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Saturday Night Savage 8/14/2021 - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: RP Archive (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=113) +--- Forum: Archives (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=13) +---- Forum: Savage Results (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=31) +---- Thread: Saturday Night Savage 8/14/2021 (/showthread.php?tid=41619) |
Saturday Night Savage 8/14/2021 - Karen Hunt - 08-14-2021
The show opens to a display of pyro and fireworks the 4th of July would be jealous of, as the fans go crazy. We get some shots of the crowd, before turning it over to the announcer's. PC: "Welcome, everyone, to Saturday Night Savage! I'm Pip Collins, alongside me, as always, the lovely Heather Halliwell and what a show we have for you tonight!" HHL: "That's right, Pip, we're coming off the heels of War Games and are on the road to Relentless! We've got Triple Threat action, as well as the highly anticipated Old Man Match, AND a TV Title match between Vita Valenteen, and the lone survivor of Team BOB, the Champion, Bobby Bourbon!" PC: "A short, but sweet, show, let's not keep the fans waiting any longer and get to our first............" PC: ".............match. What the hell, or should I say, WHO the hell is tbis?" The opening sounds of Lindsey Stirling’s “Shatter Me” thunders across TIAA Bank Field, bringing the crowd to their feet not with boos or cheers but with curiosity. Moments later a large man dressed as sharp as his stare emerges and scans the nearby vicinity. The man nods and gestures behind him. More curiosity grows as a smaller but far more distinguished gentleman surfaces, dressed sharply as well yet beholding a dour countenance. To his left, walking fastly with nervousness in every stride, is quite possibly the most beautiful woman in the world, nay, the universe, no verily the heavens! She’s adorned in a classy, form fitting but conservative blue and white pinstripe pantsuit straight out of Hillary Clinton’s closet from 1994. ![]() For the viewers at home, some shuffling of papers are heard, and grumbles under breath by the commentating crew. HHL: “So much for program notes I guess.” Ripping of paper is heard. PC: “True. Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we are about to be joined by Ms. Sonya Benson and her entourage Smith and Norris??” About midway down the aisle some fans “in the know” about who she is greet her with jeers. Word spreads from fan to fan of her deplorable actions and activism against professional wrestling and more booing ensues. HHL: “And judging by some of the jeers we hear, this isn’t a welcomed sight. I don’t blame them either. This young woman used her wealth, power, influence, and from what I hear even blackmail to put a plethora of wrestling promotions out of business.” PC: “I heard she was supposed to be assigned to Anarchy. I have no idea why she is here on our program but she definitely needs to get the hell off our program.” The stunning blonde is escorted up the stairs and aided into the ring. There’s no bally-hoo. No theatrics. No working for the fans. Her posture, her expression, all of it testifies to her reluctance and abhorrence of being here. She’s also quite clueless, urgently gesturing and wandering around until her manager procures a mic from the stagehand and deposits it into her angelic, unblemished hand. Her music is still playing as she tries to talk. Her music stops. She places the mic to her perfectly formed lips again. Sonya Benson: “My name is Sonya Benson. For those of you who don’t know who I am, then good, I hope you never will. Judging by the despicable response some of you gave me during my transit to the center of this mindless barbarism, you don’t deserve to know me.” Her manager, Norris, leans in and whispers some stuff in her ear as the Jacksonville crowd gives her a piece of their mind. She nods and takes a deep breath. Sonya Benson: “But I will be a better person here and lay out my perilous plight and um, god,... *pauses*.. Humble myself before you. I am an anti professional wrestling activist turned professional wrestler against my will. I must secure 25 wins in this ring of senselessness to be released from my punishment, no, my prison sentence in this so-called ‘sport’. Therefore I am offering any competitor, on any brand, including the one I’ll be forced to fight in (Anarchy), one MILLION dollars to personally train me.” Her expression is sour and pitiful. The spectators murmur and give mixed reactions to the announcement. HHL: “Oh hell no. From my understanding this woman put hundreds if not thousands of wrestlers out of jobs. Some went homeless. Some turned to drugs. Some suffered even worse than that. How dare this woman try to buy one of us after all that!” PC: “If someone comes out here and accepts her offer I’m going to slap the shit out of them myself. I don’t care who it is. Why is she even being allowed mic time? Somebody cut her mic off please.” She steels her mounting nerves and carries on. Sonya Benson: “Additionally, I am offering 500,000 dollars to anyone of the right credentials to be my tag team partner. Obviously I have no desire to engage in your touch butt festivals, so the logical path is to have someone do the fighting for me while I reside out on the corner and collect the win with you. It works out for everyone involved. I’m serious about these offers otherwise I wouldn’t have come here in person, to a program I won’t be forced to fight on, and be degraded and besmirched by the lesserlings of the world. Surely some of you knuckle draggers in XWF are out of some cash and need some fix-me-up money. If interested, have your people contact my people, and we’ll do brunch.” She lowers the mic and looks at Norris who is nodding and clapping in approval of how things have gone. The fans, however, are not so approving and throw some parting jeers and jabs at her, to which she ends her visit with… Sonya Benson: “Thank you, Jacksonville. May all the bad things that can happen to someone happen to all of you. May you all die before the sun comes up and may you rot in hell.” The rotten, nervous, angry, scared, stressed, mixed bag of emotions woman is briskly escorted from the ring by her entourage and urgently ushered to the back. HHL: "We're gonna take a quick commercial break and THEN will be back with our opening contest, so don't touch that dial, 'cause we're just getting started!" PC: "Welcome back, folks, our opener is the perfect blend of past, present, and possibly future; as HUNTER makes his return to the ring in a Triple Threat Match against former TV Champion, Marf, and XWF newcomer, Rampage." HHL: "This is a big match for all 3 men involved. It's the perfect opportunity for Marf to bounce back and climb the ranks a bit; but it's also the chance for his opponents to come in and get a statement win against an established member of the roster." "What I've Done" by Linkin Park hits over the PA system, receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd. HUNTER pushes his way through the curtain and onto the ramp, where he poses for a moment before heading down the aisle. PC: "It's safe to say we're all eager to see what HUNTER is capable of upon his in-ring return." HHL: "Absolutely, Pip, you just never know what you're gonna get from a returning competitor. Have they improved? Will there be ring rust? For all we know, he's capable of taking out the Universal Champion in a single shot!" PC: "The same could be said about Rampage, as well." HUNTER makes it to ringside, where he climbs up onto the apron and into the ring, where he waits for his opponents. As Drowning Pool fills the arena, Rampage walks out onto the ramp, his massive arm in the air. PC: "No doubt bodies will be hitting the floor once this guy steps into the ring!" HHL: "Absolutely! He may be one of the biggest competitors to EVER step foot inside an XWF ring!" Rampage makes his way towards said ring, where he grabs the top rope and uses it to pull himself onto the apron. He then steps over the rope and inside the squared circle, throwing his arm up once more as the audience looks on in awe of the sheer size of this newcomer. "Lights in the Sky" hits as the fans begin to boo. Marf makes his way out onto the stage, looking around at the audience and shaking his head in disgust. He marches to the ring while the crowd continues to boo and insult him. Marf rolls into the ring and goes to a corner, climbing up and flipping off the crowd for more heat. PC: "Marf showing the crowd he thinks they're Number One." HHL: "I don't think that's what he's doing, Pip. If anything, he's saying that he's Number One!" PC: "Nah, doesn't sound like Marf one bit." HHL: "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight." The referee checks to make sure all three competitors are ready to go, before turning to the timekeeper and calling for the bell. DING! DING! DING!
