X-treme Wrestling Federation
Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Printable Version

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Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Paul Heyman - 07-15-2013

JIM ROSS: “Right now, we turn it over to Jason Daniels to announce our guest ring announcer for this big time main event.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “It feels like Starrcade! Or Nitro!”

JASON DANIELS: “Ladies and gentlemen, introducing at this time, the special guest ring announcer for tonights main event...”

The WCW Monday Nitro theme plays.


JIM ROSS: “Michael Buffer, on his way to the ring to a chant of Nitro sucks!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Classics never die, JR!”

MICHAEL BUFFER: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the MAIIIIIN EVENNNNT OF THE EEEVENINNNG!”

The crowd cheers.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “Are you ready!?”

The crowd cheers.


The crowd cheers louder.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “Then, for the thousands in attendance, and the millions...”



"The Lone Horseman" blares over the speakers as Sid Feder walks out steadily, wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding up his trademark 3 fingers. He simply proceeds all the way to the ring without even acknowledging any of the fans.

JIM ROSS: “Sid Feder, made his return to the ring earlier tonight in impressive fashion!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He definitely has some unfinished business to tend to tonight!”

JIM ROSS: “He's been embroiled in a bitter feud with John Madison for the better part of a year!”

The stadium lights fall dark for several seconds. Finally, the X-Tron bursts into flames as well as the top of the stadium. The flames continue to burn in the darkness.

“Gods Gonna Cut You Down” by Johnny Cash plays as dozens of torch bearers line the long entrance way toward the ring. In the darkness, Sebastian Duke makes his entrance. He walks slowly and methodically toward the ring. As he enters the ring, the music fades out and the lights fade on.

JIM ROSS: “Sebastian Duke, the special enforcer for this match also has some unfinished business with John Madison.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “That day will come and I can't wait to see these matches that are just out there waiting for us to see! John Madison versus Sid Feder and John Madison versus Sebastian Duke are matches everyone wants to see, JR!”

“Nugget” by Cake plays. Stepping through the curtains precisely when the first verse starts, Luca strolls down the ramp with an extremely cocky grin on his face. He grabs a microphone from ringside and sings the chorus to the crowd. Expecting boos, all he receives is cheers.

Luca goes to enter the ring and realizes that two enemies stand in the ring staring at him. He decides to stay on the floor.

“Wish” by Nine Inch Nails plays.

John Madison emerges from backstage and Sebastian Duke immediately rips off his cape and tosses it to the ring mat as he jumps out of the ring. Madison pays him no attention as Duke sprints up the entrance ramp. As Duke nears Madison, security swarms Duke and stops him from getting his hands on Madison.

Madison cockily laughs at Duke as he walks by and proceeds toward the ring. The Messenger appears from backstage to calm his Leader. Duke then also re-enters the ring.

Once in the ring, Madison hangs his cattle prod on the ring post.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “This bout... is a 60 minute... Iron KINNNNG MAAATCH! He who has the most victories over the other after 60 minutes, will be the winner. It is for the KING OF THE XWF CRRRRROWWN!

“Introducing first at this time, wearing the black and white stripes, the special guest referee, he is THREE TIMES BETTERRRRR, SID FEEEEEDERRRRRRRRRRR!

“Introducing the special guest enforcer. He is the Angel of Darkness, SEBASTIAAAAAN DUUUUUKE!

“Now for the competitors. First, the challenger. He hails from Los Angeles, California. He stands 6 foot 1 inch tall and weighs in tonight at 2 hundred 13 pooounds. He is the master of the Get Away Driverrrrr, representing the Black Circle... Ladies and gentlemen.... LUCA ARRRRZEEEGOTTTTTTIIIIIII!”


MICHAEL BUFFER: “His opponent. He stands 6 foot 1 inch tall and weighs in tonight at 2 hundred 23 pouuunds. He is the master of the Rebellionnnn, also representing the Black Circle.... Ladies and gentlemen... He is the current undisputed KIINNNNG OF THE XTRRRREME WRESTLING FEDERATIOOOON, JOHN MAAAAADISOOOOOON!”

JIM ROSS: “This is an odd crowd tonight! Cheering crap like Luca and Madison!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “They dare to be different, JR!”

JIM ROSS: “I think Pittsburgh turned heel on us!”

