X-treme Wrestling Federation
MADNESS #3 - Printable Version

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MADNESS #3 - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 03-29-2022

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The last person left in the ring after eliminating the other 19 competitors will earn the right to choose a championship opportunity - either for the IDL, Gemini, or Lord of Violence Titles!




Hello hello! Marv Smegma here… I’ve got your exclusive Madness backstage interviews as well as ALL the rumors surrounding the XWF… which you can hear all about just by dialing our XWF tipline! Don’t miss it! Call today!


Big Preesh def. Calypso and Jamaican Jimmy in a Handicap Match (Match Time 6:13)

Terry Borden def. A Local Talent Via Atomic Leg Drop of Death (Match Time 2:51)

The Knight Terrors def. Pebbles, My Buddy & Kid Sister, and Little Miss Sunshine in a Minis Survivor Match (Match Time 16:58)

Pre-Show Main Event:

P.W.T def. The Big Upps, The Disintigrators, and bX3 Via Deep South Drop (Match Time 12:52)

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the third installment of XWF’s monthly MONDAY NIGHT MADNESS! Tonight we are coming to you LIVE from the beautiful 49th state - Honolulu Hawaii!

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Jacuinde can you believe this show? Another death matc, this one on a MINE FIELD… the crowning of the Gemini Champions… AND the Pick Your Poison Battle Royale? Are you KIDDING me???

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No sir, it is not a joke! All that PLUS Elijah Copeland challenges VIP Chris Mosh for the IDL Championship!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Jacuinde can you believe this show? Another death matc, this one on a MINE FIELD… the crowning of the Gemini Champions… AND the Pick Your Poison Battle Royale? Are you KIDDING me???

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
But before all that, Bath, we’ve got a special word from the Madness General Manager Tula Keali’i… let’s go to her now!

The cameras shift to show Tula Keali’i standing in the center of the Madness ring with a microphone in her hand.

The Hawaiian crowd cheers heavily for her as she smiles and soaks it in.

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Thank you, thank you… and ALOHA, to all my brothers and sisters here in Paradise!

The crowd cheers again and then Tula takes a more serious demeanor.

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Now, tonight we have two extremely important championship bouts. The Gemini Championships will be determined when Team KTFO meets 2 Broke Chicks, as well as the IDL Title match in tonight’s main event. And I want it to be known that there will be ZERO TOLERANCE for any sort of rulebreaking. As you know, on Madness we believe in law and order. That means no intentionally putting someone over the top rope unless it’s a battle royal. No excessive rope breaks or saves from a tag partner… those are capped at two each per match. And of course, absolutely no outside interference! We have begun fining competitors who flout the rules, but if anyone crosses the line in tonight’s IDL Championship contest there will be dire consequences! Thank you. Enjoy the show.

Tula leaves the ring and we move back to Jacuinde and Bath.

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Strong words from the GM, Bath. She runs a tight ship!

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She knows what we all know, Jacuinde, that tonight’s match is just TOO big to get disrupted by shenanigans from goons and ne’erdowells. She’s right! But I’m tired of waiting, Jac, let’s goooooooooooooo!

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The opening riff of Jan Hammer's Miami Vice theme song starts playing as Johnny Miami slowly makes his way out from behind the curtain. He stands at the top of the entry way staring out at the crowd until about the 32 second mark of the song at which point he walks down to the ring, slapping hands with the fans lined up along the entry way the whole time. Once Johnny gets to the ring he slowly ascends the stops, walks along the ring apron and then steps through the top and middle ropes before posing in the center of the ring for a few seconds as the song comes to a close.

Purple and gold lights start flashing and Josslynn’s music hits as she walks out on stage with a smile across her face. By her side is her man, XWF star Jason Cashe. She walks with confidence down the ramp as she walks up the steps and gets inside the ring with Cashe right behind her every step of the way, clapping up a storm and hyping the crowd for her.. She enters the ring, hits the ropes on each side with a sexy pose. And then goes to her corner where she receives a good luck kiss from Cashe right before he drops to the floor to spectate.


At the sound of the bell, Johnny Miami looks to intimidate Josslyn with his strength. He challenges her to lock up but she doesn’t fall for the trap - instead she rocks Miami with a forearm shot right to the face that wobbles his knees, and she takes control.

Joss spends the next several minutes firmly in the driver’s seat as she takes down Miami seemingly at will and uses her long legs to keep him grounded. She pays special attention to Johnny Miami’s head and neck area, and Miami ends up spending a pretty good amount of time with his skull squeezed between Spencer’s thighs… which is probably not as fun as he thought it would be.

Miami is able to turn things around at one point when Josslyn hops onto his back looking for her trademark Dear Agony backstabber… Miami grabs the top rope as she goes for it, and he’s able to stay upright with Joss on his back and her hands under his chin. Miami then hooks her head and hits the deck, snapping Spencer’s head back with a backpack stunner. Miami and Cashe exchange words after that while Spencer squirms on the mat trying to chase away the little birds circling her head.

While still running his mouth to Cashe, Miami scoops up Spencer for a Michinoku Driver… and after he successfully pulls it off and hits a kip-up for the crowd, he leans out over the ropes to keep running his mouth. When Cashe hops onto the apron and threatens a big right hand, Miami flinches big time and practically jumps backwards… right into a roll up! The pinning combo only gets two, but Josslyn doesn’t let her second chance go to waste.

Spencer keeps Miami guessing by cartwheeling into a headscissor and flipping him onto his butt - then she hits the ropes behind him and runs back with a beautifully timed blockbuster to her seated opponent! Josslyn does her own kip-up just to mock Johnny Miami, and then she drills him down with The Future!

After flattening Johnny Miami with the stomp, she has to practically peel him from the canvas to get him back to his feet. She gives him an irish whip to the ropes and follows him, hopping onto the middle rope just as he hits them… ZODIAC KILLER!

Josslyn rolls Miami onto his back and seductively lays her own body across his, letting her tongue dangle out as the official counts 1-2-3!


(Match Time 8:32)


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Great debut from Josslyn Spencer! She handled a strong challenge from Johnny Miami extremely well and came out on top.

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Miami wasn’t ready for the heat! But you want REAL heat? Up next we’re going to watch people get BLOWN UP for the chance to call themselves the Lord of Violence! Right after a word from the back!

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We cut to the backstage area where we find Madness' own interviewer, Marv Smegma standing outside the locker room of Jacki O'Lantern. Guarding the door are her black cats. Seeing as how they don't see him as a threat, they step aside and allow Marv to knock on the door. She answers with a smile and allows him to enter.

Marv Smegma: “Hello Mrs. Lantern I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on becoming the second person to be named Lord of Violence as well as entering your third deathmatch later on tonight?”

Jacki grabs for her Lord of Violence bat that was laying on the leather sofa, which was awarded to her in the last show after she successfully won her match. She throws the bat over her shoulder and admires it before looking at Marve and responding to the question.

