X-treme Wrestling Federation
Soft Deadline: First RP Must be done by now!
Council of Demoses - Printable Version

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Council of Demoses (/showthread.php?tid=40604)

Council of Demoses - Charlie Nickles - 04-23-2021

[Image: n1oFVnA.png]

Three fully armored Demoses stood next to each other as they strategized over a ginormous table. Scouting reports and toy soldiers were strewn across the large map unfurled across the entire tabletop. Each Demos wore a full suit of steel armor decorated with linens, furs, and jewelry. The guards behind the trio wore plainer suits of mail plate as they watched the three mental giants formulate their next move. Shining rays from the morning’s rising sun beamed into the great hall of Montero. The intermittent roaring of dragons and chirping of crickets could be heard from the world beyond the masked man’s mental walls.

“If we could strike HERE, we could break the cycle once and for all!”

The Demos in the middle pointed his sword to a central location on the map laid out on the table.

”But if we strike there, we leave ourselves vulnerable on our far flank! We must attack HERE to kickstart our new campaign!”

The Demos on the left tapped the tip of his sword against a location near the edge of the map. The Demos on the right immediately interjected as he tapped his sword near the bottom of the map.

“Comrades, no! We must fortify our rear before we advance in any direction!”

The three Demoses looked between each other as the guards watched on in silent admiration. The Demoses each withdrew their swords as they attempted to coalesce around one narrative. The sound of three swords sheathing in unison bounced through the great hall. The Demos in the middle reached down and grabbed one of the scouting reports laying atop the map. Demos wrinkled his nose and twisted his mouth as scanned the contents of the report carefully.

“The forces of evil grow stronger by the day. Their ranks seem never ending. More and more souls are throwing their lives away everyday by joining BOB. Chris Page holds the universal championship, Bastards hold the tag belts, the children watch the Marf show and a whole host of gruesome gladiators have popped up to duke it out for first rights.”

All three Demoses hang their heads in shame as the weight of their failure washes over them. The once rising sun suddenly finds itself nearly blotted out by an ever growing darkness spreading across the land. A thick cloud of black mist rolls through the hills, valleys, and fields of the fiefdom. Darkness grips the world of the Demos as the trio remains holed up inside their psychic walls.

The brigade of guards streams out of the great hall as they head for their posts. They don’t need a command from Demos to understand that the darkness contains many great horrors that will surely be heading for the Steuebenvilla. The trio of Demoses begin to collect themselves as drums and horns are heard sounding off from the castle walls. The Demos on the far left is the first to speak.

“Miss Fury is the one we must strike! She holds all the cards. This tsunami of evil comes from her earthquake. Miss Fury reinvented BOB, she transformed it into the behemoth it is today! If we can take out Miss Fury, we can cut the head off of the snake once and for all!”

The Demos on the left points to a collection of toy soldiers near his side of the map. The Demos on the far right shakes his head from side to side with a look of great dissatisfaction across his face, as if he had to take a massive poopsies.

“Fury? The mastermind of this evil? She’s nothing of the type! What has SHE actually accomplished? Practically nothing! She had a forgettable run with a bottom tier championship that was soon put to rest by our allied forces. The allies of truth and justice have been keeping Anarchy out of BOBs hands! The show that Miss Fury SPECIALIZES in, the show that Miss Fury supposedly HIGHLIGHTS, is the show that has best stayed free of BOB control! Ruby holds those villains at bay with admirable fortitude."

The Demos on the left looks set to debunk the claims, but the Demos in the middle chimes in first!

“Demos is right! Miss Fury isn’t the backbone of evil, she’s not the brains of evil, and she’s not the funny bone of evil! Bourbon is the funny bone of evil...but it’s Oswald that really runs BOB! He finances everything! Miss Fury would be nothing without Page’s saddle to ride and Oswald’s coin purse to empty!”

The Demos on the left shook his head fiercely in dispute. He pounded his fist on the table as he yelled at the two truth speakers to his side.

"You’re wrong! Think it through, Demoses! Chris Page can tell her the secret keys to beating us.”

