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Some silly cunt to beat - Printable Version

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Some silly cunt to beat - Kieran Overton - 03-12-2021

Some silly cunt to beat twitch.com shoot. (On-Camera)

"Wow, it's been a while we last encountered each other, huh, Noah? Telling every single opponent that they are cunts. Thank you for admitting I am a cunt because I'm the biggest one on the roster. As I always said about you, despite you beating me before at some dumb PPV that you and Fuzzy Bear hosted, being selfish bastards to do so, it doesn't mean jackshit anymore. You can go around calling the cunt word to everyone and they get offended. I don't and I also claimed to never be offended by fat jokes.

In fact, I admit to being fat because it makes me look like a fucking wrestler, not like these midget wrestlers who look nothing like one. I'm a pure wrestler in and out and I even class you as a midget wrestler, doing all these stupid flip flop moves that are so outdated now in this day and age. I don't do that shit because not only I can't, but I base my skills on using pure power to beat the shit out of anyone, despite the stupid whore Fury only got the win against me because of being assisted by her fucking Bob Marley crew who are a fucking joke of a stable who barely do tag team matches, to begin with. I don't give a shit that much though as much as Fury thinks I got offended by fat jokes, I'd rather be a fat slob than a skinny piece of shit who gets away with looks. Nothing about Fury spoke wrestler to me.

See, only I can admit to that, but not many overweight people can. I think Noah has got that message from the last time, but recently, he's been a butt hurt cunt, whining and crying over about a wrestler's nickname of Storyteller. Honestly, that's more creative than The Destructive Beast and especially more creative than you calling people cunts all the time. Like Jesus Christ, you're one broken shell of a man who's lost the ability to know what being creative is. You have no reason at all to be in this tournament, other than moaning about people not being on your level? What fucking level? The fact you been resting for months after Fuzzy Bear where the fuck he is these days became World Champion?

I understand that you'd be jealous over that because of being under his shadow all these years and only won the tag title to your name last time I was here at least, but I've taken time out from wrestling because of personal issues with my family who somehow wanted me to be responsible. Fuck responsibilities because they get you nowhere in life. I prefer being an asshole to shit on midget wrestlers like you who are washed up and show you have no heart or pride in wrestling anymore. I do and that's why I signed up for the tournament. Heck, I took part in the Hart title when I wasn't supposed to be. I took the opportunity where nobody was going for it.

I will show you what you missed about me since I was last around and I'm going to make the win you had against me, broken into bits of paper and blow around in the wind because I may have lost to a bitch who got through me by Disqualification from her shitty cheating methods, not as she could actually wrestle anyway without Bob Marley crew behind her. I'm going to beat you like a sorry son of a bitch you become and destroy you like you are a construction site. I will smash your head on the turnbuckle pole to bust you open and then use my finisher to beat you for the three count, making you even more broken than ever before. Prepare to be destroyed by The Destructive Beast, bitch because you won't be advancing to the next round."