“Jacki O'Lantern: “I'm honored and excited. With these types of matches, you never know what to expect. They keep adding different things for us to utilize, and that's what stands out from the rest of the matches. I love the feeling of uncertainty, Hide was close to taking another win home last show, but lightning couldn't strike twice for him and I ended up proving to be the better competitor. My respect to him and can't wait to put my award on the line. If things go well I wouldn't mind keeping this bad boy with me a bit longer, so expect my competiveness and my willingness to not only win, but to show that you don't need to be the devil to succeed. You can just be Jacki O'Lantern. ”

Marv Smegma: “We look forward to seeing what you bring to the table this time around. However, they certainly don't call you The Queen of Trickery for nothing. We all witnessed you and Hide drive off in one of the buses at some point during the show. Can fans expect to see some kind of shenanigans pulled tonight?”

She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a very coy look before leaving the room and leaving that question unanswered. Marv stands there looking on as the scene switches to something else.


We go live to a secluded beach where XWF officials have planted tons of landmines under the sandy shore! There seems to be some concern among the competitors that Micheal Graves is attempting to address.

"I assure you, the mines that were using it aren't THAT powerful! It'll just sting a little!"

Muttering amongst the competitors ends with Vita Valenteen speaking up.

"Oh yeah, prove it!"

Graves is like, Seriously? But everyone seems to agree that they'd like to see a demonstration of these explosives that they'll be dealing with. Micheal seems frustrated by the delayed start.

"Okay, FINE!"

Micheal removes his leather jacket with force and throws it to the grounds.

"Y'all want a fucking demonstration!?"

Micheal stomps off towards the ocean!

"I can't believe that ANY of you would believe that this company would intentionally put your careers at risk! WE MAKE MONEY OFF OF YOU WORK-"



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The force of the explosion carries Micheal into a super impressive hangtime of 16.73 seconds before his charred ass crashes into the sand with a sickening THUD and emergency workers quickly come to his aid, using a blanket to both dampen the flames, and then drag him to safety!

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Worry and confusion sweep our competitors as Micheal is dragged past them. Any doubt of this match still taking place is quickly put to bed as Hide begins wailing on, well everyone! Catching everyone by surprise, Hide does a good job of keeping everyone off balance and coming at him one at a time. He successfully fights them off this way for a bit, but Oliver Taylor sneaks up behind him on his hands and knees, setting up the perfect tripping obstacle to ensure that Vita's running shotgun dropkick takes the fierce brawler down to the sand! Oliver quickly mounts hide and unloads rapid rights to the base of his skull! Jacki reminds Vita that there are more than three in this bout when she catches her with a fierce spinning back fist and follows up with a DDT and a handstand double knee drop! With Vita down, Jacki hovers over Oliver who has Hide pinned to the ground with a modified armbar. A kick to the small of his back breaks the hold, and as Oliver tries to get to his feet, Jacki drops him with a reverse DDT! Jacki explodes to her feet and is all over Hide, hammering and clawing until finally, she has him caught in the Cut Throat Stretch! Hide yells out in agony, but he fights against the temptation to submit. Not that it matters, we don't have a referee now that Gravy has been exploded!

On the other side of things, Vita Valenteen has begun to stir, as has Oliver Taylor. At a knelt knee, the two of them lock eyes for a moment before pushing up with force and colliding in a scrappy exchange that ends in Vita being caught by the neck in a setup for the chokeslam! Vita grabs Olivers' wrist tight with both hands as her eyes bulge and she attempts to beg the big (*in comparison. Dude's like 6'0 to Vita's 5'2, and we ALL know that 5'11 is a frickin GIANT!) man off! Oliver effortlessly powers Vita high into the air with one arm, but Vita locks her legs around that arm and rears back with all of her weight, to no avail! Oliver slams Vita into the sand with more of a spike brainbuster than a chokeslam, and Vita's limbs fall flat! Oliver makes the cover! But oh yeah, we still don't have an official! With no other options, Oliver turns his attention to Jacki and Hide who are now both on their feet and trading blows! This quickly morphs into a chain wrestling exhibition where Jacki O'Lantern does surprisingly well, but Hide Yamazaki proves himself to be much better schooled as he catches her with a release German suplex, but Jacki is agile as a cat and manages to land on her feet! As Hide reaches his, Jacki rushes in with a kick, presumably looking for another quick DDT, but hide catches her leg and whips his entire body, throwing Jacki a good 15 or so feet with a thud, a roll, and a...



Oh, what a letdown!

Back at the edge of the mine-laden beach, Oliver spins Hide around and challenges him to some stiff tough-guy business. Hide is more than happy to oblige and offers Oliver the first strike. Oliver accepts and takes a step back before charging in with a knife-edge chop so sharp that the meaty slap could rupture an eardrum if your TV is too loud! Hide stumbles back before regaining his footing! He lets out a roar, as Oliver prepares for his return check! Hide charges in and pounds a forearm to Oliver's sternum! Oliver stumbles back and doubles over coughing for air! Hide laughs at what he perceives to be a weakness and isn't fully prepared when Oliver fires back with a straight-right heart punch! It takes Hide down to a knee and Oliver takes the next shot, rushing in with a knee, but Hide catches it and rolls Oliver into a half crap! Oliver struggles against the pain, not that it matters because again, we're without an official ATM! Fortunately for Oliver, the submission is quickly broken up via a running knee from Vita Valenteen that lands squarely to the right temple of Hide Yamazaki! Hide crumbles to the sand as Vita turns her attention back to Oliver and as he pushes up to a knee she shoots him down with a superkick!

Jacki's back! Her and Vita brawl before Jacki arm drags Vita into the sand. Jacki stalks and catches Vita with the Taco Driver! Again, no official! Hide has recovered and sets his sights on the only other competitor currently on their feet, Jacki O'Lantern! The two meet head-on and begin to brawl. Jacki quickly slips his shots and catches hide in a waist lock. She powers him up and slams him to the sand face first! The two continue to scrap on the ground, rolling and trading positions along with shots to the face! Hide gains the advantage here and looks to follow up with something big as he leads Jacki carefully into the minefield until he spots one of the mines. Hide gets into position, checking behind him a few times to try and properly judge the distance before throwing Jacki into the land mine with the High-Angle-Belly-To-Belly Suplex that he dubs, The Devil!


She continues to roll after impact!


The explosion hurls Jacki through the air and into the ocean, while also blowing Hide through the air until he crashes 20 or 30 feet down the beach!


Oh, snap!

Hide's eyes widen as he scrambles away from the mine as quick as possible!

Thank God for XWF cheaping out on old stock war surplus, otherwise, that sucker would have gone off the second Hide stepped off!


Hide hurls through the air once more before crashing into the sand with a thud, tumble, flattened! Oliver Taylor makes his move and hooks the leg, BUT NO REF!!! That is until!

[Image: gravy-returns.jpg]


A bandaged and slightly charred Graves quick hobbles into a slide to count the pinfall!





Taylor doesn't waste time celebrating the elimination of our VERY FIRST LORD OF VIOLENCE, but instead surveys the field for his next target, and quickly finds a dazed Vita Valenteen stumbling to her feet! Oliver makes his way across the field towards Vita when;


Oliver mouths the phrase "AW FUCK!" and knows he's doomed as Vita fully recovers and realizes Oliver's position. Vita considers her options for a moment, realizing that if she were to attack Oliver, she would also be within blast radius. Then it hits her!


