X-treme Wrestling Federation
Goth vs. Peter Vaughn rp 2 - Printable Version

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Goth vs. Peter Vaughn rp 2 - Goth - 02-24-2023

Expect the Unexpected

“I cannot sleep at night
That's what the day is for anyway
And as the clock strikes midnight
I hear them dancing at the graves
Singing to my mind
Killing the pain . . . sleepless nights . . . sleepless nights
I cannot sleep at night
That's what the day is for anyway
And as the clock strikes midnight
Only they can let us meet
Even though she's dead now
I gotta see her again . . . sleepless nights . . . sleepless nights”

It's late at night, we are at a hotel room where a figure stands behind a curtain looking outside. His fists clenching besides his body as his eyes follow the rays of lightning that are emerging from outside.

“I guess it’s all been said, the truth of what we wish to speak and believe. But then again, it’s all a plot to upset the weaker mind isn’t it???”

We see the figure smirk as his face is visible in front of the window that he is standing at, the lightning reveals his identity to be of Goth. Wrestler of several companies, facing Peter Vaughn in the second round of the March Madness tournament. He hears a sound as he cocks his head slightly sideways, but growls as he notices who is emerging.

“I need you to listen to what I have to say towards my opponent before you can torment me Ashe…”

There’s a moment of silence as he nods his head and turns his gaze back towards the lightning outside.

“Peter, are you truly comfortable in your mindset to believe that you can just waltz yourself into another victory?? It’s okay though, I understand that this for you is merely n every days job isn’t it?? Plotting to create doubt in the minds of the weak, those who already know they are destined to walk into defeat. Those who have already accepted fate to be less fortunate against you as instead of a lesser being?? I guess you must have mistaken me for someone that does actually care.”

He lowers his head towards his wrist as he lifts up his arm and stares at the watch he once had received from his deceased wife.

“You ask me questions Peter, you ask me things as if you are turly interested not the answers. Merely wishing to get me all rattled up over the mere fact that you do not take me seriously, truth needs to be told that I could not blame you that you don’t considering the position that you are in isn’t it?? The GREAT and Dominating Peter Vaughn, the man that has done and will do it all if he just wishes to put his mind to it. Words that I am sure will run through your mind asking yourself whether I have ever wanted it or not, but you are truly making me shake my head of disappointment and sadness.”

“Disappointment that you should not even have to lower yourself to tactics like these Peter, wondering whether it is just a name or a lifestyle that I am either hiding behnd a cupboard or have evolved from. Because lets be frank my fellow member of the group of excellence. All that you need to know is that what will stand in front of you at Warfare this coming weekend. But let’s just pretend that you are just trying your best to be interested in that what truly matters. Like what have I truly done in this company? Good question, a question that was hidden out there that any other simpleton would have blown their nuts over by the first few words that you have uttered. What have I done so far Peter??? Funny how you mentioned names in only defeat, why you forget that there are several names out there that could be scratched off that list as if a dagger that constantly plunges between your lungs and heart to take away your ever-lasting existence. BUT YOU DON’T SEE IT THAT WAY DO YOU!!!!”

He turns his face away, speaking something in that cannot be overheard by the microphone before turning his attention back to the window. Pressing his face into the cold glass, sighing of relief as if it sooths him from certain pain.

“I guess you forgot how I destroyed Mrs. Raven in our return match, how I enjoyed the inflicted pain that was hid so deliciously behind her own blood, or how I beat the man that was the last Television champion before Page beat him… A man that I may add have beaten in Sin City Wrestling…. A feat that the GREAT Chronic Chris Page is reluctantly refusing to acknowledge… I guess he has rubbed his hands in shear eagerness after having handed me the keys to the Kingdom to complete the list that you could not do for CCPE… but don’t take the words from a “loser” Peter. Simply accept the fact and knowledge that you need to kill me to keep me down, but then again… what do you know about staring fear in the eyes “Oh great Champion”???”

“I have already told you last week, that I am the man that can be kept down for a certain amount of time. Before being the one that will ultimately put an entire company on his back as NOBODY will be able to beat me, as nobody can mentally break me. You think that I am going to be a walkover Peter?? You think that I will merely be another number on the hit list of your successful career that you can enter this match at 50 percent?? Is that how you entered the match against Flynn?? Is that how you think to yourself that you can play God in the eyes of the Beholder?? I am the fucking reality damnit!!! But I guess anyone can be entitled to make a mistake can’t we??”

