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Shimmering Destruction - Lycana - 09-23-2021 Out of the shadows I've come to make my name Ready for battle cause I got a throne to claim Think that I'll crumble, I'll show you your mistake When you see me coming better run for cover 'Cause I'm not slowing down I'm never going under I survived the pain, I know it made me stronger So meet the monster I came to CONQUER __________________________________________________________________ ”Almost there. Betsy Granger announces to her companions, and what a strange mix it was. Sitting around the control console quietly were Lycana, Jim Caedus, and Ahsoka Tano, all of whom had just escaped a strange, parallel version of 1920s Chicago. The girls were quick to get back in their tactical catsuits, earning them a whistle from Jimmy when they reentered the main cabin. Lycana rolled her eyes and sat down on the bench next to Betsy’s chair. Betsy approached Ahsoka, who was studying some of the crystals contained in one of the crates. ”What do you suppose he wanted them for?” Betsy inquires for the hundredth time. This earns her a look of consternation from her friend. “Your guess is as good as mine, Betsy. Whatever Thrawn was doing, Palpatine wasn’t far behind whispering his orders.” Ahsoka turns her eyes to Betsy. “You and Lycana ending up there was no accident.” “I didn’t think so either.” Lycana says softly from behind them. Betsy and Ahsoka turn to the sapphire minx and regard her curiously. “How much have you informed her of the situation?” Ahsoka asks of Betsy. ”She knows what we know; and whatever you know, we both need to know. So whatever you have to say about Thrawn, Palps, and the Empire, can be said out loud.” Betsy says firmly, stepping to stand next to Lycana. A momentary flicker of amusement crosses Ahsoka’s face as she studies the two women before her. They gaze steadily back at her, waiting on bated breath to see if Ahsoka would spill anything. Fortunately for the Togruta, an alarm begins to blare from the console, alerting Betsy to their impending arrival. Betsy scrunches her nose and hurries over to begin the process of getting them through the thick atmosphere. ”Here we are, friends... Anch-To.” As the words fill the room, Excellence begins to shake as she’s pulled in by Anch-To's strong gravitational pull. Betsy twirls around the panel, slamming levers while keeping hold of a steering wheel. Everyone else secures themselves, having experienced a rough landing at least once at this point. With practiced expertise, Betsy navigates Excellence through the thick, turbulent clouds and breaks through to the luscious green island below. The hard part over, Excellence materializes happily on a sunny spot within a small, empty village filled with curved stone huts. There is an audible sigh of relief from Jimmy, Lycana, and Ahsoka as Excellence bumps gently against the rock and stills. “Ace piloting there, girlie.” Jimmy calls out, hopping to his feet and racing down the bridge towards the doors. Before Betsy can call out for him to stop, Caedus swings the doors open wide and runs out into the brilliant sunlight. Lycana’s own curiosity gets the better of her and with an apologetic glance back to Betsy and Ahsoka, she lets out a rare giggle and rushes out of the ship as well. The Impossible Traveler chuckles as she and Ahsoka walk across the bridge together and peer out of the doors into the bright sunlight. The luscious green island hid a dangerously rocky terrain that could... and would for that matter... trip up the most experienced of climbers. As breathtakingly beautiful as it was deadly, the jutted, mountain island was a place of peace and meditation for those who felt lost... “The birthplace of the Jedi Order.” Ahsoka says in a whisper, finishing Betsy’s thought. ”It’s beautiful here...” Betsy replies quietly. Ahsoka nods her head as they exit the ship and begin to walk around the ruins of the village. ”Oh wow... Can you feel that?” Betsy asks breathlessly as a rush of power flows through her. “The Force is strong here.” Ahsoka says, tipping her head towards Lycana and Jimmy, who were both exploring different sections of the area. “Even they can feel it.” The breeze blew her hair back, sending the long tendrils spiraling in the air as Lycana lifted her face to the sun... Was it the same sun? She didn’t know, but she allowed the warmth to pour across her skin, soothing, comforting. At full odds with nearly electric zing of... whatever it was that coursed through her from the moment she had bounded from Excellence, following close on Caedus’ heels. The impact of the invisible feeling had left her reeling in it, yet unable to explain just what, exactly, it was she was feeling. This whole trip had been an experience of new for her, between this new jolt of... whatever, and the sweet caress of the song from her crystal, her world had been shaken up to the core. Her fingers slide up the smooth fabric covering her thigh to find the soft velveteen bag hanging from her belt that currently housed the stunning indigo piece. She feels the shape and