X-treme Wrestling Federation
Urias Pheelanruff: Consulting Psychiatrist (and Detective) - Printable Version

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Urias Pheelanruff: Consulting Psychiatrist (and Detective) - Ned Kaye - 05-29-2021

OOC: I have to format the fuck outta this. Please wait to play after I format it.

Introduction & rules:

You are Urias Pheelanruff. You investigate stuff. The rules are the rules of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective with a few twists I can't list here. Please look up the rules. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Avalanche HQ

1 HQ – Living Room

2 HQ – Ned Kaye’s Room

3 HQ – Eobard Stone’s Room

4 HQ – Thias Watts’s Room

5 HQ – Dean Rose’s Room

6 HQ – Steven Cooper’s Room

7 HQ – Kitchen

8 HQ – Basement

9 HQ – The Nefarious Office

10 HQ – The Indoor Pool

11 HQ – Music Room

12 HQ – Laundry Room

13 HQ – Library

14 HQ – The Study

15 HQ – The Computer Room

16 HQ – Gym

17 HQ – The Home Theater

Morbid Angel’s Church

1 MA – Church Entrance & Nave

2 MA - ????? (Morbid’s Office)

3 MA - ????? (The Personal Library)

4 MA - ????? (The Catacombs)

Phone Numbers

555-7003 – Ethan

555-1313 – Bluevale Construction Company

555-6870 – The Tribune

555-9025 – The Last Remaining Radioshack

555-2416 – Urias Pheelanruff’s Cell Phone


Case Intro:

The Shadowy Snowfall

May 24th, 2021

Standing in the living room of the Avalanche Headquarters, we find ourselves gathered around the self-proclaimed Nefarious One: Ned Kaye. Over the past few months, he has completely changed, claiming to be another being entirely and refusing to associate with his own name any more than he has to. Unfortunately, after being brought home unconscious by Steven Cooper, Ned’s very home for his group, Avalanche, had been ransacked by an intruder who caused a black out to hide their presence. While you had begun some light investigating on the matter, Mr. Cooper had told you to knock it off while everyone tried to clean and get the building somewhat secure. After a long night of rest, everyone seems to be in better spirits than when their home was immediately invaded. You are standing aside the other Avalanche members, bar Dean Rose whose absence is not to be unexpected. They might not consider you one of their own, but it hasn’t affected your view of things much. Still, having heard that Ned is finally awake has reintroduced some optimism into a situation in much need of it.

“So, we were burgled?” The Nefarious One asks.

“Doesn’t seem to be the case, boss,” responds Steven.

Eobard Stone speaks up, “Yeah, NONE of my valuable games are missing and I’ve got real gems in there!”

Thias, towering over the other members with a bandage tied around his forehead after the attack he suffered from Dock, bellows out, “All of my guns are spoken for. Speaking of, I’m gonna hang with em’ ‘till y’all motherfuckers figured this out. I ain’t about to get my head cracked again.”

The big man walks off into the hallway, Ned shaking his head as he leaves.

“Do we know where we sustained the most damage?”

“Unfortunately, your room. A lot in there got destroyed or thrown around.”

“How am I not surprised? Is my favorite picture still up?”

“Oh, absolutely. Edgar’s still getting the taste punched out of his mouth.”

“Silver linings I suppose. How long was the blackout?”

“About fifteen minutes. I didn’t hear much commotion, but I also was screaming for P to let me out of the basement.”

“He locked you in the basement?” Ned asked with a genuine skepticism.

“No, no, no. He just didn’t know how to open the damn door in the dark. Oh, he also found another note along with that first one. Here they are together. The second one was a bit damp when it was found.”


“Speaking of, what is the doctor doing exactly?”

Ned points at you, clearly a little confused at your plans to solve this mystery once and for all. But mostly at your Sherlock Holmes coat that fits a little tighter than you would have liked.

“For some damn reason, he wants to be a detective. I’ve just let him mark down notes and everything, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a little much right now. Hell, it beats whatever else he could be doing right now.”

