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The Mortality Solution, part 1 - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: Warfare Boards (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=6) +--- Forum: Warfare RP Board (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: The Mortality Solution, part 1 (/showthread.php?tid=46478) |
The Mortality Solution, part 1 - Corey Smith - 06-20-2023 Two Days After War Games Coreytopia, Florida An anxious gnawing in his guts threatened to cause Corey to introduce his lunch from earlier all over the backseat of his Uber. A fact the driver certainly wouldn’t have appreciated, even now as he continued to shoot Corey curious looks. Corey’s mood must have been that obvious. And it was strange really. Happiness should have been his predominant emotion. Corey was proud of his performance at War Games. Though he hadn’t won, he had proven he belonged back in the main event of the XWF despite his retirement. But, much more than that, the djinn that he and his squad had procured had allowed him to wish his friend Joachim Bright back to life. It was the latter fact that was counterintuitively causing him such consternation. After all, Joachim’s death was, in part, his fault. It had been a byproduct of he and Lux’s war with Madison Dyson. Dyson having gifted Unknown Soldier the opportunity to murder Joachim ahead of Lux’s own Universal title match against the Satan worshipping fiend. The same fiend who had been on the squad that helped him recover the djinn that would undo the murder he committed in the first place. Ah, the strange wondrous beats of this thing called life. Corey’s vision focused as he extricated himself from his imaginings, and he saw the tell tale off ramp sign that meant he was close to his home. He knew he had to steel himself for whatever his reunion with Joachim might bring. And as he waited to arrive, he remained a silent passenger, watching the gentle pitter patter of a newly birthed rain storm against the window. It wasn’t long until he was rolling up the circular drive leading to the front door. As usual, a cadre of Coreytopia’s residents was there to welcome him home. Some with signs, some just happy to see him. Corey knew he had to give them a smile, and he did so as he stepped out of the car, shooting the driver a cursory parting wave. His friends rushed him despite the steady rain, chattering and welcoming his return. Joachim was not amongst them. It’s good to see you all again. Corey enthused. But, has anyone seen Joachim? Ellen, one of Coreytopia’s most tenured residents, pointed towards the second floor of the manse. We set him up with a bedroom. But hey…she continued, lowering her tone a bit so the others couldn’t hear…you never told me who he was. But what was there to tell? That he was the reanimated soul of a boy who had not deserved to die? That he was The Engineer’s son? There was so much there to parse. Too much. So Corey had kept his explanation of the boy’s arrival terse and to the point. He’s an old friend, Ellen. Thank you for helping him. Corey spent the next hour being greeted by the residents. He shared stories of the battles he fought at War Games and genuinely tried to be as good natured as possible. But somewhere in his home Joachim Bright remained an X factor he was eager to see again. When Corey was finally able to extricate himself, he asecnded to the second floor, and the bedroom Ellen had pointed out earlier. Why hadn’t come to see me? Is he upset with me? Does he blame me for what happened to him? The questions were a teeming morass of anxiety for Corey as he approached the room. Reaching the door, he breathed in a deep cavernous breath, and went to open it. But Joachim got there first. ![]() Corey… Joachim spoke softly, and before Corey could remit a response he had enveloped Corey in a silent hug. Corey returned it, allowing the silence to proliferate. They stood there for what seemed like an age before Joachim finally broke with the embrace and stepped back into the room. All the while, Joachim’s expression had been inscrutible. He too looked like he was struggling to process the profundity of the moment. Corey decided to start small. Did Ellen buy you those clothes like I asked? Joachim, distracted, took a moment to settle on an answer. Oh…uh…yeah. They fit…well. Good. Good. I really needed them. Joachim allowed himself a small but brilliant smile. When I came to outside I was buck ass naked. Corey had not been aware of this. You were? Jesus. If I had known I would have incorporated clothes into the wish. Then, with some inner sarcasm; you know Jo. The magic wish that brought you back to life. What the fuck is my existance? It’s okay. It was a little embarrassing but I’ll live. Joachim’s voice petered out on the word “live”. An awkwardness that hung in the air for a moment before Corey recovered the train of thought. So…how ARE you? A pause. Really. I’m…fine. But Corey certainly didn’t need a lie detector to get to the truth, or lack thereof, of that statement. Look man, you’ve been through a lot. It’s okay if you need to talk or feel some kind of way or… I didn’t go to Heaven. Joachim blurted out, almost like a tic. You…huh? I didn’t go to Heaven, Corey. I…he shuts down for a moment, brow furrowing painfully. I don’t know where I was but I don’t remember. It’s