X-treme Wrestling Federation
Origins: Chapter Two - Printable Version

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Origins: Chapter Two - Chris Page - 04-05-2021


We left Jessica and Chris at Clevelander off Ocean Blvd in Miami, Florida. What started as an innocent conversation between the two has now turned into something a bit deeper. Jessica confided that there is a previous friendship with Vita Valenteen who competes in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation just as Chris Page does.

SEPTEMBER 28, 2019


” Interesting...”

Chris states in direct response to Jessica calling out Vita Valenteen on television as the friend that has ghosted her.

Jessica: What is so interesting? She just a professional wrestler.

” That is not what I find interesting.”

Chris reaches out to the bar taking his rocks glass before tossing back the rest of his crown and coke before motioning towards the bartender once again as he states.

” This is going to require a couple of more drinks.”

Jessica: Just tell me already!

The bartender approaches and as he does Chris throws up two fingers garnering a head nod from the bartender who stops in his tracks and begins to make the drinks. Chris shifts his attention back to young Jessica with a slight smirk on his face which draws even more speculation from Jessica.

Jessica: Would you just spit it out for fucks sake!?!? What is so interesting that I happen to know Vita? Or that we have been friends? I do not get it.”

Our bartender emerges with the cocktails, sliding them in front of Chris and Jessica while also taking away the old glasses. Chris and Jessica continue to lock eyes as Chris states.

” Have you ever had a moment in your life where you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are in the right place at the right time with the right person?

Jessica: Ah, so you are trying to pick me up.

” Not exactly, here me out because what is so interesting is how my story of what has brought me here to Miami directly intersects with yours, just under slightly different circumstances.”

Jessica: I do not follow you.

Chris turns towards the bar where he reaches for and takes his small rocks glass. He motions for Jessica to get her drink as well.

” Walk with me.”

Reluctantly Jessica grabs her glass and her pocketbook as Chris stands from his chair and starts to walk towards the opened entrance to the bar as he is followed by Jessica. They walk out to the sidewalk right in front of Ocean Blvd. The traffic is horrendous on the two-lane street that separates the bars and nightlife from the white sands of South Beach with both lanes bumper to bumper per usual with this part of the city.

Jesscia: Where exactly are we going?

” Let us take a walk on the beach because I swear to God this is unbelievable.”

Chris leads Jessica by her free hand across the street between the cars to the other side where they take a sidewalk that leads to a small rock wall about knee high with sporadic openings that would lead to the beach. Chris takes a sip from his drink before he then states.

” So my story and why this is such an interesting turn of events when you mentioned Vita because I know of Vita by association, mind you.”

Jessica takes a sip from her drink before stopping on the sidewalk as the moon illuminates off the ocean with the waves crashing down onto the beach off in the near distances.

Jessica: What the hell are you talking about.

” Vita wrestles for the XWF, right?”

Confused we hear Jessica respond.

Jessica: Yeah?

” Why I am here in Miami is because that very show that Vita is on right now is running throughout the next three nights, right?”

Jessica: Who are you?

There is a sigh from Chris before he responds.

” My full name is Chris Page, and I was supposed to be wrestling on this event this weekend on the third night in the Main Event.”

Chris motions for Jessica to have a seat on the rock wall that borders the sands. She takes a seat followed by Chris as he proceeds to tell his story.

Jessica: And you aren’t?

” Oh I am appearing, it is the biggest show of the year for this respective company… and I would hate to miss such an easy payday, but what sparks my interest is how a company that has screwed me out of the Main Event slot of their biggest Pay-Per-View of the year after I lit the fire under the asses of all the complacent sack of shits on the roster is the very company that your former best friend has ghosted you for. Vita is kissing the ass of Ruby and leaving you hanging high and dry.”

Chris takes another sip from his cocktail.

Jessica: What happened to you? What did they do?”

Chris gazes into the eyes of Jessica as he takes a seat next to her on the rock wall.

” I take a lot of things personally when it comes to my money; the XWF took away my money by taking away my title shot. I know you probably do not know shit about me but I have been wrestling for roughly twenty-eight years, been all over the world as a marquee attraction. Over the last several months the XWF brought me into their federation to get over their Universal Champion because nobody else on the roster could or would step to the plate and deliver as I did. The powers that be thought it would be a cool idea to do a title switch two weeks before this weekend’s event …”

The words coming from the mouth of Chris Page are spoken with such conviction it is almost heartfelt. He truly believes in his heart of heart's content that his program with Robert Main is responsible for the blasting cap that has sparked over the last five months. Now more than ever there are more eyes on the product and a sense of freshness that has overtaken the stale nature that had become the XWF because with all due respect when your title matches consisted of Robert Main vs Big D vs Mastermind was so appealing and far from predictable.

