X-treme Wrestling Federation
Black and White - Printable Version

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Black and White - Yin/Yang - 08-17-2021

Two men, one car. No, it's not some fucked up porno you show your grandmother just to film her reaction, it's XWF's newest Tag Team, Yin/Yang! Just a couple of bros heading to Georgia for their debut match, gettin' along and havin' a good time.

Well, not exactly.

"Do we have to listen to this shit?"

Vanta Black looked from the road to his partner, an eyebrow raised at the audacity of his statement. "Don't EVER disrespect Tupac like that in my car, again!"

Black turned his focus back to the road, just in time to miss Billy rolling his eyes at him. "If you're gonna force me to listen to it, you're gonna get my opinion of it!"

Vanta ignored his partner, singing along with the chorus while happily tilting his head from side to side. "That's just the way it is! Doo da doo, doo da doo, doo doo. Things will never be the saaaaaaaame! Doo da doo, doo da doo, doo doo. That's just the way it is! Awwwww, yeeeeeeah."

"Now I've got to hear you sing, too?!" the irritated White groaned, once again receiving no response. Things stayed quiet for a moment, aside from Black's admittedly impressive singing, until Billy decided to add a few more pennies to his previous two cents. "You know he was killed by the blacks, right? It wasn't some racist, or a crooked cop, that was some straight up gang shit!"

Although Vanta tried to ignore Billy for as long as he could, he'd finally gotten his undivided attention. "And the whites killed Kennedy; what's your point?! You crackers shoot up schools, but you don't hear ME comparin' 'em to Kurt Cobain!"

"That's because Kurt Cobain killed himself!"

"Riiiiiiiiiiight," Black responded with a sarcastic nod. "I forgot you white boys have all kinds of problems!"

"Everyone's got problems!" Billy replied in an 'all lives matter' kind of tone. "Like me."

"You?!" Vanta laughed, momentarily looking up through the sunroof and shaking his head. "What the fuck's YOUR problem?!?"

"I'm stuck here with you."

"Cry me a river," Vanta mocked. "Shall we stop and get a refill on your Xanax prescription?"

White wanted to get angry, but he was actually impressed. "Okay, that was pretty good," he admitted. "Unlike this song."

Black wanted to be mad, as well, but was equally impressed by his partner's comeback. "Not bad, man." Vanta leaned forward and grabbed his iPod, handing it over to Billy. "For that, you earned one song."

White held a hand up, declining the gesture. "I'm good," he said before adding, "It's probably just more cRAP, anyway."

Vanta rolled his eyes, already fed up with his partner's racist attitude. "Look, I didn't ask them to sign us as a team, but they weren't gonna take one of us without the other. So, if you wanna be mad at someone, be mad at Ted." Black was referring to the original promoter who paired the two of them up.

"Oh, I am!" Billy made clear, his arms crossed like a pouting child. "You'll never see ME at one of his outlaw mudshows again!"

"Well then you better change your attitude!" Vanta shot back, sharing the mutual feeling of not wanting to go back to the Indies. "'cause if we don't succeed, we ain't gonna have much of a choice!"

White sat there for a moment, thinking about the time he wrestled an 'invisible man' and got pelted with tomatoes for it. He may not have liked working with Black, but it sure did beat the hell out of THAT.

"Okay," he conceded. "But I'M the leader!"

"Sure," Vanta responded, obviously not too seriously. "YOU'RE the leader."

Billy was pleased with himself. Sure, he knew his partner didn't actually believe that, but he said it aloud, and that was good enough for him. "Then with my first act as head of the team, I demand we change our name."

"But we've been Yin/Yang since the beginning!" Vanta protested. "If we change it, nobody's gonna know who we are!"

"Nobody knows who we are ANYWAY," White pointed out, something Black couldn't argue with. "Aside from the fifty or so people who watched us in Ted's gym for the last four months."

"You ain't wrong,"[purple] Vanta admitted, though still not content with changing the name. [purple]"I just don't see the problem with Yin/Yang!"

"Well, first off, it makes us sound like a couple of chi......." Billy stopped himself, remembering Black's threat to leave him in the middle of nowhere if he ever used a racial slur in front of him, again(though it didn't stop Black from calling WHITE one). "Asians."

"You do know the concept of Yin and Yang transcends a singular culture, right?" Vanta turned to Billy, who had a blank expression on his face. "It's all about balance: black and white, good and evil. One cannot exist without the other."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"Yeah, well, you should listen to some of the bullshit that comes outta your mouth, then," Black remarked with a chuckle.

White was not amused. "You better hope I don't turn my back on you mid-match."