Vita grabs Micheal Graves by the back of his pants and the collar of his shirt. Micheal's eyes widen from the shock of it, but before he can properly react, he's already mid-flight!


Graves crashes into Oliver Taylor with the frickin best crossbody he's ever attempted!


Graves and Taylor are both thrown in different directions! Vita carefully maneuvers the minefield until she makes it over to Oliver, where she quickly checks his pulse before hooking the leg!

Oh yeah, she blew up Gravy too!

Vita jumps up and yells for Graves to move it! Good thing Mikey is used to taking immense amounts of punishment! Vita covers Oliver again as Graves slowly makes it into position!





Vita can't believe it! This dude just blew the heck up! The shock wears off and Vita gets down to business twisting and fighting against Oliver, but eventually locking the weakened and charred competitor into the Rings of Vita! To his credit, Oliver refuses to tap until the bitter end, when he loses consciousness.


Vita releases the hold the very second that she's instructed to and falls back into the sand exhausted. That's when Vita notices Jacki O'Lantern emerging from the ocean with a fierce fire burning in her eyes.


Vita pushes up off of the sand and pulls herself together and the two women march toward each other and begin trading blows! Vita with a sunset flip!



KICKOUT! Jacki fights to her feet and puts Vita on the defensive! A discus forearm takes Vita to the sand and a Handstand Double Knee Drop keeps her there a little longer! Jacki stalks her prey! Vita pushes to her feet and turns right into a midsection kick followed by the Taco Driver known as "Black Cat Crossing"! Jacki hooks the leg!




Vita somehow managed to get a shoulder up, but continues to lay in a heap on her side. Jacki takes a moment to develop a further plan before pealing Vita off of the beach, but Vita pops off with an elbow to the midsection and manages to stagger Jacki as she pushes to her feet and dives in with a series of knife-edge chops that she caps off with facebuster to the sand! Vita with the cover!




Vita jumps to her feet and grabs Jacki's arm, looking for the Rings of Vita submission, but Jacki rolls into it and pulls Vita down to her, tieing her up in an Octopus Stretch instead! Vita cries out as Jacki wrenches in, she fights against it, but can't escape! Micheal checks on Vita to see if she will submit, but she refuses! Vita twist her lower body in an unnatural way to escape the hold and pins Jacki's shoulders in the process!



Jacki shifts her weight and pins Vita instead!



Vita kicks out, separating the two! They both scramble to their feet and quickly lock up! Vita rear transitions, but Jacki pops off a back elbow that breaks Vita's grip! A discus forearm from Jacki further staggers Vita Jacki moves in looking for The Darkest Hour, Chicken Wing Facelock, but Vita struggles against her! The two ladies knee, elbow, scratch, and claw for the position, with Jacki winning out in the end and locking in the Chicken Wing as she drags Vita down! Vita struggles against the pain, with passing out being of little concern to her! Jacki wrenches in hard, bending Vita in half as she wraps her legs around Vita's waist and applies pressure.


Guess that wasn't a dud after all! The explosion is close enough blow Vita and Jacki back! The attempted submission is lost in the whirlwind of sand and smoke. As the sand a smoke clear, we find Jacki standing and blinded by the aftermath of the explosion.


Vita makes the cover as Graves hobbles into position!





Vita lays there in the sand, exhausted, as Graves reaches down to help her up. Once on her feet, the battered couple face the camera.



Micheal leads Vita towards a large box of some sort covered with a tarp.

"Every month we give our crowned L.O.V. champion a prize to commemorate that time they put their very lives on the line for the sake of entertainment, and this month is no different!"

Graves rips the tarp off of the box revealing!

[Image: LOV.png]

Vita does not look impressed as Graves continues to address the camera.

"If you like what you see here, folks, you'll be able to buy your very own Lord of Violence the Home edition yourself! COMING SOON TO XWF SHOP!"

Vita pulls a leather whip out of the box and looks at it curiously as we cut back to the arena!


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“Listen, if you’d just-”

“I like my hair, Sar.”

“I’m not saying go PLATINUM blonde, or anything, maybe just some highlights-”

“Ruby never bleaches her hair.”



In what is clearly a previously recorded video, Sarah Lacklan and Vita Valenteen are laying on long chairs as the Honolulu sun beats down on them. Both of them are dowsed in Sarah’s “No More Fears: The Vampire-Safe Sunblock” and wearing comparatively conservative bathing suits (we’ve all seen the floss and tissue paper skanks like Lexi consider “clothes”), massive hats, and huge sunglasses. The XWF Promo-Drone swoops down on the duo and focuses on the older of the two and Sarah rolls her eyes behind her sunglasses.

Sarah: “Shit. Forgot this was a ‘business’ vacation.”

She turns to Vita.

Sarah: “We’ll revisit this you’d-totes-look-awesome-with-bleached-hair discussion after I clock out.”

Vita rolls her own eyes behind her own sunglasses.

Sarah: “Welp, clocking in!”

This promotional video is paid for by the Ga(y)la Foundation

#FuckCancer #SoireesToEndCancer #SaveTheSkin #SarWinsLOL





-comes to you LIVE from the middle of Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia!



WHY are we fighting in a park?

...because I said so? Because I’m Sarah Lacklan-


....I SAID, because I’m Sarah Lacklan-

......um….bum bum BUM BUUUUUM?

ANARCHY COMMISSIONER! And THAT particular locale holds a SPECIAL place in my heart! But more on THAT when we get there. And when we DO get there, dearie?




SEE! Ruby FINALLY not be the SMELLIEST person in the ring when she fights the Generic Heel!

SEE! Vita’s #HotBoi try to be the first person to stop Footmania from running wild!

SEE! Double V with the (totes respectable) Double Bs fight the much much much MUCH shorter Oswald!

SEE! The surprising 2nd-or-3rd place manager continue his Cinderella Story as he faces off with the, let’s face it, kinda disappointing Letters!

SEE! A particularly ugly janitor (our former Universal Champ REALLY should check and make sure that guy isn’t a part of his guild) get his one and only chance of points while facing the uber-distracted and injured Dolly!

SEE! The face of a dead fed fight the face of an undead man after said zombie sex toy fights off my personal step-stool twins!


And in the MAIN EVENT of the evening!

SEE! FORMER Anarchy Champion (remember what I said about how holding that title doesn’t mean you’re axly the CHAMPION of Anarchy? teehee!) teaming up with Mr. 4CW to face the team of the NEW Anarchy Champion (same applies, chica…prove yourself!) and one of our kinda-sorta-remembers-she’s-here peeps.

Oh! And! Watch what is left of Soldier’s waning importance and impact AGAIN be diminished as he gets beat by some newbie in the curtain jerker. Because LOL

Tune in next Thursday for all this….AND MORE! And remember, keep your….




*biggest eyeroll yet*

The scene ends and shifts back to ringside where Jacuinde and Bath look confused.

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Not sure what Sarah Lacklan has cooked up with Vita, but WOW what an explosive match we just saw! Vita Valenteen - LORD OF VIOLENCE! Can you believe it, Bath?

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Definitely impressive but here on Madness you know we don’t have time to catch our breath and relax… we need to go to the ring ASAP because it is time to crown new champions!

