X-treme Wrestling Federation
Good Boys Part 9: A Stitch In Time - Printable Version

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Good Boys Part 9: A Stitch In Time - Ned Kaye - 06-03-2023

OOC: Formattin in the morning.

Good Boys
Pt. IX

A Stitch In Time

Silence. It was the silence of preparing to leave the safe spot on Floor 28 that stuck out the most. The four men stared at each other, all well aware of the grave nature of what they had signed up for. Of the battle that was prepared for them.

“Mothra,” Isaiah spoke under his breath, “how was it ever gonna be Mothra?”

Ned smirked, trying to lighten the mood a little “well, I did warn you.”

The four men stood in a line, adjusting their clothes a bit before they walked back into the raging hell surrounding them. Everything was overturned when they finally saw the state of the bank again, either by the intense gusts of a giant kaiju or by good old fashioned thievery. They could easily see the gigantic monster, doing their best to prepare for some kind of solution.


Shinji: We are the symbol of the hopeless!

Rei: The arm of lawfulness and good!

Oliver Main: The epitome of youth!

All three: We’re the Integri-TEENS!

The four men stopped in their tracks as the mecha began marching bravely towards Mothra, Ned shrugging a bit as they seemed to have everything in order.

“I suppose we should find another way to make things right. Start cleaning up debris?” Ned asked, but out of the corner of his eye, Ned saw Mark’s face expand in pure horror, doing his best to shake the radio waves out of his brain before shouting.


The robot turned around, looking ominous as the destructive wrath of Mothra shines from behind the mechanical beast. Slowly, its weapons systems began targeting! Isaiah and Crash leapt behind cover as Ned shoved Mark out of the way, nearly being grabbed by one of its giant, mechanical limbs! Crash’s hand gripped his katana as he studied its movements carefully, attempting to find some sort of opening or anything, but finding it a failing effort due to its reinforced plating. Ned noticed his teammates in proper cover, frowning a bit before shaking the feeling off, standing tall as he dodged their next attempt to grapple him. King surveyed the ground, finding some wire and standing in the mech’s blindspot as Ned evaded their swipes!

Shinji: Won’t you just stand still so we can slap you around?!

Ned ducked underneath a punch, nearly losing some of his mom-do as Isaiah jumped onto the robot as its focus was on Kaye, slowly climbing his way up the leg of the bot and getting a better, close up view of the various bits of tech adorning it on the journey upwards. Crash took the spare opportunity to damage one of its fuel lines, retreating after the slice of his katana and causing the TEENS to struggle even more on keeping focus on Ned.

“So, this is what you’d decided you’d do on behalf of good, huh?” Ned asked, letting his guard down a bit now that they’d been thrown off of their rhythm, but finding some newfound determination to prove him wrong, they shrugged off Isaiah and took the opening to start cornering Kaye!

Rei: Oh you think you’re so cool because you’re good.

Rei: But we live in the real world and its money and popularity that talks!

Ollie: If you can’t get yourself ahead, then who will?

Ned gazed up at them, sweating slightly as his options disappeared with each word.

“You just like heroism as a brand then. You couldn’t give a damn about your fellow man if you tried.”

Irwin silently panicked, his teeth gripping his nails as he looked towards Mark for an idea or something!

“We need to do something or Ned’s going to get crushed out there!” Irwin stressed as Mark gripped his own head.

“Will you SHUT UP?” Mark snapped, his brain trying to parse his own thoughts from a litany of Japanese urban angst, “This CITY POP keeps blaring in my skull!” Isaiah, nearby after being tossed off of the robot, noticed an antenna atop the mecha and heard the gentle, poppy melancholy of city pop on a nearby radio. And then it all became clear.

“Mark, you’re picking up radio frequencies,” King called out, pointing towards the RC wire atop the mech’s head. He gasped at the revelation, realizing he might be able to override the controls, the robot stomping closer and closer towards Ned, its pilots salivating at the chance to squish him like a bug.