PC: "If I was Marf and HUNTER, I'd team up to take the big man out." HUNTER turns and looks at Marf, who nods, before joining him in a Double Dropkick that propels Rampage backwards into the corner. HHL: "Looks like they heard you, Pip!" The two of them trap Rampage in the corner, where they proceed to deliver a flurry of Kicks. They each grab one of Rampage's arms and whip him to the other side, chasing closely behind. Rampage hits the buckles, but manages to lift his legs up and connect with a Boot to each of his opponents' faces, backing them up. He then charges out of the corner and drops them both with a powerful Clothesline from each arm. HHL: "Impressive showing by the newcomer, so far!" PC: "I'd be a great wrestler, too, if I was 100 feet tall and weighed more than a car!" Rampage brings HUNTER to his feet and Irish Whips him to the ropes, connecting with a Powerslam on the way back that shakes the entire ring! He does the same thing to Marf, except the former TV Champion is able to reverse the move into a DDT, mid-Slam, that leaves them both out on the mat. HHL: "Even though Marf reversed it, he may have taken a bit of a shot from Rampage's weight, alone!" PC: "That's what's so dangerous about being in the ring with someone that size, even falling on you can be deadly!" HUNTER, still reeling from that Powerslam, rolls under the bottom rope and out onto the apron. He uses the ropes to pull himself up, before heading to the corner and climbing all the way up to the top. HHL: "He could be looking for the Hunter Spear!" HUNTER waits, perched on the top turnbuckle, as both his opponents make it to their feet. However, as he goes to dive off, Marf leaps out of the way and Rampage cracks him in the jaw with a hard right that sends HUNTER collapsing to the canvas. PC: "Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!!!" HHL: "He didn't get the full wind up, but it still may be enough!" Rampage drops down and covers HUNTER but, before the ref can even count a one, Marf breaks it up with a Kick to the head. HUNTER rolls under the bottom rope and out onto the floor as Marf tries to keep Rampage down with barrage of stomps, but each shot only motivates him to get up more. As soon as he makes it to a knee, Marf puts him right back down with a Big Boot, covering immediately afterwards. 1! RAMPAGE KICKS OUT SO HARD, HE SENDS MARF FLYING OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE, WHERE HE LANDS ON A RECOVERED HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!! PC: "Now THAT'S power!!!!!!!" HHL: "It definitely takes skill to put not one, but TWO opponents down with a mere kickout!" PC: "That was more than a 'mere kickout,' Heather." HHL: "You know what I meant!" Luckily for Marf, HUNTER broke most of his fall, allowing him to get up quick and begin searching under the ring for something that might help put the giant down. He manages to come back up with a Kendo Stick, just in time to crack Rampage in the head with it as he's reaching out to grab him! PC: "I think it's gonna take a few more of those to knock the newcomer off his feet!" Marf slides into the ring as a dazed Rampage backs up a bit, grabbing his head. The former TV Champion swings again, this time at his opponent's leg, dropping him down to a knee. He does the same thing to the other one, causing Rampage to drop down to THAT knee, as well. Marf winds up for one more swing but, as he aims for his opponent's head, Rampage is able to catch the stick with one hand, while grabbing at Marf's throat with the other. HHL: "This doesn't look good for Marf!" Rampage yanks the weapon out of Marf's hand before lifting him up and bring him down to the mat with a powerful Chokeslam. He then breaks the Kendo Stick across his knee and tosses it aside before dropping down and covering Marf. 1! 2!! BEFORE THE REF'S HAND CAN HIT FOR 3, HUNTER DRAGS RAMPAGE OUT OF THE RING TO BREAK IT UP!!!!!!!!!!! PC: "Marf might want to buy HUNTER dinner after that!" HUNTER swings at Rampage, who blocks it and responds by shoving him HARD into the barricade. Rampage then does a Charging Bull, smashing his opponent between himself and the barrier, before turning his attention back to the ring. As soon as he turns around, though, Marf meets him with a Baseball Slide that sends him flying backwards into HUNTER! HHL: "That's exactly why you can't turn your back in a Triple Threat Match, not even for a second!" PC: "I'm sure Rampage realizes that NOW!" Marf rolls out of the ring but, rather than focus on either of his opponents, he again looks under the ring for something to assist him. After a moment of throwing various objects aside, he comes back up with a pair of handcuffs! PC: "What's he gonna do with those?!" HHL: "I don't know, but I'd like to find out!" Marf heads over to a stunned Rampage and does his best to close one of the cuffs around his massive hamhawk of a hand. He then closes the other one around the barricade before grabbing hold of HUNTER and rolling him into the ring, following close behind with a pin attempt. 1! 2!! KICKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PC: "Marf just turned this match into a one on one!" HHL: "What a shame for Rampage, who was damn near dominating this match from the get go!" Marf brings HUNTER to his feet and hits him with a Pumphandle Slam, laying over him once more for another cover. 1! 2!! KICKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HHL: "HUNTER's been hanging in there so far but, if he doesn't get some offense going, Marf's gonna put him away!" On the outside, Rampage comes to the realization of his situation, causing him to fight like hell to get out of it. He yanks at the cuffs but all he does is shake the barrier, making some fans in the front row jump back with fright! PC: "Rampage is tough, but I'm not sure if even HE can break out of a pair of police grace handcuffs!" HHL: "It's certainly not gonna stop him from trying." As Rampage tries to escape his predicament, as Marf brings HUNTER to his feet and whips him towards the ropes. On the rebound, Marf goes for a Clothesline, but HUNTER ducks under it and bounces off the other side. He attempts a Clothesline of his own, but Marf is able to avoid it. HUNTER turns around, only to get kicked in the midsection and hit with The Echoslide, which Marf keeps bridged for a pin. 1! 2!! THRE---KICKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PC: "If you told me that kickout was nothing more than pure reflexes, I'd believe it!" A frustrated Marf sits up, just in time to see Rampage yank his hand away from the barricade SO hard, it breaks the handcuffs!!!!!!!!!!!! HHL: "Rampage is free!" PC: "This doesn't bode well for Marf one bit!" Marf's eyes widen as his gigantic opponent steps forward and pulls himself up onto the apron with the top rope. Marf hurries over to him and swings, but Rampage blocks it and backs him up with a massive Headbutt. He then steps over the rope and grabs Marf by the throat. HUNTER gets up and heads in their direction, only for Rampage to grab him by the throat, too. He then lifts both men into the air and slams them down to the mat, putting a hand over each of their chests for a double cover. 1! 2!! KICKOUT BY BOTH MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! HHL: "What a Chokeslam! I'm surprised either of them kicked out!" PC: "That makes two of us!" Rampage gets up, and waits for one of his opponents to do the same, winding up for the final blow. Marf happens to be JUST a step ahead of HUNTER, making him the target of a massive Weapons of Mass Destruction.................................... except he ducks, causing Rampage to hit HUNTER, instead!!!!!!! Marf stumbles over to the ropes, where Rampage charges towards him, only for the former TV Champion to drop down, pulling the top rope with him, sending the big man toppling over to the outside. PC: "This is Marf's chance! He better hurry before Rampage recovers!" Marf hurries over to HUNTER, brings him to his feet, and delivers a beautiful Canadian Destroyer that even his critics can't help but be impressed by!!!!! HHL: "The Sway! That could be all she wrote!" PC: "Marf's got the pin, but Rampage is comin'!" 1! 2!! RAMPAGE SLIDES IN THE RING!............... .............................BUT IS A SECOND TOO LATE!!!!!! 3!!!
