X-treme Wrestling Federation
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves - Printable Version

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Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves - Robert "The Omega" Main - 04-26-2021

December 25th 2020.

Continued from: Kill The Head, The Body Will Die.

“Dad where’s Mom?” Dewey Main continues reading from a magazine. ” The doctors going to be back any minute with an update… She needs to hear what they have to say…” Kayla releases a sigh leering at the clock and tapping her feet on the cool laminate floor. ” She said she would be back by now… You need to call her…”

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Dewey lowers his head looking over his glasses at his frustrated daughter then places the magazine in his lap before replying.

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” She’ll be back soon sweetheart, she’s out shopping to get her mind off things for a little bit and getting a few things for this dingy room… Some decorations and things to keep the spirits high around this dreadful place…” Dewey points at the walls ” It’s Christmas and we all know Robert, and your mother take this time of year very seriously. It’s a shame we all can’t be at the cabin, making cookies…” Kayla drops her head in defeat. ” Listen honey I know things are grim at the moment, but you have to try and get some sleep and relax a bit… Shit like this is super complicated, if anyone can pull through something like this it’s your brother… The kid has an iron will and an even harder head…”

” Relax? Dad, are you freaking kidding me?” Kayla throws her hands in the air shouting. ” How in the hell can I relax?” She leaps from her chair seething.” You are sitting there like nothing happened at all like Robert is just going to pop up and everything will be fine… I have a bother laying right here.” She points to Robert laying in his hospital bed unresponsive. ” In a coma because some lunatic decided they couldn’t’ handle Robert being on top… Dad, they tried to kill my big brother… And you are going to sit there and tell me to relax? You should be pissed; you should want revenge… LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO HIM!”

Mood is a form of functionality, an acknowledgment of the medium one can find themselves in, for better or worse. The undersized temper belongs to the person whose brain assumed it too existed in a dog-eat-dog world that we all reside in. The sugarcoated temper belongs to a person whose cerebellum has assumed that unity is the unparalleled strategy for survival. Every one of us is uncivilized on some level, and this thing that we all call a personality is the consequence. Yet individualism is a thing we can change when we educate our prehistoric intellect in the right way. Where Kayla fell in this spectrum was anyone’s guess… She had always worn her heart on her sleeve, but this time around it was personal… She was pissed, and someone was going to pay at great cost…

” Listen, I know you are upset, Kayla, we all are… And no one wants to take a shot at the son of a bitch more than I do… But you must understand one thing, this is the world that Robert lives in… These sorts of things happen from time to time… Don’t ever let retribution cloud your judgement… It will eat away at who you are from the inside out and over time you’ll lose yourself…”

” Attempted murder doesn’t happen from time to time dad… This was a deliberate attack when my brother’s back was turned… The person who did this was pantywaist and obviously feared Robert.”

” Kayla, we just don’t know what happened yet, or have an idea of who did it… Page is out there trying to figure out what happened to his friend with Oliver, by his side… He will avenge what happened to Robert… They both will… Or…”

Kayla begins pacing interrupting her father.

“Or what… Dad, you think Chris Page, can avenge what happened?” Kayla rolls her eyes annoyed. ” Dad, do you remember why Chris Page, came into the XWF?” Dewey sighs nodding… ” He came to take Robert, down and failed miserably every single step of the way… I loathe Chris Page, with a passion, he nearly killed Drew and that’s something that I’ll never forgive… So, how in the hell do we know it wasn’t Page, who did it?”

Kayla looks down at a picture of her and Drew on her I phone gently touching his face with her index finger. Abruptly an ocean of tears fell from Kayla’s eyes, her soul felt thin as her body trembled at the thoughts of her brother and one true love Drew… Being heavyhearted is not a point of disembarkation, no, it’s a rigorous road that often materializes at the feet, that must be walked in order to get to a better future… One can pad their shoes with treasured memories to digest the shock or let our soles absorb the excruciation of the challenging terrain. At times they can alternate between the two. But healing a dejectedness is another story altogether… Soothing a broken heart isn’t effortlessly accomplished, it’s like baking a cake and you are the chef. Gathering the correct amount of ingredients is pivotal, maybe it’s the right music to break the funk. Or cherished memories, a heavy dose of self-worth…

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” That’s just its Kayla we don’t. That’s why Oliver, is with him… If there is one thing this family is known for, it’s our insurance policies… We will just have to wait and see what Oliver, reports back… We’ve got all our bases covered…” Dewey pauses for a second… ” It’s weird how you mentioned Page, the way you did because Oliver, feels the same way you do about him… Either way, this goes, we play everything close to the vest, keep all our cards hidden until the time is right… It’s the only way we will know for sure… We can’t pull the trigger unless we know who.” Dewey stands. ” Speaking of Drew, how is he?”