weight of it, still stunned that it was hers. Something about watching the color change right before her eyes... there were no words. Lycana shifts into motion, glancing over at the two speaking in the doorway of Excellence as she goes, wading through the thick, knee-high grasses that parted obligingly for her as she trudges along. She would have to put in a lot of work to prove that she was worthy of it. Ahsoka seemed only to see the very worst parts of her... though that wasn’t too different from most people in the XWF. A slow smile curves her lips. She had not done much to dissuade that either to be honest. Still grinning, her eyes shift, and lock with a pair of glacial blue ones, and her smile falters a little. A couple dozen yards away, perched on a boulder, was a man she had not expected to be willing to rescue her. Now that her mind was clear, she rolled over Caedus’ words. He would have saved her even if it was just her. The inner part of her that had experienced his attack in the 24/7 hall, reminding her of the pointed barbs and jeers randomly put about her within his promos, simply rebelled at the notion... but he had sounded so earnest. And he HAD come... regardless if it was more for Betsy, and he had saved her. And so, she owed him. Again. She offers him a faint incline of her head, and one corner of his lip twitches in response, enjoying the byplay with the disgruntled werewolf. She wrinkles her nose up sassily and turns away, looking over the jagged hills and lush foliage that reminded her quite a bit of her own home, minus the forested part. Home... there was a lot of work to do before she got back there. She lets the wash of energy thunder through her as she scampers back towards Excellence. ***Few Hours' Time Jump*** After Jimmy insisted on doing the hunting for the women, the group sat down to dinner in one of the stone huts. They ate in silence for a bit, all of them hungry from the tasks they had all accomplished to make the place livable. After some heated discussion, they’d finally agreed – some more begrudgingly than others – to not split up, no matter how empty the island seemed. It was finally Lycana who broke the silence, setting down her silverware gently and folding her hands together over the table. “I have questions.” She says simply, looking between Betsy and Ahsoka. Jimmy looks up from his porg stew, his eyes bouncing between the women as he continued to ladle spoonful's of the savory broth into his mouth. “I may have answers; but be warned, you may not like some of what you hear.” Ahsoka says wanly, pushing her bowl away from her and leaning her arms against the table. “This Admiral Thrawn guy... I know why he’s hunting Betsy down, but why is it so important that it’s her? No offense,” Lycana adds quickly, smiling weakly at her partner. “That’s not to say you wouldn’t make a desirable partner, but he’s got a universe of chicks to choose from. Why does it have to be Betsy?” ”When the Chiss make a pact, it’s usually because there’s already something they want out of it.” Betsy replies with a sigh, slumping into her chair. ”Choosing my parents to be his scientific liaisons was no accident- he wanted the deal to be made at any cost. There’s something about me that he wants, and he thought that was a sure-fire way to guarantee that he got it.” Betsy chortles without mirth. ”Jokes on him, I’ll never yield to his space-stalker ass. Problem is, he’s found a way to jump through the timeline to find me, and in doing so, informed his younger self of the situation. Now both are after me and it doesn’t matter to either which one gets me... As long as they do.” “That’s... alarming on a lot of levels, but we’ll circle back to that when we need to. What does ANY of that have to do with me?” Lycana asks, her eyebrow cocked. “On Earth, there are many legends that are told of siblings who represent dualities in life. Good and Evil, Dark and Light... It doesn’t matter what label you decide to slap on it, it all boils down to the same thing. You two are essentially two halves of the same whole somehow, and when that unity came through in its purest source, it sent a ripple through the universe. A calling card of sorts, to all those who would be on the lookout for such power to show itself.” Ahsoka smiles ruefully at Lycana. “Betsy has made many friends in her adventures; many civilizations owe their continued existence to her. Unfortunately, interfering in such affairs can earn you many enemies, and I’m afraid our Impossible One has an endless well of those.” ”So together, we become stronger?” Betsy asks slowly. She turns to Lycana, who is already looking at her with a grin on her face. ”I knew this team was a good idea. “It also paints a bigger target on both of your backs.” Ahsoka says, her voice stern. “Thrawn must have known about this, it’s why he’s allowed you to continue with all of this instead of just taking you outright.” Betsy’s mouth drops indignantly, but Ahsoka quickly talks over any retort. “It’s true and you know it Betsy; you’re clever, but Thrawn is just as good and infinitely more ruthless about it. He’s