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Wednesday Warfare 06/26/13 - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: Warfare Boards (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=6) +--- Forum: Warfare Results (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=120) +--- Thread: Wednesday Warfare 06/26/13 (/showthread.php?tid=4074) |
Wednesday Warfare 06/26/13 - Wallace Witasick - 06-27-2013 ![]() Yankee Stadium
Bronx, New York June 26, 2013 XWF AND MLB DOUBLEHEADER! New York Yankees - vs - Texas Rangers Final Box Score:
Rangers (45-33, 23-18 away) - vs - Yankees (42-35, 23-17 home) Middle of order leads Rangers past Yanks TEX 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 2 = 8 NYY 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 = 5 W: Grimm (7-5) L: Pettitte (5-6) S: Nathan (26) HR » TEX: Cruz (20) NYY: Suzuki (5), Overbay (9) Rangers - 8 Yankees - 5 The cameras give us an aerial shot of Yankee Stadium as the pyro opens the show with thousands of screaming fans. The camera zips across the first row of fans who are all dressed proudly in their team colors. As the smoke from the pyro clears, "Killing in the name of" plays over the PA as the fans expect to see Wallace Witasick come out. Instead, they get Tyrone! That filthy traitor who put General Manager Wallace Witasick through a table last week. Tyrone doesn't waste any time walking down to the ring. Instead, he takes up a spot on stage as he calls for a microphone. We notice that Tyrone is wearing a Black Circle t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. Tyrone: "Wuttup, ladies and gentlemen. Surprise to see me?" The thousands of Yankee fans boo Tyrone loudly. Tyrone: "You shouldn't be because last week I whooped Wallace's punk ass in the center of this ring and put him in the damn hospital. And now this is Tyrone's show! I put Wallace into a coma, and I would've done the same to Mark Flynn, but managements wants Mark Flynn to be able to walk into the Elimination Chamber on Saturday. Besides, I whooped his scrawny ass and sent him home crying once already. That's why you don't see Mark Flynn competing here tonight. He's at home scared of Tyrone. . . AGAIN. Hell, if he ain't, then he'll come out here and fight me right now. He doesn't even have to walk to the ring since I'm standing right here on stage. Come on, Flynn. Come fight me, punk!" Tyrone holds the mic down at his waist and taps his foot as he waits for Mark Flynn. Flynn does not appear. Tyrone: "That's right, stay at home, BOY! In fact, don't even bother showing up next week or the week after, or I'll put my fist through your skull. You see, I'm the kind of GM who will tell it to you straight. I got tired of all of Wallace Witasick's bullsh*t. I got tired of sitting around while Wallace Witasick failed to achieve anything on Wednesday nights. And most of all, I got tired of all the damn censorship. So I made a deal with Shane ![]() Tyrone points all the way over to the announce table where Jim Ross and Wayne Witasick are sitting. Tyrone: "Beating up Mark Flynn again was just an added bonus that worked out in their favor. This is my show now. It's my show until Wallace Witasick comes back, and I don't see that happening any time soon. The man is broken! Right now as we speak, there are changes in the works to make this show better. No more of that censorship junk-- soon it will be gone, SOON. Matches will mean something, and whoever is holding the United States Title better get ready to defend it. There's a new machine in town, fellas. This is Tyrone's Warfare, and it's time to make this sh*t real again!" Tyrone's exit music plays we he walks back through the curtain. Agent Orange
- vs - Death Merchant - vs - 'The Phantom' Jack Kronus Triple Threat -- One Fall The sounds of an oncoming storm can be heard as bells begin ringing. Smoke billows out from along the walkway as 'For whom the bell tolls' by Metallica begins playing on the X-Tron. An explosion engulfs the ring and when the smoke clears Death Merchant can be seen standing in the middle of the ring. He removes the black cape he is wearing and hands it to the ring apron. All the time telling her she had better not get it dirty. He walks over to his corner and awaits his opponent. Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, from Parts Unknown, weighing in tonight at 285 pounds, DEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAATH MEEEEEEEEEERCHANT!" "New Disease" rips through the arena, the house lights go down and the orange spotlights come up. Agent Orange jumps through the curtain and as he lands, orange pyros go off. Agent Orange's grand entrance is met with a hybrid reaction of cheers and boos; the outsiders applauding Agent Orange and the detractors are ready to take a swing at him. Agent Orange wastes no time getting to the ring and ascending the turnbuckles. The Orange-And-Black-Attack backflips off of the top-turn buckle and lands perfectly on his feet. Ring Announcer: "And his opponent, from Houston, Texas. Weighing in tonight, at 212 pounds... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGENT ORRRRRRRRRANGE!" The X-Tron starts showing images of riots all around the world: burning cars, destroyed buildings, molotov cocktails... Jack then appears, alongside with his friend, Paradox. When "The Phantom" enters the ring, an old car placed near the entrance of the ring explodes into a giant ball of flames. Ring Announcer: "And finally, from Sheffield, UK. Weighing in tonight at 95 Kilograms, 'The Phantom' JAAAACK KROOOOOONUS!" The three circle around each other, eyes darting back and forth between them. Just then, Agent Orange rushes at Kronus with a spinning heel kick! Kronus dodges, and as Orange gets back to his feet hits him with a clothesline! Orange rolls out of the ring, leaving only Kronus and the man standing directly behind him, Death Merchant! Kronus turns around and is immediately picked up then dropped with a backbreaker! Merchant then lays into the grounded man with stomps. He's too busy stomping that he doesn't see Agent Orange slide back into the ring! Orange starts running at Merchant, who turns around just in time to get hit that same spinning heel kick that Kronus ducked at the beginning! Speaking of which, Kronus gets back to his feet and stares down Agent Orange. After a silent debate, the two nod at each other. The two peel Merchant up off the canvas, and drop him again with a double team suplex! Kronus then runs the ropes and hit a running senton at the same time as Orange hits a somersault leg drop! Merchant starts to stir, and rolls out of the ring. Orange and Kronus look at each other and shake hands. What a show of respect... NOPE! Jack Kronus just plants Agent Orange with a DDT! Kronus is now just trying to lock in the Kimura that he calls Oppression! Orange is struggling like hell, he grabs the rope! The ref begins a count! Ref: "1! 2! 3! 4!" Kronus releases the hold, but gets flattened by a Death Merchant senton! Payback for earlier, it appears. Orange is back to his feet, and he hits a diamond cutter on Merchant! Agent Orange climbs up to the ropes! He signals for a 450 splash on Death Merchant, but Kronus shakes the ropes! Agent Orange falls off the turn buckle, and now all men are out! This is pandemonium! Finishes: Jack Kronus get up to his feet and hits a baseball slide, sending Agent Orange out of the ring! He stalks Death Merchant, waiting for him to get up off the ground. He catches the big man in his grasp and lifts him up... DESIRE FOR DESPAIR! He just flattened the man with a huge dominator! Going for the cover! 1... 2... Agent Orange breaks it up! He puts his arm around Kronus, looking for the Orange Crush... Death Merchant still can't get back up to his feet! Kronus gets himself onto the ring apron, and back into the ring. He rushes at Agent Orange, but he gets caught! ORANGE CRUSH! Going for the cover! 1......... Death Merchant starts to get up. 2........ He leaps out and tries to break up the pin! 3! WINNER: Agent Orange
World 1 International
- vs - Adam Rollins - vs - Lord Malichi Triple Threat -- One Fall This was a short match that went under three minutes and showcased Adam Rollins' abilities in the ring. Lord Malichi missed a clothesline on Rollins and took out World-1 instead. Rollins caught Malichi in the cheek with a super kick. Rollins went after World-1 with a gut wrench slam and locked in a Cattle Mutilation. Malichi broke up the submission hold. Malichi tried to give Rollins a suplex, but Rollins shifted out of it. Rollins hit Malichi with a spear, and then gave him a running punt to the head. That punt takes Malichi out of the picture as he's kicked out of the ring by Rollins. Rollins hits World-1 with a super kick and then stalks him for the finishing move. He throws World-1 onto is shoulders, and drops him in the center of the ring with a death valley driver. Rollins pins World-1. 1... 2... 3! Easy win for Adam Rollins. WINNER: Adam Rollins