King of the XWF
John Madison
- vs -
Luca Arzegotti
60 Minute Iron King Match

The bell rings and immediately, the clock starts running. Duke hesitantly exits the ring and Feder steals the crown off of Madisons head while he was talking to Luca. Off the distraction, Luca immediately rolls John up from behind.



Madison kicks out and gets back to his feet. Luca holds his hands up as if to say “what do you want me to do?” John nods his head in agreement and extends his hand. Luca grasps his hand and they shake. Madison pulls Luca into a nice brotherly embrace. After, Madison raises both of their hands high into the air as the crowd cheers loudly.

Luca and John separate and circle each other over and over and over and over again until Sid conveniently sticks his foot out and trips Luca, sending him to the mat. Sid laughs heartily as John and Luca both bitch at him.

John helps Luca back to his feet and they lock horns in the middle of the ring. John locks in a weak looking side headlock and then takes Luca down slowly. While in the midst of the headlock, Lucas shoulders are pinned to the mat. Sid makes the count.






Madison gets to his feet and acts like he's wiping sweat off of his forehead. Suddenly...

Paul Heymans theme plays as he makes his way to the stage with a microphone in hand.

PAUL HEYMAN: “John Madison, I warned you Monday night! I warned you that if the two of you tried to make a mockery of this main event that you would be stripped of that crown!

“I really don't want to have to do that, but if you test my patience like that again, I will do it!


PAUL HEYMAN: “I'm not prepared to do that just yet. However, I am going to make a change.

“Sebastian Duke! You want to get your hands on Madison and Arzegotti? If they exit that ring... If they so much as fart in your direction, you have my permission to do whatever you want to them! You oficially have free reign!

“Sid Feder! Here's what I want you to do.

“Your going to enforce... Heymans Law.... What that means is, you call this match however you see fit! If you see a pin attempt that you feel is legitimate, go ahead and call it.

The crowd cheers.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ohhhh, but I'm not done. No... See....

“Sid, you see that cattle prod hanging from the ring post?”

Sid points.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Yes, that one. That is your tool. If you see a pin or a hold that looks.... well..... you know the word.... You have my expressed permission to use that in any way you see fit!

“Oh, and one more thing...

“John if you think you can walk out of here with a draw... think again. What I mean is, if we have a tie score after 60 minutes. We go to sudden death!

“There will be an undeniable winner!”

Sid smiles as he grabs the prod. Madison and Arzegotti look at each other with a worried look. Heyman quietly exits.

Sid points the prod at Madison and starts zapping at him. Madison quickly cowers in the corner.


As Madison sat in the corner, Duke came over and jacked his jaw one time. Luca takes exception to the cheap shot from Duke to Madison. Luca charges across the ring and dives over the top rope onto Sebastian Duke. Duke catches the much smaller man in mid-air and tosses him up on his shoulders.

Duke turns, runs forward and tosses Luca head first into the ring post!

JIM ROSS: “By God! Duke just tossed Luca like a lawn dart!”


JIM ROSS: “Lawn dart.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Aren't those illegal?”

JIM ROSS: “Not in my day, son.”



Duke rolls Luca back into the ring. Madison slowly lifts Luca to his feet and turns around and levels Sid Feder with a stiff clothesline and the cattle prod falls to the mat. Madison picks up the prod and is ready to zap the living shit out of Sid Feder.

Feder backpedals on his ass toward the corner now. Madison closes in when Duke reaches in and grabs a hold of Madisons leg and starts dragging him out of the ring.

Feder just laughs it off and turns to the camera.

SID FEDER: “John Madison just got himself disqualified! We're tied at 1!”



Sid Feder now regains possession of the prod as Madison kicks and kicks and finally frees himself from Dukes grasp. Madison gets back to his feet and Luca hangs around in the corner, still shaking off the collision with the ring post from earlier.

Madison again takes Luca down with a weak looking side headlock. Luca is actually tapping out and all Sid Feder says is ”BULLsCENSORED!”

Feder tries to zap Madison, but John quickly releases the hold. Madison gets to his feet and so does Luca. The two men lock horns and it actually looks like they're trying this time. They break the collar elbow tie up and John bumps into Sid who signals for the bell which gets Johns attention. Sid points at the X-Tron.