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[Image: BW7FIE9.png]

Ikura ikura ikura ore no kachi wa ikura!
Run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up!
Ikura ikura ikura ore no kachi wa ikura!
Run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up!

ANARCHY's "Run It Up" comes on over the PA system as the arena lights dim down, bringing all attention to the lighting on and around the stage. Everyone’s attention is on the entrance curtain when, all of a sudden, an air horn like the one heard from a fire engine BLASTS through the arena. From the side of the stage, a tricked out RV painted white with neon blue accents rolls up. As the opening refrain with Skits Vicious begins, theside door flies open and out comes the 2 Broke Chicks. In name only, of course! There’s some visible laughs of amusement as Jane then turns towards the stage and tries to look serious as she approaches the ramp. On the opposite side of the mood spectrum, Chiaki Sanada gives their ride an adoring pat before scurrying to catch up with her tag team partner.

As the two make their way down the ramp, Jane’s attempt to stay serious is all but lost once Chiaki moves in front of her, just goofing off and throwing random signs at the camera in sync with their music. As the chorus plays, Chiaki starts singing along. The strength of the duo finally breaks into laughter at the little one’s antics and the pair continue towards the ring. Once they reach ringside, Jane comes in behind Chiaki and lifts the crazy little Joshi up onto her shoulders. She makes a lap around the ring itself while Chiaki’s waving her arms from side to side over her head, trying to get the fans to join in. They do, for the most part. Chiaki hops off of Jane’s shoulders and onto the apron. She’s back to throwing thuggish little hand signals as Jane climbs onto the apron. Jane climbs into the ring and stands behind Chiaki who is still doing her thing as they both throw up their actual, personal team gesture. Chiaki finally gets into the ring and the two of them move to their corner, removing their entrance gear and getting in a bit of last minute extra stretching as they get ready for their match.

The music plays and “Wild Card” Matt Kayden walks out with his partner Oliver Peters as smoke effects fill the arena with white mist.

The KTFO teammates cockily head to the ring with smug looks over overconfidence on their faces, and they mock Chi Chi and Jane from their corner as they await the start of the match.


With Matty Kayden and Jane Harper starting things off, things are pretty even to begin with. Both are clearly prime athletes with peak conditioning and great instincts, and it results in a long series of reversals, takedowns, escapes, and catch-as-catch-can style back and forth. Neither competitor is able to really garner any sort of advantage, and it seems like each one is actually enjoying the challenge of trying to one up the other. Both Jane and Matt engage in a little gamesmanship, a little smack talk, but both appear to be genuinely impressed and pleased with one another.

Momentum shifts after a few minutes of this when Kayden feints a lockup and stabs a finger into Harper’s eye instead. The official admonishes him but he doesn’t wait before taking Harper down with a headlock takeover and he proceeds to use his weight and leverage to grind her into the mat with weardown holds and even tries to work some UFC inspired ground and pound tactics into the mix, working from a partial mount inside of Harper’s butterfly guard to side control and then a full mount, where he tries to apply a kimura until Harper is able to get to the bottom rope and cause a break.

After being stood up Harper gets more focused on striking and turns things in her direction with some precision boxing that Kayden finds himself unable to fully block. He catches a good shot to the jaw that opens up his guard enough for Harper to scoop Kayden up and look for the CHA CHING Death Valley Driver! Kayden is able to hook his foot on the top rope and escape, though, and makes a tag to his partner Oliver Peters.

Jane Harper stays in and we see a repeat of the match’s beginning, however with Peters being fresher he is able to impose his will more readily against Harper and he is in the driver’s seat after a few moments, trapping Harper in a series of submissions. He rolls Harper into THE KILL but Harper weathers the storm and eventually Peters actually seems gassed from applying the hold for so long. As a result, when Harper finally manages to limp to her feet and Peters attempts his NEUROTOXIN V1 high knee, Harper is able to evade the move and dive to her corner for a tag.

Chi Chi enters the ring to a huge roar from the crowd and changes the tempo for her team right away. Peters is unable to keep pace with Chiaki Sanada after filling his skeletal muscles with lactic acid, and Chi Chi seems to have a neverending tank of gas. With Peters on his heels, Sanada actually rolls into his legs like Sonic the Hedgehog, toppling Peters and causing him to wince and grab at his bum leg with a grimace. Sanada leaps onto his back after this and starts pummeling the back of his head until the official forces a break.

Peters gets cut off trying to tag back out and Chi Chi pulls off the BOOMSHAKALAK! Peters is out and Sanada makes a cover… but it’s broken up when Kayden hits a running kneedrop on Chi Chi and then drags Peters back into the KTFO corner. When Harper tries to intervene the official turns to keep her away, which allows Kayden to hook Sanada in the ACE OF SPADES! Chi Chi is left in a pile, and when the ref returns to the action he only sees Peters making a tag to Matt Kayden.

Kayden enters the ring like a fireball, flipping Chi Chi in a series of suplexes that leave the smaller girl shook and unable to counter. Kayden stays firmly in control, climbs the ropes, and when Sanada finally gets to a vertical base he nails her with a blockbuster from up top! The pin attempt that follows only gets a two before Harper breaks things up, but once again the official turning his attention to Harper allows a double team effort from both members of Team KTFO!

Peters and Kayden take advantage with Peters lifting Chi Chi onto his shoulders - but when Kayden looks for the WILD N’ OUT bicycle kick, Sanada ducks under and Kayden ends up smashing into the turnbuckles! Sanada traps Peters in a victory roll, and the crowd counts along 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… but there’s no official present to make the count! Harper is losing her mind trying to get the ref to turn around, which just makes it worse, and Kayden is able to push the tangled ball of Peters and Sanada over so that it’s Chi Chi’s shoulders on the mat!

NOW the ref turns and sees the pinning predicament, and he drops down for a count… and Chi Chi kicks out! Sanada tries to leap for a tag but Peters catches her by an ankle, twisting her foot in a grotesque angle in the middle of the ring. Jane Harper then hops to the floor and lifts the ring skirting, coming back up onto the apron with a packet of Pocky! Chi Chi’s eyes nearly bug out of her skull and she starts hopping like crazy, ignoring the pain of the ankle lock and actually dragging Peters close enough so that she’s only millimeters away from tagging out… and Matt Kayden crashes into Jane Harper with a running forearm that sends her crashing into the guard rail!

The ref admonishes Kayden but he ignores him, and smashes Chi Chi in the face with the WILD N’ OUT! Peters follow up with NEUROTOXIN V1! A modified TFKO!!!

Kayden leaves the ring and the official drops to the mat for the 1-2-3 just as Harper dives into the ring again, just a half second too late to stop the pinfall!


(Match Time 18:44)

The official holds Matty and Oliver’s hands up and then presents them each with their brand new Gemini Championship rings!

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And there you have it, Bath! Team KTFO are officially the FIRST ever XWF Madness Gemini Champions! Those were some gorgeous rings!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Better than any stupid Super Bowl ring! Suck it, Bill Belichick!