A Message from Rex and Lacey
The X-Tron comes to life to show the orphans Eric Rex brought to the arena last week. They're all wearing T-shirts that read, "WHY, KNIGHMASK?" Some of the kids are crying. Lacey Witasick, bald-head and all, is standing with them with the same shirt. Lacey: "We loved you, KnightMask. All of us did. It wasn't nice when you hit me. At least Mr. Rex gave me a home, though. These kids don't have nothing at all and you set their house on fire? Why'd you do it, KnightMask? " The screen cuts off as a few of the children can be heard crying even louder than before. Salman Van Dam
- vs - Chris Legend Standard Match "The following contest is a standard rules match set for one fall!" We see green and white lights blinking through out the arena as the fans hear "Phenomenon"by Thousand Foot Krutch begin to play, a few minutes later we see white pyro from the left side of the ramp and a green pyro on the right side of the ramp goes up with the entire entrance stage is reflecting white light as SVD makes his way out. "Introducing first! From Multan, Pakistan he stands 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed in at 225 pounds, SAAAAALLLMAAAAN VAAAAAAN DAAAAAAM!" He walks down the totally green ramp while in the centre of the ring we can see the pakistan flag reflecting on the mat. As he walks further down he baseball slides in the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle kisses his finger and points it upwards.He then jumps down from the turnbuckle and extends his arms out side ways with as he looks down at the mat with a smile,looking at the reflecting image of his country flag as he does a standing back flip causing all the corners of the ring to explode with mix green and white pyro. The lights in the arena darken, A line of camera flashes begin to flicker down the ramp leading to the ring as Last resort by Papa Roach begins to blast throughout the arena. As the music plays Legend walks out to a shower of gold pyro raining from the top of the X tron. "And his opponent! From Kansas City, Missouri he stands 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed in at 256 pounds,CHRIIIIISSS LEEEEGEEEEENNNND!" He makes his way down the ramp, occasionally doing short movie star like interviews along the way before finally climbing in the ring. The bell rings and the two begin circling one another. Jim Ross: "Here we go we're set for Chris Legend against SVD." Wayne Witasick: "Legend has a slight weight advantage here let's see if he can use it." The two lock up in a collar and elbow tie up, Chris backs Van Dam into the turnbuckles and throws a knee to the midsection, the ref admonishes him and he backs off with his hands up, then runs in with another knee to the gut. The referee backs Chris up again and he runs towards him again, but this time SVD gets his foot up and drops Legend to one knee. Jim Ross: "Legend went to the well one too many times and got caught there." Wayne Witasick: "SVD with a school boy roll up here." 1...... 2..... Jim Ross: "Legend kicks out, but that was a close count." Both men are up quickly and Legend kicks SVD in the stomach, hunching him over, hooks his arms and delivers a double arm ddt, and he follows it up with a shining wizard. Jim Ross: "Knee connecting with temple there, that could've put Van Dam out." Wayne Witasick: "Legend with a pin." 1...... 2...... Jim Ross: "And Van Dam kicks out." Chris lifts Van Dam up by his hair and brings him to the corner and lifts him up, setting him up in the tree of woe position. He walks to the opposite side of the ring and taunts the crowd before running towards the upside down Van Dam. Jim Ross: "It looks like he's going for the final cut." Wayne Witasick: "But Salman lifts himself up, and Legend wraps himself around the ring post groin first." Jim Ross: "That'll turn you from a bass to a soprano quick." Van Dam releases himself from his position and comes off the top rope, stomping Legend's face into the canvas. Jim Ross: "That'll rearrange your facial features." Wayne Witasick: "Now it looks like he's measuring Legend up for something." Jim Ross: He's going for his patented finisher but... NO!! REVERSED BY LEGEND! Backing up!!! LEGENDS NEVER DIE!!! (Superkick) The pin.. 1... 2... THREE! WINNER: Chris Legend
Introducing Stevie Tyler!