"You won't," Vanta responded, confidently. "If you were going to, you would've done it by now."

"Maybe I needed you to get my foot in the door," Billy threw out. "And now that I'm here, you're just clogging up the entrance."

Black didn't take him seriously for a single second. "I don't think so," he disagreed, a smile on his face. "Because in that scenario, you gotta admit that you need me, and I KNOW you ain't about to do that!"

Vanta was right, there was no chance in hell Billy was going to admit he needed someone he viewed as beneath him, even if it WAS true.

"Look who's spittin' out bullshit NOW!" White whined. "If anything, YOU need ME!!!"

"I do," Black concurred, no shame in it what so ever. "We're a team, afterall, we wouldn't be here without each other."

Billy was a little surprised to hear Vanta admit that, despite the fact he'd basically done the same thing, moments earlier. "I........... appreciate that."

Black was a little shocked, himself. "You're............. welcome."

The two of them went quiet for a bit, sitting in an awkward silence similar to a couple who'd just broken up. Everytime one of them would go to speak, they'd lose their confidence and bottle it up, instead.

After a while of this, Vanta Black, fed up with the repetitive sound of the road, reached for his iPod and picked out a song, turning the radio up to full blast.

"No, no, just 'cause I thanked you does NOT mean I want to listen to your gangster rap on full blast................ or at all!"

"It ain't rap," Black corrected, pointing to the radio as the music begin to play.

"Oh wow!" a stunned White exclaimed. "Something good!!!"

"Told you!"

Billy mocked Black, mouthing the words "told you" as his partner nodded his head with the music. White couldn't stay mad for long, though, not with fucking "Jumper" playing. The two of them slowly went from some light head bobs to full on gyration and, towards the end, even some singing!

"I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend!"

"I would understand!"

"I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend!"

"I would understand!"

"I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend!"

"And I would understaaaaaaaand!"

As the song drew to a close, it was obvious that both Billy AND Vanta were having a good time; probably for the first time EVER outside of the ring. In that moment, whether either of them wanted to admit it or not, they were brothers, and both of them knew it.

"Ohhhhhhh, man," White cried out in a hysterical fit of laughter. "That was great!"

"We're a better duet than Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers!"

"Better lookin', too!" Billy added, not without a bit of shade, though. "At least on MY side."

"Maaaaaaaaaaan, fuck you!"

Two months ago, Billy would've NEVER allowed Vanta to talk to him like that, even in a joking matter, but now he couldn't help but laugh. Maybe this partnership would work out, afterall.

"So, you ready to kick some Jap ass?"

Vanta nearly spit out his grape soda, appaled by his partner's blatant racism. "What the hell, man?!" he leaned forward and tried his best to wipe the purple from his windshield. "What'd I tell you about talkin' like that?!? You wanna walk to the show, or are you really just THAT ignorant???"

White didn't have a clue what he did wrong. "What?!? They're the Cam-Jap Connection!!!"

"So? That doesn't mean YOU can say it! How may times have you heard me saying............ you know."

"Not as much as I expected," answered an impressed Billy. "You usually only say it when you're singing."

"But I CAN say it, if I want to," Vanta continued. "Just like Kyodai can say it if HE wants to, get it?"

"Mmhmm," a jealous White lied, wondering when his supposed privilege was going to kick in. "So how come Billy Blakenship can say it?"

"Because Billy's an asshole!"

"Right............" a confused White responded. "But what about the announcers?"

"The wha'?"

"The announcers," Billy repeated, trying to figure out his partner's foreign logic. "How come they can say it?"

"Oh," Vanta frowned, not expecting his partner to dig so deep into the topic. "Uuuuuuuummmm," he stalled for a moment, before finally coming up with a reasonable explanation. "It's like reading aloud book in school. Because it's literature, any words that appear in the text are fair game, even if they normally would NOT be. Swear words, slurs, etc. So, essentially, the announcers don't have a choice because they have to read off what's written for them. Even if it IS questionable material."

"That actually makes sense."

"It does?!" a baffled Black blurted out, before collecting himself on the fly. "I mean, it does!"

"Let me try this again..........." a more cooperative White stated, before repeating his previous statement in a much more PC manner. "You ready to kick Kyodai's ass?"

"Much better!" Vanta praised before answering his partner's question. "And, honestly, I'm more excited to lock up with Ricky Goldhart!"

"Yeah," Billy agreed. "Them Canadians sure do know how to wrestler!"



"You can't say that!" Vanta scolded, nearly driving them off the road in a fit of emotion. "It's racist, too!!!"