“Pfffffft no he can’t!”

“No way! Page already told everyone what he thinks of Miss Fury! He thinks she sucks ass at wrestling because she lost to Charlie twice! Page didn’t even mention the fact we made it farther than Miss Fury did in the March Madness tournament, but I’m sure that makes him think she sucks even more!”

“You know what Chris Page is going to tell her when she asks for advice, Demos? He’s going to say ‘Shut up bitch! Gargle my balls!’ and she will proceed to do such! Miss Fury gargles balls whenever she’s off Anarchy, whether it’s in a battle royale or in Page’s bed!”

"She’s barely been wrestling for a year! I’m not sure she knows more than the five moves it takes to beat the discarded half-men that find themselves booked on Anarchy shows!”

The Demos on the far left crosses his arms over his chest as the other two men ridicule him for taking Miss Fury seriously.

“So who do YOU think we need to target first to end this dark fog?!”

“Robert Main!”

“Betsy Granger!”

The middle and the right Demos lock eyes in disagreement as the Demos on the far left takes joy in their sudden strife.

“You two can’t even agree!”

Both Demoses on the right begin to talk over each other as they make their respective cases with passion and unbridled confidence.

“I haven’t seen it myself, but everyone tells me Betsy is an incredible wrestler! While she only beats the same three women in the shooting star division over and over again, many of my scouts are speculating that this battle royale could be her big break!”

“Robert Main is second on the real all time leaderboard. He dies a little bit inside with every day that remains true. He would do anything to have another shot at the longest reign.”

The Demos on the far left looked to the Demos on the far right with a cheer and a giggle. The far left Demos pointed a mocking finger at the far right Demos as the Demos in the middle picked up a figurine from the map. The figurine resembles an Omega mask placed upon a spike. It is a fair bit larger than the toy soldiers scattered across the map. Demos twirls the figurine around in his fingers as he brings it up to his eye.

“Betsy Granger? It would be impossible to see her traveling to the front of the pack! She may be very good at what she does, but what she does isn’t much! Or is it too much all together? Beating Ash Quinn and Jenny Myst every show doesn’t prepare you for a battle of this magnitude!”

“She has persisted in the good fight against the Left Hand relentlessly!”

"And she has fled at first sight of BOB with every chance! She hides from her failures, she lets others toil for eternity. Whenever she fails to defeat evil, she just travels to another dimension and fails again! She never has to live with the consequences of her constant failure to rise to the occasion. Alias is forever marred by the Left Hand’s brand. The scars of my war with them will stay with me forever...but Betsy’s sword doesn’t always seem to be in this fight!”

"Just because she has failed to fulfill the prophecies thus far doesn’t mean she always will!”

“Robert Main will be the last one left standing in that ring with me on May Day. We will truly see each other for the first time, mask to mask. Man to Man. Trio of Egos to trio of egos. Our fights will seem so similar from the outside. We both have an axe to grind with Page, don’t we? We’re both fighting for a shot at the belt around his waist, aren’t we?”

The two Demoses on the edge look to the Demos in the middle. Their conversation fizzles out as the central Demos takes control of the stage.

“But in truth, our fights are nothing alike: but nonetheless, our fights are exactly the same.”

The Demos on the left rolls his eyes in annoyance as the Demos on the right seems entranced with every word.

“When it is just the Demos and the Omega left alone in that ring we will be fighting the same man. We will both be fighting Robert Main.”

“Oh well isn’t that lucky, huh, Demos? We can’t really lose if it’s a 2 on none handicap match, can we?”

The Demos on the left waves away the notion with his hand dismissively but the Demos on the right leans in as he waits to hear more.

“But I have it easy: I just have to fight the wounded man who hobbled his way out of the hospital to make the show. The Omega has to fight the legacy of the second greatest champion to ever hold the belt. I just have to fight the man standing across from me: Robert Main has to fight the shadow of the man he used to be.”

“But isn’t he the same man?”

“He could be. But doesn’t that question linger over his head as well as yours? Even so, I’m sure he hasn’t more than a second to think over the notion. There is so much else running through his head. Robert Main can’t just think about this one match, about this one title opportunity. Robert Main has to think about the next nine months.”