“That’s a very good point. Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I’d like to be on my own for a while. If you need me, I’ll just be in here, but the last thing I need right now is to be bothered after all of this.”

We collectively prepare to leave the room before Ned adds one final detail to his statements.

“And one more thing: I’m going to figure out who pulled this stunt. Who’s been leaving us notes, who invaded our home, locked Steven in the basement, and destroyed my things. And if it is any one of us, consider them dead. Understood?”

Everyone nodded before leaving Ned be.


1 HQ – Living Room

“Back so soon?” The Nefarious One asks as you enter the room again. It’s not much different than how it was departed earlier, but Ned has attempted to make himself more comfortable, propping his feet up on the coffee table. You ask if he has any information related to last night.

“Urias, I was out. There wasn’t a whole lot I could witness or interact with and if I was up, you can be certain that we wouldn’t be discussing it right now. Besides, this isn’t a game for you to play, doc. If you want an actual investigation done, call the police. You’re not going to come across any big new pieces of information someone else couldn’t interpret a million times better. Unless you have something tangible that you’ve found, just let me watch some fucking TV.”

If you do not have any letters marked, you walk away dejected. If you do have one or more letters marked, you can show that piece of information to The Nefarious One.


2 HQ – Ned Kaye’s Room

As you turn the knob and enter Ned’s room, there is an eeriness that overcomes you. Ned had showed off his rooms to some TV program, presenting a neat and tidy room filled with monuments to himself, several large posters and pictures on his wall, but in its current state all of that is a distant memory. Many pictures are smashed and destroyed and one of the two posters on his wall had been torn to shreds. And in a strangely ironic way, the picture of The Nefarious One punching R.L. Edgar with brass knuckles, the moment that began his reign as Hart Champion watches over the ravaged room, one of the few items left untouched. After searching for something else noteworthy for several minutes, you seem to find nothing more.

Do you have a marked B? If not, you leave the room, finding nothing else. If so read the following:

B: You may search for a hidden room based on the blueprints that you received. You may look behind the picture of RL Edgar getting punched by Ned or behind Ned’s bookshelf. Each counts as one lead for scoring purposes.

Look behind the picture: Go to HQ 18 immediately.

Look behind the bookshelf: You find nothing behind here.

3 HQ – Eobard Stone’s Room

Entering the room of Eobard Stone is truly something else. In a mere moment, you feel as though you are taken back in time to the arcades of the 80s. There’s a Galaga, Pac-Man, and Root Beer Tapper machine Stone is playing his NES when you enter, appearing a little more calm about the situation than one might immediately expect. On top of his entertainment center is an unopened NES Action Set box.

“She’s a beauty, ain’t she?” Eobard says before shaking his head, “God, that sounds like something HE would say. Why’re you here, doc? Please tell me it’s not for more evaluations. PLEASE.”

You ask him about last night.

“Well, honestly, I wasn’t even here until later! I was picking up that Action Set from a collector last night. I have the Craigslist messages to back it up. Once I did eventually show up, I was just told everything by Mr. Cooper. Sure, it’s not the most exciting alibi in the world, but it happened.”

Before leaving, you ask if he experienced any electrical issues after the power failure.

“Nope, the surge protectors are working fine. None of the machines or consoles have been damaged, so I don’t think we had an overload, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

You thank the young man for his time before heading off.

Do you have a marked B? If not, you leave the room, finding nothing else. If so read the following:

B: You may search for a hidden room based on the blueprints that you received. You may look behind the Galaga machine or behind Stone’s entertainment center. Each counts as one lead for scoring purposes.

Look behind Galaga: You find nothing behind here.

Look behind the entertainment center: You find nothing behind here.

4 HQ – Thias Watts’s Room

“Look, I am not about to let you jailtoss my fuckin’ room, little man. You better be in and out quick.”

You gulp, seeing the formidable Thias Watts stand above you. From other talks with you’ve had with him, he’s far more gentle than his demeanor might imply occasionally, but the recent attack from Dock has increased his lack of patience with everyone. In your few moments allowed in his room, you notice various pairs of muddy shoes and small chunks of wood attached to them. There isn’t any clear debris related to the intruder, but it’s fairly obvious that of a few of Thias’s guns have been used or at least removed and replaced as of recent. Before you’re able to ask any questions on the matter, Watts demands you leave and you’re not about to argue with him right now.