“C’mon- C’MON!” Flynn screamed as he smacked the side of his head, trying to pick up the correct frequency, Kaye finally in the mech’s grip as they slowly pressed him up against the wall!

Shinji: You idiot! Don’t you know that Tokyo isn’t big enough…

Rei: For two sets of heroes?!

They pull back their arm, plunging the mech’s arm forward to crush Ned!

But right before they make contact, their arm is stopped! Mark Flynn steps from cover, holding his hand out as if he was using the force and index finger to his temple like a telekinetic, controlling the movements of the robot! He looks on manically as he thinks of the best one liner available!


Shinji: What the heck is going on?!

The Integri-TEENS fumbled with the controls, but not a response was generated! Slowly, the mech places Ned towards the safe part of the floor, letting Kaye catch his bearings as he crumpled to the floor, coming to terms with what almost happened. Laughing a bit once he regained his composure, Ned shot a look over to Mark, smiling.

“That was a hell of a save. Thank you,” Ned said, soon to be taken aback by Mark’s shouting over the frequencies loudly playing in his head.

“DID YOU HEAR MY COOL HERO LINE?” Mark asked excitedly.

Ned’s smile faded slightly as he mulled over his response, “I-uh… I did. I can’t say it made the most sense in context, but I heard it.”

“...Stupid fucking kids.” Mark muttered, even though he could barely hear his own words.

“Look at it this way… it was still a heroic save,” Ned gave Mark some consolidation as he pat his back, leaving Flynn with the issue of the Kabuki Teens in this giant mech.

Flynn considers his options, deciding finally to to use his powers over the robots commands to eject the little traitors, watching as they're forcefully removed from the robot. They expect to fall onto the ground, but instead plummet into the champagne truck he had ordered prior! Mark cackles quietly as the stare up at the mecha, understanding fully the sheer scope of its power... and the destructive capabilities of Mothra still attacking the city in front of them.

Mark sighs, uncharacteristically sober as the words escape him.

"...Shit. What do we do?"

Several skyscrapers adorned the cityscape, in flames or toppled over by the powerful gusts produced by Mothra's wings.

Ned spoke first.

"There are people out there. People in danger because of actions and inactions. It's time we showed them what they need to see from us," Ned sighed as he spoke, but looked up with true conviction.

"Friends who won't be abandoned. Not for any scumbag's sake," Isaiah added, looking down, "we'll forge ourselves against the strongest to surpass them."

"To fight the battles that need to be fought for those who can't," Crash said with a hint of finality as Mark shrugged.

"I'm not one to get all mushy, but… Let's SET FIRE TO A FUCKIN’ MOTH!"

“*ahem* For justice!”

The mecha's hand reached downward, pulling them upwards into its internal chambers as Mark strained, likely overdramatically for the effort. Ned galnced over the controls for the head, giving a sigh. These looked incredibly similar to everything he and Darcy had been looking over in the Mecha Museum. He took a seat at the chair in the head.

"I can do this. Gentlemen, find your stations," He said, feeling his nerves grow in him somewhat. Isaiah stepped to the controls for the arms, having studying some of these due to trailing Ned, nodding with a silent confidence. Crash stepped to the legs, certain he could keep up with the other two, trusting himself to be the stability of the team. Which left Mark with...

The crotch.

He huffed, kicking the seat that he had to get into helm the controls as he announced the following with a grimace, "You know, I WON'T complain for being the groin because I am an A-PLUS TEAM PLAYER.”

“That said, if anyone asks, I helmed the cockpit! THAT'S NOT A LIE!!!"

"Trust us," Isaiah chimed in, "we won't forget where you were."

The controls lit up on the Integri-Teens heroic robot: G zero zero D dash B zero one!


Effortlessly, it found its footing, leaping up to face Mothra and desperately save Tokyo in her time of need! Could they do it? G00D-B01 leapt up into the air, the weapons systems targeting Mothra as the sun shines upon them! And for a moment, time stands still.

Feel that?

Those rumblings? Tremors? That BREWING Earthquake?!?

Footsteps of a UNITED FRONT.


