X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Response - Printable Version

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The Response - JimCaedus - 12-03-2021

Jim sits silently in the backyard of his Naples Island home in Long Beach, California, gazing at the slow moving current of the waters bordering his back lawn, the gentle lap of liquid at water's edge and the chirping of sparrows in the trees the sole soundtrack.

He scratches at the stitches on the back of his skull- the result of taking a brick to the head on Bad Medicine for the Xtreme strap -beneath his long hair, then looks to the camera.

Four 'a you out there just signed your own death warrants... The Exiles...

You thought you were bringin' the fire- which you did, let's be honest -and now... this blaze is burnin' outta your control. Yeah...you burned me. You burned my family and friends.

But you didn't kill us.

You fucked up.

Your mistake.

The female betrayer among you...she won't last. She doesn't know the first thing about loyalty nor struggle. All she knows is her own selfish ends. She'll turn on you like she does everyone else.

And she will burn.

And she will die.

The usurper among you. He was able to get over on Jimmy Caedus. Not gonna happen again.

He will burn.

He will die.

The Titan among you. Any time he feels the urge, I'm here to cut 'im in fuckin' half.

He will burn.

He will die.

And you. The lead. The general. You got no idea in that custodial noggin' what you've bitten off here. Far more than you can chew...regardless 'a your talent for chokin' on my cock. You tried to take what was mine. You failed and I rightfully claimed it. But this shit ain't over. Nah. Far from it.

I'll be lookin' for you at Warfare. If you got any balls whatsoever, you'll be lookin' for me too. You'll be lookin' for revenge. So will I. We'll keep the war goin'. We'll go back and forth for a time. Event to event. PPV to PPV. Blood for blood.

And when you finally have me right where you think you want me...

You'll burn.




...To those 'a you out there enjoyin' gangin' up on my family like some pussies...victimizing a man who just lost his father. Attempting to assassinate the character 'a my brother in arms and loss.

You're dead.

All 'a you.

You can choose to come to me of your own accord or I promise, I'll come to you and exact private justice myself...either way you won't be avoidin' it.

There is no avoiding APEX.

And ain't no escape from ME.

I'll lay the foundation 'a my second Universal run and APEX's reign with the ground goo 'a your headless husks, fence off the throne with your rotting skulls on stakes and piss in your eternally agape stiff mouths.

To The Exiles...in case you haven't been properly amped up; this was incorrectly placed previously on the XWF airwaves three days ago following Bad Medicine, now presented properly here for your viewin' pleasure.

This ain't a bluff. This ain't arrogance. Who am I? The proud Universal Champion of the one promotion I love, my home? Absolutely...but compared to Drew...compared to Robert Main? I ain't shit. They make me better, stronger, they keep me from crossin' over. For that they have my undying love and loyalty.

You fucked with my family.

Armageddon is comin'.