5 HQ – Dean Rose’s Room

Opening up the room of Dean Rose is truly surreal. Whereas the rest of Avalanche HQ feels very lived in and active, Dean’s is virtually untouched. There a few clothes in his closet, a bed that sits mostly unused, and a large poster of his girlfriend Sarah Michelle Gellar. Despite your attempts to find something more, it seems like there’s just not much to note here.

Do you have a marked B? If not, you leave the room, finding nothing else. If so read the following:

B: You may search for a hidden room based on the blueprints that you received. You may look under Rose’s bed or behind his SMG poster. Each counts as one lead for scoring purposes.

Look under Rose’s bed: You find nothing under here.

Look behind the SMG poster: You find nothing behind here.

6 HQ – Steven Cooper’s Room

Heading into Steven Cooper’s room is a strange experience. While other members have tried to personalize their rooms in fairly extravagant ways, Cooper’s is far humbler. He seems rather moderate with his decorating decisions. The few pictures he has up are newspaper clippings of his achievements as a younger man and pictures of a younger Steven looking happy around his family. While there’s a bit of a mess from the intrusion, the main objects of interest have fallen off of a filing cabinet and spilled onto the floor. Although most are just papers and files of little interest, one catches your eye: a document with the seal of the FBI. In it is a description of a device that appears to limit electrical use for a controlled amount of time with a remote controller. After making sure to replace the documents and papers in a similar scattered fashion, you decide that Cooper’s room might not have much more to offer after that.

Do you have a marked B or E? If not, you leave the room, finding nothing else. If so read the following:

If you have a B: You may search for a hidden room based on the blueprints that you received. You may look behind Steven’s filing cabinet or underneath his bed. Each counts as one lead for scoring purposes.

Look behind the cabinet: You find nothing behind here.

Look under his bed: You find nothing under here.

If you have an E: You compare the device you found in the basement to the schematic in Cooper’s room. The resemblance is uncanny.

7 HQ – Kitchen

Stepping into the kitchen, you can tell the quality of the actual design is top notch. It’s certainly one of the nicest you’ve happened to step in which is what makes it so disheartening to see just how much it underwent. It’s clear that the intruder made it a point to empty out the fridge and slam many of its contents onto the floor. There are still bits of milk and cereal stuck to the sides of a few counters. However, one of the strangest sites there is a landline phone. It’s certainly a throwback, but because you can’t find your phone right now, it’ll make a fine substitute for the time being!

You can now use the phone! If you find a phone number, you may call it! Phone numbers count as normal leads. If you attempt to call a phone number that is not listed, you still have to mark it down as a lead you visited, however.

8 HQ – Basement

As you traverse the steps in into the dimly lit basement, you can tell why Cooper had claimed yesterday to have trouble going down in the almost nonexistent lighting. Thankfully, however, as you finally make it to the bottom, you find a light switch, which makes seeing everything far, far easier. Glancing upward, you notice a few wires hastily taped to the ceiling, appearing to lead out of the basement through a wall that doesn’t lead to anywhere in the building you recognize. Looking at the backup generator, you can see that the power lines running out of the back of it have been completely cut for an indeterminate amount of time. Looking at the main power setup, past all the wires and everything else, you can find a small, box-like device that seems to have been attached to something important. Unsure of what it is, you decide to bag it for later.

Mark the letter E.

9 HQ – The Nefarious Office

The first few steps you take into The Nefarious Office are breathtaking. It’s certainly a step up from many home offices that you’ve seen before, complete with a fancy desk. Unfortunately, it is not as visually appealing as usual, many of the neatly organized documents scatter across the desk and onto the office floor. There is a large, gaping hole in the wood, the phone that once sat upon the desk now crammed and broken inside of it. Obscuring some of the destruction is a few folders listing important FBI operations, including a small dossier listing Ned’s operations and specialties when he was an FBI agent back into early to mid 2020. Looking through, you read that Ned gained a specialty for electrical disruptions that he learned working for the XWF. You also see several high profile situations, the most detailed being an infiltration Ned made in a Brookridge facility. Unfortunately, though you’re able to read some of these documents, the rest of the information has been blacked out.

