X-treme Wrestling Federation
Dawnbreaker - Printable Version

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Dawnbreaker - Hotdog - 02-12-2023

Into the velvet sky crept the dawn. A glimmer at first, peeking its way above the horizon. Light at the end of the tunnel; at the end of the night; at the end of it all.

Before it, the dark retreated.

Hail to the sun! A harbinger of hope! Dawnbreaker.

On its back, tomorrow's fortune rode, calling to the beasts of the land. A rooster crowed the morn's message, echoing across the hills and plains. Livestock munched in agreement. Merry bluebirds twitted and frolicked. And on a lion's roar, fear gave way to calm.

None knew of the coming storm.

None save for the snout sniffing at the air.

"Oink ooink ooink."

Rounding a corner in the 24/7 labyrinth, Hotdog scoffs as the young lions take their leave. In his world they may be the source of the bitch-odor p carried him here, but on this world that was yet to be determined. With his interdimensional nostrils, the pig traced the pungent stench to its usual source... the holder of the X-Treme Championship.

"Oink oink oink... oink oink ooiinnkk oink ooink ooiinnk oink oink oink..."

Jason Cashe turned towards the grunts.

"What the fu..."

But it was too late. Hotdog charged him down and placed over a ton of weight upon the bitch.

The sun passed behind an ominous cloud.



RE: Dawnbreaker - Jason Cashe - 02-12-2023

After the cutoff cuss and as this greasy pig laid on me. I began to wonder about the true sanitation around here with all these damn animals running about. The squealing of the porker was louder than you would think but the position felt familiar. 

I let out a grunting thrust to buck this flubber buddy of North Korean origin. 

"Suuuu-weeeee!!" I let out a squeal of my own. I've wrestled a few beefy chicks heifers of the female kind. I bucked again and slid as the count got to 2. I bucked a third time and this was my thunder thighs, test of strength buck! 


As I scramble to my feet, I see that the pig named Hotdog has nipples. I reach and take on the risk of PETA, twisting it with great intention of pain. Hotdog squealed but the look in its eyes said that maybe this was a kink it had. I let go immediately and dove into a nearby room, slamming the door closed and putting the door between me and the Pumba of these Pride Lands.

RE: Dawnbreaker - Hotdog - 02-12-2023


RE: Dawnbreaker - Jason Cashe - 02-12-2023

Kickout. *Shrug*

RE: Dawnbreaker - Jason Cashe - 02-12-2023

Sorry.. I forget I need to speak Piglatin or is it Porkorean? Nevertheless, allow me to better translate. 

Oinnk.. Oi.. Oinnnk Oink
"Greasy pig pinned me"

Oi Oink Oink Oinnk Oink
"I kicked out of said pin"

Oinnk Oink Oink (Oink) Oink Oiinnk!
"I gave pig (You) a Titty Twister!"

Oink Oink Oink
"And got away"