The Demos on the right continues to look enamored with Demos, hanging on his every word. The Demos on the left also leans in, seemingly convinced to take the central Demos seriously.

“What do you think he is coming to this battle royale for? He is coming to Coreytopia for one reason and one reason alone: to birth the longest championship reign in history.

It bites at him every day that his legacy is only second best. He isn’t going into this invitational flippantly: he’s going into this invitational with the intent of changing the entire narrative. Forever. He has to be thinking at least a dozen steps ahead, because he’s scared shitless of the next Reggie Estrada sneaking up behind him. All it takes is three seconds to tear apart months of work. Robert Main is dead set on making sure this universal bid of his doesn’t wind up like that failed briefcase run. He’s not overlooking a damn thing.

And in doing so….he’s overlooking every damn thing. When you’re thinking that far ahead you’re thinking sloppy. When your plots are so thick and convoluted that they’re bullet proof they become far too heavy to ever float to the top. Robert Main only has 14 hours in his day, the same as any of us. He only has 12 days in his week, same as any of us. So much is going to be left in the cracks as Robert Main hastily brushes through his year long championship reign.

He has himself so worked up with his schemes that he’s mentally living days, weeks, months into the future! He is already thinking of how he is going to take down Chris Page, or perhaps RL Edgar if my boy is able to do the job: it’s hard to pick em’ between two of the best. But I’m sure Robert Main thinks he already knows exactly who’s going to win. He’s already thinking of how he is going to thwart the first challenger to his new reign. Now he’s already onto thinking about how he’s going to stop Thunder Knuckles from taking his reign out at next year’s Snow Job!

He won’t let Chris Page’s goons sneak up on him again….he won’t let an unruly challenger strip him of his championship gold again…..he won’t let a disorderly thug jack him for his jewels again. Robert’s thinking through every possibility and putting an end to every threat before the pistol even leaves it’s holster.

This is good for the Demos. It’s all too easy to toss a daydreaming man over the top rope!”

Demos elbows the two men beside him as the trio grins from ear to ear to ear. You can thank Jenny Myst for that one. Think it through.

“Robert Main can’t bear the thought of losing this battle royale. The thought sickens him so much that he hasn’t spent a single minute on it! In his mind his sights are already on the target, he just has to pull that trigger a few times and move to the next part of his plot. If he were to lose this invitational, what would it say about where he stands in the federation today? We all know the XWF has gone through immense changes over these last few years. Would Robert Main lose his aura of prestige if he fell alongside the likes of Kinkade and Myst as an equal? Maybe so.

But the Demos has nothing to lose in the battle royale! The public’s view of us has soured, it is true. The masses are slowly losing their connection to our image. We’re becoming a loser, an underdog!”

The two men beside the central Demos begin to frown in dismay.

“This is good for the Demos! Nobody has sent scouts to our lands. Our armies can amass unperturbed from the firepower of our foes. By the time our red army crashes through the keeps of Coreytopia their minds will be changed, but their preparations will not! Wars are always fought best against an unsuspecting enemy. Do you two not attend Kim Jong-il’s weekly seminars? The Supreme Leader has lamented on this subject time and time again!”

“Weellll I’m usually busy!”

“Sometimes I sleep through them! 4 AM is too early in my opinion!”

The central Demos sneers in disgust at the two underperforming Demoses. He raises his left hand as if he were going to pimpsmack the Demos on the right, but as soon as the Demos on the right recoils in fear the central Demos pulls his hand back. A wily grin spreads across the masked middle man.

“Leave it to me to pick up the slack from your poor habits. This is why I control the brain and you two merely move my appendages when we coalesce in form!”

The two edge Demoses look to the ground awkwardly as the middle Demos chides them further.

“This is why I have the final say over our moves! If you two ever wish to contribute meaningfully to these conversations, you ought to take notes of what I say! If you repeat my words you will at least sound intelligent and informed.”

The central Demos nods triumphantly as the two edge Demoses awkwardly fidget. They refuse to make eye contact with the dominant Demos as he looks between them with immense judgement.