10 HQ – The Indoor Pool

Heading to the indoor pool hits you with a feeling of freshness as the scent of the pool hits your nostril. Looking around for clues, you’re unable to find much outside of a few blank pieces of paper that have taken some water. After a few more minutes looking for information, you decide to look elsewhere.

11 HQ – Music Room

Stepping into the music room, you notice a ton of different speakers and headphone sets scatter around the room along with bookshelves filled with vinyls, CDs, and Cooper’s collection of 8-tracks. Although you find many classics, you don’t see any damage that could’ve been caused by the intruder, nor anything else immediately of note. Searching the power outlets, you can tell there hasn’t been much in the way of strange activity here. After admiring the collection for a little longer, you ultimately exit the room.

12 HQ – Laundry Room

The laundry room is easily the least impressive room of the entire headquarters. The wall and appliances lack any real magnificence and are rather shockingly standard. Still, it’s a place to search. After checking the machines for any defects or changes and coming up empty handed, you look through a few of the pairs of jeans in the drier, only to find a few coins, a Radioshack coupon, and a strange note listing some faded numbers and letters you can barely make out.

..vis - 555-7003

..ale - 555-1313

..une - 555-6870

..ack - 555-9025

..fice - 555-2416

13 HQ – Library

As you enter the library, you can tell it’s used for more than just the simple storage of books. Having withstood minimal damage during the intrusion, you can tell it’s mostly in order from before the blackout. Although there are a multitude of different literary classics placed upon amazingly beautiful bookcases, you notice a few records relating directly to the headquarters itself. After a tedious search, you finally find a manila folder holding important information on the building itself, including the name of the construction company that built it: Bluevale. Unfortunately, you are completely unable to find the blueprints of the facility. Despite some extra searching to see if the blueprints were misplaced or dropped, you were unable to find them.

14 HQ – The Study

The study feels a tad redundant after the library and office, but it is a pleasant room nonetheless. Or rather, it was a pleasant room prior to being viciously ransacked during the blackout. In its current state, all of its furniture has been either overturned or smashed, left in rubble at your feet. Looking at the fireplace, they are bits of blue ashes mixed with the gray, but nothing discernible past that. After a thorough look through the fractured wood furniture, you come up with little more to examine.

15 HQ – The Computer Room

The first step into the computer room is a little blinding, the bright screensavers of the many different monitors shining in your face. After acclimating a bit, you walk into the room and look over some of the histories of the computers. After some very boring browsing, you do notice a few downloads of Pac-Man, Galaga, and Super Mario/Duck Hunt from some site called “RomGuru.” You also find a few recent searches of boat docks, all appearing to be closed except for the most recent search. After a bit more thought, you check to see if the security software installed in the building got any footage, but you are blocked with a passphrase screen.

16 HQ – Gym

You hear a loud clunk as you walk inside of the gym, witnessing Steven Cooper finish up a set of squats. He rolls his eyes at your presence, clearly not wanting to think anymore about the whole situation, let alone you in a Sherlock Holmes costume. It’s a bit striking just how little the gym was effected by the intruder, but you could almost not tell with how Cooper sometimes leaves it. It’s relatively more presentable today as you walk up to the veteran to ask him a few questions.

“Before you say a damn thing: no, I didn’t lock myself in the basement.”

You ask him about his whereabouts on that night. He is hesitant to answer, but not due to nervousness.

“….the basement.”

You ask him if he noticed anything else besides what he had already described to you.

“Sorry, P, I’ve told you everything I know. You’re just not gonna get much more from me.”

Do you have a marked E? If not, you have learned all you will here. If so, read on:

You show Cooper the device that you found in the basement and ask him if he knows what it is. Inspecting it closely, he grabs a pair of reading glasses that are a little small for his face and gives it a quick lookover.