Team G00D-B01.

Everyone’s dogging on Ned for drafting Mark Flynn. Claiming he’ll get BACKSTABBED…

…But. Hypothetically…


IF I WERE what everyone thought of me…

A Winning-Obsessed egomaniac.

WHY would I betray Ned?

The ONLY Captain with the CAJONES to INNOVATE?

Ned’s WarGames history, by his own admission, has been… [i]lacking.

2021’s Acockalypse Now? 2-0 Loss. Round One.

2022’s Notorious Alliance? 2-0 Loss. Round One.

Ned won the Captain’s match. He COULD’VE run his same ol’ strategy.

Drafting midcard misfits.

[Image: ADZiJMg.png]
whoops, how'd his get here?

But, Ned went BOLD. Because WINNING requires RISK-TAKING.

…Not *just* talking about myself. (WARGAMES NUMBER ONE DRAFT PICK, BAY-BEEEEEE!)

I mean, Isaiah King. With his mad-on for Ned, bordering on obsession. A lesser captain would see that and skip over him.

But, Ned saw PURE. TALENT. KNEW from past battles that Isaiah has ZERO QUIT… King only lost his TV Title via first-blood. Isaiah would’ve fought until he was OUTTA BLOOD before letting someone score victory by pinfall...

That’s who NED drafted.

Crash Rodriguez? Who ALL Y’ALL SHAT on for being inexperienced in the XWF? Ned could’ve played it safe. Drafted a more-known-quantity. But, you want reward? You take RISKS. Crash has a tag-wrestling pedigree with the Bastard seal-of-approval. Among Fourth-Round COAL, Ned MINED a DIAMOND.

G00D-B01 isn’t what ANYONE expected from Ned.

That’s what makes it CHAMPIONSHIP-CALIBER.

Meanwhile, examine our competition…

REDUXES of prior year’s LOSERS.

Seriously. This is Angie Vaughn’s FIRST-YEAR Captaining.

Why’s her team EXACTLY 2022’s Meat Clowns?

[Image: New-Project-12.png]

Anj, is Jenny Myst’s GARBAGE POSSE really a model-for-success? The team that drafted the Uni Champ and STILL finished second?

And Raion learned ZERO lessons from that FAILURE. He’s out here REUSING LOSING CONCEPTS!

2022: He gave his teammates sashes.

2023: He gave his teammates… PERSONALIZED POKEMON CARDS.


Everyone else mocked Kido for being the first-ever reigning Universal Champion to get drafted second-round… But THIS? Right here? S’why.

He’s no leader. No innovator. And his bag-of-tricks? SHALLOW.

It’s his second WarGames and he’s already repeating ideas… Tragic.

Want more sad repetition? How about T.E.A.M.?

Fun fact: Dock has NEVER reached a WarGames Finals. Despite LEGENDARY performances!

Dock… How’s this keep happening to you?

2021’s Dis-Continuum? DREAM-TEAM. Former Universal Champs, Thaddeus Duke and Chris Chaos. TV champ Andre Dixon. You were DESTINED to WIN.

…Then, what happened?

Thad wallowed over breaking-up with Corey. Chaos chaos’d all over the place, SHITTING THE BED… And Andre Dixon? Non-factor.

This year? LOOKED better. Thunder Knuckles? THE most-decorated tag-team XWFer of ALL-TIME. MysteryCompetitor could be a FORMER XWF LEGEND! ‘MadDog’… is also on the team!


TK cried over his first sleepover without Bourbsy. MysteryCompetitor Jenny Myst, (basically Chaos, sans accomplishments) shat MULTIPLE beds… And ‘MadDog’? Non-factor.

Dock. It’s MIND-BOGGLING. Every year, a legendary performance…

Rendered POINTLESS by dogshit teammates.

Resulting in first-round elimination.

Speaking of first-round exits… Sub-Bourbon-Commando.

Remember last year, when Sudden Death replaced Marf/Cholo with Powers/Page? Everyone whinged how unfaaaaaaaair it was… How it unbaaaaaaaalanced the match.