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Up next is the largest match we’ve had yet on Madness! Twenty participants are going to enter the Pick Your Poison Battle Royale for the opportunity to CHOOSE what opportunity they want as a reward… that’s NEXT after some words from the roster…

[Image: cGInlPs.png]

Backstage, we see Lexi Gold sitting on some crates, not noticing the cameras on her. Instead, her eyes are focused down at her phone in her hands, then Marv Smegma walks up to her with a mic in hand. She sees him standing there, hops off the crates, and places her phone inside her back pocket, nodding her head at him, which might give an indication that she is ready to be interviewed at this time.

Marv Smegma: “Hello, Lexi. Unfortunately, it seems like bad luck has been on your side lately, with you coming up short twice against the current IDL Champion Chris Mosh. How do you feel about that?”

Lexi looks around, then crosses her arms. Most people would be frustrated, or furious if they were in her position, but she smiles and looks happy.

“You win some, you lose some. That's all part of the business. It's something you have to deal with, move on from it and do better next time. While I would have loved to have held that IDL Championship, it wasn't in the cards for me. Mosh proved to be the better person that night. He may be arrogant and egotistical, but he's a tough son of a bitch, and it's going to be a struggle whoever attempts to try and get the belt off him next.”

Marv Smegma: “Let's not forget you are one of the participants in tonight's Battle Royal where the winner gets to pick a championship of their choosing, so you may be a run in for the IDL championship again should you win and choose it.”

“I'm very aware of that. I'm not going to allow my losses to be the reason I give up. I worked too damn hard and came too far in my career to hang up my boots. It's going to be hell for the other participants when they try to throw me out, because I'll fight for my life to ensure that does not happen. Ready or not, I'm coming in hot and my determination to be the last person in that ring will not go unnoticed.”

Marv Smegma: “Best of luck to you.”

Lexi smiles again and walks off, leaving the camera to focus on Marv before cutting off.

[Image: cGInlPs.png]

We meet Molly backstage. She’s wearing her AlriTee, and has an English flag wrapped around her shoulders like a cape. She bites into a steak and kidney pie, closes her eyes, and thinks of England. Then she notices the camera.

Molly: "Alrite, lads? Turning up the Englishness for this one, innit. Battle Royales are near and dear to me heart. Big fan of the royals. Me nan always told me to respect them. I know all the verses to God Save the Queen. Nothing like belting it out at the footy, innit? Glad the caterers at least catered to me tonight. It’s not easy to find decent grub here in Hawai’i. It’s all lomi lomi and poke bowls. Nando’s is as exotic as I usually eat, so cheers!"

She takes another bite, and with gravy dripping off her chin, she starts talking again before her mouth is even empty.

Molly: "Noff fe only weason I wanna win this batlle royale tonite. A title shot of me own choosing would give me the opportunity to give that cockwomble Chris Mosh a proper deserved thrashing. Or that silly sod Elijah Copeland. Both of ‘em have been bang out of order since day one. I reckon half of the viewing crowd’s already utterly sick of the sight of ‘em. Anyway, best get ready. Chip, chip, cheerio, and all that. That’s what Americans always think we say, innit? That’s not true, by the way, stop thinking in those stereotypes. Now I really have to go or I’ll miss first bong."

She wipes her chin off and quickly makes her way towards the ring entrance.


The bell sounds and all 20 competitors find someone to square off with. Well, 18 of them do. Da Bing Bong Twinzz seem happy enough to chill in a corner and watch the others go to town on each other.

The Themises and the Death Rattle square off, as do BGTL and Mad Rhymes. Doc Docherty starts putting a massive beatdown on Homer Sapien, Sierra Silver and Lexi Gold grapple one another, Molly Barnes and Summer Page do as well.

Li’l Juicy scores the first elimination after setting Dean Rose up against the ropes and sending him cartwheeling to the floor with a big clothesline!


Juicy can’t gloat though as he soon gets sucked into a brawl happening between Death Match stars Darren Dangerous and Thrax! The three men are a vortex if fists and feet, and the sheer violence soon overwhelms Juicy and leaves him crumpled on the mat as the two other men continue trying to murder each other.

Across the ring, Maxine and Bobbi London are having themselves an all out SCRAP with the girls from BGTL. Maxine’s raw power is enough to give her team the edge, and she looks like she’s going to be the first one to have a memorable moment in the battle royale when she lifts both Claire AND Ximena over her head in a tandem vertical suplex attempt! Maxine backs to the ropes and wants to drop both BGTL members out of the ring but she can’t quite get them all the way over… Claire and Xim land on the apron and lift Maxine up in a double suplex of their own, dropping HER down to the floor!


Bobbi London knows she’s got a good chance to send both of her rivals to the floor at once so she gets a head of steam and charges the rpes, looking to clubber Claire and Ximena off of the apron together with one big double lariat, but BGTL both drop to their butts and yank down the top rope, letting Bobbi sends herself over and out right next to her partner!


We see Molly Barnes nearly getting “Spoiled” Summer Page over the top, Page holding onto the top rope for dear life, and that’s where BGTL decide to turn their attention. Claire slams a double ax into Molly’s back and puts her to her knees, and then Ximena yanks Summer down onto her back by the hair and starts putting the boots to her.

Meanwhile, Agrippina and Desdemona find themselves on the losing end of things against Death Rattle. With Jane Doe and Sound of Death really kicking the intensity up a notch, the Themises are doing all that they can just to stay vertical. Desdemona gets an idea and whispers something to one of the Bing Bongs, and the young man’s eyes go wide. He passes the info along to his twin brother and his reaction is more of the same.

Whatever Desdemona promised to do to the Twinzz motivates them enough to get them to help the Themis girls out, and soon Death Rattle find themselves at a 4-on-2 disadvantage!

Across the ring, Doc Docherty tosses Homer Sapien right out over the top! Sapien lands with a wet squish.


And as soon as Docherty turns around, he eats a huge superkick from Li’l Juicy! Docherty staggers up against the ropes and Juicy rushes him to try and flip him up and over, but Docherty hooks his arms and legs through the ropes and makes it all but impossible, then drives the point of his elbow into Juicy’s head to back him off… one running double leg takedown later and Juicy finds himself in full mount with Doc Docherty beating the hair gel out of his head.

Sierra Silver and Lexi Gold are in a corner to themselves, and Lexi is working hard to get Silver over the top. Silver is hanging on for all she’s worth though, and she actually shouts for Lexi to look out when she sees Darren Dangerous charging up from behind with a spear! Gold dodges to the side and Dangerous collides with the ring post in between the third and second turnbuckles, and he falls out of the ring onto the floor. However, he did not actually go over the top so the officials simply let him lie there in a pile.

Thrax decides it’s HIS turn to charge at the two ladies in the corner though, and this time when he runs in it’s Silver who hops down to the mat and ducks under, back dropping Thrax over the top rope and down onto the ring steps where he hits the steel hard!


Silver and Gold share a nod and then they lock up once more, still trying to outdo one another!

Back on the other side, Summer Page and Ximena Asensio are fighting a war of attrition. Ximena is taken aback by Summer’s cardio and conditioning which is on par with her own. Summer’s ferocity is overwhelming also, but Claire Rogers comes to Ximena’s rescue after she ragdolls Molly Barnes across the ring. Claire and Xim pound on Page together and then lift her into a MAGIC KILLER!

