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Im back Bitches! - Printable Version

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Im back Bitches! - Mr. Radio - 07-15-2013

ahem...I'm back and next Monday I return in the ring. Thanks for listening! I will definitely be listening for opinions.

Im back Bitches! - John Austin - 07-15-2013

You're back??? I didn't notice you left ;)

Im back Bitches! - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

"Here's an opinion.

You suck.

Oh wait, that's a fact...

Too bad."

Im back Bitches! - Mr. Radio - 07-15-2013

The man of jokes himself! Always popping in to say hi to every one.

Im back Bitches! - Hunter Moore - 07-15-2013

Another heel is back......Great......Is there any faces left here?

Im back Bitches! - Mr. Radio - 07-15-2013

OOC: This is an in character forum stay in it! Or put ooc when you're saying something ooc!

Im back Bitches! - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

OOC: To swerve things back into the fun of IC shit talking.

"Faces? Heels? All I see are people who suck, and the Circle.

It's obvious which group you fall into."

Im back Bitches! - Mr. Radio - 07-15-2013

Say What you will Luca but you can't match up to my accolades, ever.

Im back Bitches! - Hunter Moore - 07-15-2013

OOC: Using the terms heel and face is in character. WWE/Impact have guys that use them so fuck you

Im back Bitches! - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

"But I can exceed your intelligence. That was directed to Mr. Moore mediocrity, not you. However, since you're so high and might with your accolades, here's a blow to the ego.

How does it feel knowing that the only thing people around these parts only know you for is being a bland copy of Mr. Satellite?

There, I said it."

Im back Bitches! - Hunter Moore - 07-15-2013

And Luca so far all i know is your a little cunt who isnt going to be the next king of XWF.

Im back Bitches! - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

"Where did you hear that from Moore?

Oh right, I've been saying for OVER a month now!

You really know when to make some key observations!

What's next?

Enlighten me with your immense, never ending knowledge.

I'm fucking waiting."

Im back Bitches! - Hunter Moore - 07-15-2013

Anything else you have to say luca can go straight back to that shit hole you call a mouth, iv got some shows to watch.

Im back Bitches! - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

"That's always fun, someone tries to merely defend themselves from a verbal onslaught and when they realize they've bitten off more than they can chew, they split out like the spineless coward they prove themselves to be. Not surprised that Heyman hired you."

Im back Bitches! - Hunter Moore - 07-15-2013

Lol look who is talking. Isn't that your thing? Making "Key observations". You'r insulting me about it but you do it all the time. Goodbye Luca im done here

Im back Bitches! - Hunter Moore - 07-15-2013

OOC: Got to watch DoubleDoubleE bye K fags

Im back Bitches! - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

"Chalk that one up, Eli! Get that paycheck! Put Moore's name down on the list of people who should get picked up by that Connection squad to make everyone else look legitimate. You know what Hunter? After having this little, very very one sided, exchange, I've come to the conclusion that you're just the best opponent for Mr. Radio!

Neither of you are worth a damn against anyone else.

Me? I'll just be in the main event of whatever show you two end up on, stealing a spot from John Austin or Nightmare or whoever the fuck else is the flavor of the month.

Being the only reason that you even get to wrestle a match.

Deal with it."

Im back Bitches! - Mr. Radio - 07-15-2013

Ooc: phones being stupid

Luca I don't copy anyone. My real name is Michael, happy? And the knowledge we learn in my time is way more superior to the knowledge you learn here so don't go on about being smarter. I'm smarter, better, and more skilled than most people here.

Im back Bitches! - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 07-15-2013

"Then why do you suck so much? Oh wait, let me guess, the skill sin your time are much more important than the ones you're using AT THIS POINT IN TIME? Because that's all you do, is make excuses for being a third rate hack of a spaceman. So please, keep up with your moronic spiel. It's super interesting."

Im back Bitches! - Mr. Radio - 07-15-2013

I've lost once, I'm not a spaceman, I'm a soldier, so please shut your mouth and mind your own business I believe you're in a stupid main event at the pay per view that hasn't happened yet, so stop your pointless ranting and go deal with Madison. Oh and I'm not saying my stories are interesting because you idiots don't know good from bad anyways.

Im back Bitches! - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-15-2013

who r u again? oh welcome back sir