” Months of storytelling to get to this one defining moment, this one intersecting point was all taken away for nothing more than politics. It is fascinating to me that the very organization that just shit all over me is the same federation that your friend is involved in who is shitting all over you.”

Jessica: Why the fuck would they do that? It does not sound like it makes a lot of sense.

” It just seems to be the normal business, or at least with my experiences. They get something great together and shit all over it. I am not going to let them get away with it this time.”

Jessica: How do I play into any of this? I am a little confused.

” How would you like to get even?”

Jessica: How so?

Chris can tell her interest is peaked as her eyes light up while she takes another sip from her cocktail.

” By helping me shit all over the very company that shit all over me, and that employees Vita who has shit all over you.”

Cool, calm and collect is the general feel coming from Chris Page as he sees opportunity in front of him that his gut is telling him to jump all over for this is one of those divine intervention moments that should you scoff at you might miss a golden opportunity.

” You can have the last laugh on her. She does not deserve to breathe the same air as you if what you have told me is true.”

Chris can tell the wheels are spinning inside the head of Jessica, and while she might be thinking about it their apprehension which is incredibly noticeable within the tone as he responds.

Jessica: Well, I do not know how I would be able to help you. I do not know the first thing about wrestling outside of what I have seen Vita do.

” And what about you? I mean you are here in Miami chasing after her while she is too busy getting her ass handed to her by Sarah Lacklan while sucking on the teat of Ruby, that tells me that this is deeper than you originally wanted me to believe.”

Chris stands and turns his attention towards the ocean just off in the short distance. Random tourists can be seen walking across the white sands. His hands slide into his pockets as the cool sea breeze blows in off the shores.

” I cannot tell you what to do or who to be. I have had nothing but time to plot and plan a deal that will end with sheer dominance and ruling with an iron fist. You do not have to a lot about the wrestling business or even how to wrestle… I can teach you.”

Jessica: And you believe that we can overthrow an entire company? It just seems so far-fetched.

” Patience is a virtue, if you are looking for instant gratification then this is not going to be for you; but if you are in for something long term, something that we cultivate, that we build, and when the time is right we pull that trigger. You cannot tell me that you do not feel there is a sense of excitement mixed with the unknown. I am asking you to help me by taking part in something special, something that when if you do the work and put in the effort will not only see you exact some measure of revenge on Vita, it will make you a star.”

Jessica: Let’s say I am interested, how would we go about this?

” As I said I am appearing at night three of Relentless to do some commentary. I fully expect some dumb shit to unfold when you think of whom the champion is and the kind of company he keeps. I am banking on something stupid happening in which I will use that moment to begin luring in the XWF’s marquee name, Robert Main.”

The thoughts running through Chris’s head with the mere possibilities of how this can play out if the elements play in his favor. The depths of this plan shall not know any bounds. It is going to take a lot of precision planning and staying the course if it is going to come to a reality.

” He is the key for he is the poster boy of the federation, and he is the man Vinnie and Theo robbed me of for the sake of “shock value”.”

Jessica interjects.

Jessica: But you just said the two of you have been at each other’s throats. He is suddenly to think you give a shit?”

” Not exactly, this is why I say it is going to take time and effort. It is just a matter of time before some group of guys jumps on him for the sake of trying to make a name for themselves even if it does not happen Sunday night, but when it does happen I am going to be there, and as much as it is going to eat my soul to lend him a hand it is going to be for a greater good. If you take this journey with me I will open up so many doors. I have an age-old saying that when it comes to professional wrestling that forty percent of it is physical, sixty percent is mental. Let me show you how to play with people’s minds.”

Chris can still sense the hesitation within the body language alone coming from Jessica. Suddenly it is like a switch flips as he finds another way to convey his point without putting her on the spot.

” I tell you what let’s do this. Since you are here for the weekend why don’t you come out Sunday as my guest? I will be fairly busy but can leave a ticket for you at will call. Come out and watch what transpires, listen to the reactions that small actions can bring to thousands of people simultaneously, and let's meet up after. If you still have doubts or you think that I am full of shit just tell me and I will find someone else to join me on this journey. If you elect to come with me it will take one hundred percent commitment every step of the way. It will not be easy, it will be a long road before we play our hand… but when we do it will rock the Xtreme Wrestling Federation to its very core.”