PC: "Rampage was just a pubic hair away from breaking it up!" HHL: "That he was! What a debut for him here tonight, no shame in the effort he showed whatsoever!" Marf rolls out of the way of the big guy's Fury and heads up the ramp. A disappointed Rampage kicks at the bottom rope before dragging HUNTER to his feet and delivering one final Chokeslam out of frustration. Marf looks a bit concerned, but that doesn't stop him from putting his arms in the air victoriously before heading to the back. The scene cuts to the backstage area where Sonya Benson, the anti pro wrestling activist turned pro wrestler against her will is seen power walking down the hallway flanked by Norris and Smith. Her manager is busy flipping through some papers on his clipboard as he rattles off a gist of someone’s profile. He motions to a dressing room door and the trio stop at it. The immensely beautiful lady smooths over her form fitting but conservative pants suit and makes herself look as presentable as possible, then knocks on the door. A few moments pass by. Nothing. She knocks again and some commotion is heard on the other side of the door before it slowly opens. Behind it, peering down at the stunning blonde, is Steven Cooper. He looks pale and is sweating some. He wipes his mouth with a cloth as he eyes her with curiosity. Sonya Benson: Hello, sir. I’m S- Steven Cooper: I'm familiar with ya'. Saw you out there making all kinds of offers. Her captivating blue oculars grow with promise upon hearing this. Sonya Benson: Good! Well then, you seem like a smart man, I’m sure you know why I’m here. [color=#c7c49d]Steven Cooper: You trying to hire an old man for security, little lady? What, are you too afraid to take a punch? Steve smirks a bit as he stares at Benson, who wasn't entirely amused by his indirect assertion. She smiles nonetheless, forced as it is, and nods. Sonya Benson: I’ll be the better person and let that slide. To answer your questions though. Yes, I am, in fact, afraid to take a punch. Secondly, I wouldn’t label this offer as ‘security’. Think of it more as contractor work. I’m offering to hire you as a contractor on retainer for me. You’ll receive a very substantial monthly retainer fee and, get this, I will give you access to state of the art medicines and cancer treatment facilities. These are obviously far greater in cope and success than any of the medicines and treatments you’ve been undergoing. All you must do is simply…. You know… just…. Be an ace up my sleeve just in case. I may hate every fiber of this misbegotten so called “sport” you love so much, but I’m not stupid. Everyone needs an ace at some point. So, what do you say? Cooper seems to put a bit of thought into it before shaking his head. Steven Cooper: Sorry, kid, but you're gonna need to look in another deck if you want an Ace. Now, if you don't mind, I got a match to get ready for. Steven begins to close the door on Sonya but her big beefy bodyguard jams his foot into the crack, preventing it. The two hosses have a brief staredown before Sonya nervously interjects. Sonya Benson: Whoa. Calm down gentlemen. Easy. Look, Mr. Cooper. I’m offering you money beyond anything you’ve probably gotten in your career combined. I’m offering you access to life longevity, possibly cured of your affliction. Don’t you have family and loved ones you want to stick around for? Don’t you want to stay in the ring as long as possible? To make sure when you do finally punch the ticket you’ve left the ring a better place than you found it? Wrestlers are gonna take liberties with me in the ring. They’re gonna try to literally possibly kill me. Do you really want that type of black mark left on this sport? A murder in the ring you could have prevented? She puts on a small water works with her eyes to really play into her helplessness. Steve looks Down, her words sitting uncomfortably with him. Steven Cooper: Maybe I would like to stick around a little longer. Maybe, even though I don't think too much of you, considering how you've dumped shit on this sport for a livelihood, I still don't want to see anybody seriously hurt out there without the proper training. But you don't want me there to enhance the sport… hell, you care about me about as much as you care about the other wrestlers here. And if I was gonna sell out my loyalty to everyone I've shared that ring with just for a few more years… Well, then I don't deserve them. I'm not gonna be your personal meat shield so you can play pretend philanthropist. So, while I don't like the idea of you getting whipped out there, the answer is still no. Ain't a river o' tears gonna change that. Now, if you'll excuse me. Steven ensures Sonya's bodyguard has moved his foot before firmly shutting the door on them, the sound of it closing echoing loudly. Those watery eyes dry up REAL quick. The expression on her inherently bratty face hardens. She looks to her entourage for answers and course of action, but they too are miffed. Nobody has really ever said “no” to her. The fans who have been wanting on the tron in the arena stir up quite the jeer for the deplorable woman who just tried to prey on a man with cancer. She pulls out her business card, though, and in a part ditch of effort, slides it under his door. Sonya Benson: I’m going to assume your answer was the chemo talking. I’m sliding my card under your door. If your head clears please contact me. My offer isn’t about caring, it's about survival. It’s about a symbiotic relationship. With that, she and her entourage turn tail and head toward the exit doors. The camera cuts away, not just from the TIAA Bank Field, but from possibly from Jacksonville and even Florida entirely. A doctor sits in a swivel chair smiling over their facemask in a sterile hospital room full of beige. DOCTOR: Welp, everything looks like it checks out. She’s in tip-top shape! Panning to the side, Alias can be seen with a young girl cradled in his arms. ALIAS: Really? You’re sure everything’s fine? DOCTOR: Absolutely positive! She sure does have a set of lungs on her though, doesn’t she? ALIAS: Heh… yeah. She does… He looks down in awe at the life in his hands. DOCTOR: You’re doing great, all things considered. She really settled quickly when you picked her up. You must have built up a lot of trust. ALIAS: Something like that… With Alias still in thought, the doctor pushes up from his chair and traverses across the room, opening the door. DOCTOR: You’re free to go. Just make sure to book in with your regular paediatrician back home in about three months time, just to check up on everything. Alias rises from the chair and carefully carries the child to the door. ALIAS: Right… paediatrician… because that’s definitely something we already have… DOCTOR: You got it! In his enthusiasm, the doctor doesn’t pick up at all on Alias’s hesitation. Awkwardly, he steps out of the hallway, and then, out of the paediatric unit entirely. Only a few steps down the corridor, and a turn off towards the Intensive Care Unit ward catches his attention. As a nurse pushes through the swinging doors that lead to the facility, he swears he spies something familiar. Looking around to see if anybody he is watching, he slowly inches down towards the door, and then slips inside. Nobody notices him (or the fucking camera crew following him - this hospital really must suck!) as he slinks right through the central staff stations and into a patient’s room. ALIAS: Charlie fucking Nickles… He whispers as he creeps up to the side of the bed where sure enough, Charlie Nickles lays hooked up to all sorts of machines beeping and booping, and with his head wrapped up in what looks to be about a thousand layers of bandages. ALIAS: You know… this is actually a good look for you. It really makes your eyes pop. Nickles’s eyes are in fact closed. That still doesn’t make Alias’s statement untrue though. ALIAS: I completely forgot you were here. Most people would though, right? There’s half a smirk on Alias’s face, as if he expects Nickles to launch at him at any minute. ALIAS: I was just passing through Steubenville, when I thought I’d get the wee one here a check-up. Never actually been here before. Never really plan on coming back. Just hoping to get to Illinois in time for Warfare. I uh… I guess I won’t be seeing you there? Again, Alias waits for a response. When none comes, he readjusts the child’s position in his arms, and leans in really close to Nickles’s head. ALIAS: If you wake up in the next ten seconds, I’ll give you a shot at the Universal Championship. He looks to Nickles once more. No movement. ALIAS: 