Kayla, shrugs.

” Pop, I have no idea… He’s been sailing the high seas since 2019…” She stops pacing placing her hands on her hips. “I know I miss him…”

Dewey gently hugged Kayla… In his clutch, the world seemed to stop on its axis. There was no time, it stood still. Kayla’s mind was at peace as a sense of tranquility flowed through her veins for the first time in several days. She felt her body press in, soft and warm. This was the love she'd needed from her father in trying times.

” You two always cared for one another… I’m sure when the time is right he’ll show, Drew always was an adventurous kid…” She stares at Robert, over her father’s shoulder as he kisses her cheek. “This time don’t let him go… Even though he has this weird obsession with chocolate almond milk…” Dewey grins…

” How do we know when the time is right?”

” When we know the truth…”

” I should have been there…”

” Kayla, don’t… Don’t go down that rabbit hole…”

Suddenly the feeling of grief floods Kayla’s system… Misery comes in waves, minuscule ones, at first, but over a few seconds, they become a formidable riptide… Abruptly Robert’s kid sister is swept away, as she struggles at first fighting off the dread… With each wave crashing upon her somehow let the cherished memories flood in, they allow her to smile and give her some warmth, those funny or sweet things that were said by her fallen brother. So, she rides upon that wave in a boat called love.

” Hey pop!”

” What is it?”

” Do you remember when Robert decided he was going to go to Japan and learn how to wrestle?”

” I do…” Dewey nods… ” Why do you ask?”

” Do you remember what you said before he left?”

” The dog joke?” The corners of Dewey’s eyes crinkled as the corners of his mouth slid upwards. ” I remember, but I shouldn’t repeat it…” Dewey pauses for a few seconds. ” I told him not to buy one of those little Japanese dogs because if it bit someone he’d get the shitzued out of him…”

Kayla’s laugh is just like the rest of her, sweet and genuine. When she snickers, she makes one want to make her laugh again and again, just so you can hear that sound and see her giggly smile as much as possible. Her laughter was sweet and honest, a rare gem that only a few people can call forward in this miserable world. It's full of her spirit, quiet yet real, filled with a tender joy. Most people thought she looked like a snobby rich girl at first glance, but all you have to do is tell her a joke to see that it's not true. It’s no surprise that Drew loved her so. Dewey wiped the tears from his daughter’s eyes as the doctor stepped into the room.

” Doc, tell us you have some good news…”

Kayla nudges her Dad with her elbow.

” Dad, mom is supposed to be here for this…”

Dewey motions for Kayla to hush, she crosses her arms and watches the doctor begin going over Robert’s medical chart… The doctor had the disposition of a championship fighter. Every action she took was with pinpoint precision. She smiled in the cold and distant way most professionals do. No one could ever really relax around such a declaration. Most people need an indisputable face, preferably a smile… The Main family would rather the doctor didn't fake it. Dewey and Kayla leered on watching the doctor’s eyes, devoid of any make-up and her hair was in a tight bun, not a strand out of place. Through the examination she gave was commands rather than requests. The nurses hovered about three feet behind, her nonchalant expression of earlier replaced with an uninviting slash for a mouth and knitted brows. When the prodding was over, Kayla dropped her eyes to the covers in anticipation of her speaking… Her hands stretched out over the cold linen-like an infant in search of a comforting toy.