like…you know how you can’t remember before you were born? It’s just nothing, right? Well that’s what this was like for me. Just nothing. Just Unknown Soldier stabbing me in the chest and then me waking up naked in your front yard. Corey it’s nuts…it’s crazy. And I can’t stop thinking about it, why I didn’t go to Heaven? Why… Joachim sat on the bed, suddenly struggling to breathe. Corey I can’t…I can’t… Corey sat next to him, wrapping a consoling arm around Jochim’s shoulders. It’s okay! It’s okay. Just take your time and breathe, man. After a few moments, Joachim’s panicked sucking breaths evened out. He laid down and rolled onto his side, facing the window and the falling rain just outside it. Corey, I’m scared to die again. Corey sighed. I think we’re all scared to die, Jo. It’s normal. Yeah, but not everyone has already died once. I know what it’s like. I don’t want to touch that void again. Corey sat in silence, unsure how to remotely proceed to respond to that. Just try to get some rest ‘Jo. Okay? I’ll bring you up some dinner in… And that’s when Corey spotted Duncan Light standing in the doorway. Corey’s eyes went wide, and he mouthed the words “NOT NOW” at the other. Duncan canted his head like a puppy dog, looking confused. Corey stabbed his finger at him for emphasis and again repeated “NOT NOW”. Is everything okay? Corey gulped. Yeah bud. Everything’s fine. He patted Joachim on the shoulder. Just rest up, okay. I’ll be back soon. With that, Corey lifted himself off the bed and hurried into the hall, gesturing for Duncan to follow him. So is that my kid?! No! That’s Dexter Bright’s child. Who the fuck is Dexter Bright? The person you look like. Well, you better tell him to stay away from my kid! Corey wheeled on Duncan. Enough! Surprised, Duncan stopped short in his tracks. Corey looked over Duncan’s shoulder to make sure Joachim hadn’t appeared in the doorway before continuing. When did you get here? Just now. So you haven’t had any contact with that boy? No. Good. It needs to stay that way. He’s traumatized beyond belief and the last thing he needs is to see the face of his dead father to further muddy the waters. But you said I’m not his dad. Corey, exasperated, pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. You’re not. You just look exactly like him. Well fuh-hyuk me! So I’m just supposed to stay out of this?! That’s exactly what you’re gonna do until I figure out just who the hell you are exactly. Duncan tosses his arms up incredulously. I’m Duncan Light, duh! But who the hell is Duncan Light?! Corey replied emphatically. It was the million dollar question. Who was this mystery man who bore such a striking resemblance to the XWF Hall of Famer, the man Corey and Lux had such a complicated history with? What were his origins? And more importantly, his true motivations? Fine. Whatever Corey, I’ll leave the kid alone. Good. Dinner should be ready soon. You’re welcome to stay provided you don’t cause any trouble. Me? Cause trouble? Pshaw! A Little Later…. The shot transitions from the interior of Coreytopia to…a shark tank?! ![]() Kido, the blood in the water is so thick I can’t see my hand in front of my face. Oh, and incidentally…Corey runs his hands up and down his body like he’s looking for wounds. ….not my blood. But let me take a step back, Kido. Let me take a step back! You’re an honest guy so I think you’ll answer this question honestly. Do you, the XWF Universal champion, feel that your performance in recent weeks has been befitting of the title you hold? Answer. The Damn.
Because if we’re being honest and aboveboard here, as I know you are, there is only one real correct answer. No. Of course not. Let’s run down the list.First off, there was the embarrassment of you sitting there with the big gold belt waiting like an hour or so to be drafted. First pick, second pick, third pick…hell, where’s Raion? Getting selected like a mid carder. That’s where he is. And granted, it’s not like there’s much you could have done about that. But seeing that array of captains, all of whom are industry veterans and all of whom were championship grade, pass you up again and again and again…welllllll, that kinda says something right there. Like maybe, with all that combined experience, they KNEW something. Like maybe they SAW something the rest of us didnt see. And, well, to you six War Games captain I bestow upon ya’all the title of Kreskins of the XWF because hot damn did you call it! Not only did Raion fail to make it to the finals, but he got pinned by that angry walking hemorrhoid himself Noah Jackson. Noah fucking Jackson. And you just know that Kido has been going around cooking up excuses about how he was softened up before Noah scored the dubya on him. Too bad Kido’s forgotten one thing. He’s supposed to be Universal Champion material. So yeah, maybe those excuses would have worked if we were talking about someone who doesn’t have the big gold belt, maybe if we were talking about someone who doesn’t prattle on and on and ON about his indomitable fighting spirit. But we’re talking about Raion Kido and the bottle of bullshit he cracks open whenever he makes excuse after excuse for why he couldn’t get the job done at War Games. Ya bargain basement Uni Chump. Just behind Corey, we start to see some chum being dropped into the tank. It leaves trails of blood as the