The cameras cut to the back to find one of XWF's newest superstars, Stevie Tyler! It looks like Steve Sayors is ready to interview the severely non-threatening man in the Wizards of the Coast t-shirt. Steve Sayors: Hey, XWF fans! Steve Sayors here with an exciting young talent that's been added to our roster this week. Say 'hello' to Stevie Tyler! So Stevie, what brings you to the XWF? Stevie Tyler: "Uhh...I...I'd really rather not talk about it." Sayors: "Oh, come on! The fans are dying to get to know you." Stevie: "Dude, it's just...They're gonna' think I'm crazy, man." Sayors: "Don't be silly! This is the XWF! Have you even met NeoNero yet?" Stevie: "Ok, ok...It was...I...There's a demon that made me come. He's in me and he wants to be a wrestler and I'm his only way and this whole thing sucks because everyone here is going to murder me and I really just want to play my Deadpool game. God, I hate this. I want to...Can I just apologize to all the fans in advance? " Sayors: "You're...possessed? And the demon wants to be a wrestler? " Stevie: "Told you it sounded crazy." Sayors: "If that's true, why are you so worried about getting in the ring? Aren't demons supposed to be really dangerous and strong?" Stevie: "Dude, the guy picked ME to do this. I don't know...this sucks. I'm just gonna' go lay down until the show's over, ok?" Stevie walks away, leaving Steve Sayors alone with the camera. Sayors: "There you have it, I guess! Stevie Tyler, everybody!" Mystica
- vs - Eli James IV Standard Match Jim Ross: "Our next match is between two newcomers, both with bright futures ahead of them. I thought they came out looking very impressive in that battle royal on Saturday." Wayne Witasick: "Ah yes, but only one man walked out with his hands raised, and that was Eli James." Jim Ross: "That James boy could go far if he sticks with it." Wayne Witasick: "On the other hand, this match could be seen as Mystica's redemption. A win like this over a PPV main eventer could do wonders for his career." "In time" plays as Eli James walks out as if he were walking on the beach on a sunny day... smiling without a care in the world. "Sick, sick sick," begins to play. First eight chords ring out as a pale blue mist leaks from the floor. Mystica walks in slowly, draped in a flowing white robe, which he discards after he passes through the mist. He glares down at the ring, gives a slight smirk, and presses his hands together in prayer. After bowing his head for a moment, he walks calmly down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. As Mystica removes his white robe we begin to notice him sporting a new look tonight. He appears to have marked himself on every visible inch of flesh with some strange symbols, runic perhaps. Jim Ross: "Mystica continues to puzzle us with his ways as he seems to have painted himself with some symbols. What do you take of that, Wayne?" Wayne Witasick: "These symbols could carry some deep meaning to Mystica, or it could just be his way of playing mind games on his opponent." Jim Ross: "Well, Eli certainly cannot afford to fall victim to mind games tonight. This match is very important as we roll into Wild Card Weeekend." The match starts off with Mystica putting Eli in a side headlock, establishing his dominance early. Mystica lets out a deafening roar, something we've never heard from him before as he twists down on the neck of Eli. Eli knows that there's a lot riding on this match though as he refuses to let this creep intimidate him. Eli forces Mystica off with an Irish whip and catches Mystica with a belly-to-belly suplex. Mystica shoots right back up to his feet but he gets taken ack down by a running clothesline from Eli. Eli makes an early pin attempt. 1 2 Mystica kicks out. Eli grounds Mystica with a headlock. Mystica is able to break free by reversing into a back suplex! Mystica throws his arm over Eli for a quick pin. 1 2 Eli pushes Mystica away. Mystica and Eli recover simultaneously. Mystica goes to give Eli and Irish whip, but Eli reverses it into an Irish whip of his own. Eli goes for another belly-to-belly suplex, but Mystica counters with some knee strikes. Mystica then backs off of Eli and runs into him with a flying knee! Mystica makes the pin. 1 2 Eli gets his shoulder up! Mystica puts Eli down with a Russian leg sweep. He rolls over on top of Eli and applies another headlock from the ground position. Eli spends several seconds in the headlock before he's able to shimmy his way over to the ropes. Mystica beats Eli to the standing position and kicks Eli in the face. Mystica carries Eli to the center of the ring with a running bulldog, and then goes straight into an armbar submission! Eli is in a lot of pain, but he manages to slowly crawl forward for the rope break. Mystica goes to work on Eli with some stomps. He delivers some chest chops to Eli in the corner. He runs after Eli for the Mystikick (running enzuigiri) in the corner, but Eli side steps and Mystica crashes into the corner. Eli puts Mystica down with a DDT, and covers him. 1 2 Mystica kicks out. Eli kicks Mystica in the stomach as he brings him to his feet and launches him into the ropes. Eli catches Mystica with The Baptism Unto Death (Bossman Slam) and immediately locks in an arm triangle choke on Mystica! He reaches for the ropes... reaches... reaches... not going to make it. Mystica has tapped out. WINNER: Eli James IV
A Show of Respect?
