X-treme Wrestling Federation
Back to the Hunt V: Den of Faith - Printable Version

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Back to the Hunt V: Den of Faith - Prince Adeyemi - 07-14-2023

“A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together.”

Chuck Jones.

Settled into the backseat of Sautoro Tojo’s limousine, Isaiah could feel every hair on his arms stand in attention. He was in the den of a lion - that much was clear.

To Isaiah’s left was Chaeryoung, and next to Sautoro’s bodyguard, sat Ezekiel. Three yakuza and three of his own, yet for some reason he felt overwhelmed.

The driver glanced to the rearview mirror and for the first time, Isaiah paid attention to the man. King knew that one wrong move and the man would end him.

Sautoro sat across him, kimono hiding the body suit of Yakuza tattoos he possessed, but not the missing pinky finger he boasted.

”I hope you’ll show us the same respect of not flashing any weapons you might have on you, that we showed you by not strip-searching you. This is a business dealing, albeit one understandably emotional.”

Isaiah could only nod in response. Ezekiel tensed and Chae placed a reassuring hand on the Kingslayer.

”As I mentioned, I have been persuaded… By Ms Chaeryoung that The Kingpin is perhaps not the ideal business partner for the Tojo family.”

Isaiah arches a brow at that, glancing at Chae without turning too far from the aged lion before him.

“Wasn’t hard to be honest when you treated me with such respect and honour yourself, Mr Tojo.”

The Kingslayer strains to keep his eyes from rolling.

“Jeremiah will be the first to stab you in the neck when you’re not looking.”

The driver and bodyguard tense at the language - Sautoro closes his eyes, unused to the brash tone Isaiah uses.

“I am no stranger to danger, Mr King, but business partnerships must come with some… Rules.”

“And I don’t suppose you’re willing to play by Jer’s.”

“I’m not certain Kingpin plays by any rules at all.”

“Touché. Why aren’t you just kicking us back to the airport then and being done with us?”

“Because while I am the head of this family - my primary responsibility is still profit. If Kingpin will not earn my family wealth… Perhaps you might?”

“In exchange for a chance to be rid of Jeremiah-”

“That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? I deal with you, we both make money, and you get some final payback on your tormentor.”

“Almost too good to be true, how do you propose we do business?”

“We would like to diversify our interests to the Wests - and I’ve looked into you… And your employers. You seem to rub shoulders, quite literally, with some big-money investors… Some less-than-desirable money-makers… All while fighting for your lives every week.”

Isaiah’s mind hops back to the kooks with their own product lines, the insanity that is Gravy, the infinite pockets of Theo Pryce and the Dukes… The XWF was certainly a market in and of itself. 

“You want my connections? I’m still in my rookie year, I hardly have any grip on the… rest of them. Hell, most of them would rather me dead.”

“And I am patient.”

“And why would you trust me, what if I’m just as ruthless as Jeremiah.”

“I won’t be trusting you - my grandson will. You’re a killer, but you’re no woman-kidnapping heathen. If my grandson can’t survive working with killers, with… Lions, if you will, then he’ll never lead this family.”

“That loud-mouthed kid from before? What do you mean?”

“I’m sending him to New York - if you’d be so kind… Show him around, have him learn from you. Teach him how to fight, teach him how to scheme, teach him how to thrive.”

Isaiah glances at Ezekiel, who stares back at him incredulously.

“You would trust me with your heir?”

The older man chuckles, humored yet controlled.

“Don’t flatter yourself or him. He is one of twelve who hope to take over from me, the most promising and ambitious… But no unexpendable. If he succeeds in expanding our business - then perhaps he can start calling himself my heir. This business is not for the faint of heart.”

“Yeah, neither is New York, nor the XWF. Now, how do you propose we deal with Jeremiah?”

“Ah yes, the looming speck of dirt. You will of course give him no reason to doubt either of us. He will continue to use this relationship to stress you and keep me at arm's length, we will share information and when the time is right… Strike him down as one.
As an assurance, my grandson will bring with him men, skilled… Men. He will ensure your loved ones are safe, by my orders. It’d be a travesty if Ms Chaeryoung was to be hurt.”

The older man bows his head graciously, and a flush rises up Chae’s chest.

“Are all of ya’ll this smooth or are you trying especially hard to get my girl?”

Isaiah chuckles extending a hand out to the head of the Tojo family.

The man clasps it firmly.

“We are truly stepping into the lion’s den, Kingpin has proven to be dangerous. Henceforth lives are on the line Mr King.”

“If you’re playing me out, you best be ready to be hunted yourself.”

“It seems we both must take a… Leap of Faith.”

He had done his homework after all.

“The wise, grizzled veteran hands me… Guidance?

The guidance of not just you, but the rest of your motley crew of misguided veterans. Charlie Nickles, Thunder Knuckles, Big D and the duo-of-on-the-nose-product-names-for-the-sake-of-shits.

What did you and Dolly kick off a bet as to who can run the less successful, dubious business venture? Who’s winning between her voodoo and your gag shop? Lil Weasley brothers up in here.