sharks train their black eyes on it and head in for their meal. But the pain train doesn’t end there. Because lets rewind back to the last episode of Warfare, shall we? Where Kido squared off against a man who himself didn’t fare too well at War Games, a wet behind the ears bonafide mid card greenie named Isaiah King. This should have been a Ned Kaye/Mastermind sitch, a little post PPV dust up pick me up to regain some momentum. Oh, except it wasn’t. Because Isaiah fucking King beat YOUR Universal Champion clean in the middle of the ring. Corey shakes his head and looks incredulous. Meanwhile, the sharks behind him have started tearing into their dinners. Symbolism much? Oh yeah. So lets check the scorecard, eh? Raion Kido has been pinned by two serial mid carders after failing to make the finals at War Games. A War Games where he was, RIGHTLY, chosen as an afterthought. Corey points at the tank behind him. Blood. Water. YOU. And hey man, it’s not like I don’t have some respect for you. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re a decent guy. A little heavy on the ego but heh, we can say that for yours truly as well. But Raion, it’s crystal clear that this go round with the top belt, your heart is just not into it. Not like the first time. You’re fucking up. You’re getting beaten by people who should have been mere footnotes in your legend. And you just plain haven’t been a very dominating Universal Champion. Enter Corey Smith. The same Corey Smith who sees which way the crimson tide is turning. Who sees the man at the “top” of the food chain chumming out with each successive appearance. It’s my time Raion. My time. And the best part? There’s not a damn thing you can say or do to refute ANY of this. Because unlike most people in the XWF, I traffic in cold hard fact. These are FACTS I’m spittin’. No hyperbole here. No bloviation. You’ve just been that dogshit lately. So now what? We’re expected to believe Mr. Fighting Spirit is just gonna turn it all around? Naaaah. NAAAAAHHH. Because those setbacks, they’re weighing on you, homie. Don’t deny it. They’re an albatross about your neck. And come Warfare, the weight of that albatross becomes too much for even Raion Kido to handle. Corey looks back at the tank, which is now deep red with minced gore. Hey Dolly Wolly. Yeah, I know, I already built to that promo crescendo and you probably thought I forgot about you. But how could I? You’re one of my very best friends. But a question has been nagging at me for quite some time. You may be one of my very best friends…but am I still one of yours? Come ooooon. You know that I know. The changes. The attitude adjustment. That turn straight into carnival huckster territory. I mean sure, it makes for some spicy TV, but is it you? Really? God I hope so. For the purposes of this match at least! I love ya Dolly. Warts and all. But I can’t say I haven’t noticed the parallels at work here. I can’t say I haven’t noticed just how FITTING your presence is in this match. Because it turns out, Dolly Wolly, you’re just as much a lying huckster in your personal life as you are in your professional life. Why? Corey leans into the camera. You’re just pretending to be main event. You don’t belong here. You know who does? Noah Jackson. Isaiah King. Mark Flynn. All people who have a legitimate claim on being in this match. But you? You were thrown in for that ratings bump. You were thrown in for the dramz. “Oh, is Corey really gonna give Dolly the whole business? Does he have it in his heart?” Yes, Dolly, YES! You are in this match because *I* am in this match. No other reason. Ego? A touch of the narcissism maybe? I don’t think so. Because Dolly when is the last time you even TOUCHED a big time main event match? Much less a big time main event match that you actually won? And hey, maybe you’re asking the same of me. I was retired for a while. But you really, REALLY shouldn’t be. Because I had the match of my fucking LIFE at YOUR show, Dolly. May Day 2. Oh, you buried us at the bottom of the card but those legions of web crawling smart marks know what the real match of the night was. Corey and Alias. A marquee event that for some reason you refused to make marquee. Why? Jealousy maybe? Who knows! But the fact of the matter is I sat on my ass for the last year watching reruns of Judge Judy and still came back and beat a BONAFIDE WRESTLING GOD! So you tell me, Dolly….why YOU belong in this match? I got my credentials. Where are yours? I’ll give ya a minute to shuffle around and look for ‘em. You wanna hint? It’s the card with my face on it. Here’s the deal guys. I’ve never been Universal Champion. Not as me, myself, or I. In fact, the last time this body held that gold is the time of my life I am most ashamed of. So I’m here to rectify that. I’m here to be the champion that I and the entire XWF can be proud of. Raion it should have been you. But lately, you kinda, well….suck. A shark passes right next to the glass and scoops up a big piece of meat into its maw. This is my time. My time to rectify my past. My time to hold that big gold belt and finally be able to feel GOOD about it. And if you think either of you are going to stop me, friendship or not? Well… Corey looks back at the tank and then back at the camera. I think you need to reasses just how deep the waters that you're swimming in are. |