Claire gives Xim a high ten and then the two fit females drag Summer up and drape her over the top. They nearly have her out and over when Barnes charges back in with a high knee to Claire’s spine! Claire turns her attention to Molly and Page is able land back on her feet in the ring - she’s still on the ropes though and Ximena comes at her with a clothesline… DUCKED! Summer Page evades the elimination and Asensio nearly goes over herself from the momentum of her attempt.TOTAL KNOCKOUT! The big superkick from Summer Page spills Ximena to the outside!


Claire Rogers is FUMING when she sees Xim go over the top, and she rages toward Summer Page! Right when she gets her hands on Page though, Molly Barnes charges in with the MUGSHOT! Claire is sent over and lands next to her partner on the floor!


Molly Barnes celebrates as Claire loses her absolute mind on the floor below. Claire then jumps back onto the apron and grabs Molly Barnes! Claire drags Molly over the top rope and tosses her to the floor, and then jumps onto her and starts giving her a beatdown!


Darren Dangerous, still technically legal, finally has pulled himself back up to his feet and he observes where EMTs are still tending to Thrax on the ring steps. Dangerous pulls loose a section of ringside guardrail and looks up at the lighting rig over the ring. He then heads off toward the back with his railing in his hand.

Claire keeps giving Molly Barnes the business, but MAD RHYMES has seen enough and they come back down to the ringside area and waylay the BGTL girls! Bobbi and Max go to town on Claire and Xim, and Molly finally is able to get up and starts fighting with BGTL as well! The five women all brawl up the ramps before finally vanishing from the area behind the curtain.

Back in the ring, the Themises and the Bing Bongs have seen their alliance fall apart. With Death Rattle beaten down, they’ve turned on one another. MC C-Munqqquee is getting his hide tanned by Desdemona Themis against the ropes while Agrippina thoroughly lays waste to Li’l Ca$h-App on the canvas with some nasty pankration maneuvers.

With Ca$h-App disabled after Agrippina crushes him with the PYTHIA’S PYRE, Agrippina is called over by Desdemona, who has C-Munqqquee caught up against the ropes. Agrippina runs forward and leaps with the JUDGEMENT OF PARIS flying knee - and C-Munq pulls Desdemona in front of it!

Agrippina nails her own partner with the Judgement of Paris, and Desdemona Themis is sent flipping over the top rope to the floor below! Agrippina is horrified as she looks down at her sister in shock!

[Image: wWs53Qx.gif]


Agrippina returns to the fray and gives her eliminated sister a peace offering in the form of grabbing MC C-Munqqquee and hip tossng him right out of the ring over the top, where he lands with a splat next to Desdemona!


Across the ring, Li’l Juicy has managed to turn things around a little bit in his favor as he has Chris Docherty draped over his shoulders and set up for a Death Valley Driver. He makes his way toward the ropes to try and use the maneuver as a way to dump Docherty out of the ring.

Docherty doesn’t just lay still in the lift, though, and soon he has Li’l Juicy’s arm trapped around his own neck! Docherty slides off of Juicy’s shoulders and has Juicy stuck in a standing arm triangle choke! He muscles Juicy against the ropes while maintaining the choke, and drags him over the top, sending him falling down to the floor.


Lexi Gold and “Spoiled” Summer Page find each other and have a few choice words before breaking out into an all-out brawl. Lexi looks like she has the upper hand until Page catches her with a stabbing finger strike right to the throat! Lexi is staggered and Page makes a move to take full control when Li’l Ca$h-App attacks her!

Ca$h-App drops Summer Page with a running forearm shot from behind and then he starts laying the boots to her while Lexi Gold is still on her butt trying to breathe. Agrippina Themis gets two handfuls of the Bing Bong’s wild hairdo and yanks him backward in a backstabber that sends him in a flip into a corner.

Sierra Silver nearly finds herself eliminated as both members of Death Rattle work to get her over the top rope in the opposite corner. Sierra is fighting for all she’s got but clearly unable to do anything while outnumbered two to one. Silver can only grip the top rope with her arms and legs and hold on like a three toed sloth and attempt to weather the storm, so that’s exactly what she does.

When it looks like Sierra might finally be pried off of the rope, suddenly a pair of people race down the ramp from backstage…

[Image: dancing-painting.gif]

It’s the newcomer tag team of P.W.T.!

Tanya Terwilliger and Sean “Spider” Spivey, otherwise known as P.W.T., run down to the ring, slide in under the bottom rope, and immediately attack the Sound of Death and Jane Doe! The members of Death Rattle have basically no time to defend themselves from the assault, and soon P.W.T. have dragged them both out over the top rope and pulled them to the floor where they keep attacking them!



While cameras watch the fight between P.W.T. and Death Rattle on the floor, it can be seen high above in the lighting rigs that Darren Dangerous has made his way all the way up there along with the piece of guard rail he’d detached earlier!

Medics had finally finished getting Thrax up on a gurney with a neck and back board under him and began wheeling him away from ringside when Darren Dangerous dives off of the lighting rigs and crashes down onto the stretcher with the guard rail section between his and Thrax’s bodies!

Darren Dangerous hits his head on the floor on impact and starts bleeding from the ears, and the medics start working on HIM right away as well, throwing up signals for more help from the back. Considering Darren might actually be dead, the referees decide to have him officially declared as eliminated!


With Li’l Ca$h-App and Agrippina Themis still going back and forth, it seems like neither can really keep the upper hand for long. That changes when Ca$h-App is absolutely folded in half by a spear from Themis on the rebound from a whip to the ropes!

Aggie smiles and crouches in wait while Ca$h-App dry heaves and stumbles back up to a vertical base. She then leaps at him once he’s standing and wraps her thighs around his face - which I am sure he loves - and leans back for a frankensteiner!

But Ca$h-App keeps his balance! Ca$h-App doesn’t flip over and instead he pulls Agrippina up like a powerbomb, then backs up to the ropes and lifts her even farther, dumping her backwards over his head out of the ring!


Li’l Ca$h-App is ecstatic! He runs around the ring like a lunatic and even gets a high five from Chris Docherty for knocking Themis out of the battle royale.

Docherty gives him the high five and looks like he’s almost entertained by the Bing Bonger’s excitement, but then Ca$h-App tries to grab Docherty and toss him over the top!

Docherty grabs the top rope and sends Ca$h-App flipping backward with a huge back elbow, and when Ca$h-App gets to his feet he’s immediately caught with the DOCHERTY PRIDE!

Li’l Ca$h-App falls through the ropes to the outside, saving himself from elimination, and then he crawls underneath the ring and lays there like a corpse, trying to recover from the huge move. Docherty watches him vanish under the ring and just shrugs, then he turns his attention to Sierra Silver.

Silver and Docherty have a nice exchange, countering one another as each goes for various throws and suplexes. The much larger Docherty is able to mostly control the pace here and he eventually lays Silver out with an overhead belly to belly that has Silver skidding across the mat.

