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Angel in the dirt - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: RP Archive (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=113) +--- Forum: Archives (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=13) +---- Forum: Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=48) +---- Thread: Angel in the dirt (/showthread.php?tid=4095) |
Angel in the dirt - Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 06-27-2013 An airplane arrives at LAX that has ACADEMI on the side of it. A beautiful sunny day in Los Angeles with a perfect blue sky and fluffy looking white clouds. A white limo pulls up near the airplane and waits for the ones on the plane to get in. Eric Rex, Lacey, Sal, Victor, Emma-Lee, Mary-Beth, and Eli James IV all walk out of the plane and walk towards the limo. The limo drives off with all of them in it towards Beverly Hills. Everyone looks like they are celebrating and having fun. Eli is sitting back without a smile on his face and keeping to himself. Even Emma-Lee and Mary-Beth are joining in on laughing and having fun with other members of the Academi. Eli remains silent and serious looking. Eli leans forward and starts whispering... Eli James IV "When a man builds.. he has to do a lot of homework before the hard work is ever beginning. He has to look at the surroundings.. getting a feel about the level for the foundation. He has to know what companies will do what and for how much.. he doesn't wanna go broke, does he? It's more about money, though. If he makes money, builds, and years later it crashes down.. then that money is all gone.. he builds no more.. his reputation vanishes. It's like he never existed. Emma-Lee and Mary-Beth both look deep in thought.. nodding their heads. Victor just ignores it and looks out the window. Young Lacey just plays with her dolls. Eric and Sal look at each other confused.. Eric looks uneasy. Eli's whisper turns to his regular inside voice. Eli James IV "Peter Gilmour. You're right, man. Eric couldn't get the job done. He SHOULD HAVE gotten the job done, but I think he's been distracted. But listen, man. Just because he didn't get the job done doesn't mean I won't. Keep telling yourself I'm not in your league. Build up your throne of lies and illusions just like everyone else. Try to break me. After you try, watch me smile. Luca Arzegotti.. you should watch your language, man. Compare me to ANY MAN and you've already made a terrible mistake. That seems to be an ongoing problem with everyone. All you see is the outward appearance and all you hear is what you'd like to hear. I spend money like nothin' and you think I've always been wealthy. You listen to me talk about the Almighty, sin, and eternity and you think I grew up this way and was brainwashed. Man, that's why you people are far worse than I thought. You think you know Eli James, but you're still all very far from knowing the basics. Heh. I can't wait to hear what everyone else has to say about me. Am I feeding the masses with kool-aid? Do I beg people for money so I can preach a falsifying message in other places? Do I handle snakes and tempt my Lord to heal me to somehow show my faith is superior? You want me to, don't ya? You all want me to be that man, don't ya? Because it makes sense to you. You fear the unknown. You are begging me to let you in on the secret. You wanna know who really Eli James is. Hehehe. Man.. Eli leans back in the limo seat while everyone stares at him.. and in a calm peaceful voice he begins to talk... Eli James IV "Long ago, children use to hide under their blankets when a storm was there. The loud unpredictable thunder noise.. the flashing of light that soon followed.. the strong wind that blew the trees against the windows of your home.. sometimes knocking the trees down. Children would hide away. Blanket forts. They wanted to think darkness saved them. Where eyes couldn't see meant nothing could see. Problem is, where do ya go and hide when something is everywhere and can't be detected unless it decides to make the presence known? Truth is, you can't hide. You think you were in hiding all along. You thought none of your wickedness would catch up to ya. He was here all along. He just decided it wasn't time for anything to be revealed. He let you guys have your fun. Sin all you want. While you laughed, played, and enjoyed the disgusting trash you do... his heart broke. Tears fell off his cheek. All he wanted was for y'all to see there's something better. A place where you don't have to hide. A place where worry is absent. He tried time after time to get your attention. Some of you ignored it because you didn't know no better. You were ignorant. Others ignored it because they just didn't care. They knew they were ignoring the voice.. the signs.. the mercy that was being shown. How many slaps to the face can one take before he says enough? For us men.. not very many. For him.. many. Why? His love for y'all. Ya see.. I was a lost man searching without even knowin'. I did my own thing. I sat in my own sin. I was raised in the darkness. I settled for life here. I became obsessed with the temporary. I was driven by money. Sour apples can only fool the tongue so often. Sal looks around at everyone and sees nobody else is going to talk.. Sal Valencia "Sorry, to interrupt you, Eli. I'm not sure I even understand what the hell you're saying. Sour apples can only fool the tongue so often? What does-- Eli James IV "The brain tells the eye what it sees. If your brain isn't working right, then how do you know what you even see? Is blue.. blue? Is green.. green? How, then, can you trust your self? People want to. Put all your belief and faith into yourself and you commit treason without even knowing. Years from now, people will learn about me in school alongside Almighty. People will be talkin' about what happened and wonder if the second coming is even happening. But some things will be the same, man. People will be here in the XWF or wherever and askin the same things you ask ... 