John and Luca begin whispering to each other in the corner. The two men charge out of the corner and take down an unsuspecting Sid Feder. The duo begins stomping away on Feder as he tries to retreat to a corner. Madison and Luca take the fight to the corner. They continue to beat down Sid Feder.

Luca backpedals out of the corner and is stopped when he backs right into Sebastian Duke. Arzegotti turns around slowly and Duke goes to town. He hits Luca with right hand after right hand, each time connecting with Arzegottis head.

Duke has Luca trapped in a corner as he continues to pound away on him.

Meanwhile, in the other corner, John Madison continues to beat on Sid Feder, completely unaware of Dukes presence in the ring.

Duke brings Luca out of the corner then tosses him toward the ropes. On the rebound, Duke drops Arzegotti with a huge big bot to the face. Duke turns toward John Madison. Still unaware that Duke is there. Duke closes in. He's just a few feet away when Madison finally turns around.

Madison stops in his tracks and falls on his ass. Madison scurries away on his hands and knees toward the ropes.

JIM ROSS: “Your King of the XWF is running like a scolded dog!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Where do you come up with this stuff!?”

Madison reaches the ropes just as Duke grabs his left leg. Madison is hanging on to the apron for dear life as Duke tugs on Madison. John loses his grip and the picture of Madison screaming as he's being dragged by Duke leaves many of the fans facing him in the front row laughing hysterically.

Duke grabs Madison by his hair and rips him to his feet. Duke has his hands gripped firmly around Madison throat. Duke goes to lift then stops suddenly and doubles over, still with his hand around Johns throat. It become clear that Luca Arzegotti just low blowed Duke from behind.

Madison breaks Dukes grip and plants him with a hard DDT. Luca rolls Duke over and sits on his chest as he nails him with right fist after right fist in the side of the head.

Sid Feder is starting to get back to his feet and Madison notices. He points it out to Luca and he and Luca roll Duke out of the ring. Luca falls to the mat and Madison goes for the cover.

Seconds later...


Feder just zapped John with the prod and Madison quickly flies off of Luca. Luca is quick to his feet and before his can do anything about it, Sid is kicked in the groin by Arzegotti. Sid has no choice but to call for the bell.



Duke rolls back into the ring as Madison is getting to his feet...


Duke has Madison by the throat. Arzegotti turns to see it and charges toward Duke. Duke lifts his big leg but Luca stops dead in his tracks and falls to the mat before running into Dukes boot. Duke lifts and plants Madison with a chokeslam.

Luca gets back to his feet and charges after Duke...


Duke has Luca by the throat. He lifts and plants Arzegotti right on Madisons chest with a chokeslam! Feder with the count.






With order momentarily restored, Sebastian Duke returns to ringside. In the ring, John pushes Luca off of him and rolls over to his hands and knees. He looks over at Duke then up at Feder. Feder points at the X-Tron smiling.

Madison sits on his knees covering his head as he realizes he's yet again down by one point. Realizing Luca hasn't moved, it becomes clear to Madison that he needs to make a pinfall. He rolls Luca over and hooks the leg.





He just pulled Madison out of the ring before the three count!

Madison leaps off the floor and darts back into the ring before Duke can do anything. Meanwhile, Luca Arzegotti has made it back to his feet. Madison get to his feet and looks at the time clock. Knowing time is ticking and he has to win legitimately, without even thinking, he lands a vicious slap across the face of Luca Arzegotti. Luca staggers backward then stares at Madison.

Luca charges and tackles Madison and begins pounding away on his face. Madison wiggles free and back himself into the corner and signals time out. Luca doesn't care as he follows Madison into the corner and continues pounding away on him.

Luca brings Madison out of the corner and tosses him toward the ropes. Madison reverses and Luca goes running toward the ropes. On the rebound, Luca ducks a Madison clothesline and bounces off the far side. On that rebound, Luca leaps into the air and slams Madison to the mat with a cross body and a hook of the leg.

Sid counts.



Madison kicks out of the fast count!

Luca lifts Madison to his feet and tosses him into the corner. Luca charges in after him and nails him with a clothesline and follows it up with a bulldog driving Madison head into the mat. Luca hooks the leg as Sid goes for the count.




Luca shows signs of frustrations as he lifts Madison back to his feet. Luca sets him up for a suplex, but Madison reverses it and sends Luca down hard and dives on top of him for the cover.