” As well all know Robert suffered a traumatic head injury…” The doctor fumbles around with Robert’s medical chart for a few moments before continuing. ” We’ve ordered a series of blood tests and brain scans to try to determine what's causing the coma so that proper treatment can begin. From what we saw two days ago there was a slight hemorrhage on Robert’s brain… So, we drilled a small hole releasing the blood from Robert’s skull… The most recent scan shows the pressure on his brain is subsiding slowly and the bleed had stopped… This is all great news…”

Kayla, had been alone before, but at this moment, she had felt ever more so. The walls seemed far away, and she felt like the air around her was a cage, she was tethered to this moment by reality. Kayla was pleased to see the silver hair on the doctor’s head, to her it screamed experience. She had a face like some women you'd ask for directions in the street, non-threatening she supposed. In a pants suit, she could be a news anchor or politician, with that endearing smile that was only ever removed from her features when she needed to be solemn. Her movements were unhurried, choreographed, and calculated. She then courted the opinions of the nurses and listened to what they had to say. Her voice was as soft, and she spoke without the medical terminology Kayla feared. For the most part, she understood what was going on and intermittently she would stop to address Robert directly, like he was there and listening for her to explain the next procedure and what its purpose was.

” So, what’s all this mean doc? Don’t feed us a bunch of bull shit to keep our hopes up, we can handle the truth no matter how hard it is to swallow… So, cut the shit and tell us point blank…”

The doctor sighs, then nods.

“We don’t see a need to operate outside the small hole we drilled into his skull two days ago, the brain bleed has already stopped on its own and will heal with time… A coma seldomly lasts longer than a few weeks… We have performed an array of test on your son and brother… Robert’s pupils are not responding to light whatsoever; he has no responses of the limbs or response to painful stimuli… We are doing everything that we can to make sure there are no major issues, like infections, or blood clots…

” So, what’s the bad news?”

The doctor lowers her head hating this part of her job.

” The bad news is if Robert doesn’t come out of this coma soon, he could slip into a vegetable-like state and in most cases if this happens… They never come out… If they do somehow survive the complications are significant… I know this news is heartbreaking, but know we will do everything that we can to make sure he survives this encounter…”

” Thank you, Doctor.”

” We are still currently awaiting lab results and will have more information as soon as they come in.”

” Why lab results?”

” It’s standard procedure when someone is in a coma… We check their blood for inconstancies…”

” Like what?”

The doctor motions for the nurse to close the door and leans in towards Kayla.

” The shot your brother took to the head should have killed him on the spot. Neurologically your brother’s brain is firing on all cylinders, with the bleeding under control and no swelling of the brain, Robert should not be in a coma…”

Dewey hops in-between Kayla and the doctor.

” Wait a second here… Are you saying that there might be foul play going on here?”

” What I’m saying Mr. Main, is something is going on that we just can’t see yet...”The doctor motions the nurse to open the door and begins to walk out before stopping.” But, we will find out soon enough!”

Dewey nods as the doctor leaves the room. Then stares at Robert for a few moments before turning to Kayla…

” Something isn’t right…”


” Oh my God no…”

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Inside the mind of “The Omega” …

I opened my eyes to blurred vision… ” What is that ringing sound?” As the ringing continues off in the distance, I feel the pain radiating through my head suddenly stop… As a feeling of serenity falls over me… Calm… ” Those voices? They sound like Kayla and my Dad?” Their voices were my flashlight when I needed sight. So, I followed them deep into the forest that appeared before my very eyes… Moving down a narrow path gingerly, then the path at my feet becomes washed out as the murkiness elopes me… Somewhere in here is the answers I needed, so my feet follow the constricted strip of naked earth among the mammoth roots. I allow my hands touch their skin as I pass, feeling their benevolent spirits soothe my own. Suddenly another voice echoes from deep in the forest… ” CLEAR!” My legs tremble as I fall to one knee. “What the hell was that? It knocked the wind out of me?” The voice rang out once more this time knocking me to the ground… ”CLEAR…..” I feel like I’m struck by lightning… The electricity flows through my veins like wires, then stops…

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” What the hell was that?”