'does Almighty really exist?' .. 'is there really one God?' .. 'who was Eli James?' .. 'was Eli James real?' .. you bein eyewitnesses will testify it's all true. But like you now.. they will be fools and think you're nothin' but liars. That you're crazy. You'll warn them and tell stories about what happened.. they'll look at you like you did me.. and laugh. You all want to be afraid of Eli James because you don't know him. You can't. You won't. We all need somethin to fear, right man? Nobody will work harder for ya than me. No one will help you like me. All ya gotta do is ask. Turn from your sinful ways and your heart shall be cleansed.. you'll become new. I am an angel in the dirt. I've left the crystal waters.. the sickless village.. the unending joy for this place. If you really want to visit hell.. I'll show you the way. I'll show you what hell is like. You'll beg me not to go there, but it'll be far too late. The clock has been ticking for a long.. long time. You see, boys.. you need me. You need me here. You may not realize it, but ya do. You may not like it, but there's nothing that can be done. How do you stop someone that can win wars without liftin a finger? How can ya destroy somethin' that can't be destroyed? Huh? Ya can't. You should be afraid of me, man. You should have listened to the words I've been saying for the last few weeks. You should have been listening to the messages that the Almighty has been speaking to you all along. But ya didn't. Eli stops on his weird rant and laughs a little. Nobody else laughs. He then goes back to his calm peaceful voice.. Eli James IV "Luca. Do you really wanna talk about something you know nothing about? Go back to the golden days of the Bible? Man, don't you know the days of the Word haven't stopped? Are you that stupid? I'm curious what you think golden days are? Adam and Eve? Moses? Joshua? Saul being King? David being King? The split of the southern and northern kingdom of Israel? The time of the prophets? The time of the kings? When Solomon reigned as king? When Jesus visited this world? When his disciples carried out the mission he gave them? Each person can call any of those times a 'golden' time from the Bible. Plus.. man.. I never said escape this world. You really must be an ignorant man. Welcome everyone.. Luca Arzegotti .. America's product of education. The Book says to be in the world, just not of it. Just because people claim to be from some higher power or serve some god doesn't make it true. If you call yourself the president.. should everyone believe that you are? If you say you're with the CIA.. should everyone believe you? Or does something have to prove it? I'm not a part of any religion. I never said I was, man. You people must be hard of hearin', man. Can't believe you associate suicide with me. I guess fightin' me makes you wanna commit suicide, but people who follow my teachings, man.. they aren't about committing suicide.. they're about living. We're here, man.. talk about LIFE. I've been saying it over and over again. HOPE. LIFE. PURPOSE. That sound dangerous to you, man? Or do you wanna focus on the judgment to come? That's for the sinners. I can't help it if a sinner is convicted of their sin and the only way for them to deal with it is blame this or that. All the language you and others bring out of your mouths is pretty funny, especially if you know what the actual word means. Ignorance at its highest form, man. All you can do to me is talk nonsense. Speak what you think you know. Hope for the best. I don't have to defend my world. My world is high above any of the garbage that you speak about it. Does it make ya angry man? I got more money than you? I have people listening to what I say? My life has a purpose.. does that bother you? Maybe it's because I'm better than you are.. and jealous is creeping from your heart. Maybe the truth is piercing your heart. And if ya think no one believes me, it sure doesn't look that way does it? I speak weekly to people that believe it. I have people with me who believe it. I guess you can't count either, man. I feel bad for you. Can't count.. can't talk.. and you result to name callin to something you don't understand.. somethin a third grader does. Are you a third grader, man? Is that the highest education you received? I think what you and everyone else is most afraid about me is I tell the truth.. and it scares you. It shatters all your nerves. Eli hands Mary-Beth a DVD to put in the limo DVD-player. Eli James IV "Boys, I taped this little piece before I came out for y'all. -------------------------------------------DVD TAPE----------------------------------------------- It's about mid-way after afternoon showers had some and gone. Water is slowly dripping off the leaves onto the ground.. the dirt has become nothing but mud.. and Eli is out walking around with a dog. The dog is running everywhere enjoying his time outside, while Eli looks around and watches.. Eli James IV "Religion. Heh. It's what people want to associate me with. Nah, man. Religion kills the soul of a man. It has for years. I'm a part of somethin' much bigger than ole time religion, man. Religion puts Almighty in a box.. people hand out paper that explains who Almighty is.. what he does.. who do we follow.. and how do we make it past this world into the next. You might think that sounds a lot like what I do. Heh. Nah. I don't put Almighty in a box. Maybe that's what scares everybody. You see people with me by choice, not because they were raised that way. And they're happy. Joyful. Excited. Full of life and purpose. Their hope that was once vanished into thin air has been restored. Maybe that's what scares everybody. Given I've