X-treme Wrestling Federation
Alias Atty!! - Printable Version

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Alias Atty!! - Atara Raven - 08-23-2021

[Image: 51lfTlu.jpg]

Que super over the top anime show theme!

Scene: Random ass road in the middle nowhere of Japanese place because all the best anime include random ass roads between over dramatic fight scenes!

Jim is traveling to destination on world saving quest.

Full Misty cosplay Atty randomly ass appears and weebs everywhere feel a sudden need to grab their digletts.

Dialogue ensues, probably shouting needlessly. Atty's Japanese dub is a fucking high pitched shrill and Jim's of course is a very deep masculine baritone.

Lengthy explanation of characters goals that also functions as a recap of all the other shows prior.


She chooses that star thing with the eye that suspiciously like that AI thing from that one sci Fi movie. Also Vinnie's Discord Avatar.

She flings ball and surprise nothing happens because Pokemon ain't real. It was a hard plastic toy and Jim caught it square in the face Marsha Brady style.

Atty rushes in, Kicks Jim in the...oh wait, already used the Diglett line. Nevermind, she hits a Russian leg sweep and covers for the pin!

1. ...


re:Alias Atty!! - JimCaedus - 08-23-2021

Jim James manages to-

___FUCK!___ My FACE!

Completely unprepared for the leg sweep, James had taken a hard fall and landed right on his kisser. He sits up checking for a bloody nose- No...no, no blood, that's good. Ouch though, he's definitely seeing stars.

Standing, woozy. Adjusts his Onix Steelix. What- in the FUCK -just hit me?

Through the haze of knocked-senselessness...

[Image: LlAmIrW.gif]

::GASP:: Izzat- No way! It...it IS! It's a-

[Image: 0SyurZi.gif]

-it's a LOPUNNY! I don't got one 'a those!

[Image: qf1S2kV.gif]

Oh Lopunny...you may have knocked me for a loop but I'm so STOKED to see you! Hold still...

James quick-draws a PokeBall and hurls it-

"OW!" exclaims Lopunny in response.

"Ow"? ...Hold up- James rubs his eyes to see...

[Image: xcUMm3U.jpg]

Atty?? Oh shit, all Misty'd out for that adventure with Alias huh? Tight! ...Hm? What's this...? Stoops to pick up-

Jim studies the PokeBall Atty threw at him, which as it turns out is one of those PokeBalls from 1999-2000 Burger King had going as promotionals. He opens it. Inside is a card, gold plated, of-

Charizard, sweet! This is like the only one I didn't have! Aw, Atty! Runs up and gives her a bearhug. When he relinquishes the hug and sets her down- You're the shit, girl, thank you.

As Jim turns to leave, he notices the object he'd thrown at her, also a Burger King PokeBall oddly enough. The fuck? Another one? Plucks it up. This must be what I threw at you, my bad by the way. I've no idea where the fuck it CAME from but hey, finders keepers whatever's inside.

Jim hands Atty the PokeBall and departs.

She opens it...

Charlie's WALLET is inside- that's poetic after his swiping Atty's gum -and since he doesn't need it, what with him being almost dead and whatnot, she opens it. Just to peek mind you, Atty ain't no thief.

...six condoms in mint condish packaging and $150. Pft. Wait, what's that...a well worn photo of Atty???


Alias Atty!! - Atara Raven - 08-23-2021

Disappointed her plan was foiled, shrill dubbed Atty swears in lengthy monologue they will meet again.

She disappears leaving only Charlie's empty wallet behind.

Because safe sex kids.

*Sad Anime Exit Theme*


[Image: 1nt5kjw.gif]