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… Still looking. Still no response. ALIAS: 6… 7… 8… Nothing. ALIAS: 9… A sound! Just the baby coughing. ALIAS: 10? Hmmph, I guess you really did get messed up. He stands up straight, still staring down at Nickles’s body. ALIAS: I know we’re not exactly friends, but I do hope you get better soon, Charlie. Life is… He smiles at the child. ALIAS: Life is precious. With one last glance at the fallen Nickleman, Alias turns on his heel and leaves the room. Outside, in the nurse’s station, the light seems to have dimmed, and a strange silence has swept over the building. Not a soul can be seen. Alias draws a loud, audible breath, and prepares for the worst. He examines the scene, looking from side to side. And then he sees it. The thing. The different. A red door stands out in the dark, and Alias cautiously approaches. On it, there is a name. Alias whispers under his breath. ALIAS: What game are you playing at, Lou’? He tries the door handle, but it’s locked. He tries again. Still locked. One more time, he shakes upon the door, trying to open it. One more time, the laws of freaking physics don’t change and the door remains locked. ALIAS: Hmph… and here I thought that the doctor’s door was always open… VOICE: Excuse me, can I help you? He turns around to see the face of a security guard staring down at him. ALIAS: Err… I… Alias looks back to the door. On it, there is a word. ALIAS: I… I got lost. SECURITY: Well then, let me escort you back in the direction of ‘Found’. Alias nods, and follows the guard’s directions back through the staffing station once more. Just as the camera fades to back, he sends one last look back at the door. It still reads ‘JANITOR’. PC: "Folks, that music can only mean one thing: it's time for the Old Man Match!" HHL: "That's right, Pip; the ring is surrounded by a variety of things typically associated with old people, all of which can be used to keep your opponent down for a 10 count!" PC: "You gotta wonder if this is what Centurion had in mind when he asked for this match?" HHL: "Probably not but, I gotta admit, I love Karen Hunt's interpretation of Cent's request!" PC: "Me too! This'll be MUCH better than watching two old farts roll around on the mat until one of them falls asleep!" A sickly looking Steven Cooper walks onto the stage and takes in the negative energy from the crowd, knowing that any reaction is better than none, before making his way down the ramp. HHL: "You can see the effects the chemotherapy has had on the Trooper, it's a miracle he's even here competing at all!" PC: "What a trooper!" Steven heads past the various elderly items and over to the steel steps where he climbs up them, onto the apron, and into the ring. Once inside, he poses for the crowd and takes in more of their hate, feeding off it like the cancer that feeds on him. PC: "This match just might benefit the ailing Cooper. Being able to use weapons should make up for the fact he'll be wrestling well below 100%." HHL: "Excellent point, Pip." Centurion pushes his way through the curtain and onto the ramp, receiving a standing ovation from the live crowd. He stands there for a moment and takes it all in before heading down the aisle. HHL: "A better response than Cooper got!" PC: "Imagine having cancer and STILL getting booed! These people have no respect for The Trooper OR his legacy!" HHL: "The same can't be said for Cent', though!" Centurion shows his appreciation with a few fives as he heads towards ringside, where he stops and looks at a rascal scooter with a bottle of prune juice resting peacefully in it's basket. He shakes his head at the absurdity of the situation, before using the steep steps to join his opponent in the ring. HHL: "Centurion was the only one to acknowledge Cooper upon his arrival, a true testament to their longevity in this sport." PC: "Considering they've been wrestling since the paleolithic era, it should come as no surprise!" With both men in the ring, ready to go, the referee motions for the time keeper to ring the bell and get the match underway. DING! DING! DING!
Centurion meets Cooper in the middle of the ring, where he offers a handshake out of respect. The Trooper looks at his hand for a moment, debating whether of not to accept it, before meeting it with his own. HHL: "A mutual show of respect from the veterans." As the words leave Heather's mouth, Cooper uses the handshake to pull Centurion towards him into a Headlock. PC: "Psyche!" The Trooper tightens the hold, giving the camera a shot eating grin as he does so. His advantage doesn't last long, however, as Centurion is able to drop them back to the ropes and propel Cooper towards the other side. Cent' then takes off for the ropes perpendicular to the ones his opponent bounces off of, with the two of them just barely missing each other on the rebound. They continue to bounce off the ropes, whooshing past the other as they do so. This continues for quite bit, prompting the fans to stand up and show their appreciation for the stamina of these two old dogs. PC: "Now THAT'S some old school shit right there!" HHL: "They're making ME tired just watching them!" The veterans bounce off their respective ropes about a dozen or so times, with The Trooper finally coming to a stop in the center of the squared circle, gasping for breath. This allows Cent' to connect with a V-Trigger that sends Steven flying between the ropes to the outside. Immediately after hitting the move, Centurion drops to a knee and begins sucking wind, himself. HHL: "Looks like Cent' is a little more conditioned than Cooper, here tonight!" PC: "Gee, I wonder why? I'd say the fact Cooper went for as long as he DID is impressive enough!" The referee, concerned for Centurion, pulls an inhaler out of his pocket and holds it out for the, metaphorically, dying superstar. Insulted by the gesture, Cent' slaps it out of the ref's hand, sending it flying outside the ring and into Cooper's hand. Not ashamed to take the assistance, The Trooper gladly takes a couple puffs before slamming it across his opponent's head as he reaches through the ropes to grab him. The shot causes Centurion to fall out of the ring and onto the floor, where Steven greets him with multiple stomps. PC: "If this turns into a brawl, my money's on The Trooper!" HHL: "Even with the cancer?" PC: "ESPECIALLY with the cancer! A dying man is a desperate one, and Cooper's got nothing to lose anymore!" The Trooper drags Centurion to his feet and rests him against the ring, where he delivers a hard Chop across the chest; receiving an earful of "Woo!"s for his trouble. He then turns around and approaches the rascal scooter behind him, getting on and starting it up. PC: "He's going to crush Cent' between the ring and the scooter!" Steven puts the scooter in drive and heads in his opponent's direction. A desperate Centurion dives out of the way, dramatically, despite the fact he had plenty of time to move. This allows Cooper to stop before hitting the ring, backup, and adjust his heading so he's facing Centurion once more. Cent' hurries over to another scooter and begins driving directly at The Trooper as the fans gasp in horror. HHL: "They're gonna crash!!!" All of a sudden, the baskets of both scooters collide, albeit lightly, causing both men to jerk forward more than a hit of such little impact should(probably old age). Neither one of them budges, as the two of them continue to try and push the other one back towards the opposite barricade. Eventually, Cent' reaches into his basket and pulls out a bottle of prune juice, which he opens and splashes into Cooper's eyes! This throws The Trooper off just enough to allow Centurion to drive him backwards into the barrier, preventing him from moving forward. Steven tries his best to push back but it doesn't do any good as he's stuck there. Seeing no other choice, Cooper stands up on the seat of his scooter and dives forward, Clotheslining Centurion off of HIS! PC: "The Trooper just became The Paratrooper there for a second!" HHL: "A desperate move from a desperate man. He's leaving it all out here tonight!" The referee begins a 10 count, but barely hits two by the time Cooper gets up. He brings Cent' with him, ending the count, and walks him over to the steel steps. Steven positions his opponent's head between his arm and begins to walk up the stairs. PC: "He's looking to end it here with a Twister out on the floor!" As Cooper rotates in the air, Centurion pushes him off, preventing the move. The Trooper manages to land on his feet and charge towards Cent', who flips him over his shoulders, causing him to land, back first, on the steps!!!!! PC: "As if he didn't already have enough back pain!" HHL: "Nobody said gettin' old was easy, Pip." Centurion takes a moment to recuperate as the referee starts a 10 count. 