“Yeah, I know that doo-hickey. That’s the same kind of device Ned had me use when we were hitting and running people before everyone knew about Avalanche. I don’t know how someone else got their slimy hands on that stuff, but I was only able to use it a couple of times and it always took me a while to get it working. Whoever planted this must have a similar retailer or something. At least we know what caused the blackout, though.”

17 HQ – The Home Theater

Walking into the home theater, you can tell it hasn’t been used since the seminar you and Ned held for Thaddeus Duke. After some thorough inspection, you’re only able to find the pointer clicker that Ned used for the slideshow.

1 MA – Church Entrance & Nave

Knocking on the humongous door of Morbid Angel’s megachurch is a strange experience. You’ve never been a particularly small person, but this church’s door is enough to make you feel pretty tiny. After knocking, you see the intimidating Morbid Angel jolt out of the door, looking directly at you with glaring eyes.

“Now what in the hell are YOU doing here, Glutton of Kaye!”

You explain that you’re only here due to a recent home invasion and you’ve just come to investigate further.

“I suppose, being a man of God and not AWFUL, HORRIBLE, EVIL SATAN, I can allow you to enter for a short time. Feel free to look around and enjoy the lord’s love, but keep the hands the good lord gave you to yourself! People get too touchy with the statue’s cuz they’re nekid sometimes!”

You ask him to clarify that sometimes, but he ignores you. Looking at the nave of the church, you can tell that this is not only state of the art, but also incredibly well constructed. As Morbid accompanies you, you can tell he’s been watching HBO using the big TV in the church.

“It is the will of the good lord that days of rest be relaxing and nothing is more relaxing than watching The Wire on a HONKIN’ BIG TV!” He proudly shows it, distracting a little bit from the beautiful architecture within.

“Now, if there’s anywhere else you wanna check, just let me know, young-er… mid-age lamb.”

The following leads are now available to you for investigation:

2 MA - Morbid’s Office

3 MA - The Personal Library

4 MA - The Catacombs

2 MA - ????? (Morbid’s Office)

Heading up to Morbid’s Office, you can tell he keeps it in a condition to be expected of Morbid Angel. Which is to say it isn’t neat. Among the various scatter bits of paper and doodles on his desk is a small notebook opened to a page that discusses his finances. Looking through, it doesn’t seem like Morbid’s church has been paying for sacramental wine, cable, or graham crackers for the past few months. Before you can read too much more, his booming voice rings out from behind you.

“If there is ONE thing that GAWD could ask of his children, it is to not snoop at a good man’s purchases! You don’t need to be finding out a servant of God’s favorite pornos!”

Despite some attempts to stall, you’re not able to read any more.

3 MA - ????? (The Personal Library)

Morbid’s personal library is rather quaint, which is a shock, given the man. Looking through the various shelves, you can identify bibles and holy books from all around the world. Looking closer you also see a few TV Guides. After a bit of his monologue about knowledge, you notice there isn’t much more notable information to be gathered here.

4 MA - ????? (The Catacombs)

Down in the catacombs, you actually get seperated from Morbid for a moment. It’s a deeply unsettling environment, but you do end up seeing a group of wires taped to the rocky ceiling before bumping back into Morbid.

“I do not know how I lost you, son! You go to more Church’s than I do and they ARE the kinds with drive-thrus, not with pews! We’d better go back up there before I somehow lose your worldly ass again FOR CHRIST SAKE! GAWD HELP MEH!”

911 – The Police

You dial 911. After being connected with a first responder, you ask them a few questions before hearing, “Dr. Pheelanruff, we are not interested in whatever shortage of handpuppets you’ve deemed to be an emergency.”

The phone clicks afterwards.

555-7003 – Ethan

The phone rings for a moment, but there’s no answer.

555-1313 – Bluevale Construction Company

“Howdy, Bluevale Construction, what do you need done for ya today?”

You describe the recent events Avalanche HQ and ask if they could send some blueprints to see if there were any hidden passages or rooms an intruder might have accessed.