I muttered under my breath as I try to breathe… Confusion sets in as I hear footsteps creeping through the foliage behind me… I was a dimwit to think that disorientation was some marker of senselessness, it isn’t. All irregularities evolved for function. Bewilderment is when distress scatters the higher thoughts to promote the chance of a subliminal simplification finding its way through. As such, it is a hindrance to the environment. If the brain believes one has time to think in safety, it will begin to think, to focus. Perplexity was frankly apprehension in a different cloak, it was when my brain defocused to allow the absent-minded brain through, the optimum problem solver. Yet what I needed was the opposite, a chance to regain my equilibrium, my idyllic as I realized something was wrong… So, I do the only logical thing, I call out…

” Hello…?” I cry out, unsure and somewhat afraid ” The last thing I remember… Ah… I can’t remember…” Shaking my head with a vengeance my thoughts come together. ” I was on Warfare… I don’t understand what’s going on…”

A gravelly voice just behind me sent shivers down my spine.

” You don’t need to understand it Robert…”

I feel the hair on my neck stand on end as I leisurely turn around… There he was the phantom that controlled half of my mind… “The Omega” … I take a step back uttering… “Where am I and what the hell do you want…?” The grotesque ghoul chuckled before pointing directly in my direction.

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” I’m here for you, the almighty Goliath, the giant who is supposed to lead his troops into the upcoming war, the white knight of the XWF… Those pesky ants you seek to crush under your boot are more formidable than you think… Those ants will have their slingshots because their lore has taught them that the meek are always right even when they are greedy and self-serving. You are stepping into a skirmish you cannot win without help…”

” War? What war?”

” You are embarking on a suicide mission, I’m the voice of reason, the guidance you need, if you are going to devastate those who oppose you, the ones who put you here, make sure you dig several graves Robert and one for yourself. Armageddon is a fork. One path to damnation. One path to resurrection. Soon you’ll have to choose a path… The question is can you dig up ghosts from your past to help you?”

” I don’t feel like myself, what’s going on? Help me understand…”

” You are that naïve, Robert you are dying from your injury…”

” So, this is all…” I peer off in the distance searching for an ounce of hope.” This is all in my head?””The Omega" nods as Robert begins mulling over the thought of war because death isn’t an option…

There are foundations of reality that eclipse human abilities in terms of mental agility and wisdom, think of it as two puddles, each seeking to enlarge their boundaries. Let just say that one is cobalt blue and the other is yellow like every member of B.o.B, where they bump into one another there is a jade-coloured hue, a marrying that neither puddle is satisfied with. The jade is the battle frontier or the XWF if one can follow the bouncing ball… The world is a demarcation line. The puddles are the forces of good and evil, creating a confusing mess of love and emotional indifference, of philosophical elegance and profound anguish. In short, the sooner you learn how to pick a side and stick to it, the sooner the upcoming confrontation will end. When you are awake to this engagement then triumph is only a matter of time. Every man and woman on this roster that decides to awaken and choose love will survive. The question is if the predominant species on this roster can wake up in time to save themselves. If not, then the "match" is reset, as callous as that sounds, we are fighting dishonorable, cowardly bastards. That is the reality. Your mythology is trying to get you all to that point of comprehension with different settings and names. If you can save creation, then you have generations to enjoy thinking about how those myths. Wake up before it’s too late…

” This war that’s coming… How do I choose the right path…?”

“By escaping here…”

Robert scratches his head staring at his sinister mirror image.

” So, you are trying to help me…”

” The Omega” nods slightly.

” Why?”

“Because Robert Main I am your darker side, the one you look to when your pathetic back is against the wall, the one you keep locked away in the deepest darkest recesses of your feeble mind… I now realize that being locked away in a corner is better than not existing at all… We are one and if you die, I die along with you… This is merely survival for us both…”

” What’s keeping me here?”

” Our other…”

” The Monstrosity?”

” The Omega” nods once more…

” Has he always been in here?”

” The Omega” shakes his head before speaking.

” Since your inception, I have always been by your side, I’m the voice you hear when there is perplexity, the iron will so to speak… That’s me, Robert… I know my appearance is something dreadful, but I am the grit underneath those fingernails, I am the force that pushes you well beyond even what you believe is possible. I am what you turn to in your darkest hour… I give you the options that keep you thriving… When you are lying in a pool of your blood wondering if you can get up, I’m the one that pushes you to your feet… When you must make a split-second choice whether to bash someone with a steel chair, I take control… I am your guardian angel whether you like it or not…”

” Where the hell did this demon come from?”