Docherty hits the ropes and flips off the middle with a lionsault! But Sierra Silver had it scouted and manages to pounce with perfect timing, and catches Docherty in mid-air with a GREENHEART! Docherty is loopy and he stumbles and falls with his head dangling over the second rope… perfectly set up for the SI-1-9!

Silver hits the move perfectly and then heads to the top rope! She lines herself up with Docherty and gives the signal, then leaps off the top for her SILVER SUN RISING… but this time it’s Docherty who was waiting for his chance! Docherty drills a GENOCIDE KICK right into Sierra Silver’s head after she jumps off, and the impact leaves her crumpled in the corner, laying on her face.

Docherty turns his attention to Lexi Gold and Summer Page, who are grappling with each other and taking turns trying to get one another out over the top. Lexi looks for a body slam over the ropes to Summer, but Summer holds onto Lexi’s head when she falls to the apron, then drags Lexi out over the top with her.

The two women trade strikes on the apron with each nearly falling off, only saving themselves by grabbing the top rope with one hand. While still both on the apron, Lexi kicks Summer in the midsection and bends her over, then grabs her and lifts her into the GOLDDIGGER!

And then Chris Docherty hits the ropes and knocks both women off of the apron!



The women hit the floor and are obviously pissed off, especially Summer Page who took quite the spill getting knocked off while lifted up in the air by Lexi Gold.

Behind Docherty, Li’l Ca$h-App has yanked Sierra Silver out under the bottom rope as she started trying to get to her feet. He then charges across the ring at Chris Docherty…



Chris Docherty sees the empty ring around him and raises his arms in victory!


Sierra Silver grabs Docherty by the trunks and dumps him out over the top!


Silver falls to her knees and looks like she’s in tears as her music hits the PA system!


(Match Time 28:32)


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With one on either side of the doorway, the cameras pick up Da Bing Bong Twinzz standing outside of someone's locker room.

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "Are you sure this is the one?"

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz: "It says Josslynn on the door, it's gotta be hers!"

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "You ready?"

He raises a Cattle Prod up and pushes the button so the electricity clicks and flickers. He was prepared.

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz: "I'm ready! One.."

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e:"Two.."

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz: "Do we go ON Three or AFTER three?"

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e:"Three!"

They burst into the room to find Jason Cashe sitting on a folding chair eating cashews. He jumps up as cashews are flung into the air but he can't take action fast enough as Li'l Ca$h-App lunges at him, touching him to the chest with the Cattle Prod! The snapping sounds of voltage bouncing through Cashe stiffens him up. MC C-Munqqqee swings and connects with a fist to Cashe's jaw, dropping him sideways to the floor.

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "What's up now?! We got your bitch ass!"

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz: "Talk that shit now Cashe! I can't hear you!"

The door to the locker room was wide open as Josslynn Spencer appeared in the doorway. She gasps at the sight of her boyfriend on the ground twitching from having electricity still jumping around in him.

Josslynn Spencer: "Oh you motherfuckers!"

The Twinzz turns around only to see her spring into action as she leaps up and front dropkicks MC C-Munqqquee, sending him flying back over the folding chair Cashe had been sitting in.

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "You bitch!!"

As Josslynn pops back up to her feet, she is struck by Ca$h-App with the butt of the Cattle Prod to the forehead.

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "How bout a little Electric Shock Therapy?"

He flickers the cattle prod as Josslynn scurries away from him. Jason Cashe was in a daze but was fighting to get up from the floor. As he gets to a knee and pushes up, Ca$h-App turns and goes to tase him a second time.

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "Please, have another!"

Putting the Cattle Prod to his shoulder, Ca$h-App pushes the button and sends another round of voltage into Cashe. He collapses once more and flops around like a fish out of water. Josslynn scrambles up and runs at Ca$h-App but MC C-Munqqquee springs up from the ground and tackles Josslynn from the side.

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "Ohhh! She almost got me! Cashe, you have a fiesty one don't you! She has more fight in her than you do!!"

He leans down and touches Cashe for a third time but before he pushes the button, someone else appears in the open doorway of the locker room.

Elijah Martin: "What do we have here?!"

The Twinzz gather together as they face Elijah Martin, who is already removing his hat and jacket.

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz: "This bitch wants to play too?"

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e: "Nah, nah, the King of Anarchy doesn't want none of Da Bing Bong Twinzz! He can't be THAT stupid!"

Ca$h-App triggers the cattle prod, the snapping of the volts spark with a blue hue on the stick.

Elijah Martin: "I want a whole piece.."

Stepping inside the room, Elijah shuts the door behind him.

Elijah Martin: "Which one of you wants to go first?"

Neither respond as both Bong Bong Twinzz rush in at Elijah. He front kicks MC C-Munqqquee as he comes in and feints back to avoid a swinging Cattle Prod by Li'l Ca$h-App. Shooting up from her feet, Josslynn leaps at MC C-Munqqquee and begins swinging like a wild woman into his face with rapid short punches! He wipes her off, throwing her to the side. She slides into a sprinters position and springs back at him but is met with a lifting knee to the chin and slumps her onto the floor.

Jason Cashe: "Hey.. Behind you!"[/color]

MC C-Munqqquee spins around and Jason Cashe connects to his jaw with a hooking right. Then to the body with a left, Cashe works in a few punches to his combination. MC C hits Cashe back and the two trade a few shots making it a fight.

Elijah Martin slaps away the Cattle Prod and snap jabs a fist into Li'l Ca$h-App's nose. Dropping the Cattle Prod, Ca$h-App gets pushed back against the wall to the left of the door. Elijah cocks back and comes in sideways, chopping the chest of Ca$h-App!

Quickly in response, Ca$h-App pokes Elijah to the eyes. Very Three Stooges like but effective as Elijah turns and grabs at his face. Ca$h-App grabs the door handle and pulls the door open, trying to exit. Elijah reaches, grabs the door and slams it against Ca$h-App's leg, the Bing Bong Twin cries out as he falls into the hallway.

Twirling around, Elijah hears Cashe before he sees him as Cashe roars out, lifting MC C-Munqqquee and running him towards the doorway. Elijah steps aside as Cashe drives him back first into the wall across the hallway before turning and slamming MC C-Munqqquee into the floor. Sitting up in a half mount, Cashe drills MC C-Munqqquee to the jaw a few times.

Elijah Martin: "Whoa! Whoa!"

Jason Cashe: "Where is that damn taser?"

Pushing off of C-Mun (semen), Cashe heads to the opening of the room where the fight had taken place. Josslynn comes out through the door holding a knife.

Jason Cashe: "My Wooo Saah! Hahaha! Let's not get choppy choppy!"

Josslynn Spencer: "I'm going to carve fuckboy into their foreheads!"

Standing in front of Josslynn, Cashe hugs his arms around her, feeling her heart pound in her chest. He liked her fight though, she was a savage beauty and good damn he really liked her booty.

Jason Cashe: "Let's do that in a match with no rules. Then it doesn't come with an arrest warrant.."

Elijah steps passed Cashe and Josslynn as C-Mun and Ca$h-App slip and fumble over themselves as they help each other take off down the hall. Looking over to Cashe, Elijah makes a suggestion.

Elijah Martin: "We really have to stop meeting up like this…"

Jason Cashe: "We might as well be a Tag Team at this point!"