A large raven flies into the great hall through the gaps to the outside. It barrels down towards the table and flies between the middle and right Demos. The masked men recoil in surprise as the raven drops a small scroll between them. The raven quickly barrel rolls before turning and flying back out of the great hall. The Demos on the left reaches down and grabs the scroll. The masked man unfurls the scroll and reads through it as the central Demos watches the raven fly out of the hall with immense distrust. The man’s eyes narrow as he watches the raven descend back into the dark mist outside the castle.


“What is it?! What is it?!”

The left Demos hands the scroll over to the right Demos. The right Demos quickly scans the written words before exclaiming shocked utterances.

“It can’t be! There’s no way!”

“I thought he was dead!”

The central Demos turns back towards his comrades. He raises an eyebrow at the two men.

“What is it? What’s the news?"

“Read it for yourself!”

The Demos on the right hands the unfurled scroll to the central Demos. The middle man snatches the scroll before briefly casting a glance at the contents of the letter.

“So Dimes is alive.”

“It’s crazy! I thought Nickles killed him during the break out!”

“Maybe it wasn’t a break out! Maybe Dimes HELPED Nickles escape!”

The central Demos looked between the two edge Demoses before looking back to the map. The middle man grunted as he leaned forward and placed his hands on the edge of the tabletop.

“Whatever the case may be, Dimes certainly must be held to account. I’ve had my suspicions of him for quite some time. It would not surprise me one bit if he used our absence to free his old drinking buddy from the slammer...but still, Dimes must be presumed innocent. Justice will be brought to home, in the rightful manner.”

The dominant Demos stood back off the table as he looked at each man intermittently.

“Prepare for the ride at once. We must bring him into custody immediately.”

“But don’t we have to figure out the rest of our battle plans?”

“There is no need. Everyone else on the map is nothing but filler, nothing more than a physical feature of the landscape much like a dirt road or a small hill. Bringing Dimes into custody is the most urgent issue. If he did help Nickles escape he is dangerous and subversive: we can’t allow him to walk Montero a free man.”

The Demos on the left pointed to a red pack of toy soldiers placed upon the map.

“But what about the Left Hand?! Lycana will surely be coming to the invitational with a belly full of Marf’s menses and a mouthful of regurgitated talking points! That may make her more powerful than ever. She’s already pinned RL’s shoulders to the mat! What could she do next? We have to prepare our soldiers for her witchcraft and spells!”

“Lycana’s armies are no match for our brigades. She may have won a happenstance battle against Edgar’s mercenaries, but his boys were preparing for the wars of the future! Our armies will never fall before hers. No matter the lies she propagates to her cult, the truth shines like a divine diamond for all to see. When the Demos met her fairly in open combat she was defeated roundly. She was left laying out in the open as a display for all to see. When the Demos met her and her two outlaw accomplices in Warfare the Demos sent them all running to the hills! The Demos has never avoided a war with Lycana and never will. RL Edgar’s freelance army may not have won that tumultuous night, but the Demos’s brigades travel alone to Coreytopia!”

The Demos on the right pointed to a small and withered pack of khaki green soldiers laying on the floor next to the table.

“And what of Jenny Myst! She hasn’t been accounted for at all on your war map, Demos!”

The central Demos barked with laughter as he slammed his fist against the table gleefully.

“You have concerns with Myst?! BAH! That’s the fanciest tale I’ve heard all week, Demos! Did she take both your ears? You’re acting like you haven’t heard about that losing streak she’s still on! Jenny Myst? Bah!”

“But she’s forever the queen of the XWF! She might raise a momentous army that breaks through her glass ceiling!”

“What is a Queen without a crown? Without a kingdom? Without knights and subjects? Hmm? Nothing. And that’s exactly what Jenny Myst is. She has done nothing to earn her shot in the battle royale, her inclusion in the field is nothing but a diversity hiring! Maybe it’s an act of fan service, I’m sure everyone will love watching her rear fall to the ground like a plump peach falling off the branch.”