” Around the time you and Chris Page became close I started hearing voices, at first they were whispers in the wind, over time they grew stronger and those whispers became screams… I grappled the other for several months, keeping him at bay, but with each week that passed, he only grew stronger. It got to a point where I could not safeguard your subconscious any longer. I had no choice but to retreat. Once he obtained complete control there was nothing that I could do… He became so ferocious, he controlled me as well… I don’t know the origins, but I do know he is not from your mind…” [mm][red]

” So, what is The Monstrosity then?”

[mm][red]” A foreign entity, though his presence has grown weaker…”

” So, you and I can defeat him?”

” No…”

” And if he finds me…”

“You die...”

The sudden smell of smoke grabs their attention… Within a blink of an eye, Robert and “The Omega” is surrounded by a wall of flames… The fire burns like a temper as if the leaping flames have a terrible anger moving faster than a person can. The air smells and tastes like bonfire while the horizon glowing orange beneath the smokey wind-dragged plume. Robert watched as “The Omega” pulled a blade slowly readying himself…

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” Have you heard anything?”

” I’ve heard that smoking gives you cancer Bobby… And seeing how you just got out of the hospital not too long ago… You need to be more careful when it comes to your health…”

Robert rolls his eyes taking one last draw of his Cuban cigar before tossing it off the porch.

” Like I said… Have you heard anything?”

Kayla, walks outside handing Drew, an ice-cold glass of dark chocolate almond milk… Robert shakes his head folding his arms…

” Now that’s grade A stuff right there…”

” I still can’t believe you bought a year supply of that shit…”

Kayla interjects while Drew continues drinking his almond milk…

” It’s good for you Robert, you should try some sometime instead of waking up and reaching for a glass of bourbon…”

” I’ll have to agree with your sexy ass sister here Bobby…”

Drew smacks Kayla on the ass as Robert walks over demanding Drew hand him the glass…

” Give it to me… I’ll try anything at least once…”

” Just give it a chance Bobby… Let it rest on your pallet to get all the refined flavors…”

Robert scoffs lifts the glass to his lips then tosses it off the porch.

” Like I said for the third time now have you heard anything?”

First of all you are way out of line Bobby… That is liquid gold you just tossed out, here I think you are going to take your health seriously and you let me down… Way to go…”

Drew throws his hands up turning his back…

” I sent out the carrier pigeons a few days ago… We should be getting word soon…”

” Did you just say carrier pigeons?”

Drew gets serious turning back around…

Uh…. Yeah… I don’t use phones or computers, Bobby, you know this…”

A stunned look falls over Robert’s face when Kayla speaks up?

Hey… What’s Harley have in her mouth?”

Robert whistles…

” Harley… Come here, girl….”

Harley walks up the steps sitting in front of Robert…

” Drop it…”

Harley hesitates at first then drops the dead carrier pigeons on the porch at Robert’s feet…

” So, did your pigeons look like these Drew? Oh, look… It even has a note attached to its leg…”

” I mean they look similar, but that could be any one's bird, Bob… The world is a crazy place…”

Robert pulls the tiny note from the pigeon’s leg and reads it out loud…

” Bring kombucha… Drew, and there’s my address…”

” Like I said Bobbo that could be from anywhere…”

Kayla sees the look on her brother’s face as she speaks up…

” Drew, I’m going to go and get you another glass of almond milk and let you two talk…”

” Great idea…”

Kayla makes a b-line into the house…

” Drew, we need to get serious on this man… We need some help going forward because you and I are outnumbered…”

Drew places his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

” I’ve got this… You just need to worry about this battle royal… We’ve been in contact several times and when that time comes, he knows where to find us…”

Robert takes a seat on the top step as Harley lays down next to him.