1 2 3 4 The Trooper begins to stir, clutching at his back with one hand, while pulling himself up by the ring skirt with the other. 5 6 Cooper makes it to his feet, despite it being an obvious struggle. To make matters worse, he doesn't see Centurion coming up behind him with a wooden cane, which he breaks across The Trooper's lower back!!!!!!! HHL: "Cooper's down AGAIN!" PC: "And he's probably not getting up this time." 1 2 3 4 5 Steven crawls over to the steel stairs that put him in this situation and uses each step to slowly pull himself up. 6 7 8 The Trooper makes it to his feet, but only stays there thanks to support from the steps. Centurion comes up beside him and wraps his arms around Cooper, preparing to deliver a Saito Suplex. As he goes to lift The Trooper up, though, Steven manages to wrap his arms around the ring post, preventing it. PC: "Now that's the type of ring presence only a veteran like Cooper could have!" Centurion thrusts a couple times, but The Trooper refuses to budge. He backs Cent' off with a hard Elbow shot to the side of the head, but the XWF Legend charges back in. A quick thinking Cooper hits a Drop Toehold that sends Centurion, face first, into the steel steps. The Trooper wastes little time picking his opponent back up and tossing him into the barricade, as the fans in the front row boo and give him a bunch of thumbs down. PC: "I wonder how those fans would feel if Cooper dropped dead right there, and that was the last thing he saw?!?" HHL: "Probably that they got their money's worth." PC: "That's messed up." HHL: "Yeah, well, it's a messed up world, get over it!" Cooper walks over to a pile of assorted old people supplies and picks up one of those grabbers with the dinosaur head on it. PC: "What's he gonna do with THAT?!" The Trooper approaches his downed opponent and opens the dinosaurs mouth before proceeding to clamp it down on Centurion's balls. HHL: "Who says veterans can't be innovative?" PC: "That might keep more than Centurion down for a while!" HHL: "Are you referring to Little Cent'?" PC: "Yes, with emphasis on the little part!" Centurion cries out in pain, trying his best to remove the plastic grabber from his genitals, but that only makes Cooper shove it down harder. Eventually, The Trooper let's go and backs away, ordering the ref to count Cent' down. 1 2 Centurion removes the grabber from his privates and tosses it aside. He doesn't get up, though, instead checking to make sure everything is still there and intact. 3 4 5 6 Centurion makes it to his hands and knees, where The Trooper breaks the count by delivering a vicious Soccer Kick to the abdomen. HHL: "Cooper knew he was gonna make it before ten and decided NOT to let him up." PC: "Smart move on his part, but not as smart as Centurion staying down in the FIRST place!" Steven Cooper grabs hold of Cent' and tosses him back into the ring, before grabbing a walker and throwing it over the top rope and into the ring, as well, making sure it intentionally lands on his opponent. He then slides in and rolls Centurion onto his back before proceeding to choke him with the walker. As the XWF Legend gasps for air, The Trooper demands the referee count him down, but he refuses. PC: "Why the hell isn't the ref counting???" HHL: "Because it doesn't work like that, Pip. You can't physically hold your opponent down, you gotta incapacitate them enough so they can't get up WITHOUT you touching them." PC: "But HE'S not touching him........... the walker is!" HHL: "Still counts." Cooper yells at the ref, who explains the same thing to him as Heather did to the fine folks watching at home. This angers The Trooper, causing him to throw the weapon aside and gesture for the referee to count NOW, which he does. 1 2 3 4 5 Centurion grabs onto the bottom rope, followed by the middle one, and uses them to pull himself up slightly. 6 7 Centurion makes it to his feet, leaning against the ropes to prop himself up. PC: "I'm surprised he's even standing after having his junk nawed on by a plastic dinosaur!" HHL: "He's got balls. They might be a little deformed now, but they're still there!" Steven Cooper turns Centurion around and goes to Irish Whip him to the ropes, only to have it reversed. On the rebound, Centurion bends down to flip The Trooper over his head, only for Steven to stop short and grabs hold of Cent', attempting to lift him up for a Vertical Suplex. Unfortunately for The Trooper, his back gives out, causing Centurion to land on his feet. Cent' then grabs hold of his opponent and connects with the Saito Suplex he wasn't able to do earlier, leaving both men out on the mat. 1 2 3 4 5 Centurion makes it to his feet, albeit a bit dazed. 6 7 Steven Cooper makes it to a knee, before popping to his feet. HHL: "I've never thought The Trooper, or anyone else in Avalanche, had a heart, but he's certainly proving me wrong!" PC: "What a stupid statement! How would he be alive if he didn't have a heart, Heather?" HHL: "I don't know............ I wonder the same thing about you on a weekly basis!" As soon as Cooper makes it to his feet, Centurion walks up behind him and lifts him up for a 1000 Mile Slam...................... only for The Trooper to slip out with Cent's head between his arm. He then runs into the corner, steps up on the turnbuckles, and connects with a Tornado DDT!!!!!! PC: "The Twister!!!!!" HHL: "Cent' might be out cold, what an upset this would be!" A confident Cooper backs into the corner, using the ropes to hold his worn down body up, as the ref begins to count. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Centurion starts to stir, rolling over onto his stomach and beginning to crawl towards the corner opposite Cooper. 7 8 Cent' makes it to the corner, where he tries his best to pull himself up. 9 TE--- Centurion manages to pull himself up JUST before the referee can count him down!!!!!!! PC: "That was a slow count!" HHL: "It wasn't any different than the rest of 'em!" PC: "Then they've ALL been slow!" HHL: "Which means they've all been consistent, which is what counts!" The moment Cent' makes it to his feet, Cooper rushes over and connects with a vicious Splash in the corner. He then lifts Centurion up and places him atop the highest turnbuckle, before climbing up to the second rope. PC: "The Trooper could be looking for FUBAR!" Steven wraps his arms around Centurion's waist and attempts to yank him backwards, but Cent' holds onto the top rope for dear life. Cooper hammers on his back a few times, but Centurion ducks the last one and slips behind The Trooper! With the roles reversed, Cent' is able to pull his opponent off the second rope and connect with a 1000 Mile Slam that sends the fans into a frenzy!!!!!!! HHL: "That may be enough to put The Trooper away!" PC: "I don't think Cent' agrees." Not content with his trademark Angle Slam, Centurion heads over to Cooper's feet and grabs hold of them. He attempts to lock in The Fall of Rome, but The Trooper is aware enough to fight it. Before Cent' can even get him turned over, Steven slips his feet out of his opponent's grasp and uses them to shove Centurion back into the corner. As Cooper goes to get up, Cent' rushes forward with a Bloody Symphony, but The Trooper JUST manages to move his head to the side and catch the Anarchy Champion's knee. With his opponent off balance, Steven is able to trip Centurion's other leg, allowing him to lock in a Figure Four on the one he had hold of!!!! PC: "The Trooper might not be able to submit his opponent, but he CAN wear him down enough to ensure he doesn't get back up!" HHL: "Exactly! And without any rope breaks, Cent' is either gonna have to reverse it or escape." PC: "Or pass out." Centurion sits up and reaches for his legs, crying out in pain as The Trooper applies more pressure. He shakes his head as Cooper slowly nods, a maniacal look on his tired face. Cent' reaches out towards the ropes in hopes of using them to gain some leverage, but they're too far away! PC: "Centurion's in trouble! He needs to think of something fast, or he may never walk again!" Steven Cooper continues to wear down Centurion's leg, thrusting up and down in overdramatic fashion. Cent' rolls to the side a bit, before attempting to use his entire body to flip them over. Luckily, Cooper's seen this trick plenty of times throughout his career, so he