biding his time, but I think that time has just come to an end.” “You think he’ll make his move soon?” Lycana asks, caught up in her own mixed feelings of anger and fear. Ahsoka gazes at Lycana for a moment before nodding her head. “It’s only a matter of time; our only advantage is he really seems to want Betsy for a bride. And until he figures out a way to harness your powers without harming you, he won’t deliberately put either of you in harm's way.” “What a fucking gentleman.” Jimmy says, breaking his silence. The women all turn their heads towards him as he allows his spoon to clatter into his empty soup bowl. “What I’m hearing is that Admiral Fuckface won’t stop leaving these two alone until he’s put down permanently or he gets what he wants. Am I on the right track so far?” “Indeed.” Ahsoka says stiffly, her face full of disapproval. “Good, stay with me. If we could set up the right trap, we could get the job done ourselves and end all this cat and mouse bullshit for good.” His eyes blaze with intensity. “Then we can get the two of you focused on the tag team titles.” “You say this as though I haven’t been focused on them this entire time.” Lycana retorts, turning mistrusting eyes to Jimmy. “You haven’t had a partner like Bets, either.” Caedus replies flippantly, smiling when Lycana rounds on him. “Face it, if you and Marf had clicked the way you needed to in the ring, you could have had the belts off The Bastards months ago.” ”As fine an idea as that is Jimmy,” Betsy interjects loudly, noticing the sparks in Lycana’s eyes. ”Neither objective is as easy to defeat, as you know damn well. The Grand Admiral is tough and defeating him is going to take planning, lots of it. Until then, we handle our business with The Bastards... For now, explain to me how you ended up in all this.” Jimmy fishes around his pocket and pulls out something hidden in his closed fist, with only a bit of silver chain hanging between his fingers. Betsy gasps when he opens his palm to reveal one of the peacock-blue stones she’d handed out earlier this year to those she’d considered allies. ”I didn’t think anyone actually kept these things.” Betsy confesses before her eyes widen and she glares at Jimmy. ”Come to think of it, I never gave you one. How did you get this?” “I found it on the floor, I don’t know if it’s owner didn’t realize it was gone or chucked it away. Either way, I wouldn’t have noticed it, but I heard you calling to me when I was near it. I looked around and it was all I could find, but I could still hear you. So, I just held on to it, I figured it was some lucky trinket or some shit.” Jimmy holds it out to her, disappointment filling his eyes. “If you wanted this to go back to whoever you gave it too, I get it.” With a gentle smile, Betsy closes his fingers over the stone and pushes his hand back to him. ”I think the stone found the person it was meant to be with. Hang on to that.” “Fucking sweet, thanks! Anyway... The stone, when you and Ly were in trouble, I could hear you, like a distress beacon.” He slips the stone safely back into his pocket as he continues on. “A minute later, that ship of yours was materializing around me and carrying me off to that speakeasy you were trapped in. I landed just outside, which was where I ran into fucking Ahsoka Tano!” “Once he’d calmed down enough to explain that to me, we stuck together to get the two of you out of there. I was already in the area; I had been for some time as I’d gotten a lead about the crystals from an anonymous source.” Ahsoka’s gaze sharpens at this. “It was convenient, actually... Too much so.” ”You mean, whoever tipped you off wanted to make sure we were found before any harm came to us. Betsy says, her voice full of wonder. Lycana lets out a soft whistle as she forms the same conclusion as Betsy had. “Thrawn knew we were going to end up there... But why send you? He could have just come and got us himself.” “He’s still unwilling to take either of you by force; I don’t know why, but we have to use that to our advantage for as long as we can.” With a sigh, Ahsoka stares down the girls. “I still don’t like the idea of teaching one so volatile any of the ways of the Force... But I can see the necessity.” Ahsoka rises abruptly from her chair. “We begin training in the morning.” Without another word, Ahsoka exits the small hut to meditate more on her decision as the other three stare blankly at one another. Lycana finally breaks the silence, turning her eyes to Jimmy. “And what exactly will you be doing?” Jimmy beams into her sour face. “I’ll be your personal fuckin’ cheerleader! Wait til’ you see me in my uniform!” ***The Next Morning*** The sun had long ago risen high over their heads, its heat causing Lycana and Betsy to be drenched in sweat as they sparred with one another all over the rocky mountainside. After dinner, they’d finished building Lycana’s lightsaber, which now glowed a vivid purple against the clear blue sky. Betsy’s own dual-ended magenta lightsaber whirled around as the more experienced wielder showed off her skills. As they worked, Ahsoka’s voice floated over the mountain