“But what of the surprise entrant? Shouldn’t we prepare for whoever that may be? We don’t know how powerful they are! Wouldn’t we be ill advised to chase after Dimes with such loose ends in need of tying?”

The Demos in the middle rolled his eyes as he brushed literally everything off of the map and began packing it up.

“If losing to Betsy Granger qualifies you for the invitational then the surprise entrant is either Ash Quinn or Geri Vayden. Now let’s go, Charlie Dimes won’t be at the inn forever! His drunkenness will sober out if we continue to delay!”

The central Demos fully rolls up the huge map before tucking it into a tube alongside the scabbard containing his sword.


“Is it the same fucking Raven?”

“Woah! We never get this many letters in a day!”

“Dimes better not be gone already….fucking aye, Demos! You probably took to long!”

“It’s not my fault!”


The Demos commands order into the room as the large raven drops another scroll on the now cleaned off tabletop. The raven flies out of the scene as quickly as it flew in. The central Demos reached out for the scroll, plucking it off the oak table before quickly unfurling it. The masked man scanned the letter from left to right. A scowl spread across his lips as a few seconds passed. A few more seconds passed before the Demos threw the scroll behind his right shoulder in frustration.


“What is it?”

“Treachery! Deception! Deceit!”

“What’s going on, Demos?!”

The masked man in the middle reached under the table and clasped the bottom of it with his hands. With one fell motion Demos flipped the table over!

“That bourgeois turncoat! Dolly Waters has been the Demos from the invitational!”

“She can’t do that! It’s King Doc’s invitational!”

“But she pegs Corey, and Corey owns the property! Capitalist law means that Corey, and by penile extension DOLLY, gets final say!”

“This is horse manure! This is unjust! This will not go unpunished!

The middle Demos and the Demos on the right start stomping around on the ground. The two of them huff and puff as they pace around the room in anger.

“That yellow belly!”

“hat bitch!”

“That scoundrel!”

“that slut!"

“She will pay for this!”

“She can’t hide inside of Corey’s sphincter forever!”


The two enraged Demoses look over to the far left Demos with rage in their eyes.

“She banned DEMOS from Coreytopia?”

“No shit!”

“Well….she never banned Charlie Dimes!”

All three men immediately go silent as the implications of the notion truly set in for each of them. They look between each other, first with skepticism, then with determination. The Demos in the middle breaks the silence.

“We must retrieve him immediately! We need to know the truth of how Nickles escaped the mental blockage! If Dimes helped him, he can’t be trusted…..but if he’s innocent, he could help the Demos save the day.”

“Charlie Dimes has never lost a battle royale! He’s beaten half the field before!”

“Even if he’s guilty, Dimes is an easy tool to use! With Charlie Nickles gone for good, Dimes could prove useful!”

“Enough discussion! Now is the time for action. We ride at once!”

The dominant Demos quickly turned about face as he began walking down the great hall towards the front door. The edge Demoses quickly followed his lead and began to walk out of the hall. Just as the dominant Demos was about to push open the front door a disembodied voice boomed through the room…..





The three Demoses looked around as the sound grew louder and louder.





The walls of the hall began to shake from side to side as the ground moved violently underneath the feet of the Demos. The three men were barely able to catch themselves against the wall as pebbles began to fall from the ceiling.


[Image: 26-november-2020-hessen-frankfurtmain-el...DE3Y4R.jpg]

We cut to a shot of a pedestrian shaking a sleeping man awake at a bus stop.

“Hey! Hey! Get up! I want to sit down, you druggie fuck!”

Demos shot up as he awoke. He looked from side to side before a disgruntled and lengthy moan escaped his chapped lips.

“Uggghghghhhhhggghghghghh why did you wake me from Montero?!”

“Montero? There’s no damn Montero on this bus line! Get up so I can sit down!”

“I have to find Dimes! I need to get back to the astral plane!”

“This is a damn bus stop, dude! The airports across town!”

Demos quickly steps to his feet before brushing the man aside and quickly walking out of the bus stop shelter. Demos starts walking away hurriedly before breaking out into a full on sprint.