Jessica: So if I come out to the show, and say I do not want to take part in any of this…

” You have no obligations to me at all. If it is not what you want then you walk away. Pretty simple, but I want you to take tomorrow and think about how it made you feel when Vita tossed you to the curb like a sack of garbage, think about how you feel knowing that she is avoiding your calls, your texts, your emails, all forms of communication because she is more interested in a failing career than fixing her friendship with you… and then I want you to think about how great it would feel to cram your fist down her throat; for that Jessica, that is what I can offer you.”

Chris reaches into the back pocket of his jeans where he pulls out his wallet.

” I told you I was not trying to pick you up, I meant that.”

He retrieves a card from his wallet before reaching it out towards Jessica.

” This has my contact information on it. I’ll leave that ticket for you at the box office on Sunday at the Hard Rock Stadium. If you want to meet up afterward and talk, use it.”

Jessica reaches out taking the business card from Chris as she looks at the front side of it.

Jessica: I guess we will see on Sunday.



It is mother fucking insulting to me as the XWF Universal Champion to do Saturday Night Savage a favor by lending them the top Champion for a title defense against what has been the program's top star over the several months. How is that paid off? By playing the second goddamn fiddle to goof that lucked his way to a title and a guy that has NEVER wrestled on a goddamn XWF program? This Mr. Big mother fucker and Karen Hunt need to have some manners when it comes to dealing with me. There is a rule of respect when it comes to booking the federations top champion, and you two dumb fucks have just broken it.

So let me explain to you both how this is going to play.

If I do not go on last I am going on first.

My time is not going to be wasted sitting through a half-assed show that’s only saving grace other than my presence is Dixon showing up to wreck everyone’s flavor of the month in Dean Rose.

The fun and games can truly begin now that the formality promo is out of the way, right Demos? You know, rumor has it that my defenses since becoming the Universal Champion have been scoffed at and miscast as meaningless when the caliber of competition rests in a guy that walked around with a fake title and a washed-up never was. For once I happen to agree with the consensus which is why I have taken the authority away from the powers that be and have called my shots against more credible competition; who do you think I am? Sarah Lacklan? Let us now see if I start mowing down all of your “darlings” if the masses will shut their mouths and allow the grown folks to conduct business.


What up? How is the eye? I can give two fucks, just makes my job a lot easier when I will just snatch your right one out to even things out.

Relentless 2019 should hold a special place in your heart because it marked the night in which you tried to your heart's content to stake your claim at becoming the Universal Champion by taking on Lacklan. You walked in a virtual unknown; a newcomer to the fed that seized an opportunity; ya lost, but you established yourself an upper mid-card act, sure. Forget how you ran around claiming to retire Sarah… but isn’t she around on Anarchy wrestling? You claiming to retire Lacklan makes about as much sense as calling yourself the longest reigning Television Champion of the modern era when the term modern era is used to fit the narrative in which you speak. Four months with three defenses over the likes of Azrael Erebus and Barney Green sure do scream HIGH CALIBER opponents! Here is a goddamn cookie because bragging about being the longest reigning TV Champion is like being the smartest kid on the fucking short bus you ignorant twat. Under that logic, I guess I can call myself the longest reigning Universal Champion of the Demos era since that era spans six fucking months? No, let us not do that because I am not a lame fuck that needs to figure out different ways to try and put myself over. I simply show up and grace that squared circle, and run fucking circles around whoever is in front of me. I am not the guy that has his back against a wall at any point because I am always firmly in control of my destiny.

Back to my original point- the only shot you have had you took the defeat on the chin like a mother fucking champ; which only gives me the warm and fuzzes because when I slap you around while making you my bitch for the night you will take that as a champion too. Not that I will leave you much of a choice as you will no doubt start tripping over yourself as you have done against so many others who are entirely too clueless to call you on it.

I do not hear people bitching about Demos getting a second crack at the title in six months, why is that? Because he is not Robert Main, but goddamn you throw Robert’s name in that mix the floodgates of crap opens like it has done so many times before and shall so many times again.

You tried Lacklan and came up short so you moved on to the Television Championship.

Here we go.

This is the part that cracks me up the most if I am being one hundred percent honest for no other reason that I carried that same TV Title for a cup of coffee before losing to the very man that you defeated for it, Ol Thunder Knuckles. Now, this is the part where people like you, and my predecessor for the title in which you are challenging for now will point out how I could not beat the man that you did beat. Please, I am begging you to fall into that trap. Please be dumb enough to make that mistake so that I may verbally rape you of what is left of your goddamn credibility because neither you nor anyone else knows how deep my dealings with BoB go OR how far back. Do yourself a favor and tread lightly, or do not and get that Aloe handy.

The biggest claim to fame you have going for you revolves around a four-month run as Television Champion, right? The longest reigning champion of the modern era, right?