“We can send a copy of the blueprints over, but that’s gonna take about a week. Only hidden room or passage I can see is a secret room in the largest bedroom. That’s all we got for ya, buddy.”

Mark the letter B.

555-6870 – The Tribune

“Hello, Mr. Anderson?”

You explain that that is not your name and attempt to discuss with the person on the other end further.

“Sorry, sir, but we’re having a tough week of reporting and I don’t have the time to talk to you. Please call back some other time.”

555-9025 – The Last Remaining Radioshack

“Hello, Radioshack, how can I be of assistance?”

You ask if there have been any orders to Avalanche HQ’s address.

“There have been a few in the past week, but I can’t really give you anything more than that. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

555-2416 – Urias Pheelanruff’s Cell Phone

You dial the number and as you wait for a response, you feel a small buzzing in your pocket. Reaching in, you find your phone! So that’s where it was!”

18 HQ – Ned’s Secret Room

Walking into the secret room past The Nefarious One’s favorite picture greets you with a most confounding sight. The interior appears to be a perfect recreation of Ned’s office from when he still ran The Notorious Gym, a single picture of Ned Kaye on it. You approach the picture, picking it up before twisting around when a voice calls out to you.”

“I suppose you’re not as dumb as I thought, Urias.” Behind you stands The Nefarious One.

You ask him what the meaning of all of this is.

“I mean, you found this place, doc. I think you have a better picture of what’s going on than you want to admit.”

Immediately answer the questions at the end of the case. DO NOT investigate further. As always, you may re-read leads you have already visited during answering questions.


Series 1

1. Who wrote the notes and trashed Avalanche HQ?

2. How were the lights shut off?

3. Why did the intruder have knowledge of how to shut the lights off?

4. What prior experience did the intruder have for covert activities inside of secure buildings?

5. What name did the intruder secretly go by in the newspaper?

Series 2

6. What has Morbid Angel been doing to Avalanche HQ?

7. What activity had Eobard been up to? Is it illegal?

8. Where is Dean Rose?

9. Has Thias been up to anything irregular?

10. What has Cooper been keeping from the other members of Avalanche?


1. Ned Kaye AKA “The Notorious One.” (25 points)

2. A device was used that would shut them off remotely for a short amount of time. (25 points)

3. He both lived in the facility and had experience shutting the lights off for surprise appearances at wrestling shows. (15 points)

4. He worked an FBI mission in Brookridge that required him to. (15 points)

5. Caleb Anderson. (20 points)


6. He’s been stealing cable, running it through the catacombs of his megachurch. (20 points)

7. He’s been downloading ROMs from websites online. It’s technically not illegal because he owns all the games he’s downloaded. (15 points)

8. Sarah Michelle Gellar’s house. (5 points)

9. He has been tearing up boat docks and fucking shooting them. (10 points)

10. His diagnosis of cancer. (0 points)

Case Solution:

(If you have not read the 18 HQ lead yet, make sure to read it now and do not count it as a lead towards scoring.)

The Nefarious One sits down across from Urias, propping his feet up on the desk that resembles Ned’s old one.

“So, the first thing that stuck out to me,” Urias stated, “was the events in the basement. Sure, Cooper felt pretty innocent to me, but I wasn’t about to just take his word for it! After that, I decided to look through his room, see how suspicious he actually was.”


“After seeing the FBI stuff, I thought to go to your office because I honestly forgot you were in the FBI, but I did know you’d be more likely to keep that stuff on you than in the library! So, I saw some of the old stuff that Ned did. Infiltration, lights blacking out, real spy movie stuff! Whoever did it would need a similar skill set, but it still wasn’t proof enough of a suspect, so I thought back to how today’s note was a little damp. I doubted it would come from something like the pool, so I checked the laundry room and found some worn out phone numbers with just a few letters visible. I didn’t feel comfortable calling any, so I checked the library to see if you had anything on the building in there. I was hoping to find some blueprints, but I only got the name of the company: Bluevale. Headin’ down to the kitchen, where the landline is, I went ahead and called them up and that’s when they told me there was a secret room in the biggest bedroom. I love ya, Ned, but you’re not the kinda guy right now to pass up a master bedroom. After that, it was just knowing where I would hide a secret room: behind my favorite thing!”

