X-treme Wrestling Federation

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+--- Thread: THE WORLD, ACCORDING TO SID (/showthread.php?tid=46483)


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The meteoric rise of Sidney Grey to the top of the XWF was arguably unparalleled; Anarchy Champion, King of the XWF, and Universal Champion all within four months of signing with the company.  She came from out of nowhere to capture gold and titles that some athletes went their entire career without coming close to even competing for.  She was at the upper echelon of the company…or, at least she should have been.  The only thing more unparalleled than her rise, was the rapid nature of her fall.  Sid had put her trust in Gina Van Zyl, someone she thought was a friend, only to have them turn the tables on her and erase nearly all of what she had gained.  Within the span of a month all of her championships were gone and she was drinking more heavily now than she had ever done in recent memory. 

Now it was back to Anarchy, where it all started.  Sid had always made it clear that she was on a mission to regain the title she never should have lost at March Madness.  The only question was if Sid was in any condition to even be on the roster.

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Sidney Grey stared at the aging doctor, with a manic shock of white hair and an unkempt salt and pepper beard from behind darkened shades as the man flipped through her chart.  He grunted under his breath and flipped through several more pages, paused…then grunted again as he flipped back and continued on. 

Sid let out an exasperated sigh and checked her watch.  “Are you going to be much longer?  Happy hour is going to be over soon.”

Doctor Melvin Ford, who had been a qualifying physician with the XWF for many years put down Sid’s file and fixed her with his gaze.  “Happy hour?  Tell me Ms. Grey, how many drinks do you have a day?”

Sid snorted.  “It depends on how many they serve!”  She laughed out loud, but it trailed off when Dr. Ford only grunted and made a few notes in her file.  Sid sat forward; her brow furrowed deeply behind her shades.  “What is it you’re writing there?  I was just making a joke!”

The doctor clasped his hands and looked back up at her.  “Ms. Grey, the XWF may be into extremes when it comes to in-ring performance, but your recent antics outside of it have called into question your fitness to continue to represent them as talent.”

“I thought this was a physical, not an intervention?!”  Sid said through bared teeth as she pointed at her chart.  “Anarchy Champion, King of the XWF, Universal Champion, War Games Captain! How’s that for talent?  Maybe I have a few drinks in my off-time, but that’s my business!”

“Well…” He said, “…were you off when you attended May Day?”

Sid rolled her eyes.  “I didn’t wrestle.”

He glanced down at his file. “No, you actually confronted Theo Pryce about not being a captain.  It was reported that there was a strong smell of alcohol on your person that night.”

“I WASN’T WRESTLING!” Sid yelled.

Dr. Ford grunted as he made a few more notes.  “How about the press conference you had just before War Games when you…” he paused to review his notes.  “…fell off the stage into the crowd, then vomited into the lap of a man in the front row?”

Sid gave a dismissive waive. “Do you know that some men pay good money for that? Ask Roxy Cotton!”

Dr. Ford closed her file.  “Ms. Grey, I am going to recommend that you attend regular counseling sessions to deal with this substance abuse issue.”

“YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” Sid screamed.

“I can, and I have.” He replied.  “Look, I know that you don’t think you have a problem, but you do.  You will be required to attend 12 sessions, after which time you will see me again for re-evaluation.  If I am not satisfied with your progress…you will be subject to termination.”

The scene faded as Sid could only stare in shock.

[Image: m7SKVeZ.gif]

At long last, the Champion who made Anarchy relevant returns to take back what never should have been lost…but surprise, surprise…it comes with a caveat.  Someone thinks that perhaps I might have a little too much to drink from time to time, so now my career is on the line.

I wonder who would go out of their way report what I do outside the ring to management?  I don’t know…could it be that shitty reality star knock-off Chelsea LeClair? I mean, why not?!  She came to Anarchy doing her best to get some shine off my name while doing the lamest imitation of ME ever!  If I was a quarter as bad as LeClair, you wouldn’t have to fire me, I’d light myself on fire and walk into fucking traffic!

Then again, maybe it’s Centurion.  Remember him? The guy I drafted as my #1 choice for War Games…just to show him who really holds the keys to his destiny…just like I did to his girlfriend!  Of course, why wouldn’t it be him?  All he does is talk about being a legend…while he bitches and complains about actual legends…like ME!

It’s fine…it doesn’t matter.  I’ll beat this stupid probation the same way I’ll beat LeClair and Centurion on my return to the show that I made famous!  Since LeClair wants to imitate me so badly, I will give her an up-close look at just how fabulous I am while I’m beating the daylights out of Centurion…not unlike I did to his girlfriend.  Then, after I’m done beating him so badly that I’m charged with elder abuse, I’ll turn my attention to that snot-nosed brat and I’ll make her pay for every cross word about me that she’s ever let dribble from her lips!

Thursday night, The King of the XWF comes back home to take the first step to reclaiming MY title.  Centurion and LeClair get to become my steppingstones!

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