After the match, Mystica approaches Eli with his hand outstretched. Eli tilts his head and smiles. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Eric Rex is in the ring and delivers a vicious blow to the back of Mystica's head. Mystica is crawling to Eli's legs and tries to pull himself up. He turns his head slightly to see who attacked him. Eli grabs Mystica's head and turns it back to him.. Eli drags Mystica up singing "Amazing Grace" loud enough for the cheap-seats to hear him. He drives his knee into Mystica's throat once...twice...three times with The Cleansing before dropping him. Eli turns around and Eric Rex then goes to Mystica.. picks him up.. APACHE JOB! Eli turns smiles at Eric Rex and says "Amen, boy. Amen." Eli leaves the ring as Sal comes down to join Eric Rex at ringside for his match. Sean Falcon
- vs - Eric Rex - vs - Tony Santos Triple Threat -- One Fall Gold strobe lighting flickers as the music hits. Sara comes out first followed by Sean Falcon. Falcon wears a black and gold sleeveless robe. The pair grasp hands and he spins her around slowly to give the fans a view of her many smoking hot features. With their hands, his right and her left, clasped together, they raise their arms and are showered in gold colored pyro. She sits on the middle rope as he enters the ring. "A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, black trench coat on his back, taking slow, confident strides toward the ring. The disdain from the crowd pouring in, Tony Santos takes it all in with a smirk that would put Alex Rodriguez to shame. The chorus (Could be the end of the world, I'd still be laid here on my own, wasting my life away!!!) hits, Santos ascends the stairs and climbs the turnbuckle, one hand raised in the air, depicting the championship he always assumes he holds. Boos mixed with indecision rain in from the crowd, Tony still smiling, still loving the life he lives and the job he holds. Santos jumps off of the turnbuckle and hits the mat with his two feet, giving one more raised arm to the crowd, then turning toward the entrance ramp, awaiting his opponent... "Them Bones" plays as Eric Rex walks to the ring with no fan interaction. Jim Ross: "I think we got ourselves a slobberknocker in this next triple threat match." Wayne Witasick: "You're right, Jim. This next triple threat consists of three pretty well-matched men. It should be highly competitive." [i]The bell sounds as Falcon, Rex, and Santos circle the ring. No one is ready to make the first move until Eric Rex pushes Tony Santos into Falcon and Falcon takes out Santos with a short arm clothesline. Falcon and Rex both go to work on Santos with a double suplex. That alliance is brought to an end quick though as Rex hits Falcon with a European uppercut and some muay Thai knee strikes. Rex then backs Falcon into the corner and delivers some corner kidney strikes. Rex backs away and runs towards the corner that contains Falcon, but Santos catches Rex from the side with a running back elbow. Santos runs into the corner that contains Falcon instead, and gives him a Stinger splash. Santos gives Falcon a backhand chop, and pulls him out of the corner with a Russian leg sweep. Santos keeps a watchful eye on Rex as he notices him stir to his feet. Santos springboards off the ropes, and hits Rex in the center of his face with another back elbow! Santos pins Rex. 1 2 Rex kicks out. Santos stays on top of Rex by giving him some mounted punches. He picks up both Rex and Falcon and tries to make them headbutt each other, but they both block. Falcon punches Santos. Rex also punches Santos. Falcon and Rex take turns punching Santos now! Rex delivers a European uppercut to Santos, and Santos goes spinning into bridged German suplex from Falcon! 1 2 Rex interrupts the pin! Rex is now kicking away at Sean Falcon. Rex shoots Falcon off with an Irish whip and catches him with a power slam! Rex makes the cover. 1 2 Falcon punches Rex away. Rex brings Falcon up to his feet but Falcon fires up with a punch to the gut. Falcon follows up with some more punches to the same region before taking Rex down with a snap suplex. Falcon catches a glance of Santos on his way to recovering and thinks fast. Falcon rushes in on Santos and goes for the Greetings From Steel City (super kick) but Santos ducks and gives an enzuigiri! Santos pins Falcon. 