He turns his attention towards the silent figure that have been described as nothing more than a creation of his own imagination. Remembering the vampire that he had dominated but started to haunt him for several months.

“Gerrit…, I…”

“SHUT UP!! People say that you aren’t even real!! That I am imagining it all!! That I am searching for attention away from the wrestling ring!! That I am losing my mind!! That I cannot hang with people like Peter Vaughn and all of these supposedly top superstars!!!!”

He turns his head, presses it against the window once again, pressing his face against it so hard as it starts to get pale.

“Is it too much to ask for you to just leave me alone Ashe?? Is it too much to ask for you to just haunt someone else?? Of course it is too much, because none of the others has ever fucked you up the way I did didn’t they!!!”

A sinister laugh comes over his face as well as a tear emerging from the eye that is the farthest away from the window as he slowly turns around. Turning his back against the window as he stares into the room that only he is in right now.

“I truly get it now, you are just overjoyed that I am in a similar situation like you were once. Are wrestlers like Jenny Myst, Peter Vaughn and others your sfe haven from being driven into insanity?? Well I am going to intent to send everything back to you with the notification message that the forwarded address is FALSE!!! Peter Vaughn was supposedly to be your next chapter in your master plan??”

“Go ahead, send the whole world out there to get me!! Just because I am on the other side of the coin now?? Just because YOU will never be as recognized for your contribution to this sport besides of the odl familiar tale of what could have been IF!!! You see Ashe, I am going to take on Petr Vaughn, I am going to produce the wildest beating in his lifetime that he has ever received. I am going to make you understand Vaughn, that even though you mmay be on the highest of high in your entire wrestling career, you are still a little dipshit puppy when it is comes down to comparing your entire fucking career with MINE!!!!”

He groans softly, digging his fingrs into his skull as he slowly lowers down through his legs as he sits against the window .

“It has always been the competitive nature hasn’t it?? Whether it is how many world titles, how many victories… How many times have you opened your eyes and managed to withstand the boring promo’s of Finn Kuhn?? Tell me all the fun statements that you wish Peter… I have heard it all before. I have seen it all, I have done it all. I have forgotten more world title victories than you can tell the world that you have won. I have beaten more people that you have never heard off before… And that’s all upon you Peter… Because you need to get your head out of your stinking ass and tell the world exactly who the fuck I am….”

“A/nd I now, I know that it is hard to grasp the notion that I am anything else but your next victim huh peter?? Hoping that I would be able to put up a better fight against you than against my first round victory. I just spit in your face for all the wrong assumptions that you have made in your last week’s classic tale of having done a book report on a book that you never got further than the back cover.”

“AP Feight, Jaymz, Nathanial Havok, Chaos, Krusher. Just a handful of names of the entire list that I have faced and lost to, only to come back and destroy them all into retirement. Attara Raven, Chris Page… current day names that you have either mentioned or know… you know exactly where the drill is going towards isn’t it?? You see, I laugh at the unknow… hell, I embrace it!!! Whereas others just like to play it safe, not wanting to enter a Rumble Match and instead of telling the world a pitiful promo of how they are going to do the unthinkable to others while sitting down on their living room couch isn’t my thing!! I fight Peter, I fight until there is no more blood left inside my body.”

“Are you?? Are you willing to fight me until you cannot take it anymore?? Because that is going to be happening Peter.. You either kill me, put me to sleep or attach me to a 1000 pound rock and throw me into the ocean. Because with this bitch on my back, the only thing that I can do is either fight until I get liberated… Or die with a smile upon my face. And guess what my CCPE friend… you got no say in it at all, even though you assume that the world evolves around you… We all saw the first cracs in the foundation starting to emerge when you couldn’t beat Mark Flynn.”

He cocks his head sideways, breathes heavily as he inhales and exhales, clutching his hands towards his chest as a painful expression tells us he is

“You think a few mere losses affects me Peter?? You are so wrong my friend. And this coming weekend you will find out what suffering is all about….”

The shot slowly fades as Goth has closed his eyes and laughs out loud.