X-treme Wrestling Federation
Clash of Personalities - Printable Version

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Clash of Personalities - Mystica - 07-16-2013

Several hours after his incident with Becky, Mystica has still not emerged from his shack on The Promise Land. Many outside thought he had gone into some sort of recuse, but in reality, he had simply been napping. And bad dreams had flooded his mind. He relived his horrific encounter with the unknown again and again, a thousand eyes peering into his world, glaring right at him -- the only man. The last man.

Throughout his short nap, he could hear a series of scratching around the exterior of his shack. At first he was confused and a bit unnerved, but eventually the sounds were more annoying than frightening. They came in almost ritualistic intervals. Finally, sometime in the late evening, the sounds ceased for a full ten minutes. For some reason, this lulled David from his sleep. Looking around wearily, he made for the door, wondering where the sound had gone.

But when he opened the front door, he found a little surprise waiting for him on the porch. Two dead rabbits, their heads missing, torn right off. Mystica paused for a moment in abstract horror, then managed to regain his composure. Unnerved as he was, Mystica sighed and attributed the dead creatures to the weirdness of The Promise Land. Maybe, he figured, this is a housewarming gift or something.

Turning back to go back inside, Mystica noticed a piece of paper taped to his front door. It was written in a flowery sort of handwriting -- obviously female. But as he tore it down and read it, it became obvious that it was from Eli. An entire speech regarding their friendship and the lust for gold. After finishing the letter, David shrugged.

"S'pose he's roight, really. Championships are temporary. Enlightenment and inner peace lasts eternal."

His head jerked awkwardly to the side, and a new voice escaped his lips.

"But the name lives on in history books. It's not about the gold. It's about the message. And the message is simple, Dave. The Myst rises, and it never falls."

"Hush, you! You don't have control! Not this week! I'm tired of--"

"Tired of what? Winning? Without me, you'd be nothing. Nothing but a heap of useless meat, used as a punching bag for all these other freaks and geeks. They're just as hungry as we are, Dave. And I can smell their arrogance. Cheapshots, Duke, Nash, Salvator. Even our little compatriot Eli. It's all a facade, mate. All a little mask worn over the eyes to hide the green of envy. Let's rip those eyes out and see how they look in jars. It's time to release the monsters."

"No, no! I said not--"

"What you say doesn't matter anymore."

"Eli is our friend. I mean, my friend. Wait, yes. Me. My. MY FRIEND! You're not real! You're just a manifestation!"

"I am what you make me out to be, Dave. I would call me your better half. Hehehe..."

"The better half that will remain only half! Back inside!"

"Not tonight. It's less than an hour til Wednesday. And you know what that means."

"No, stop this!" David tried to order, but quickly lost out to the stronger Mystica persona. His eyes closed, and when they opened, there was something new there -- a hunger. A thirst for blood and violence. A dark, twisted angel in a man's body, heaven on earth and hell in the air.

"When Eli's away, the boys will play..."