to them, guiding them as she explained The Force to Lycana. “Invisible to the naked eye, The Force is more of an energy field that surrounds, connecting all living beings within the universe. You felt it first when the crystal called to you, and you felt it again when you stepped off the ship onto this planet. Anch-To is strong with the Force, legend marks it as being the birthplace of the Jedi Order. Everything from the smallest pebble to the strongest wave is connected by the Force, and in time, the two of you will learn to use it at will.” The mock battle rages on as the girls continue to swing their blades. Lycana, in a moment of confidence, springs forward on light feet as she thrusts her lightsaber outward. Betsy predicts the move and swiftly dodges, giving Lycana a gentle tap on her back to signify certain death. Frustration is evident in blue eyes as Lycana holds up a hand to catch her breath. Betsy turns off her weapon and sits down in the grass next to Lycana, nudging the other woman playfully. ”You’ll get it, Ly, but it takes practice. You can’t be perfect right away.” “It’s not that... I thought I had a lot of the answers back on Earth, when the weird shit was usually caused by me.” Betsy can’t help but let out a chuckle. ”Yeah, but who would ever imagine that all the wild shit we grew up watching would end up being based on reality?” “That’s what I don’t get... How? Earthly legends always come from fact, but how did the minds who introduced science fiction on these levels know about...” Lycana gestures all around them. “It looks like Earth, but you can feel the difference. You can smell it in the waves and taste it in the air; we aren’t anywhere near Earth anymore. How did all those writers know all of this was out there?” ”Well... I suppose they discovered it the same way I did... The way you are. Someone from one of these worlds just happened to cross their path and the rest is history.” the Impossible Traveler smiles. ”I’d like to think our ancestors have been traveling through time and space for longer than we realize. First contact was made billions of years ago... Hell, who’s to say that humans were even the first species to habitate our little world.” “I never thought of it that way.” Lycana says, her own wonder clear in her tone. “It’s just strange, getting a taste of just how big it all is out there and knowing that somehow, you and I play a significant part in all of it together.” “Hey, whenever you gals are done with the gossip, I’ve got your next round of training for the day ready!” Jimmy’s voice cuts through their conversation, bringing it to an abrupt end. Exchanging an amused glance, the girls get to their feet and follow the lone male back towards the hut he’d turned into a dojo. ***Promo Time!*** ”It’s a funny fucking thing, the way the two of you love to twist things around to suit yourselves. The hypocrisy that exudes from you reeks worse than the time the family dog got sprayed by a skunk.” Betsy speaks from the shadows, peering out with green eyes, the only visible part of her. ”I understand that when you keep your heads as far up your asses as the two of you do, it’s easy to miss details the rest of us find glaring. It’s all good, that’s why Lycana and I are here to finally spell out the details, nice and slow and in a way you won’t soon forget. Let's start with the fact that you seem stuck on the idea that Lycana and I had anything to do with the death of the Shooting Star division. The only person around here who was ever upset about that was Atara; what you have in front of you are two women who never wanted to get pigeon-holed into the “Vagina’s Only” club, no puns intended. Our bad, I guess that makes us gold-hungry whores who dare to dream of greater things for ourselves. Too bad neither of us was starving enough to suck as much dick as the two of you to anyone who could offer you an iota of a benefit. Hey TK, how fast did you hit your knees when Page offered you that ten-dollar Walmart Gift Card and Quizno’s Sub? I know, you guys claim it was offered to attack Robert Main, but let's be real; ever since the payout, his cock has never left your lips. But that wasn’t enough, was it? You’ve securely made those pretty mouth of yours Bobby Bourbon’s personal gloryhole; how lucky for you that it turned out to be a two-way service. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I wouldn’t touch either one of you with a ten-foot pole. With somebody ELSES ten-foot pole; fucking hell, and you say Ly and I are the unfuckable ones? I think you mean unable to be fucked with, especially by a pair of walking poster boys for abstinence. It’s a joke that either one of you would pass judgment on someone’s fuckability when you act the way you do looking how you do. I’ve been offered more pussy than you’ve collectively ever been near, and that’s just a normal Thursday. It’s the curse of being this charming, talented, and drop-dead gorgeous, the rats just line up like soldiers on leave. The two of you couldn’t even woo your way into the burger wrapper home of a sewer mouse. The idea that Them No Good Bastards