That more than enough to make me want to shake my fucking head in shame for you when you look at the bigger picture that exceeds Demos or Charlie Nichols when you look at attempts that you have squandered and then you compare it to the list of people that challenged you. Yeah, okay so I defended against Big D because he happened to be the first to call my name publicly, and I agree that was bad enough but at least D has more credibility than Azrael. Give me a goddamn break, and I am not talking about a kit-kat! Do you think that calling yourself the longest-running Television Champion of the modern era makes you special? Swallow this bitter pill; Peter Gilmour was once Universal Champion, and he still blows goats too.

… But I mean I guess giving yourself those accolades boosts your self-confidence?

I mean I do not have to resort to all that extra, have not had to do that since like nineteen ninety-five, but hey even the oldies are still some goodies, am I right? The rhetorical question you dumb fuck.

Should we even talk about getting smoked by Alias? That was so pathetic on your behalf you were a beaten man before your battle even began eerily similar to how your shot against Continuum panned out with Dolphin boy by your side. In six months your opportunities have been stacked up; your second shot at the Universal Championship, a shot at the tag titles, a television title run, freestyle opportunities, federweight and heavy metal weight… so when I defeat you on Savage your claims become null and void mother fucker, and the closer we are getting to that bell ringing the more I am getting excited to stomp you into the fucking mat. I do have some sympathy for you though because where you are better than half the roster is trying to create that attention to puts you in the position that you have found yourself in standing in the center of that ring looking across at the one man that is hands and shoulders better than every one of you that have signed a contract to compete here in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. The difference between me making that very bold statement rests within I prove it every time I enter that squared circle.

This is not going to be any different.

When it comes to dealing with Demos he shall be disposed of, another title defense will be in the books only this time it is going to be against one of the federations “darlings” as opposed to the bullshit that I have had to eat and like the taste of. I cannot help that I am booked through the end of the year. Those are the kind of things that happen when you are goddamn great at what you do. That line starts to grow longer and longer because I bring the money, I bring the notoriety and I bring the fucking smoke. Don’t you worry Demos, don’t you fret because you are going to learn real quick what so many others before you have already learned and what many, many more after you shall learn as well… while you might be good, I am great. While you might be better than most, you do not hold a goddamn candle to me. Now more than ever do people want to occupy the top spot for you to get there you HAVE to go through me to do it, a task that is so much easier said than done. I am not here to be your friends, I have those with my upper echelon in BoB- Thunder Knuckles, Bobby Bourbon, Miss Fury, and Andre Dixon are the only people I need to rely on for anything that I cannot handle myself. You Demos, you just get to deal with me while Andre watches on from ringside. You might think tossing him over the top rope makes you a better man? Nah bro, throwing someone over the top rope does not come close to making you better, it makes you lucky. The only question left to answer is if I am going to leave anything left on the bone for Dre to chew the fuck up and spit out. Savage Saturday Night is not going to be ready for the shit storm that I am about to bring. The ratings will never be higher; the spotlight will shine bright on the cream of the crop as it always does. What sucks for the rest of you revolves around how I do not need the Universal Title to be relevant because with or without it the all of your eyes would still be locked on to whatever I am doing. I am opening my door and allowing you to walk in, Demos. What shall you do with this time? I fully expect that you will put up one hell of a fight… but up a fight and winning it are two different things. If I am in your shoes I am starting to wonder if perhaps accepting this opportunity is further biting off more than you can chew. I am the guy that is always five steps ahead of anyone I am in the ring with, sir are not any exception. You will punch yourself out within the first couple before going on the defense with your rebuttals. Do not think for one second padding your promos are going to do you any favors, you are in my world now… I will bury you at any second without batting a goddamn eyelash.

Your history of choking when the lights are on bright shall continue; Lacklan, Main, Continuum, Doc (multiple times); and whole those names are not anything to sneeze at those names also represent a trend of failing when it matters; now more than ever it matters. My track record speaks for itself when it comes to high-caliber competition; what I thoroughly enjoy more is proving just how fucking great I am when it comes to being the Universal Champion and being at the top of my game. The Chris Page Nut Up or Shut Up 2021 Tour is in full swing with its second stop of the month in Bridgeport where I will show up, kick the fuck out of you, collect my check and move on to the next while leaving you in my rearview mirror with nothing more than breaking what is left of your spirit; Marf did a pretty solid job of that at March Madness.

But hey man I want you to remember these words if you do not remember anything else after the thrashing that is going to be bestowed upon you. Losing to Chris Page does not mean that you suck… it just means you are like everyone else.

… I will see you soon.