X-treme Wrestling Federation
Back to the hospital - Printable Version

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Back to the hospital - Matt Lennox - 07-08-2013

Matt, Jacob and Steve all take their seats and Matt orders for Steve and they sit there waiting for the food to come out.

Steve- Matt, I am not sure I can eat that. Like I said I am allergic to most ingredients they use in Chinese foods.

Matt- Steve, I told you buddy! No worries! Allergies are just your imagination. You are going to enjoy your delicious sesame chicken.

Steve- Lets hope.

Jacob- Steve you wanna know something, you are a very good looking fellow. Im surprised you don't have ladies all over you my man.

Steve- Well I....

Matt- Jacob is right Steve, you got the looks and the personality to get yourself a nice lady.

Steve is beginning to blush and mumble to himself as the waitress brings over the food for the three men. Matt and Jacob begin tearing into their food while Steve sits there and just stares at his food.

Matt- Steve! Eat up buddy! I'm paying!

Steve- Matt, this isn't a good idea I'm telling you.

Jacob- Steve, eat the fucking food!

Steve looks frightened and begins eating his chicken as Matt and Jacob watch on.

Matt- Is it good?

Steve- Actually it is! This is great, and it looks like I am okay.

Matt- Excellent.

A few minutes later Steve begins itching his arms and neck as he starts turning red. He then starts choking. He stands up and Matt and Jacob looked shocked as they starts calling for help.

Jacob- Matt! What do we do!

Matt- I don't know! Punch him in the gut! Maybe it will unclog his throat!

Jacob takes a swing at Steve's stomach as Steve continues to choke but now he is on the ground from being hit by Jacob.

Jacob- Shit! That didn't work!

A minute later the paramedics show up and they rush Steve over into the ambulance and rush him off to the hospital. Matt and Jacob run to Matt's car and drive behind the ambulance to the hospital. When they pull up Steve is rushed in on a stretcher and Matt and Jacob run in but aren't aloud to where Steve is so they take a seat in the waiting room.

Jacob- I guess he wasn't kidding when he told us he was allergic to Chinese food. Did you see his face when he was choking? He was all purple and blue and shit. It was scary.

Matt- Yeah, I hope to god he doesn't tell Paul Heyman, if he tells me and you could be in some serious trouble.

About ten minutes later a nurse comes out and tells Matt and Jacob they can go see Steve and that he is doing much better. They walk into Steve's room and Steve begins to panic looking at the two.

Steve- Doctor! Doctor! Get those two away from me! I don't want them here!

Doctor- They haven't done anything Mr. Sayors?

Steve- Bullshit! They broke my nose which made me come in earlier and then they made me eat Chinese food which got me in here now! Please get them away from me before they kill me! Please!

Doctor- Hmm, well you guys should probably get out of here then.

Matt- Wait, Steve! Can you do us one favor?

Steve- What!?

Matt- Don't tell Paul.

Steve- Okay! I wasn't in the first place jeez!

Matt and Jacob walk out of the room and back to their car. They looked a little relieved but also a little pissed off.

Jacob- So you mean to tell me we didn't have to do any of that today. He wasn't even gonna tell in the first place.

Matt- I know Jacob. It was a waste of a day but at least he isn't gonna tell Paul. We have a big night ahead of us Jacob. I finally get to take out Hunter Payne and his little whore Joy Giovani. And we also get to announce our newest member to The Incredible People. (Matts phone begins going off) Hello? Ahh, yes how's it going? So you're interested in The Incredible People ay? Alright, we will meet up here soon to discuss our future businesses. Alright bye.

Jacob- Who was that?

Matt- That Jacob, is our fourth member of The Incredible People!
Scene over