are anything but an over glorified side act is laughable by now. Do you want to know why these companies want to bring you in and put their tag belts on you? Because every good circus has a pair of clowns for comedic relief and you two couldn’t fit the bill better. They watched XWF and realized it wasn’t talent that got you over, it was the way the world paid to laugh at you in person as you stumbled your way around a ring. Nothing you two do is in your control; you couldn’t even turn down a script that was handed to you as a gag. It’s how I figured out how cheap Them No Good Bastards truly came around here. Personally, I wouldn’t waste a perfect good banana to throw at you two buffoons.” Betsy smirks slightly as she leans forward. ”Hey Bobby, remember not so long ago when you described that perfect date? You poured your stupid heart out to the world, admitting what a dime piece I am. It’s okay to backtrack, that’s all You Bastards are actually good at. I just wanted to let you know that while I’m flattered, there was never a chance in hell I would consider you. Have you seen what I go home to, what idiot in her right mind would trade down James Raven for Bobby Bourbon? And speaking of him... If you guys really thought I sold out my own ‘husband’ and friends before, wait until you catch this next line I drop. Are you ready? Hey Mainy, back off. If you want Them No Good Bastards, that’s fine by me. Just don’t expect them to be carrying the tag belts when you finish off what’s left of them after Relentless.” Betsy laughs scornfully. ”My squad is fully aware of my position and backs me on this. I wouldn’t expect either one of you to have noticed this, as your usual habit of missing the point is kicking in again. We all have a mission at Relentless and there’s no need to drag Raven or Warstein back into this again. How many times do they need to slap you around for you to realize that the results will never change? I guess fanbois just love feeling special. But dear me, I’ve spent a lot of time just jawing away at you two fuckwits; there’s somebody else here who has a few closing statements before we meet you in the center of that cage to sizzle you Porky’s reject mother fuckers like bacon.” Lycana’s eyes appear from the shadows, followed by her smirking ruby lips. “Oh my goodness Betsy... did you know I left Marf to train for his match while I... Trained for mine?!” Betsy gasps. ”Say it isn't so!” Lycana nods, pulling off an amazingly realistic sad face. “I did... I did go off and train for my own match. You know, putting some effort into it.... Unlike the Bastards did leading up to that twelve man tag match y’all had. Did you see the pitiful shit they offered leading up to it? Talk about zero effort supporting your own faction... They talk so much shit now about Page and BoB, but maybe they were the ones getting the boot out of the group instead of wanting to go off on their own. I wouldn’t be surprised... They do like to twist things for their own narratives. I say that often enough... Usually without checking facts. Speaking of that, let's creep back into that Shooting Star division, shall we? I never wanted that belt. Why would I give half a shit about the death of the women’s division, when I never wanted to be stuck within it, facing the same people over and over, in the first place? Let us just disregard the dozens of times I said I was not interested- probably how TK handles most women's rejection- and pretend you never noticed it. How about we get into the time I was put in a match for it. Do you happen to remember what occurred during my shot at that very strap in a three way? No, of course you don’t... because you don’t pay attention or do any fucking research whatsoever. I bowed out. I fucking took apart Ash Quinn and left her laying, and then strolled my ass over to the corner, and braided my fucking hair. Really seems that I had a lady boner for the title, huh? Too bad you boys couldn’t you know... learn some facts before you tried to spew nonsense. You should really just stick to the He-Man we are bad mofo’s who are gonna whip your ass grr grr stuff... you are oh sooooooo talented at that. Pretty much all your shit is that anyway. Empty threats and hot air. But at least they said my name in OCW... And you didn’t Betsy... how dare you!?” Lycana yawns, showing just how devastated she was by the news. Betsy falls to her knees before Lycana and bows her head. ”Dearest Lycana, I beg you with all of my heart to forgive me. How selfish and unthoughtful of me to mention you... In a company where maybe a handful of people will know who you are. And all of them XWF. Oh, do you boys think that’s a slight against my girl here? You silly rabbits, the ignorance of OCW to Lycana’s existence is going to be fleeting. What need have I to mention her there when it’s clear that XWF talent aren’t exactly welcome at the moment? We aren’t chasing the tag belts over there and she has little to do with my TransAtlantic Championship, sooooo.... It seems to me you boys are grasping as some rather shoddy straws again. What a fucking shocker.” Betsy rolls