knows to shift his weight to the opposite side to prevent it. Unfortunately for him, Centurion's been around the block, as well, and quickly jerks his body to the side with The Trooper's weight, allowing him to reverse the hold!!!!! HHL: "He reversed it! Now all the pressure's on Cooper's legs!" PC: "Yeah, but there's no telling how much damage Cent's, already fragilè, knees how taken!" Rather than hold his position, Centurion slowly slips his way out and transitions into a Walls of Jericho, filling the stadium with a defeating roar. PC: "Fall of Rome!!! Centurion just reversed Cooper's Figure Four into HIS patented submission hold!!!!!" HHL: "But, again, they can't win by submission only. He's gonna have to hold it until it incapacitates The Trooper!" Centurion pulls HARD on Cooper's legs, returning the favor for earlier. The Trooper looks exhausted, but refuses to give in. He reaches out for anything that might help, with the side of the ring much closer to him than it was to Cent'. Despite this, he isn't there yet, and has to use what little strength he has left to drag them towards it. Centurion, low on energy himself, can't hold The Trooper, allowing him to reach the bottom rope. Knowing the rules, though, the Anarchy Championship refuses to let go, putting Steven Cooper in quite the spot. Desperate, he reaches outside the ring and manages to grab hold of a metal cane! He then hides it against his chest and lets Centurion dragging him back towards the center, where he WHACKS him in the back of the head!!!!!! The XWF Legend immediately drops to the mat, letting go of the submission. HHL: "Cooper escaped! He may have had some assistance, but it's all legal here!" PC: "That it is!" The Trooper gets up and brings a limp Centurion with him. He wraps his arm around his opponent's head and steps up the turnbuckles, spinning in the air, and driving Cent's head onto the cane!!!!!!!!! HHL: "Twister!!!!!!" PC: "That moves devastating enough on it's own, I can just imagine how much damage that cane added!" Running on adrenaline alone, Steve Cooper pops to his feet and orders the ref to count, as a stunned crowd watches on in silence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Centurion rises up, his body trembling like an anime hero on his last leg ready to make his last stand..................... 9 ..........................BUT HIS LEGS BUCKLE UNDERNEATH HIM AND HE COLLAPSES TO THE MAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10!!!!!!!!!
PC: "I don't believe it! A cancer riddled Steven Cooper just beat the Anarchy Champion!!!!!" HHL: "Not JUST the Anarchy Champion........... Centurion!!!!" PC: "This may be the biggest win of The Trooper's career and he does it while knocking on death's door!!!!!" Steven Cooper leans against the corner, as a pumped up Eobard Stone runs out to the ring and congratulates him. The two share a hug for a moment when, all of a sudden............................. ..............................THE SOUND OF GLASS BREAKING FILLS THE AIR!!!!!!!!!! HHL: "Oh no, it's..................." ![]() PC: "Stone Cunt! Stone Cunt!!! Stone Cunt!!!!!!" "Stone Cunt" Noah Jackson power walks down the aisle as EXP looks on in horror. He reaches the ring and slides in, immediately heading in their direction. Looking out for his mentor, Eobard shoves Cooper out of the ring and swings at Jackson. Noah takes the punch like it was nothing and responds with a Kick to the nads, followed by a Stunner SO hard, it bounces Stone back to his feet and over the top rope!!!!! PC: "Now THAT'S what I call a Stone Cunt Stunner!!!!!" The Trooper grabs hold of his partner, and helps him back up the ramp as Noah watches on and flips them off. He then turns his attention to a recovered Cent', calling for a couple of beers as the fans cheer. HHL: "Is Centurion REALLY gonna fall for this?" PC: "Fall for what?! Noah just wants to share a beer with an XWF Legend!" Stone Cunt catches a couple beers, thrown to him from the outside, and hands one to Centurion. Too concussed to truly know what's going on, he takes the beverage and holds it there dumbfounded as Noah clinks it with his. The two of them take a drink, with Jackson delivering another Stunner afterwards!!!!! HHL: "Who didn't see THAT coming?" PC: "Me! I am appalled!!!" Stone Cunt calls for a few more fresh ones and chugs them in the middle of the ring as the show cuts to a commercial. As the camera’s come back from the riveting adverts that keep the lights on, a confused murmur goes through the crowd. The backstage area being filmed was currently empty of anything or anybody… Until the familiar groaning “WHOOSH”ing begins to fill the air. Fans begin to cheer and get to their feet, anticipation building. Moments later, like a mirage, a dark purple phone booth begins to materialize from thin air. This is enough to set the fans off; they scream and cheer as the TARDIS known as Excellence materializes completely and falls quiet. A moment later, The Impossible Traveler herself pops out from the doors, wild-eyed and messy-haired. Grease and dirt cover her face, hands, and arms; she’s dressed in oil-covered overalls and a black sports bra. “I didn’t miss anything, did I? Bitchy Bourbon didn’t defend the TV title yet, did he?” With a snap of her fingers, Betsy Granger closes up Excellence and marches down the hallway. She hails down the first person she spots and rushes over to them. “Hey! Please tell me I haven’t missed the main event!” “Uh… No, Miss Granger, you’ve made it with plenty of time.” Betsy beams at the confused staff member before turning back towards Excellence. He watches her go, shaking his head and more confused than ever, but there’s no time to worry about that! The camera swivels back in time to catch Betsy breaking out into a run. Snapping her fingers again as she approaches the ship, the doors swing open in an oddly satisfying motion. She runs right inside and up the ramp, the camera still following her. Grabbing up a gym bag, she turns back to the camera and gives it a playful wink. “Don’t worry about this, nothing to see here.” Heading out, she pushes the door shut behind her and makes her way through the venue. As she gets closer to the action, she turns back to the camera, her green eyes sparkling like emeralds. “You see, I haven’t been right in the head ever since War Games… Could have something to do with the fact that those fucking assholes that call themselves Bastards always feel the need to level me out. I get it, Them No Good Bastards fear Betsy Granger, but I have to say… I’m getting really fucking sick of the cheap shots and cowardly attacks. TK came out and tried to stop me from entering War Games with the chair and I still made sure all but one member of BOB was eliminated from moving forward. Bitchy Bourbon managed to get the best of me, only to come crashing down when it mattered. Despite trying to take me out early, I persevered and was the last member of my team left standing when all was said and told. Keep trying to kill me, dickheads. When will you realize that Betsy Granger won’t die by your hands?” She turns a corner and finally finds herself in the area that caters to the wrestlers. Shifting the bag, she starts opening up doors and looking around them as she speaks. “In case you missed it that night, not even several chair shots could keep me out of your way. Maybe the night didn’t go as I’d hoped, but it certainly didn’t go BoB’s way either, did it? I can take solace in that fact, but there is still much-unfinished business to get out of the way. After I soundly defeat Chronic Chris Page on Warfare this week, I turn my attention back to that bumbling buffoon of a masked asshole. You see, that TV Title he won off of Corey Smith, that should have been MINE. The opportunity, the match… Bobby was just a fill-in who got lucky.” Giving the camera a scrunched-up sneer of disapproval, she continues invading private rooms. “No matter; Bobby went in and got the job done. Who’s to say I would have been as successful as he? Unfortunately, I was ordered by my doctor to rest, so I obeyed. And watched as my opportunity got handed off to the least deserving mofo they could think of. I guess being a sniveling coward, laughably incompetent on your own, and pompous prick gets you ahead around here; noted.” Finally, she opens up a door and after looking around, enters. On the bench is a gym bag that has #JoinBoB in different fonts and colors scrawled all over it. Dropping her own duffel, she opens it up and digs around inside of it for a few moments. “I had time to reflect on my career and