1 2 Falcon kicks out. Rex runs after Santos, but Santos takes him down. Santos then tries to flip Rex over into a Boston crab... and he does! Santos has a beautiful Boston crab applied on Rex. Rex might tap. He's in the center of the ring so he isn't left with many options. Rex looks like he's only a second away from tapping when Falcon swoops in for the save with a eye gouge to Santos. Falcon gives Santos the set of three side Russian leg sweeps and then makes his way to the top rope. Rex balances himself at the top, flies off the top, and lands his elbow right into the chest of Santos! However, by this time, Rex has already recovered! Rex grabs Falcon and gives him a piledriver! Rex pins Falcon. 1 2 Falcon puts his foot on the ropes! Rex focuses his attention back to Santos. He throws Santos into the ropes and takes him down with a spinebuster. Rex sees that Falcon is helping himself up with the ropes, and collides into him with a running knee strike. Falcon tumbles through the ropes and to the outside. Rex waits for Santos to recover, runs up to him, and goes for the Kiss of Death (Cuban Neck Tie)! and he hits it! Rex with the cover. 1 2 3! WINNER: Eric Rex
Satoshi Daiki - vs - 'The Thane of Inane' NeoNero Standard Match Special Guest Referee: Ichiro Suzuki Jim Ross: Well Wayne, I don't know about you but I sure could go for some teryaki wings right about now?" Wayne: Jim, is this some kind of joke to you? Jim Ross: I don't see the problem Wayne? Wayne: You do realize this is the main event and what you just said is disrespectful and ignorant hillbilly banter that is not only racist but... Jim Ross: Calm down Wayne. Tonight we have baseball, wrestling, and quite possibly karate in our main event this evening. Wayne: Jim! You can't be so stereotypical! Jim Ross: I can do what I want now with your brother gone and Tyrone running the show! Wayne: The big slugger from last night's walk off winner against the Rangers. Jim Ross: Cough Cough, but couldn't get the job done tonight, cough cough! From the ramp way making his way to the ring to the Warfare theme song is Ichiro Suzuki, the outfielder for the Yankees this evening. The fans naturally cheering in delight. Jim Ross: Boo! Go Rangers! Boo Daiki! Wayne: Since when did you become such a heel announcer Jim? Jim Ross: World War 2... "Freak on a Leash" By Korn blares over the X-tron and from out behind the curtain walks the large Asian man out of Tokyo, Japan... Wayne: Satoshi Daiki!!! Jim Ross: What? Wayne: The fans here in New York seem to favor this massive structure of man making his way down to the ring. He may be the biggest Asian they've seen since Yao Ming.. He stands hovering over Ichiro as if he were an infant. His companion, Feng Shui's comes following after him very shortly screaming at the audience and raising his hands at the New York support as they are getting amped for this main event! Jim Ross: No matter how you slice it, this match should be a real Texas Teryaki Slobberknocker! Satoshi stands in the ring anxiously awaiting his opponent as Feng Shui stands behind him. Cameras suddenly fix on center stage, as a series of teal and cyan pyro blasts go off, and ''Day 1' by miyavi explodes into life. With every bass beat and guitar slap the lights strobe different shades of white, grey, teal, cyan. Eventually Neonero emerges from the curtain, walking carefree to the ring, inanely messing with fans along the way. One fan offers him a baseball, which he gleefully accepts, stopping just short of the ring and winding up a pitch, throwing the ball right at Satoshi Daiki. Jim Ross: I’ve never seen such a fine pitch. Wayne: You’ve changed your tu-OH! Satoshi Daiki has just been saved by the bat of Ichiro Suzuki! He’s just hit that ball right outta the park! Jim Ross: How in the Hell did he get that bat to ringside? Wayne: I don’t know Jim, but it looks like Daiki is none too pleased with Neonero’s disrespectful pre-match behaviour. Feng Shui is holding him back... Nero slides into the ring, grinning from under his mask, but