her eyes dramatically. ”Lycana’s name is only just starting to spread outside of the XWF; a crime, I admit, and one that I’m guilty of aiding in. But as you can see, the lady in question is perfectly capable of making herself heard through the mindless chatter. Heads are beginning to turn, hell, she’s even found her own Blue-Locked Brethren via the ol’ Twitter Machine. I’d say things are starting to look up for our fair-skinned minx, and not a bit of it had to do with me hyping her up. How about that? But since you two are sooooooo worried about my ability to be a team player, let me assure you, here and now, that my intentions are pure as fresh winter snow. Neither Lycana nor I carry one or the other; we push each other upward and onward. If you really thought that we haven’t been in cahoots long enough to be ready to face the two you, I suggest you go back through this year's tapes and look again. The writing was always on the wall between us and you’d either have to blind or a blithering idiot to miss the notes. Oh yeah, I almost forgot who I was addressing.” Her lips quirk upward. ”I also hear through the grapevine that you two plan to tuck tail and dip when you lose the belts to us. Classic Bastards, jumping ship to whoever is willing to pander to you the most. Funny thing is, I don’t see Theo Pryce OR Vinnie Lane fighting overly hard to convince you guys to stick around. I guess the only weight the Bastards pull around the XWF is in their waistbands. We won’t talk about how they’ve been faithfully carrying BoB around like trained dogs this entire time. They wouldn’t see it that way anyway. Oh well, I doubt Miss Fury or Chris Page are fighting any harder than Vinnie and Theo to keep the Bastards around, either. You may as well just take your leave, you worthless sacks of shits; and I hope the door hits every inch of your wide loads on the way out.” Laughing, Betsy temporarily disappears into the shadows, allowing Lycana the spotlight to herself. “You know boys... I might not be signed over there in OCW. The roster might not know my name... but they will soon enough. Not only as half of the team that toppled Them Whiny Ass Bitches, and sent them fleeing like the flea bitten mongrels they are... But as the one who put yet another tick mark in the XWF column in the little battle going on versus the feds when I take on Ciela Luiz on my fellow BlueSquadron member, Tara Fenix’s charity cruise. Good on you for being proactive though... At least you did one thing right.” Lycana tilts her head, her long lapis hair falling in a riot down over her shoulder as she takes on a rather pensive look, her finger coming up to tap at her bottom lip. “You know what's been on my mind for a couple weeks now? You both praise yourself as the high and mighty, rulers of your own destiny, taking no shit from anybody who might sling it your way. Absolute paragons who destroy any and all who dare come for the Bastards and tell them what to do. Ruthlessly shredding anybody who would deign themselves worthy enough to step up to the Bastards and try to discourage them from whatever they put their mind to. Except when you are proving that you two are nothing but a pair of bitches with no balls. Oh yes... here I come with even more proof. Are you boys enjoying this? I’m enjoying this!” Lycana looks over at Betsy who grins her affirmation. “Do you Bastards remember what you were wailing about in the Savage hype cycle? The whole making an appearance in the promotional package put together by ApexLegacy? Where umm... you were ‘forced’ into a fat suit- and let's be fucking real here Bourbon... that was just you, you didn’t need a damn fat suit... and pretend to be hurt by Bets? Where you apparently had to read a script provided to you by Jim Caedus? Where you didn’t get paid a damn dime to do exactly what you were told... and how to do it... by the very people you would be facing off in that ring against? Like a couple of leashed pets. Let me get this straight...You just meekly bowed down and agreed to do whatever the fuck ApexLegacy ordered you to do, and you want me to visualize you as an all-powerful, dominating force?!” A musical peel of laughter escapes her, causing Betsy to giggle as well, her emerald eyes glittering with mirth. “You are telling me... that the big bad Bastards are too fucking pitiful to say NO?! You just... obeyed what was expected of you, and performed like a couple of well-trained circus monkeys in your OPPONENTS promo... against... YOURSELF. For free. Sounds to me like you really are nothing but a pair of bitches... owned by whoever wishes it. Is that really all it takes to get you guys to do something? Is it really that easy to harness your will and lead you around by the empty sacks you call balls? Is that all it takes to get you to do whatever is wanted of you? A damn script? Well... guess it’s a good thing there's one all written up nice and neat for Relentless. The script for the Main Event of night one has been etched and sealed, the way it will play out all set-in stone. I’d like to think it is a masterpiece, gloriously penned by Betsy and