the apparent downswing I’ve undertaken in these last two months. I went from being one of the ones to beat to the butt of most people's jokes. ‘Oh, poor Betsy Granger, she showed so much promise but couldn’t handle the pressure’.” The look on her face is thunderous as voices only she can hear echo through her mind. “Perhaps I haven’t been as focused as I should be; I’ve let my guard down more and more recently and it’s cost me. I allowed myself to put my trust in people who haven’t had my back the way I needed them to. The most ironic part is that the people I DO trust at the moment are those I had problems with the moment I stepped foot in this company. Chess pieces are moving every day, and where I was once three steps ahead, I find myself struggling to keep up with the flow. But that changes tonight.” She finally finds what she was looking for; it appears to be a drawing on a thick piece of parchment. She holds it up to the camera for the world to see. It’s a drawing of her, standing under the banner for Relentless. At her feet is a broken Bobby Bourbon, on his knees and crying into his empty hands. Betsy stands over him, golden and glorious, holding up the TV title in one hand and Bobby’s mask in the other. “I’ve had my issues with many members of BoB over the past few months, but it seems that Bobby Bourbon has taken particular exception of me. He and Thunder Cuckles seem to get off on trying to put me down for good; I can still feel the chair shots from War Games. And if they were looking to awaken something, they should give themselves a pat on the back right now.” Turning towards the door, she sticks the drawing up so that Bobby couldn’t miss it when he came back. Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out an ornate dagger and stabs the parchment viciously; when she backs away to admire her work, the blade is going straight through Bobby’s head. A strange smile crosses her face as her eyes grow distant. “If you want me that badly, Bobby Bourbon, congratulations; I’m all yours. But if you think you’ll be dealing with the same Betsy Granger you’ve been attempting to bully, you’re in for one hell of a surprise. I’m sick of playing the nice girl, always walking the straight and narrow, only to get attacked and overlooked. I’m tired of standing by and watching MY opportunities go to others who I’ve either already beaten or don’t fucking deserve the shit. So I say to you, and anyone else who doubts Betsy Granger has what it takes to beat Bobby Bourbon or any member of BoB… Just fucking watch me.” Shoving a hand in the camera, she hastily retreats from the room, leaving the view on the drawing for a moment before the scene switches back to the main arena.
HH: “What’s next??” Pip: “The main event, Heather! The Television Championship is on the line!” As the opening riff of "Hart Attack" roared through the arena the crowd jumped to their feet as Vita ran onto the stage. Vita walked down the stage in a zigzag pattern as she slapped hands and tried her best to get the crowd riled. At the foot of the ramp, Vita took off and slid under the ropes to enter the ring. Vita hopped to her feet and struck her infamous "Arnold pose" to the crowds' delight! The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad. As Warlord blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring while carrying all three of his title belts, an XWF Tag Team Title belt, an OCW Tag Team TItle belt, and the XWF TV Title . Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison: *FUN!*FUN!*FUN!*FUN!*FUN!*FUN!*FUN!*FUN!* The two competitors stand in their corners as the ring announcer and referee hold down the center. Pip: “And here we go!” “Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and set for a 15-minute time limit and is for the XWF Television Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Toronto, Canada…. Weighing 122 lbs….. VITA VALENTEEN!!” HH: “Vita has a big challenge ahead of her this evening!” Pip: “If she wants to walk away with the TV Title tonight she needs to pull out every strength she has… She’s at over a foot and several hundred pound disadvantage!” Vita takes a step forward and bows to the crowd where she gets a mostly positive ovation. There is a light background of boos that accompany the cheers. HH: “It looks like the hardcore B.O.B. fans are out here in Jacksonville, Florida!” “And her opponent!!” The B.O.B.s from the crowd roar for their champion!! “From our nation’s capitol…. Washington, D.C.!! Weighing in at 290 lbs……. He is one half of the OCW Tag Team Champions, one half of the XWF Tag Team Champions, and the XWF Television Champion…. The Sultan of Smacktalk!! The master of the Bobby-Bomb!!! BOBBY BOURBON!!!!!” Bobby holds all three of his titles in the air and gets showered with boos from the nice fans and praised by the B.O.B.ble heads in the crowd. Pip: “Bobby Bourbon, not to mention his tag team partner, Thunder Knuckles, have both been on a hell of a tear as of late. Crossing other promotions, bringing other titles back home to the XWF…. Them No Good Bastards have been unreal.” HH: “It’s true, Pip! Let’s see if Bobby Bourbon can continue his streak tonight against Vita who’s been hungry!” Bobby hands all three of his title belts down to the time keeper, Nipsey Russel, and takes a big stretch. Vita stands in her corner, bouncing back and forth, anticipating the bell. DING! DING! DING!
The bell rings and Vita immediately begins to circle the ring while Bobby takes the center of the ring watching her as she tries to find an opening. She quickly steps in and cracks Bobby in the side of the knee with a kick then backs away. Bobby checked the kick by barely moving his leg and continued to just turn with the movements of the much smaller Vita. Vita steps in again and lands another quick kick to Bobby’s knee. Pip: “Vita is chopping away at a really thick tree here, Heather.” Bobby, unfazed, steps in to grapple Vita but she quickly rolls to the side. Rolling up to her feet she takes another kick to the back of Bobby’s knee which manages to buckle it a little bit, but Bobby quickly walks and laughs it off. Vita runs back and leaps to the second rope, she bounces off and goes for a kick to the face but is caught by Bobby! He throws her over his shoulder and starts to walk around with her as she elbows him over and over in the face! Bobby falls forward with her on his shoulder and slams her into the mat! He lays over her and pulls a leg! HH: “The champ is going for a quick fall!” One!! Two!!!! Vita kicks out! Bobby shoves her away and allows her to roll to the ropes where she uses them to pull her back up to her feet. Vita brushes herself off and goes back to circling the champion.
Pip: “Vita has a mountain to climb tonight, fans!” The champion, Bobby Bourbon, mocks Vita and waits patiently for her next move. Bobby takes a step forward, Vita bounces off the ropes then slides between his legs! Bobby turns around quickly and attempts a standing lariat, but Vita ducks and drop kicks him in the chest! She bounces off but it does manage to send the champ back a couple of steps! Bobby recovers quickly and charges Vita with a shoulder sending her through the ropes and crashing to the floor outside of the ring. A few B.O.B. fans mock her from the outside, while the goody two shoes clap and chant for the underdog. Bobby holds his arms up in the center of the ring and takes the other half of the mixed reaction from the crowd. HH: “We’re not a couple minutes into this title match and it's already not looking too good for the challenger.” Pip: “Have some faith, Heather. You said yourself it’s still early and you should never count out Vita Valenteen!” Vita gets help from the apron to her feet and Bobby is already waiting for her on the other side of the ropes. He reaches down and pulls her by the hair up onto it, she holds tightly onto the ropes foiling Bobby’s attempts to fling her into the ring. She lets go, grabs Bobby by his mask, and pulls him down onto the top rope as she jumps backwards off the apron! The champ stumbles back holding his throat, Vita takes advantage and climbs all the way up to the top turnbuckle. She waits for Bobby to face her and leaps off and then connects with a diving head scissor!! Pip: “She takes the big man down!” Bobby does a forward roll and lands on his back. He quickly rolls to his stomach and lifts himself up to his hands and knees and looks up just as Vita bounces off the ropes and hits him square in the face with a diving double boot! Bobby’s mask goes crooked on his face as he rolls away after taking the blow.