“Sound enough logic. But who did it then?”

Urias stammered a bit, a little less certain of himself.

“I guess whoever had the knowledge, equipment, experience, knowledge of the building…”

Urias strained a bit before finally snapping his fingers.

“YOU! It was you, Ned!”

The Nefarious One shook his head, slightly disappointed in his psychiatrist. “Almost, Urias. But I am, importantly, not Ned. He and I are not the same.”

“So… Ned did it. But you said Ned was gone.”

“I had thought he was, but it’s just like what I told to his little friend that I’m going to break on Sunday: real do-gooder types are a pain.”

“So… what now?”

“Now, Urias?” The Nefarious One asked back, “Now, I make Ned’s friend pay for every dime of mine he smashed.”

The Nefarious One solved this case in 8 leads. (You do not have to count 18 HQ for scoring purposes.)


Trash Talk:

“There’s something classic about this… I just can’t put my finger on it. Something about breaking you down in this fashion just brings me back to the days of Steve Jason or some other old man Ned idolized out of some obligation for wrestling fan cred, the social equivalence of a beer pong trophy. But of course anything I touch will be a reminder of a golden era. I’m a throwback kind of star. Always have been. Even weak-kneed Ned was said to be the next James Raven or Centurion or Robert Main. But you boy? The only time someone looks at you and see James Raven is when they see your tweets where you photoshop yourself into his images! You would put your face next to Stalin, boy, if it meant getting some adoration or at least some association. Then again that’s just what you do. Tell everyone around you how they’re getting the rub from you, while sniffing everyone’s shoes for a whiff importance. You project so damn much, I should’ve just ditched my current projector and had you stand at the opposite side of the room with your mouth open! You don’t do or say anything important ever and your shoot yourself in the foot so often that it’s fucking comical. You are the biggest joke of a former Universal Champion since Peter fucking Gilmour. You share the honor of being tossed out of the War Games 2019 match along with Rayne, an incestuous psychopath. You are not impressive. I don’t need to stress that any more than I already have. No, I don’t take you seriously one bit. The worst thing you’ll do to me is hit me with some weapons because you were afraid, and correct, that your fists would never get the job done. I was fully planning to show up there and treat you like the clown you are and let you off with a bloody pie to your face.”

“But then your little friend Ned got concerned and tried to fuck with my body. With my mind. See, I was going to be fairly amicable with my brutality prior, but that Ned Kaye you loved to pretend to love so much? Well, he really didn’t want you to get hurt. He wanted to distract me. To protect you.”

“He made a mistake you’re paying for, boy.”

“I’m no longer here to debase you like I did Morbid or embarrass you like I did Edgar. I will do both, too, but I’m here to fucking break you. And you know the funniest thing about it? Like with all the best things that involve you, you had the slimmest effect on it. Somebody else’s fuckup made me genuinely want to break you in half. You can’t even make me want to bury you right. Lousy fuckin’ challenger. Let me be perfectly clear here: There is no fucking future for you kid. There isn’t an afterlife. Mommy and daddy aren’t coming to see you at the dance recital and swan lake is about to get bloody. Living legend? More like dead meat. You want to find out what your mom went through, kid? Get ready for an encore performance. A remake or reimagining, if you will, of the day a useless sack of protein and water splattered across the goddamn ground. I don’t just want to see you bleed, boy. I want to watch your muscles tear apart underneath. I want to hear you say that pile of self-congratulated garbage you can’t stop spouting through a swollen mouth. I am going to hurt you in ways you thought only your papa’s legacy could. And when I’m done and I’ve tossed you away like the corpse of a bird fed to a wolf, that’s when I’ll grace your name with my voice again. The only time your name ever deserves to be uttered by me ever again…”

“Is at your funeral. Lucky for you, I booked it ahead of time.”