myself, perfected... and all you two assholes have to do is show up in the ring. We will handle the rest. And the titles? As good as fucking ours.” ***Hours Later in the Dojo*** “Trust in your feelings. Use them to guide you; let the Force be your ears and eyes. When you trust in the Force, nothing is out of reach. But mind your feelings. Anger. Aggression. These lead to the Dark Side.” Despite herself, Ahsoka looks sideways at Lycana, who was busy fending off Caedus in the center of a hand-crafted, makeshift ring. Lycana doesn’t notice in her efforts to subdue Jimmy, but Betsy catches it and glares over at her friend. Ahsoka looks at her blankly, crouching low and inviting Betsy to attack. Unwilling to be baited in, Betsy backs away on light feet, only to be caught up in a scoop slam by Jimmy. Lycana gasps and attempts to retaliate, but Ahsoka is ready and catches her with ease using the Force, stilling the blue-haired vixen in her tracks. “Sloppy. Both of you have been in tag matches before, why is it so hard for you to work together right now? Fucking hell.” Jimmy runs a hand through his hair as Betsy and Lycana regroup. ”Piss off, Jimmy, we’re trying here.” Betsy growls. “Trying won’t win you the tag team titles. Trying won’t help you defeat Admiral Blue Balls when he comes knocking to collect what he wants from you guys.” Jimmy glances over at Ahsoka. “I wouldn’t use those exact words, but I do echo the point behind them. If you two don’t find a way to focus your connection in combat, all hope could be lost for us all.” “Wait, what?” Lycana’s head spins at Ahsoka’s words. Betsy’s own eyes widen in surprise as her jaw drops. “I’m speaking out of turn, don’t mind me. Let's start from the beginning and this time, don’t just trust in your feelings. Reach out to one another and read their feelings as well. Once you and your partner are in tune through the Force, you’ll be unstoppable.” ”Uh... You can’t just gloss over a line like that and not expect me to leave it alone, Ahsoka... What did you mean?” “No more questions.” Jimmy says loudly and without warning, rushes forward, double clotheslining the girls. They crash to the floor, both rolling instinctively towards one another. Their fingertips manage to brush and the moment they do, the world around them fades away as blinding white and smokey purple twists and writhes into one another. Ahsoka and Jimmy are forced back as a protective bubble forms around the two women, blocking them out from what was happening within... … Inside, Betsy and Lycana cling to one another as they find themselves transported to a new world, unfamiliar even to Betsy. They seem to be dressed in ceremonial royal garb, surrounded by a group of singing priestesses who raise chalices full of fresh water above their heads. On either side of the royal chamber, a pair of older royals sit atop ornate thrones while a pair of younger nobles sit in a pair of decorated wood chairs in the middle. Everyone is dressed in brightly dyed robes and cool, thin gowns encrusted with gems. The girls themselves were dressed in the same style dress; Betsy’s was lined with gold while Lycana’s was black lined with silver. Both of them sported golden torques around their necks. Lycana’s is engraved witih a pair of double crescent moons, met in the middle by a full moon made of a glowing moonstone. Betsy’s is designed with a trail of tiny stars etched into the same twisting design as Lycana’s, the two ends meeting at her throat, where a glowing sunstone is designed as a newly formed star. A high priestess stands between them, a hand atop both their heads as she lifts her face towards the sky, blessing the goddess. “For too long, these two great houses have lived at war; and for too long, neither has been able to find peace, joy, or happiness within their worlds. So many centuries of senseless warfare that could have been resolved so long ago with one simple union. It is a blessing that it is in the wisdom of the Goddess that such a bond has finally been formed; a bond that has born the fruits of a peace that is foretold to last a thousand years.” The singing of the priestesses gets louder as they begin to pour the water gently atop the girls. The high priestess moves her hand as she turns to the royals who are front and center. “Look forth and witness what has blossomed from a love the four of you would have deemed impossible!” High Priestess gestures to the older royal pairs. “A pair of twins so pure in their demeanor and unrivaled in their beauty that the Goddess herself has cast her blessing upon them. Gifted they are, perfect compliments to one another. A most powerful force of nature.” The girls turn to one another, momentarily lost in their world. Both seemed to act as though an invisible guide was leading them through the motions, getting through the ceremony as though it had been practiced a hundred times. After they are “bathed” by the blessed water of the Goddess, the maiden priestesses flock around them and begin to braid their wet hair, nimbly tying in wildflowers as they worked. As they hummed, the high priestess continued