Vita doesn’t stop! As Bobby crawls away and fixes his mask, Vita grabs him by the head and hits him with a facebuster! Bobby went splat on the mat and Vita uses all of her strength to roll him over to his back! Pip: “Vita with a cover! We could have a new champion!” ONE!!!! TWO!!!!! Bobby kicks out and sends Vita flying through the air! He slides out of the ring and takes a walk to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Before he notices, Vita is on the top rope looking down! She soars off the top and looks to be caught by Bobby!! But no!!! She swings around and takes the TV Champ down with a tornado DDT!! She jumps back to her feet and fires up the crowd!!! *VITA!* (sucks) *VITA!* (sucks) *VITA!* (sucks) *VITA!* (sucks) *VITA!* HH: “This confused Florida crowd still seems torn on who’s walking out champ tonight, Pip!” Pip: “Let them! One thing they can definitely agree on is how awesome this match is!”
The referee has started counting out the two competitors. He reaches three before Vita slides under the bottom rope back into the ring. Bobby is a little slower to his feet, but he manages to get there by the count of five. As he approaches the ring, Vita takes another opportunity and rushes the opposite ropes! She bounces off and suicide dives over the top rope to the outside, but is once again caught by Bobby Bourbon mid-air! She can’t fight her way out of this one as Bobby turns around and drops her face first onto the barricade! HH: “Ouch! Fun’s over, kid!” Pip: “Vita got her clocks cleaned from that impact on the hard barricade…. And unfortunately for her, the official’s count has reset to zero which means Bobby has plenty of time to dish out more punishment on the outside of the ring.” Bobby grabs Vita by the hair and pulls her along behind him over to the ring steps. From inside the ring, the referee yells at Bobby to get back inside and continue the match, but the champion pays no mind. He lays Vita across the ring steps and drops a couple of forearms and an elbow across her sternum. He climbs the steel rings steps then steps over Vita to the ring apron. The champ casually walks to the other ring post, slaps the top turnbuckle then turns around. Pip: “Oh, no! I’m not sure what the champ has planned for her, but it does NOT look good for Vita!” Bobby then runs across the ring apron, before he reaches the end where Vita is sprawled out on the top ring step he leaps and goes for a running senton splash! Vita rolls off at the last second and Bobby lands back first on the steel! He yells out in agony and falls like an uneven sack of potatoes to the floor! Heather: “This is Vita’s chance, if any, Pip! She has to capitalize!” Pip: “You’re right, Heather! She needs to get the champ back in the ring! And she’s running out of time! We’re down to just under six minutes left in this title match!” HH: “And the challenger HAS to beat the champion via pinfall or submission! If time runs out, we’ve seen it before, we will have a DRAW!” Pip: “I don’t think Vita is looking for this match ending without a winner, Heather!” Vita hops up onto the ring steps that she was just lying across and lands a double foot stop onto the center of Bobby’s back! He rolls over from his back to his stomach, arching his back in pain! She follows up with a quick leg drop across Bobby’s throat then immediately tries with all of her might to pull Bobby to his feet by his head! It doesn’t look like Vita is doing much good, but the champ IS slowly working his way to his feet! He gets to his knees, then just one knee…. “FIVE MINUTES REMAINING IN THE MATCH-UP! FIVE MINUTES!”
Vita cracks him across the face with a knee, then continues pulling him up! She walks up the ring steps to stay above him and Bobby finally is up to his feet! Vita jumps back from the steps and pulls him into the ring post, but Bobby holds his arm out and blocks it! At this point, the referee is standing over them and has just reached the count of eight! HH: “These two better get back in the ring or else we’ll have our draw anyway….” They both slide in on opposite sides of the turnbuckle ending the count-out. Vita uses her speed to reach her feet first, but Bobby isn’t too far behind. Vita kicks him repeatedly on his way up, each one connecting in vital places, but the champ manages to shake them off! He jumps forward and hits Vita with a standing splash knocking her down! The move was a half-bearhug as well, so she takes a second crawling away when she realizes she has to catch her breath! Bobby doesn’t give her the courtesy and has her to her feet involuntarily by her hair. He Irish whips her into the corner where she slams hard against her back. After three long, bellowing steps Bobby jogs into the corner as she is falling out of it and hits her with another splash sandwiching Vita between the near three hundred pounder and turnbuckle. She melts out of the corner and lies face down on the mat as the champ circles around her. He looks up to the clock and motions with his arms for THE END! Pip: “It looks like the champion is looking to put a bow on this match, fans!” He pulls Vita to the center of the ring and sets her up for the Bobby-Bomb!! HH: “Here it is! If Bobby lands this it will surely be over for Vita! Better luck next time!” Bobby leans down to lift Vita in the air when music starts to play throughout the arena interrupting the title match! The champ leans back up and pushes Vita off to the side when he recognizes the music. He walks over to the side of the ring and holds the top rope watching the entrance while the official behind him is barking at him to continue the match. Pip: “Oh! That’s Betsy Granger’s music!” HH: “What does she want?” Pip: “I’m not sure… but uh… Is she coming out?” The music plays on, but Betsy doesn’t come out. Bobby holds up his arms, tired of waiting, then turns his attention back to the center of the ring where he was about to win the match, but Vita was not where he left her! She’s on the outside apron now, pulling herself up, and springing off the top rope!! Pip: “EAT DEFEAT!!!!” HH: “Right in the mouth!” Vita hits the springboard dropkick and gets Bobby, like Heather said, right in the mouth! Bobby staggers back, but doesn’t go down! Vita runs past him to the other side and through the ropes…. Bobby didn’t go down, but the move definitely knocked the daylights out of him as he stumbled around the ring. When he faces her again, she performs the same move and cracks Bobby in the face again!! HH: “Another right in the kisser!!!!” Pip: “Another Eat Defeat…. But the big man won’t go down!” Vita doesn’t give up as she now climbs to the top turnbuckle…. HH: “What does she have up her sleeve now, Pip??” Pip: “I’m not sure, Heather, but she better pull some magic out…. The champ refuses to leave his feet tonight” Vita, from the top rope, waits for Bobby to face her and she leaps off again! She leaps over him, grabbing his head and upper body with her legs and flips him over!!!! HH: “WOW!!!” Pip: “CANADIAN DESTROYER!!!!” HH: “HOW!?! I didn’t think Bobby Bourbon could bend that way!” Bobby basically did a standing backflip through the move and landed square on the top of his head. The crowd goes absolutely bonkers as she crawls over and falls over the motionless body of the No Good Bastard….. ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pip: “Vita did it! Vita’s champion!!!” HH: “With the help of Beck Granger, no doubt!” Pip: “I’m not sure if Vita is too concerned about that at this moment, Heather! She knows the match is over and knows that she’s walking away with the gold!” HH: “Becky better be taking the next horse and carriage out of here, though, Pip. Bobby Bourbon is NOT going to be happy when he comes-to… Concussed or not!” Vita Valenteen celebrates in the ring with her newly won title as her fans in the crowd cheer her on as the show comes to a close. Pip: "We'll see you next time fans! Be sure to tune into Warfare this week as we will see both the Hart AND Xtreme Titles on the line!! Don't miss it!!!