Elijah Martin: "At least long enough to handle these two in the ring."

Josslynn Spencer: "I want in on that.. That one hits like a little girl…"

She tries to figure out how to tell them apart. Twins who looked like they took Anime WAY too seriously.

Josslynn Spencer: "I just want to kick their ass!"

Squeezing her in their partial hugging embrace, Cashe kisses her on the side of her head.

Jason Cashe: "Let's get out of here.. I feel like I peed on an electric fence."

Josslynn laughed.

Josslynn Spencer: "Heh! You got tased!"

Her laughter was joined by Elijah and Cashe's laughter. The three reentered the locker room and shut the door.

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Bath, here we are. The main event of the night. An IDL Championship match between possibly the two biggest talents on Madness, current champion the VIP Chris Mosh and the challenger who earned his shot last time, Elijah Copeland!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
This is one for the ages, Jacuinde, probably the first huge one on one matchup so far on Madness! Elijah Copeland, one of the biggest stars in this industry, and Chris Mosh, the winner of the inaugural IDL Tournament and the reigning IDL Champion! I can’t WAIT!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Well your wait is over because that match is happening RIGHT NOW!

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[Image: vlDwR0F.png]


The camera pans around the Madness arena. Just then there was black, gold, and white flickering as "Breaking Through" by the Wreckage hits the speakers on the arena.

♪ Sever every tie
Untangle every lie
Your words don't mean anything anymore, no
Never satisfied ♪

Just then Elijah is seen coming through the curtain as the fans begin to boo. With “Spoiled” Summer Page at his side, he is seen wearing a black muscle shirt with "The Copeland Era" written on the front, black and gold trunks with Copeland written on the back in gold, black knee pads, black and gold boots, white wrapped up hand on his left hand, black wrist tape on his left, black dog tag with "Elijah Copeland" written in it, and a black sweatband up his arms with "Copeland" written in gold. He puts his wrists together and gets a huge smirk on his face. He looks around and nodes.

♪ But I won't compromise myself for you
Anymore anymore, no
You're so complicated
I'm so over it ♪

He starts walking down the ramp as the fans continue to shower his boos. He stops and looks at the crowd and giving off a slight smirk and laughs as their misfortunes. He bad mouth the fans before getting down to the ringside and stopping on the ringside mat. He walks towards the steel steps and breathes in.

♪ Don't tell me everything is all right
(I know you know)
Don't tell me how to live my life
I'm breaking through tonight ♪

He slaps the steps a few times before walking up them. He walks alongside the edge of the ring. He enters it and walks towards the turnbuckle.

♪ You can crash and burn this time
As I leave it all behind
These scars won't breathe anymore anymore, no
Sounds like goodbye ♪

He looks at the fans as he slowly takes off his shirt and throws it to the outside. He points at the fans before getting down and moves to the corner. He then waits for his opponent.


With a smirk, the IDL Champion Chris “The VIP” Mosh steps out from the back and hefts the IDL title on his shoulder.

With a nod to the fans lining the entrance ramp, Mosh heads down to the ring with a confident gait and even stops to sign a poster for a child… but then he demands cash in return. When the kid can’t produce, Mosh snatches the poster away and takes it with him all the way to the ring!

Mosh finally arrives at the ring and hands the official the poster as well as his championship, and the ref holds the belt high in the air for the fans to see as Mosh moves to his corner to wait for the match to begin.


With obvious respect for each other, both Mosh and Copeland are a bit more tentative than usual to start.

They lock up, but the first attempt ends with Copeland breaking it off and backing away. Then they go for it again and this time it’s Mosh that changes his mind and pulls out early

Finally the lockup happens in earnest, and both men jockey for leverage. Pushing each other back and forth they each struggle for the upper hand. Mosh pushes Copeland against the ropes first, and then Mosh gets muscled into a corner. Mosh puts his hands in the air and the official calls for a break.

Copeland obliges and simply waits in the middle of the ring for Mosh, who chuckles and then charges in for a lariat! Copeland answers with an armdrag, then repeats it when Mosh gets up. After a third armdrag, Copeland locks in a chinlock and leans on it, wrenching Mosh’s neck. Mosh has to endure the pain for a bit but eventually powers up to his feet and breaks the hold with a set of three elbows to the midsection of Elijah Copeland… and then he snags Copeland in an overhead belly to belly!

The match continues with each competitor taking turns spending a few moments in control, followed by a comeback from the other, rinse repeat, until Mosh plants a crisp superkick right across the jaw of Elijah Copeland. Mosh only gets two after a cover, but the momentum stays in his favor for a bit after that.

Mosh successfully keeps the pace low and slow, keeps Copeland grounded, and keeps wearing on his head and neck in particular. First with a nice, deliberate hangman’s neckbreaker, and then with a snap DDT that leaves Copeland on the mat with the herky jerkies - but again, Copeland won’t stay down for a three count.

Chris Mosh wants to get the match in his rear view mirror, and he looks for his MOSHPIT vertebreaker, but Copeland wiggles free and lands behind Mosh, spins him around, then plants him with an inverted atomic drop that may or may not have landed a little south of the border. Mosh is agony and ends up on his knees, which gives Copeland the opening he needs to hit the SHINING WIZARD! With Mosh on his back it’s now Copeland’s turn to get his hopes up only to see them dashed with a kickout at two!

Copeland gets to his feet and stands in the ring, and it looks like he gives a signal by tugging his ear.

After that, Team KTFO come back out of the entrance and head down to the ring!

Matt Kayden and Oliver Peters slide into the ring and attack Chris Mosh, pulling the champ to his feet and smashing him with the TFKO, leaving him laying out cold on his face! The ref has no choice but to call for the bell!


(Match Time 16:19)


As KTFO continue their assault on Chris Mosh, Madness GM Tula Keali’i rushes out onto the stage and stands with microphone.

[Image: MSPycHR.png]
Hey! HEY! What did I tell you? This is an INSULT to the Madness brand and I am NOT going to stand for it! The people of Hawaii paid to see an IDL Championship match, not this FARCE. Peters, Kayden, you are both SUSPENDED and will NOT appear on the next episode of Madness! That’s an UNPAID suspension. Great way to start your title reign, boys, real great!

Peters and Kayden go red in the face, fuming with anger.

[Image: MSPycHR.png]
As for you, Copeland… you aren’t getting out of this that easily. You think you’ve got an advantage with your running buddies always ready to come save the day… but next Madness we are running this thing back again and you and Chris Mosh will have a rematch… IN A STEEL CAGE!!!

Elijah Copeland looks stunned as the crowd cheers. Tula turns on her heels and heads back into the bowels of the arena.

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WOW! What a bombshell announcement from the General Manager! The new Gemini Champions, suspended through the April show? Copeland forced to challenge for the IDL Title not only without his teammates by his side but also inside an unforgiving cage? That’s going to be dynamite!

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I can’t believe it! Tula Keali’i made a promise and she stuck to it, Jacuinde, she is laying down the LAW on Madness and I am HERE FOR IT!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
That’s all the time we have here tonight, everyone… from myself and my broadcast partner Bath, see you next month next time we enter the MOUTH OF MADNESS!!