SID FEDER: “Oh fCENSORED it! I'm not counting right now!”

Madison begins pleading with Sid to count and Feder laughs at him. Madison decides to just go back to work. John drags Luca toward the ropes and jumps to the outside. Madison pulls up the padding on the floor revealing the manufactured wooden surface. Madison pulls Luca out of the ring so his head hangs off the apron. John grabs Lucas head and pulls him the rest of the way out of the ring and delivers a diamond cutter on the wooden floor.

At that moment, Duke nears Madison and John darts back into the ring. Duke reaches under the ring and pulls out an Asmodeus cane and eyeballs Luca on the floor as Feder starts a ten count.


Duke nears Luca and reaches for him.


Madison realizes whats about to happen.


Madison nears the ropes and starts yelling at Duke, which grabs Dukes attention.


Duke leaves Luca lying on the floor and enters the ring.


Madison starts ducking and dodging trying to avoid any shot from Duke.


Duke swings with the cane at Johns head.


And misses.


He swings again.


He misses again


Duke hears the bell and remembered Luca. He exits the ring to toss the young heir apparent into the ring.



The fans burst out into a hug pop. The ladies start creaming in their pants.

Coming down the aisle...

Is Peter fucking Gilmour.

Duke meets him in the aisle and stops him. Duke holds the steel handle of the cane against Gilmours throat. Gilmour says something to Duke that the cameras don't quite catch. Duke steps back then hands the cane to Gilmour to another loud pop from the crowd.

Gilmour charges into the ring with the cane and John Madison hits his knees and begs for Gilmour to hit him. After all, if Gilmour hits Madison, Madison gets a DQ win and takes the lead.

Gilmour measures up as the crowd urges him on. Gilmour swings...


Gilmour busts the cane over the head of LUCA ARZEGOTTI!



Madison starts screaming in anger and fear as he looks up at the X-Tron and realizes he's down by one again and only just over 6 minutes left. Gilmour leaves as the crowd continues to roar its approval. Madison does the only thing he can right now and makes the cover. Sid reluctantly goes for the count.






Madison helps Luca to his feet and then plants him with the Rebellion! He hooks the leg and he's immediately pulled out of the ring by Duke. Duke doesn't hit him, but Madison starts throwing a temper tantrum in frustration.

Madison storms back into the ring and gets in Sid Feders face. Sid laughs very much out loud right back in Madisons face. Feder points at the X-Tron and Madison looks at the score and the time continuing to tick away. Madison stomps back toward Luca and lifts him back to his feet.

He puts him in position for another Rebellion, but Luca is ready for it. He changes it up and ends up planting Madison with the Rebellion instead! Luca hooks the leg. Sid counts.




Luca is rushed with adrenaline as he wins the fall. Suddenly, Sid waves off the fall pointing out to Luca that John put his foot on the ropes.



Luca lifts Madison to his feet and tosses him hard into the corner. Luca charges in after him, but Madison side steps him at the last second and Luca crashes chest first. Madison rolls him up from behind and far out of reach of Duke. Unbeknownst to Feder, Madison has his feet on the ropes as he counts.






Madison begins celebrating as if he's already won the match. Luca tries explaining to Sid that Johns feet were on the ropes. Madison continues to celebrate. Luca nails Madison from behind with a lariat. John hits the mat hard with his neck whiplashing.

The fans are counting down, getting louder and louder as we're in the final minute.

Luca lifts Madison to his feet then plants him with the Get Away Driver! Luca goes for the cover to tie it up!








JIM ROSS: “By God! The son of a bitch pulled it off!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Security has hit the ring before anything could happen!”

JIM ROSS: “These four men have had a long night and I'm sure Heyman is pulling whats left of his skullett out!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “What the hell is a skullett?”

JIM ROSS: “A skull mullett.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “What a night, JR!”

JIM ROSS: “We've had new champions crowned all night long! John Madison is still the reigning tyrant!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “What's next for the XWF!?”

JIM ROSS: “We'll have to wait and see this week on Warfare!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “You know what it's time for, JR?”

JIM ROSS: “What?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Fade to Black!”

Metallica plays “Fade to Black” --LIVE! As Leap of Faith fades out.

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Unknown Soldier - 07-15-2013

OOC: You guys both kicked ass this week. Congrats to Madison for retaining.

