X-treme Wrestling Federation
I'M BACK! - Printable Version

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I'M BACK! - BackOnTheHunt - 07-23-2021

I've gotten the RP itch after 4 years away from the game. HUNTER RYAN IS BACK!

Blink once if you give a shit. Big Grin

For whomever is still here that remembers me - WHAZZZZZUP?!

re:I'M BACK! - Miss Fury - 07-23-2021

Hunter Ryan, I remember the name. Welcome back! We're in a PPV cycle atm, but Savage has an opt in thread up that you can check out. (Micheal Graves btw)

re:I'M BACK! - BackOnTheHunt - 07-23-2021

So nice to be remembered. haha

Thank you. I'll check it out. Whom may you be from the good ol days that I may remember?

I'M BACK! - ALIAS - 07-23-2021

*Blinks once*

*Blinks a second time because I'm an asshole*

*Blinks a third time just to be confusing*

Hunter Ryan fears Lee Stone.

(Welcome back).

I'M BACK! - HeavensToBetsy - 07-23-2021

Oh, you finally found your way back here, too? Hi, it's Heather, but you may call me Betsy while we're here. LoL Welcome back.

re:I'M BACK! - BackOnTheHunt - 07-24-2021


Missed y'all. Hope to come back and kick some ass.

I'M BACK! - Centurion - 07-24-2021


re:I'M BACK! - BackOnTheHunt - 07-24-2021

Love you too, Cent! lmao

I'M BACK! - Theo Pryce - 07-24-2021

Well there's a name I know but never had the pleasure of meeting. Welcome back!

I'M BACK! - BackOnTheHunt - 07-24-2021

Been a hell of a few years, guys and gals. Divorced back in December 2018. Son has battled leukemia since October 2020. Life has been flipped upside down but I'm finally back on my feet and ready to get back to what I loved for so many years.

I'M BACK! - Shawn Warstein - 07-24-2021

Hunter Ryan….. Nope can’t say the name rings a bell. Good luck to you kid.

I'M BACK! - Thaddeus Duke - 07-24-2021

Welcome back. Corey Smith will see you momentarily.

re:I'M BACK! - Miss Fury - 07-24-2021

(07-23-2021, 03:14 PM)BackOnTheHunt Said: So nice to be remembered. haha

Thank you. I'll check it out. Whom may you be from the good ol days that I may remember?

I don't remember you well, just the name. Maybe we crossed paths for a minute? Maybe someone just brought you up before. I honestly can't remember, but the name is totally familiar. I was Micheal Graves here between 2003 and 2008 ish (and sometimes still, but more or less as a joke char). Anyways, always good to see old faces returning. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the game!

I'M BACK! - Chris Page - 07-25-2021

A guy I spent a year feuding with elsewhere has finally made his way back to land of Xtreme- blast from the past heard!

re:I'M BACK! - Chris Page - 07-25-2021

(07-24-2021, 01:58 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: Welcome back. Corey Smith will see you momentarily.

Don’t gatekeep to hard- he’s a good one.

re:I'M BACK! - Thaddeus Duke - 07-25-2021

(07-25-2021, 04:21 AM)Chris Page Said:
(07-24-2021, 01:58 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: Welcome back. Corey Smith will see you momentarily.

Don’t gatekeep to hard- he’s a good one.

The joke was on Corey, not Mr. Ryan.



From the bowl.