X-treme Wrestling Federation
Look into the Mirror or it's time to Run Edward Run - Printable Version

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Look into the Mirror or it's time to Run Edward Run - Mastermind - 11-02-2022

Look into the mirror
and see what you can see
Look into the mirror
and tell me if I'm a face or a heal
Look into the mirror
and see me spiralling out of control
Look into the mirror
and tell me to wake up to who I am
Look into the mirror
and tell me to be free to carry on
Look into the mirror
and see your soul
Look into the mirror
and try to take control
Look into the mirror
and tell yourself - myself, you or whoever
you stilll have places to go
Look into the mirror
and see if this a test of your abilities
Look into the mirror
and tell yourself not to give up
Now, never or forever
Look into the mirror
And see the pain that you have put yourself it
You can either make it go away or grasp it tight
Look into the mirror
Light the fire in yourself to carry on
doing this thing that you feel you are losing
yourself in this world
losing yourself in just the losses
Feeling that it is worthless and it isn't working.
Grab it and send it out into the universe
And look at yourself
Long and hard in that mirror that you are looking
into and tell yourself to wake up.

Wake up
You can deal with Edward and his family
Wake up
Look inside of yourself knowing what you can do
to finally beat that Edward and his family
You have got this
You have to have this
He has had it good over you for far too long
Now its time to take the power back and beat him at
his own crappy game
Retake the power
Retake control
Retake your life
Retake your career
Retake the losses
Win for once
Look into the mirror and tell yourself
To wake up to yourself

Edward and Co are just that.
Edward and Co
Edward and Co are the ones that
you need to retake contol
Edward and Co are just nothing
Gain something from your past matches
Look into the mirror
and find what made you lose the last
few times
Look into the mirror
and tell yourself you have got this
Just look
Listen to your inner self
Edward and Co are just the past.
They are maybe in the present
But they are not the future.
Their future is not yours.

Wake up to yourself
Be strong
Look into that mirror
Make it all seem worthwhile
You can dream the dream
But you have to beat them in order
for those dreams to come true
And today is that day.

Be free with yourself
Be free
Look into that mirror and be free
Wake up
Be Free
Be yourself
Beat Edward and Co
Don't lose yourself
Don't lose
Be yourself
Beat Edward and Co
You can do it.

Run Edward Run
You better run Edward and family
Because I am going to get you and beat you
I'm going to be victorious against you
I am going to stop you
I am the prophet that will say
I will beat Edward
And the Misfits will help
So it's either Run Edward Run
Or lose.
I will guide to stop you and guide you to a loss
It's time to break out from your shadow of my own losses against you
You can't hide in that ring
because I will find you and destroy you
So Run Edward Run
As fast as you can.
I know a secret about you
I have discovered it and about to beat you
Time is up Edward and family
Stay and I will beat you
Running away is your only option.