tag Titles would look great on it. Randall can’t think of anything good that would come out of this. Stoney has never been the handy guy and Randall knowing this fact has never try to do anything to stop him. If there was a way to describe it the most fitting setting would involve the way a father lets his son go out and learn things on his own. This was an easy way to comprehend the kind of relationship that Stoney and Randall had. Randall: I got a meeting set up here in a few minutes. You need to stop banging on the wall for a bit there. Stoney: I’m almost done Randall. Randall: Well you said that about two hours ago. No one takes six hours putting up a dam plaque. Stoney: I told you Randall Perfection takes time. Besides, what’s more important than getting the plaque for the tag titles up? Randall: I’m meeting with Daniel. Stoney: Not that prick that use to roll around with Joseph Page? Randall: The very one. Stoney: What does he want? At the same time a knock is heard on the door. Randall: We about to find out Stoney. Why don’t you get that? Stoney finally stops after six hours of banging on the wall. Oddly enough that sort of brought a smile across Randall’s face. Stoney opens up the door and to his delight it’s Daniel. Daniel walks right past Stoney not even acknowledging him and starts straight towards Randall. Daniel spreads his arms in a type fashion before pointing to Randall. Daniel: You!!! Randall does the exact same thing Daniel did. Randall: You!!! Randall motions over at the chair for Daniel to take a seat and Daniel does so as he puts down his briefcase. Randall: So how’s the large life treating you? Daniel: Apparently better than it’s treating you. I heard about the ratings spike that Madness has been taken. Randall: It’s nothing I can’t handle. Already I have been picking up the pieces. Me letting the guest GMs take control on Madness the way I’ve been letting them has really put quite the dent on those ratings. But now that I’m sure to be at the helm at all times I see nothing but great things ahead. Daniel: If anyone can pick up the pieces I’m sure--- Randall stops him short. Randall: The pieces are already picked up. You see Daniel, you and I are a lot alike. We get to the point of things and then dig deep with that very point. We what you would call real businessmen; we don’t result to cheap tricks to try and garner any sort of attention, like that freaky prick from Warfare did. Daniel: Ah, I see someone is a little sore about the situation that occurred this past Wednesday. Randall: I guest this is the part where the jokes come in huh. Daniel: No this is the part where we get to the point of things. Daniel looks over at Randall and nods towards Stoney as if telling him that this convo is between the two. Randall: Hey Stoney! Stoney: Yea Randall. Randall: Take a walk. Stoney happily takes his leave leaving the Randall and Daniel to speak amongst their selves. Daniel: Getting to point. CCP wants your services. Randall chuckles Randall: What do you mean exactly? Daniel: I mean the man wants you to come over to the WGWF and become CO-GM of Brawl or if you think that’s too much exposure for you he would love to have you working behind the scenes. Randall: The Amazing One doesn’t work behind the scenes. Daniel: Then the position as Co-GM for Brawl would fit you great. You would work side by side with Nick Ryan. I can see in now, you and the Nick Ryan are complete opposites, he’s a super face and you…well, you’re you; I can see all the ratings that would come out of this, all the publicity you can gain from the exposure. Think of what it would mean for your Casino and Hotel. Randall: This is very intriguing, but something I’ll have to put on hold for the moment. Daniel: I can’t promise that the offer will stay on the table. Randall: That’s fine by me Dan. But I can’t go jumping into something with my eyes close. Yes I understand the publicity this will bring for the Casino, but at the same time I don’t like to be over worked. I already got a Monday show; I can’t see how doing both would work. Daniel: Then don’t do both. The bigger bucks are over at WGWF. Take a look at this. Daniel reaches inside of his briefcase, pulls out a folder and hands it over to Randall. Randall takes a look at it. Randall: Those are lot of zero there. Daniel: Three times as much as what Madness is bringing in. Randall: Noted. Daniel: So? Randall: So this is something I’ll have to sit on. Of course I look forward to meeting with you again on this matter. Daniel: When would be a good time? Randall: How about on Madness the 28th. Daniel nods his head on approval and makes his way out the door while Stoney was making his way in at the same time. Stoney: I can’t stand that guy. So what was that about Randall? Randall: It seems I got a lot to think about Stoney, but you’ll find out on Madness. |