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

Missed my predictions be one! Damn you Satty! Oh yeah, I was also so close! Congrats Maddy!

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-15-2013

FUCK! I wanted both to get killled by Duke and Sid. oh well

ooc: Good match guys

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 07-15-2013

After the match, John Madison crawls over to Luca Arzegotti, grabs him by the wrist and forces his hand above his head! Madison then pulls Luca in with a hug.

"We did it Lucason, we overcame the odds tonight."

John Madison snatches the King of the XWF crown out of Paul Heyman's hands and places it on Luca's head.

"Lucason, tonight you were the king... of the XWF.


and Peter Gilmour is still fat!"

RE: Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - 07-15-2013

(07-15-2013, 11:22 PM)Mr. Madison Said: After the match, John Madison crawls over to Luca Arzegotti, grabs him by the wrist and forces his hand above his head! Madison then pulls Luca in with a hug.

"We did it Lucason, we overcame the odds tonight."

John Madison snatches the King of the XWF crown out of Paul Heyman's hands and places it on Luca's head.

"Lucason, tonight you were the king... of the XWF.


and Peter Gilmour is still fat!"

And... Smelly.

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Ricky Desmond - 07-16-2013

Congratulations guys. One hell of a match and you both worked soooo hard.

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - 07-16-2013

Oh and I'm sorry King Madison that you did not get the celebration you deserved but unfortunately somebody stole mine and Dong's buckets!!!

RE: Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-16-2013

(07-15-2013, 11:22 PM)Mr. Madison Said: After the match, John Madison crawls over to Luca Arzegotti, grabs him by the wrist and forces his hand above his head! Madison then pulls Luca in with a hug.

"We did it Lucason, we overcame the odds tonight."

John Madison snatches the King of the XWF crown out of Paul Heyman's hands and places it on Luca's head.

"Lucason, tonight you were the king... of the XWF.


and Peter Gilmour is still fat!"

Peter: yet you both still suck and Johnny.. i aint done with u yet pal.. u will face the King of Xtreme, the KING of Wrestling real soon and if u back out, I'll take your entire family and kill them one by one until I get my match.. then if you still dont accept, ill kill tyrone, Shane and your lover LUCA..


Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-16-2013

"He isn't ducking you, you just don't deserve a shot. Fuck, you can keep going on and on and on and on about how you were cheated, and I can remember is that I ELIMINATED you from the Chamber match. That very same match that I went on to WIN while you were the second man to lose. Learn to everything, Gilmour. Because if I suck as much as you claim I do, than you're a million leagues worse.

You see?

Everything's better you some FUCKING LOGIC every once in a while."

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-16-2013

how am I not derserving Luca when I went to the FINALS of the Lethal Lottery tournament. Won the Tag Titles BY MYSELF! Won the Trios Titles! I've done way better then when I was originally here and when I came back here. So don't give me that bullshit that I don't deserve a shot at the crown. I may not be the best Rp'er here but I give it my all each and every fuckin' week!

I will get my shot Luca.. even if I have to go through YOU to get there!

RE: Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-16-2013

(07-16-2013, 04:29 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I may not be the best Rp'er here but I give it my all each and every fuckin' week!

OOC: Yes, this is an OOC thread, however the red text was an indication of an IC comment. I was in no way trying to say that in any OOC context. Unless this too was IC, in which case, what?

IC: "Go back to playing D&D with Heironeous, this is WRESTLING. Not whatever the fuck you do in your free time. In fact, your utter stupidity retcons all of your accomplishments. Also, keep latching onto the successes of others. That's cool."

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Sebastian Duke - 07-16-2013

OOC: Pete, I believe he was in character. Relax buddy. All fun and games.

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-16-2013

I know Duke but I've worked hard to get to where I am.. I apologize to Luca if it seemed way too IC/OOC

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Sebastian Duke - 07-16-2013

OOC: We all know you Pete. We all respect you. We're not the 'old guard.' Those days are over.

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-16-2013

yeah i had an argument with a few ppl who USED to be here and work in that OTHER fed.. I won Tongue

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Sebastian Duke - 07-16-2013

key part of that phrase USED to be here... This place is much better now

Lucky 13: Leap of Faith: King of the XWF - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-16-2013

well said Duke!