as soon as he enters the ring Shui smiles coyly, letting Daiki loose as the bell rings. Before Nero can even get to his feet, Daiki has him in a headlock, then nips around Nero in a flash, changing the hold to a front facelock. Wayne: Daiki quick as a cat there. Jim Ross: Indeed, and it looks like he’s tweaking this front facelock...he’s just jumped off his feet and has Nero in a front face choke, with his legs wrapped around Nero’s torso like an anaconda. Wayne: Choking the life out of Nero, who’s is using all his strength just to stay on his feet with the weight of this man. Only six feet one inches tall but over two-hundred-thirty pounds of pure muscle. Jim Ross: Makes ya wonder what they put in that Teryaki sauce huh? Wayne: Will you stop! Nero backs into the ropes, but instead of bouncing off, Daiki’s weight sends both men falling out of the ring, where they both land on their sides. Nero bears the brunt of the fall, and Daiki clambers to his feet first, holding his left side and unloading with boots to Nero’s midsection. Nero covers up as best he can but the boots are relentless. Finally Daiki stops and throws Nero back in the ring. As he rolls, Nero looks to the outside of the ring and gives Daiki a wink. Jim Ross: What in the Hell? Is there some connection between these two fellas that belongs behind closed doors? Wayne: I think not Jim, Nero is just playing his usual games. Jim Ross: I don’t like games that confuse an old Sooner. Wayne: Feel a twitch did you? Jim Ross: Only Mrs. Ross can make this boy twitch. As Jim Ross attempts to cover his faux pas, Daiki climbs the ring steps. As he goes to enter the ring, Nero sits on the ropes, as if he were a female valet, crossing his legs provocatively. Daiki’s eyes open wide and for a moment, he just stands there, wide eyed, expressionless, until something clicks inside him, and he mule kicks Nero off the ropes, not even playing the ‘will he make the rope smack my testicles or not’ game. Nero tumbles into the ring, and as he gets to his feet, Daiki meets him instantly with a flurry of knife edge chops, sending him into the corner of the ring, then unloads with a flurry of unorthodox knees to Nero’s midsection. Nero crumples forward, and Daiki looks out at the crowd for a moment, gauging their reaction, which is 90% in his favour. Wayne: Daiki’s really endearing himself with these fans, who love an underdog. Jim Ross: Underdog? Now who’s being racist? Please. Being Japanese is not a handicap! Wayne: I mean being in the ring with Neonero, not...oh I give up with you tonight. Daiki follows Nero to the center of the ring, and manhandles him to his feet, hitting another hard knee to his midsection, before snapping him to the mat with a lightning fast Dragon Suplex. Wayne: Daiki is completely in control here in our main event. The occasion doesn’t seem to be phasing him at all. Jim Ross: Right, for all Nero’s antics, Daiki is brushing everything off and just dominating the boy. Wayne: Whupping him like a government mule? Jim Ross: Stealing my phrases is the height of inane, Wayne. Daiki picks Nero up again, this time dropping him with a second Dragon suplex, which has the odd effect of making Nero let out a loud ‘whoooooooooooooooooooo’, surprising Daiki, who takes a step back looking at Nero quizzically once more. Nero rolls onto his back and starts shouting something like ‘Double Dragon, shout out to GameGenie GG!’. At least we must assume that’s what he meant, because before he can finish his diatribe Daiki kicks him hard in the face. Instantly, he transitions from the kick to a half Boston crab, bending Nero in half. Daiki looks into the crowd, encouraging them to join in with his intensity with his wild, predatory eyes. Nero is close to the ropes and breaks the hold, referee Ichiro Suzuki reminding him gently to let go of the hold. Daiki obliges, muttering something in Japanese. Suzuki reacts to Daiki’s words with delight, and mimics hitting a home run. Daiki bows, but in his brief moment of distraction allows Nero to roll him up with a schoolboy pin... 1... NO! Daiki is nowhere near ready to be pinned, having so far received no offence from Nero. He breathes heavy, his