Sidenote: Notice how nobody got up-in-arms over swapping BigD-for-Lexi?

Because both equal having no partner at all. Turaner’s *essentially* playing 3-on-4.

Secondly, SuddenDeath? DIED SUDDENLY! Page scored ZERO eliminations, Powers couldn’t make-up the difference. Y’all got SCRUBBBBBBBBBED first-round.

Who called it? Mark Flynn.

Because deeeeeeeep down. Bobby, all-time record-holder for most WarGames Eliminations?

Stat-Padding PERMA-LOSER. Half his 2021 eliminations should go to TK’s DEVASTATING LEG-DDT… that Bourbon STOLE the pinfall for.

And 2022 PERMANENTLY REMOVED Bourbon from WarGames G.O.A.T. conversations… He spent his promo-time dumping on his teammates, calling his captain an idiot, and insisting he’d win solo.

End result? One elimination. 2-0 loss.

Bourbon’s no team-player. Lacklan’s year has *thoroughly* underwhelmed. Thus, Noah Jackson’s carrying three deadweights on his aching cunt back…

And speaking of team-carrying…

Corey Smith.

Captain of 2021 WarGames champion, F.U.C.K.T.H.A.D.

Former teammate-o-mine…

Gotta give Corey credit.

He did what I couldn’t do.

What NO-ONE ELSE could do.

One-on-one win over ALIAS.

…Admittedly, ol’ Ale-sy had vacationed all-year, tweeting GIFs and not-training, but STILL, Cor!

Defeating the G.O.A.T? Truly impressive.

Smith rode that momentum straight into the WarGames draft.

Where Cor’ got selected… by Dolly.


Biggest WarGames choker of all-time.

Part of history’s ONLY WarGames team to lose 3-0. NEARLY a sweep.

And who’d she draft? Unknown Soldier. Cor’s old enemy…

Soldgy’s sent more love-hate notes Cor’s way than trash-talk towards y’all’s opponents… Even if Unky *were* focused… He’s not the Legend he was a decade ago.

Soldier-2013 was UNBEATABLE. Soldier-2023 can’t go two straight Anarchies without eating a loss.

Sure, Dio’s bringing energy to the four-spot. But, he’s green. Wet-behind-the-ears. He just won his first belt… And he’s so clueless what to do, he’s opening polls for his coworkers for ideas. He’s BEGGING for direction… And Dolly’s the absentee-captain that will leave Dio to self-destruct.

Cor’s carrying the load himself.

And I’ll admit… if anyone COULD do it?

(Besides me, of course.)

It *might* be Cor.

If he played things juuuuuuuuuuust right.

What’s he done, instead?

TWO WEEKS cyber-bullying Jenny Myst.

Jenny FUCKING Myst.

Cor? Buddy? Friend?

Even if Mysty deserves smacking the stupid outta her skull?

No one.


Believes JENNY FUCKING MYST is WarGames’ biggest threat.

You’re unloading BOTH BARRELS… on an inflatable clown dummy.

Jenny’s too stupid to hit the ground.

And all you’ve done is spend your artillery.

Cor? Remember last year, when someone *shockingly* beat Alias?

They LOST at WarGames.

What else happened last year?

*I* beat YOU at the Cannabis Cup.

Secured my ticket to Relentless.

And beat the LAST GUY who beat Alias.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

Like poetry.

The universe’s rhythms.

Our opponents’ attacks rebound off G00D-B01’s metallic shell.

Flynn’ll betray Ned! He’s in it for himself! Why the HELL would I betray my team… When if we lose, I’ll drop my X-Treme Title?

Flynn isn’t *really* good… He’ll cheat first-chance he gets! May I remind you… I’M X-TREME CHAMPION. EVERY MATCH I COMPETE IN IS X-TREME RULES!


Wild, huh?

Y’know what’s never happened in WarGames history?

The reigning X-Treme champ keeping their belt.

But… Now? With everyone else relying on FAILED tradition…?

Don’t you feel it?

