X-treme Wrestling Federation
I remember you - Printable Version

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I remember you - Mr Killjoy - 08-12-2022

LSM is walking down a sidewalk in a random ass city carrying her illustrious X-treme Championship! The skies are dark, the streets are empty, perfect random pin attempt conditions right? Right.

A tall, dark hooded man is also walking on the sidewalk coming from the opposite direction, LSM is paying him no mind, why should she? Most women would be scared of encountering a such an ominous figure, alone, in an empty street, in what appears to be the middle of the night, buts she's not just ANY woman, she's the X-treme Champion, she can handle herself quite handily, right?  Right.

The two walk past each other and LSM continues to pay the hooded man no mind, but as they cross paths the man suddenly stops and turns around, his face concealed by darkness and convenient camera angles (what?).

You…I remember you..”

LSM turns around to throw a puzzled glance at the hooded man, she raises her eyebrow then points to herself as if to say “who me?” The man shakes his head.

“Nah, not you...”

The man then hits huge super kick  square to LSM's face that lays the champ out! No wait, not a super kick…a TRAP SILENCER!? LSM and her title both hit the ground as the man stands over her pointing at the Xtreme Championship.

“...I ain’t got a clue who YOU are, I meant I remember…THAT”

The man goes for the pin, right as a nearby manhole cover in the middle of the street flies open and a sewage drenched referee pops out to count the pin! (What the fuck!? That dedication!).


RE: I remember you - Latina Submission Machina - 08-12-2022

LSM kicks out....sorta, well just enough.....but THEN...

RE: I remember you - Thrax - 08-12-2022

A hooded and cloaked figure leaps out of the manhole cover, following the trail of the referee! After LSM kicks out the figure in the dark red fit grabs the ref before clutching them and sending them flying back down the manhole cover in a belly-to-back suplex! While LSM still lay on the floor rubbing her head, the dreaded ThRAX rises to stare into the eyes of his own hidden namesake.

“You…I remember you.."

Thrax turned his head to the side slowly as he stared into the eyes of the man he was named after.

RE: I remember you - (Gravy_Xtreme_5000) - 08-12-2022


The stare down didn't last long before Gravy done snatched up that dirty unLord OF Violence, Thrax and began to drag him back to the Z show by his capey collar!

"No conversating with the main event talent until you actually win a match in my division!"

Gravy continued to drag the (not)Lord of Violence away from Trax, but not before addressing the Latino in the room.

"Maybe I see you later on tonight... Moynika!(muñeca)!

Look at our boy flashing that sexy ass, yellowed, toothy, smile!

So hot!