muscles still recharging after the double Dragon Suplexes. Nero is first to his feet and offers Daiki his hand. Daiki looks on with distrust, and is about to offer his hand tentatively when Nero shrugs and walks to the other side of the ring, playing to the crowd. He starts to hammer dance, and Daiki has seen enough. He charges across the ring, but as he runs Nero drops him with a drop toehold, Daiki’s face striking the turnbuckle hard around the bottom rope area. Wayne: Daiki finally snapped, and gave Nero that upperhand. Jim Ross: Speaking of hands, Nero is picking Daiki up slowly, Wayne what is he doing dragging him to the center of the ring by his head? Wayne: Could it be the Torching...no! A beautiful falling neckbreaker. Another Nero trademark. Jim Ross: I preferred Daiki’s trademark knees. Wayne: Leave your fetishes at the door when you arrive, for Pete’s sake... Jim Ross: Bah gawd, Nero just lit up Daiki’s chest with a flurry of chops and slaps. Put a little barbecue sauce on it, that meat is done! Nero chops Daiki relentlessly against the ropes, and in desperation Daiki flings a knee at Nero’s abdomen once more. Nero yells out ‘A-HA!’ mystifying everyone, as he doubles over. Wayne: Speaking of tender meat, Nero’s abdomen must be absolutely caning right now. Jim Ross: They will take their toll Wayne, no doubt. Daiki stumbles towards Nero and goes to pick him up, but Nero surprises him with a nip-up head-scissors takedown. Rising to his feet, he drops Daiki a second time with a backbreaker, licking his lips. Picking him up again, he sets up for the Torching of Rome, sticking his tongue out far, but just as he goes to execute the move, he suddenly snaps his eyes to ringside, where Feng Shui is stood cheering Daiki to recover. Nero drops Daiki with a reverse DDT instead, and rolls out of the ring, stalking Shui. Instead of angrily chasing him, he starts berating him, with inane thoughts regarding feng shui, why his furniture faces the wrong way, which direction is lucky and so on. Shui looks baffled, but notices Daiki stirring in the ring, and distracts Nero as he rolls out of the ring behind him....WHAM! Jim Ross: Bah gawd what a short arm clothesline! Daiki just clotheslined Nero into the next millennium! Wayne: And he’s just thrown Nero into the crowd, I think he’s starting to get the spirit of the XWF. Rowdy fans are throwing punches and pretzels are flying! I wouldn’t be surprised to see Shane ![]() Jim Ross: These fans should all be escorted from the premises, this is not the right way to act. Wayne: It’s the New York way! Ichiro Suzuki rolls out of the ring and pleads with the fans, who crowd surf Nero back to the ringside area, dropping him just short of Daiki. Daiki smirks and throws Nero into the ring, rolling under the ropes in his wake. This time he drops him with a belly to belly suplex, which he follows up with a series of Muay Thai knees to Nero’s abdomen. Nero crumples to the mat, seemingly unconscious from the fan barrage and Daiki’s onslaught, and Daiki makes the pin... 1 2 2 ¼ 2 ½ 2 ¾ NO! At the last possible moment, Nero gets a shoulder up. Daiki slaps the mat and climbs to the top rope, looking down at Nero with disdain, and leaps with a flying headbutt... ...No! Nero rolls away at the last moment, and Daiki’s head connects hard with the mat. Nero rolls to his feet, picking up a limp Daiki, and prepares him for the Torching of Rome a second time. This time he glances at Shui and gives a wink, as he hits the Torching of Rome! Nero makes the cover... 1 2 3! As Suzuki raises Nero’s hand in victory, Nero’s smile turns to a look of disgust. Slowly, he removes his mask. Wayne: I don’t like the look of this... Nero picks up the limp Daiki slowly, holding his face towards his own by his hair. Nero whispers something in Daiki’s ear, it’s not audible to the crowd, but it stirs a reaction in Daiki, who starts to struggle a little, but he’s too spent. Nero turns him around, playing to the crowd as he hits a second Torching of Rome, cracking Daiki’s back hard across his knee. Nero grins again, placing the mask back over his face. As his music plays he walks backstage, while EMT’s rush to check on Daiki... WINNER: NeoNero