“I despise being in a battle royal, not because I think the odds are stacked against me, even though they are… It’s this next part that pisses me off… Going over the list of nobodies that doesn’t deserve a second of airtime… Let alone be in a ring with a former Universal Champion of my stature. Like those of you who decided it would be a phenomenal idea to just not show up and do anything at all… I mean as I go over the list of entrants to this thing it left me dumbfounded… Where in the hell is the threat supposed to be? Rumor has it, the almighty Chris Page had this battle royal constructed as a way of stopping me from getting my hands on him; no wait, I can have that fainthearted chicken shit at any point… But just not the title that goes along with clobbering him, for a third time, right? I expected so much more than what I have been given… Where is Cory Smith? Concerned with anything that doesn’t have my name attached to… Duke is MIA… I yearned for the mavericks of this company to step forward so I could shut everyone down all at once… What I got was the lunch crew at the strip club…

So, now it’s my turn to start picking all these participants off one shot at a fucking time… So where do I begin? I guess I’ll start at the bottom of the barrel and work my way up… That would be you, Mickey. Give it up for the kink ladies and gentlemen… Here is the guy that has been calling out Chris Page for the better part of what? A month after he had his clock cleaned by the Champion, and yet this cool cat doesn’t even bother to release a promo in the opening week of competition. Explain to me how you can want someone as bad as you want Chris Page and not cut an opening promo? Why not shows that same piss and vinegar that you show on Warfare now that it matters? Because the writing is on the wall with this one your dead-on-arrival… You are as inexperienced as they come, and if you believe for a second that your curtain jerking ass can walk out of this thing with anything more than an ass whipping you are a crackpot… This isn’t amateur hour anymore, I’m not some unaccomplished, unequipped jobber, you name it, I’ve done it better than anyone before me…”

Robert pats Harley on the head before continuing.

” Let me tell you why; you are more outgunned than anyone else involved in this shit show. This entire thing is put together for me to throw you over the top rope and send you to the back of the line where you belong. And by the way, the back of the line is where you’ll stay… I know you will be a bitter little cunt behind closed doors whining are crying about how it should have been, but that’s okay with me… After I toss you over the top you will be nothing more than a blip that lasted a few seconds on my radar… I’ve been waiting for four long months to get my hands around Chris’s neck. I am not saying that you can’t have your shot, you just can’t have that shot right now. What you do with your time is your business brother, but my business is heading to Leap of Faith where I will take back something that belongs to me.”

The camera zooms in on Robert’s face.

” The Universal Championship. Do you think it would be a fashionable idea for you to try and stand in my way? A man hell-bent on redemption… This might be my first match back and there might be nine other scrubs all looking at this to be their breakout moment; yourself included Mr. Kinkade… While you might be looking at this to make some sort of name for yourself to do that you have to take me down; and dude, that shit is way easier said than done. I am not going to go way out of my way to give you a lot of my time just yet because you have not earned… Kind of like you have not justified your spot on this goddamn roster. A win over Ash Quinn and a loss to Chris Page are two separate ends of the spectrum. Dick jokes mixed with unintelligent comedy will never transition into Universal Championships… While you may have a spot on the card it just is not going to be in the main event of Leap of Faith, that time is reserved for Chris and me… That fact will dynamically be established when you are thrown over the top rope on to your head… But here’s what the great news is you can cut one of these snazzy backstage promo’s that you think expresses anything other than whining like the bitch that you are…”

Robert pulls his smartphone from his pocket and starts tumbling about on Twitter grinning…

” Okay here is where this all gets a bit juicy and maybe I’m reaching here, but my gut is telling me I’ve got this son of a bitch nailed dead to rights…. The mystery entrant shitting the goddamn bed and continuing his cowardly ways not revealing himself like he was supposed to within his first promo. Let’s call a spade a spade here and go ahead and spoil who is behind the name, right Shawn?”

Robert stands clapping…

” Would the real Shawn Warstein please stand up. Shawn, you gave yourself away days ago on Twitter, but no one was none the wiser because they were not paying attention… Why do you think I tossed that little bone out there for the world to see? You picked that bone up in seconds and ran with it…. Want some proof… Say no more…”

Robert lifts his phone revealing the Twitter nonsense…

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” Ouch…. Right… Sorry to spoil the fun kids… But I just did… Can anyone tell me how many times Shawn Warstein comments on shit that he is not directly involved in? His ego is damn near as gigantic as Chris Page’s and the moment he bit… I knew without a shadow of a doubt he gave just himself away. He pulled this same logical mind fuck at High Stakes under what was it… Oh, yeah the “witness” routine because concealing himself behind a mask or a gimmick is the only upper hand he can gather an ounce of interest when my name is involved in the equation. I am one of the few that Warstein lays in bed at night wondering why. He fears me and he should… He has not and will never defeat me inside a ring or playing chess in a park. Hell, the last two times we stood across from each other heading into War Games I crushed him under my boot like the goddamn cockroach… He sniffs around the XWF where there is a moment to skip the line and when those opportunities present themselves Shawn jumps… Hold on a second…. Wait a minute, wasn’t Shawn cashed in on as Universal Champion? Technically you do not need this battle royal… Just invoke your rematch jackass and move on, but you won’t do that, now will you? Why? Because even you know deep down that Chris Page can knock your dick in the dirt now and you have no advantage to play. The time of Fuzz or Shawn has passed you by a long time ago…