only been here a short time.. I know people like you all. Heironeous.. Luca Arzegotti.. Mark Flynn.. Nightmare.. Peter Gilmour.. go on and think I don't belong in your world.. in your league. Think I'm a crazy man who preaches evil. I know it's what you think. But you pollute your mind with lies, what's one more, right? Heh. Keep telling yourselves whatever makes you feel better.. what helps you sleep better at night.. but it'll never change the truth. Truth is absolute. You guys can beat me.. you can hurt me.. maybe you'll put a 1 in my loss record.. but that won't stop the message. It won't stop me. It's far from over, man. Until the Almighty tells me it's time.. I'm here. Breathe the pollution into your souls. Let your heart find no rest. Hehehe. The dog brings Eli a stick it found from the woods. Eli takes it from the dogs mouth and throws it deep in the woods. Eli James IV "Go get it boy! Heh. He likes to have fun. He's enjoying himself out here. It's freedom. No collar on.. no chains or rope holding him to a limited place.. exercise.. and friendly people.. all what dogs need. Could I do what others do? Chain him up.. let him out only to use the bathroom and then close him up to a confined space? Yeah. That's not what kinda guy I am. You'd like to think I'm evil. I'm here to take people chained up.. locked in a confined space.. limited.. and let them run free. Ya see, man.. this message is about freedom. Freedom with boundaries that come from love. Kids playing in the yard.. throwing a football.. one of 'em misses it and it goes across a busy street.. boundaries are good for that kid.. have fun.. but be careful.. you cross that busy road and somethin' bad might happen. You boys think boundaries are bad. Heh. Everyone has 'em. The difference in my world and yours is.. mine still gives you freedom while yours keeps you in chains. I don't know why everyone is so against the Almighty and doesn't want to get rid of their sins. It's a beautiful place once you're out here. Somewhere down below the calm of the surface.. white-hot reason burns an open road.. like the hammer to the iron from the furnace... I’ll let it take me... I’ll let it shape me... and then I hear the voice of God.. in time to walk away. Leave it all for a beautiful place. You've wasted so much time coming up with questions. Asking, 'Why?' has never answered much for me. And really, who am I or you? To never feel the weight of burden? Someone carried a heavier burden that we can't imagine. I hear the heart is where the mind, and the body come together. If so, yours has been broken since the day you were born. Are you tired of the divide like I was? Nobody is getting any younger, man. How does it feel to be whole? It feels great, man. Don't you wanna be whole again? The dog comes back and Eli continues to play fetch with the happy dog as he continues to strut around the woods. Eli then starts singing.. Eli James IV "O Lord my God.. When I in awesome wonder.. Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made.. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder.. Thy power throughout the universe displayed.. Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee.. How great Thou art, How great Thou art.. When through the woods, and forest glades I wander.. And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.. When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur.. And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze. Emma-Lee and Mary-Beth both walk up to Eli. Mary-Beth "Eli.. dinner is ready for you and Titus. Where is he? Eli James IV "We were playin' fetch. *whistles* Here Titus! Titus comes running. Eli James IV "Y'all go on. I'll be there in a few. Emma-Lee, Mary-Beth, and Titus all start heading back for dinner. Eli James IV "I'm not here to just fool around, man. You spend all your time denouncing the Almighty and making a mockery of who I am. You make light of the eternal purpose I'm here for. How about this, boys.. let's play a game. I like games. You like games? We all like games, don't we? Let's play one. Eli starts yelling with a loud raspy voice. Eli James IV "Let's pretend everything I say is true. That I've spoken no lie.. that everything I've said is true. Let's pretend that I am the messenger to warn you of the coming wrath and judgment from the Almighty! Let's pretend for a second the warning comes true. That you'll all no longer sleep in your sins, but you'll be punished alive in your sins. There will never be freedom from the pain. There will be no second chances at life. Pretend that I'm not the crazy man you think I am. That I am the first coming of something far worse! Let's play that game. Hehehe. How do you stop it? Hehe. You can't. You won't be able to! Watch and see! Eli laughs and goes back to being calm. Eli James IV "It's just a game, right? Hehehe. Just pretend, huh? It's not real. If it's not, then everything remains the same. You'll die. I'll die. Nothing. But.. if what I say is true. Everything changes. You die, and eternal damnation because the choice you made to remain in your sin. I die, and eternal glory with the Almighty. There's a lot riding on the chances that if I'm right, it's not going to be a good eternal life for you. You sure you wanna roll the dice on that one? You sure you wanna play the odds? Hehehe. Man, I wouldn't. Hehehe. See ya boys, soon.. -------------------------------------------END OF DVD TAPE-------------------------------------- Everyone in the limo is quiet after watching the tape with him. Sal Valencia "So.. hmm. That.. was.. interesting.. Eli. What about the second co--- Eli James IV "I know not everyone in this limo may believe in what I say. Eric.. Sal.. Victor.. but you will. Interesting is not what my message is for. It's to warn and shed light on a darkened world. But I like you boys and keep a hope alive you'll see the light soon enough. |