on. “Tonight, under the light of the full moon, they hunt to bring down the Great Stag. Only together will they achieve what so many monks and druids have failed, as one they will share the Horned Crown that many a worthy monk, druid, and warrior before them could never claim. Powerful beings, only in their unity, long ago foretold of, your future has never been clearer. Tonight, on the name day that mark you as women... Become so.” As they turn away from one another, the girls happen to roll apart, breaking the bond. As soon as the protective bubble disappears, Jimmy and Ahsoka rush to their sides, helping them both up to a sitting position. “Yo, what the fuck was that?!” Jimmy exclaims, holding Lycana steady. “I... We... Betsy, what the fuck was that?!” Lycana turns to Betsy, eyes wide. “Uh... That was... Ahsoka, what the fuck was that?!” Now all three sets of eyes turn to the stoic Togruta who silently watches them. “A bond through the Force the likes of which I’ve never seen.” Ahsoka muses in a quiet voice. “Did either of you share see anything?” ”A vision... but it felt more like a memory, something we lived out at some point.” “It was so real...” Lycana murmurs. Jimmy pats her sympathetically on the shoulder. Ahsoka nods, locking eyes with Betsy. “What happened in that vision?” ”Ly and I were surrounded by what looked like the Priestesses of Avalon, except it was definitely not on Earth. We were being blessed and sent out to hunt their... well, the Great Stag. Maybe it was a version of Avalon, but it wasn’t the one from Earth. Nothing about that felt... human.” “It wasn’t Thrawn trying to pull us into something like the Candyland scenerio again, was it?” Lycana asks, her eyebrows furrowing and meeting in the middle. Ahsoka shakes her head reassuringly. “Not possible; Thrawn isn’t Force sensitive, there’s no way he’d be able to use the bond against you. He wants to use it for himself, harness you both as a weapon of mass destruction.” “Sounds like what we want to be against Them No Good Bastards.” Lycana quips, earning a giggle from Betsy. “Do you two really think this is fucking funny? You’ve got Them Bastards wanting to take your fucking heads off and Admiral Fuckface trying to steal you guys for your powers. You need to focus and get back to work.” Jimmy says, his voice betraying his aggravation with the girls. ”Sorry Jimmy.” Betsy manages, pulling on Lycana’s arm gently and pulling her along to their side of the ring. “What do you think this means, Bets?” Lycana asks quietly, pretending to retape her wrist in an attempt to stall. ”I’m not sure, but we won’t stop nosing around until we find out.” Betsy promises, turning as Jimmy clears his throat impatiently. Together, the girls step forward, ready to take on the unusual team of Ahsoka Tano and Jim Caedus in mock combat... ****Final Thoughts**** ”Once those cage doors shut and they turn the power on.... Only then will Them No Good Bastards realize how much more they bit off than they could possibly chew. As their bodies writhe in pain against the cage, Lycana and I will swoop in and reestablish the tag division back to what it was truly meant to be. A symbol of teamwork and comradery. The promise of riches through the power of teamwork and friendship. Before Them No Good Bastards, each of these teams operated with a code of honor; there was a respect towards these belts that the Bastards have thoroughly besmirched. Oh, no one ever doubts the depths of their alliance, if ever it were possible for two fiends to be genuine friends, the Bastards would be the shining example. But all empires crumble eventually; Lycana and I are ready to cross the Rubicon and take it all for ourselves.” “This has been a long time coming... I have stepped up to the Bastards many times, each and every moment causing them pain savored, like the finest wine one could obtain. Each time, watching them limp from the ring battered and bruised, glorying in the hell I had put them through. Tomorrow night, will mark the biggest blow of all... a wound so deep, so devastating, that it rocks the entire wrestling world to its core. The end of TNGB’s era as XWF Champions. And a pair of well-placed boots in the ass sending them toppling from their perch as the ‘best’ tag team on that little list they adore so much. Tomorrow marks the worst day in the life of the Bastards. From the moment they hear the clang of that cage door. The jingle of the lock. The sizzle of the electricity being fired up. And the sounds of the bell... Their sharp descent into nothingness will begin. A world of hellfire and pain marking the time between that, and when the final slam of the ref's hand comes down... labeling them losers. Marking them... as finished.” ”And as for a name? Don’t you boys worry about that.” “What’s in a name? I know when it comes to ours, it says everything you need to know about us. Together, we are strong, unique, powerful beings...” ”...And come Relentless, Them No Good Bastards will be the first to taste the might of our combined wrath. Allow us to introduce ourselves properly, for we are...” "IMPOSSIBLE ENTITY!" ![]() |