Don’t you feel G00D-B01… will ALTER HISTORY?


Our opponents wallow in mediocrity. Tread KNEE-DEEP in ghosts of failures past.

But, Team G00D-B01?

The Team-of-the-Future.


The Team that WILL!



Six Hours AFTER the Tokyo National Bank Incident

Mothra had been beaten and there was a wave of pure euphoria over Tokyo. A sea of trumpets and fanfare as an adoring crowd of onlookers cheered for a hero they needed when the back was truly up against the wall. The mayor of Tokyo carried a large key up to the stage where they housed a truly special figure from this day until end of time... he gets to the top to hand the key to-

The driver of the champagne truck?! He had reported the treachery of the Integri-Teens and reaped ever benefit. “I brought champagne for everyone!” He cries joyously, as a wreath of roses is adorned around his neck!

And from the revolving sushi bar our heroes first met up to talk shop, they watched the celebration on television.

"OH C’MON!” Flynn complained angrily, still favoring the unicorn horn he's yet to be able to remove, changing the channel with it as his lips curled further, "THAT WAS OUR SAVE! How the FUCK is he getting credit for that?”

Ned chuckles, leaning his head on Darcy as they finally enjoy the date they've been trying to have, even if he’s stuck in his suit from yesterday.

"I don't know what to tell you, Mark, except that heroes don't do everything for the big trumpets or some gold medal or respect. We do the right thing-"

Flynn grimaces, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his skull as a few words finally leave his lips, "...because it’s the right thing to do."

The other three looked at Mark with surprise, Mark giving a glare back at Ned as he quietly nodded with approval.

"We'll make heroes out of y'all yet."

"It's so easy to presume that heroism is little more than some piece of perspective. A bit of choreographed kindness in the right places. But it has always been a series of choices. The things we decide from day to day. Sidney Grey walked into War Games with a choice. To do something different or to keep going on the self-destructive path she feels is preordained for her. Not only did she push forward on this path, she put the pedal to the metal and got three people to cut the brakes beforehand prior to shovong them into the car at gunpoint."

"Am I here to win? You’re goddamn right I am, but it's never been my sole goal. I have surrounded myself with the talented, but flawed. People whom I feel a connection with deeper than most can understand. The dangerous loner Crash Rodriguez and his conflicted pursuit of justice. The undisputed future of professional wrestling, Isaiah King, a man who has so much potential, but risks squandering it with destructive behaviors and associates. And Mark Flynn, a man whose only chance at redemption was seeming lost a year ago. I could have dismissed them all. Told them they weren't worth the chance or belief. I could have done unto them what others have to me. But I didn't. I won the captains match by exemplifying what it means to be a leader and I walked into the draft that same way. I trusted these men with my life and I was vindicated."

"What did you do, Sid? Gaslight Centurion enough to where he thinks winning with you is anymore than a deal with the devil? Shackle Jay Omega to fixing problems you introduced? Disowned Vagabond as much as your daughter's sexuality? How many people do you need to hurt before everyone realizes that your power is little more than just the faint illusion of looking on control. Like drinking a shot of whiskey to calm your shakong hands. How many people must you fail before you finally find shame? The simple, sad fact is, I don't think you ever will. I think the whole reason you walked into this tournament was spite. Spite against your teammates, against Raion Kido, against me, against Angie. You are overfilled with hate and no amount of feeding it makes you feel any better. You are everyone's least favorite aunt. You are the generic narcissistic mother that has terrorized countless people. You are outmatched as a leader, wrestler, and a human being. And at War Games, you learn that you can't lead a squad by being some foolish monarch from on high. They need someone who will bleed with them. Face death in their presence and fight alongside them without prejudice or judgment. You're no leader. You inherited the role just like nost good things that have ever come to you or your ilk. And you are about to witness the birth of the next wave of XWF talent. The spirit it takes to be a leader."

"The man who burns your legacy in 2023 to show the world what he is truly capable of. It ends, Sidney. Your kingdom crumbles under a single force you could never prepare for."

"A force for good."