"How is THAT racist?!" a furious White questioned. "I said they're good at wrestling!!!"

"Dude! Just because a stereotype isn't something bad, doesn't mean it's any less racist!" Black informed his partner. "I suppose you think Kyodai does their taxes, too!"

"No............" a thrown off White replied. "But it sounds like YOU do!"

An embarrassed Black cleared his throat, racking his brain for an excuse to explain his slip up. "I guess you're starting to rub off on me."

"I guess I am!" a pleased Billy concurred, before going back to their previous conversation. "By the way, why ARE you excited to face Ricky?"

"He's a good wrestler."

Billy didn't respond with words, but rather, that look Stewie gives Brian when he can't believe what he's hearing.

[Image: family-guy-stewie.gif]

"What?!?" a defensive Black asked, seeing the irony in his comment. "They both are! I would just rather not wind up with my head halfway up Kyodai's ass, that's all! He's more power, anyway, seems more like your thing."

"Like hell he is!" Billy scoffed. "You're the one who does all the flippy flips, maybe YOU can wear him down with your speed and agility! If we're lucky, he'll pass out before either of us has to lay a finger on him! Or, more importantly, before he can lay a hand on US!"

"Not a bad strategy, really," Vanta complimented. "But what about Ricky? He may be the weaker of the two, but the weakest link of a strong chain is still a strong link."

"We gotta out wrestle him," Billy boldly stated. "Plain and simple."

"Out wrestle the Canadian?"

"Out wrestle the Canadian," Billy reinforced, a grin on his face at his partner's unusual off color comment. "As for Kyodai, we'll figure it out. We've faced our share of uphill battles, and this'll be no different!"

Vanta was surprised to hear Billy's sudden change of heart. He wasn't sure how long it would last, but it was nice to finally see his partner on the same page as him. "Where has this Billy White been the last four months?"


"SO!" Vanta exhaled, before moving on to the last member of the trio that is the (blank)-(blank) Connection. "What about Billy Blankenship?"

"What about him?" White nonchalantly asked. "He's a little bitch who's all bark, no bite. He hides behind his fence of a tennis racket, swinging away like a desperate old woman being robbed of her purse! He's useless, just like that manager Ted gave us for two weeks!"

"You mean the guy who pissed on our opponents after they lost?"

"That's him!" Billy confirmed. "Pissy P. Pants!"

"God, what a horrible idea."

"Yeah, but a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks," Billy reminded Vanta, who remembered how much they needed the money at the time.


"And look at us now! We're about to make our debut in the biggest promotion in the world, against a Tag Team that's ranked!"

"Hol' up, they ranked???" a curious Vanta chimed in. "By who?"

"No idea," White replied with a shrug. "It wasn't an XWF one, though."

"So it was probably something like Johnny'sTagTeams.com?" an unimpressed Black came to the conclusion of. He sat there for a moment, his curiousity getting the better of him. "So, where were we?"

Billy gritted his teeth, before laying the truth on his partner. "Nowhere to be found."

"Maaaaaaaaaan," a disappointed Vanta groaned before abruptly changing his tone. "I didn't wanna be on no bullshit list, anyway!"

"Guess I better find a new partner, then" Billy, excited about the prospect of replacing Black, replied. "'Cause I plan on making that list!"

Vanta chuckled, knowing full well White wasn't gonna find someone else who worked as well with him in the ring as he did. "Yeah, well, you ain't making no list without me! Who else do you know that's athletic enough to pull off the Balancing Beam?"


"Yeah right! That fat fuck can't even climb the stairs to get to the buffet! They gotta slide the sushi down the banister, directly into his mouf!"

"I mean, I stand on HIS shoulders in this scenario."

Vanta laughed even harder than he already had been. "I'd love to see you try!"

"Maybe I'll try it during the match," Billy shrugged. "If you think you can handle Ricky, that is."

"Oh, I'll do more than handle him!" a pumped up Vanta fired back. "I'll fuckin' pin his ass!"

"You're gonna pin the Canadian?!" a skeptical White questioned. "Now THAT I'd like to see!"

"You will," a cocky Black insisted. "As long as you're not too busy flailing around under Kyodai's ass, that is!"

"Better than slobberin' over Ricky's knob!"

"Just for that.............." Vanta grabbed his iPod, once more, and selected a song he knew his partner would hate.

".............we're listening to rap for the rest of the drive!"

An offended White bashed his head on the dash. "You know the police are here to protect us, right?!"

"Ha! Maybe you!" Vanta scoffed before turning the volume up and annoying his teammate all the way to Georgia.