Hell, when I first peeked into this business you might’ve been somewhere to grant me guidance - when Nickles was holding gold when Bourbon was still King.

But now?

You wanna know why my bio page is janky? Because while you’ve been thinking up fancy names for useless products and editing your Shopify pages, I’ve been kicking ass in the ring and getting better.

Instead of managing my page like should’ve been… Chaer was getting her ass kicked down at Anarchy and trying out wrestling herself.

Because we’re fighters.

Not freak shows.

We’re fighters.

Not retirees just looking for the odd adrenaline kick.

As Omega pointed out, the be-alls of the XWF get you and your posse to come around every time they need names filled.

Legends, veterans - they draw crowds, whoopie.

But you’ve all just proven yourselves to be slightly past your due date.

Expired goods.

Sure, you can give them a lil round, and yes, they’ll fill you up, but there's a growing risk of explosive diarrhoea the longer we keep you stewing around.

Not quite has-beens, but with the shit you’ve been spewing, the shit you’ve been spending your time doing… You’re pretty damn close to it.

Also - didn’t you guys break up? I thought that's what all that playground drama was about at Wargames. Your friends didn’t pick you. 

Is it just you and Big D now? The two-best-friends-that-anyone-could-have?


Let’s be honest Bobby, if anyone's trying to get ANYONE’s attention desperately - it’s you, trying to be relevant in this business again. 
Trying to churn up some drama, or some hate, or some love, SOME ANYTHING.

That match with Ned? You were collateral. He could’ve been facing the Bing Bong Twins for all I cared, Ned is my target. Helping him understand that his hero shtick is just a shtick? That's my goal… Well, that and undoing some wrongs.

You just happened to be the spacefiller next to his name on the card.

When you and your compensatory friend came running in at the end to beat on him? By not engaging with you wasn’t a lack of direction Bobby, it was precisely focused.

But you’re not used to the focus NOT being on you, are you? Well fret not - the moment they put you on the card next to me, you got ALL my attention.

Well, as much as I can spare with Omega also in the ring. I mean, he did beat your ass, after all, guys dangerous right?

And on Saturday I’ll make you rue ever wanting me to focus on you, I’ll make you regret even uttering my name.

You’re the one who has no clue why he’s still hanging around, there was a little glimpse of hope after you lost the title - a smidge of… Character growth.

But since then, after every unfortunate, lacklustre match… You’ve just reverted to what you’re comfortable with.

Fret not - I’ll convince you once and for all that you’re no longer on our level, no longer worthy to dance with lions.

I am Isaiah King.

I am the Kingslayer, and you’re next on the block - Bobby.”

Isaiah grins into the camera, before tapping on to his watch and pretending to speak into it.

“Ground control to space freak, ground control to space freak… I think we have a problem.

Were you hoping I’d forgotten about you Omega? That after the two times, I put you to sleep, I’d think you a foregone conclusion?

Please, what sort of hunter would I be if I let my guard down?

I meant what I said to Bobby - you’re dangerous.

Hell your whole life you’ve gone around fighting aliens and whatnot, I’m sure you’ve got a billion different ways in your computer chip brain or something to kill me.

You’re DEADLY.

But with all the deadliness you boast… You’re a little bit of wasted potential, aren’t you?

There’s so much you COULD bring to the table but you just… Don’t?

Too busy killing extraterrestrials to actually be a true hunter, a true predator here?

What’s wrong Omega - lack a lil conviction?



Maybe Bourbon should’ve offered YOU that guidance - you sure could use some.

One piece of advice - don’t look past me.

Don’t look ahead to Corey.

Sure as hell don’t think BOBBY of all people is the guy to beat here.

Sure he might be the guy to take the pin - if he’s feeling up to it I could definitely see him just lying down in the middle of the ring in some profound tantrum.

He’s proven to be self-defeating after all.

But you - Omega.

Look at me.

Stop staring out blankly into the galaxies and look at the SUPERNOVA right before you.

… I hope I used that right, don’t want Neil Degrasse Tyson up in my business.

Twice you’ve fallen to me, and it’d be a damn shame if it was YOUR shoulders that I hold down to the mat again this Saturday.

If you can do one thing - at least get out of my way and try not to get pinned again. 
Please, for the sake of your potentially promising career.

Thrice within the course of… Almost as many months? Is really too much.

Next piece of advice? If you’re not gonna listen to what I said last week and head back to the tag divisions (where you might have some success until I decide to head there), then drop your partner brother.

If you keep relying on a hot tag and a lil breathing space on the ring apron - you’re never going to make it in this business.

Take THAT leap of faith Omega.

If you’re ready that is.

Drop your unnecessary partners and BET ON YOURSELF.

That’s what faith is right?

But while you and Bourbon place your faith in possibles and maybes…

Your leaps of faith - risky and dangerous.

My faith is grounded in MY determination.

My faith is grounded in MY ruthlessness.

My leap of faith is guaranteed.

I am Isaiah King.

I am the Kingslayer.

Your head, Omega, isn’t the one I want - but it sure will fall just like the rest.”
