X-treme Wrestling Federation
Thank You - Printable Version

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Thank You - Prof. Bobby Bourbon - 01-28-2022

I missed everyone.

First, thanks to Vinnie for allowing me back. If anyone is curious, the man who owns the joint, who handles Vinnie, is a friend of mine. I respect him, and I respect his decisions, including those regarding my behavior because I trust him. He's a good man. For those who don't know, he was sticking up for me against a few folks, all of whom were right to be pissed at my antics, when I made a problem more complex. This isn’t ass kissing, this is acknowledging a guy who gets precious little regard for the battles he fights for all of us. I'd buy him a beer but a proper steak dinner is warranted.

On that note, thank you Theo. I'm sorry for the dozens of messages we exchanged going over everything regarding my own behavior. I'm sorry for the migraine I gave while you had headaches to deal with. I could expand but you're welcome at the same table with Vinnie. We'll ro-sham-bo to see who picks up the tab.

To Doc, TK, JB, Barney, Thad, Marf, Alias, Dylan, Corey, Graves, Charlie, Cashe, Page, Cent, and others who kept contact with me, I'm sorry as well. I'm grateful you kept in touch, you deserve better, specifically where I can continue to try to make you spew through the nostrils. My real endgame is to ensure you put whatever beverage down when you read my drivel lest you holler "dammit" regarding a ruined keyboard and subsequent trip to the keyboard store after smarting over sinuses ingrained with high fructose corn syrup.

Flynn likes high fructose corn syrup like he's a shareholder so I didn't sully his name just now where I insulted it. Juxtaposing everything stated, you are welcome.

On that note, I hope I can accomplish my own nefarious, underganded, dirty OOC schemes in the future of making people react in such a way that, when asked what's so funny, you all suffer a manner of embarrassment over laughing at something so sophomoric you say "nothing" while drawing furthet inquiry. Not that my actions that got me in trouble were; that was me being a massive asshole.

I hope I do all of you proud in the future, because I proudly talk about all of y'all to my people OOC to the point most of my people know how integral you all are to my life and how irreplaceable our interactions are.

Finally, to those I insulted and offended, I am sorry. I don't write looking to hurt anyone. My words aren't meant to be a weapon or cause harm, there is enough of that out there, everywhere, and frankly life is too short to cast harm or wish it.

Peace, love, dope.

re:Thank You - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-28-2022

You're all right, Rob. Also, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything like that. It wasn't personal. Ask Theo - I was repeatedly saying I liked you as a person but that I just couldn't deal with the shenanigans that were happening at that time. It was just about the fed, not about you.

Thank You - Centurion - 01-28-2022

I feel the same about you now as I did before this all happened.

re:Thank You - Mr. Oz - 01-28-2022

I already forgot what happened a long time ago, dude. Perks of having a stroke. My brain ended up making me think you took a vacay from XWF.

Glad to see your ugly mug back, bud.

re:Thank You - Thaddeus Duke - 01-28-2022

Part of growing as a human being is recognizing when you're acting like a shit. I'm no stranger to it either. None of us are. I'm glad you two were able to put it all behind you and I'm glad you're back home where you belong.

re:Thank You - (Gravy_Xtreme_5000) - 01-28-2022

You bought me a Batmobile dude. You good people. Glad to have you back!

re:Thank You - Thunder Knuckles™ - 01-28-2022

[Image: great-to-have-you-back-welcome.gif]