“Battle royal’s do not play to your wheelhouse, Shawn. Even the advantage you think masking your identity brings is not an advantage at all when it comes to dealing with me… Because I still see right through you and your bullshit. So, let’s just cut the smoke and mirrors charade and cut to the chase when it comes to your involvement with me in this dance. Shawn we both know that you will avoid me like the plague until you are forced to nut the fuck up and look me in the eyes. The moment that happens is the very moment your fate becomes sealed, and I will hurl your ass over the top rope and send your hopes and dreams of walking back through the doors packing… There isn’t going to be a title shot just handed to you. Look at this like a second-grader man… The alligator always eats the bigger number…”

Robert Main > Shawn Warstein.

” It will always be the same result when it comes to Main- vs - Warstine… I win”

Robert gets a bit irritated…

“This next one deserves payback…”

Drew steps into frame…

” Oh, Reggie…”

“Reggie, I see you're still boasting about picking up the Xtreme Championship? Good for you with everything else that you are doing a victory over me six months ago is still the only thing notable thing that you can hang your goddamn hat on. I have personally been waiting for this opportunity to shut your mouth, and what better circumstance to do so than by crushing your hopes and dreams of using this battle royal to springboard yourself into title contention, even if your first promo was late but at least even with a late showing it is a fraction better than Mickey’s first… You know, the one he did not cut. You my friend have been riding on my coattails for far too long now which is why it is going to give me immense pleasure in being the man that takes your grungy little ass and sends you back to the ranks of Anarchy where your unresourceful talent belongs. You are a C show competitor and nothing more… You do not get to the Robert Main level with the crap you call promotional material. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your misfortunes or the dribble you speak on your opponents.

You criticized Miss Fury one minute and was sucking on the lips of her twat the next. You do realize that you cannot try and discredit someone and then compliment their hustle with the next couple of words, right? It completely negates your initial insult your ignorant sack of shit which is the reason why someone like you will never occupy the role as Universal Champion and will always play second fiddle to the Thugz. THE THUGZ… Say what you will about me but the one thing I have always been is relevant. Even laid up in a coma, people were still asking where Main is... When is he coming back…? You do realize it’s because of me this battle royal is even taking place. This entire fucking thing is just a formality that is set up for me to earn a spot on the card I never lost in the first place… This is my happenstance at dethroning the alleged unstoppable beast known as Chris Page so that none of the babies on the roster can cry about me walking through the doors at March Madness and occupying the spot that I challenged for before I was attacked from behind…”

Robert points to the side of his head where he took a baseball bat shot…

” Oh, how we seem to forget history, right? Or is that just a Vinnie thing? Reggie, it does not matter how you slice this gigantic piece of humble pie because it’s all going to tastes like your impending defeat. You will be in this battle royal like you have been in the federation; just kind of there but nobody pays a lot of attention too.”

Drew hands, Robert, a baseball bat…

” Let me make this clear no one has my passion or my drive to win… A lot of you have accomplished all the goals you’ve sought out… Except for me… I am the few and far between… I am every one of your shots a redemption… See I have been given a second chance to right the biggest wrong of my life… This battle royal, for several of you, I will grind you out again… Once the bell sounds there will be no going back for any of you… Self-destruct all you’d like… I know what each of your futures holds… I know the only way and that is through me… All I see in this federation, I own, and I’ll be honest I am very unsatisfied with the state of things… I am willing to fight the entire roster to preserve my way of life… To fight and die for what I’ve always stood for… The question is are any of you?”

Robert's phone begins to ring as he leers at the camera with a grin.

" I told you I had this... It's him right?"