X-treme Wrestling Federation
|Propaganda| - Printable Version

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|Propaganda| - Miss Fury - 03-12-2021

The familiar voice of Miss Fury calls out from the dark void that displays on your screen.

"And there it was.'

A distorted clip from Shawn Wylds promo flickers in and out.

Quote:(Miss Fury) You're just a plain old person compared to what the rest of us have going on. You're just a normie as some would say.

"There hero's true self on full display."

The scene opens to Miss Fury sitting in the center of a dimly lit room. Despite the poor lighting, the blood splattered on the floor calls out for attention by reflecting what little light there is.

[Image: jhStd0Z.jpg]

"A God complex on full display. The hero proves beyond doubt that he is not what he claims to be."

"And once more I taste the spoils of a bittersweet victory."

"But the appetizers never compare to the main course, do they?"

"Worse than your lack of integrity comes your incompetence in this business, hero. While I may just be a "normie", I am well versed in how to succeed both in and out of that ring. You are not. Your promo has already soured the XWF universe on this match. The pointlessness of your words have driven away fan interest and made this nothing more than another match on the card. You have caused irreparable damage to my star power by boring the public to the point that they look to this match as little more than a pee-break."

"I can not allow this to stand."

Suddenly the studio lights spark to life and flood the room with TV studio lighting! Just then, TK walks into the picture!

[Image: BOBTUBE.jpg]

Thunder Knuckles: "Alright mother fuckers! I know what you're thinking! What's this!? BOBtube is back with that part 2!? Fucking awesome! But why has it taken so goddamn long TK!? Simple! Didn't enough of you idiots like and subscribe my last video in this series for me to get paid! So BOBtube had to explore some alternative content, but now, thanks to the fucking bullshit that Shawn Wyld put out, Miss Fury has convinced me to give this interview shit another ago because no doubt about it, BOB can entertain! We can entertain so fucking hard that our entertainment value can fucking make up for the rest of this rosters lack of it! Just look to Centurion for proof! That fucking guy couldn't entertain his way out of a wet paper bag, yet here we are in 2021 and he's still around, thanks mostly due to the fact that he finds himself embroiled in a feud with BOB! Well, more like shoehorned in, but hey the guy might be a vacuum for entertainment, but he knows money, and BOB's money! Now let's get to this fucking interview, shall we!?"

The camera pulls out, revealing that this is the set of Fox News! A bloody and battered Tucker Carlson lies on the floor along their way to the news desk. TK swiftly kicks the fucker in the gut, producing a slight groan. Fury on the other hand just steps over the Fox News analyst. TK wipes his face and puts on a nice jacket before taking a seat at Tucker's desk.

[Image: TKCarlson.jpg]

Thunder Knuckles: "Okay, tough fucking question Fury! What's the deal with The Left Fucking Hand!?"

Miss Fury: "I'm a member."

Thunder Knuckles: "Yeah, we know that! But so far, nobody knows why, including fucking me! Am I Left Hand now? Am I gonna have to drink the fucking Kool-Aid just because I work for BOB? Cause let me tell ya, I've already been there and done that, and it doesn't work out the way you fucking think!"

Miss Fury: "There shalt be any drinking of Kool-Aid. We are simply on friendly terms."

A chuckle escapes TK's lips.

Thunder Knuckles: "You raised The Left Hand though!"

Miss Fury: "Yes, as a sign of loyalty to the Baphomet."

Thunder Knuckles: "But doesn't that make you his fucking pawn!?"

Miss Fury: "TK, if I were to offer you 50k to off a guy, would you?"

Thunder Knuckles: "Heh, fucking OBVIOUSLY!"

Miss Fury: "What if I offered you 100k to off your grandma?"

TK cuts her a dirty look, seemingly taking offense at the idea.

Thunder Knuckles: "Hey now! That's not fucking funny!"

Miss Fury: "Good, because it isn't a joke. I have no intentions of harming those that I "love" TK, but why waste time fighting those that seek similar goals? My involvement is strategic, and in the end we should all prosper for it."

TK takes a moment and considers her words.

Thunder Knuckles: "Alright, alright! I don't mean to interrogate you, but this is a no holds barred interview, just like your matches!"

Miss Fury: "Fury's Rules - there are no rules! Every match that I participate in is contractually required to be contested under these rules."

Thunder Knuckles: "Slick ass way to get around Commissioner Lacklan's stupid fucking no cheating rule!"

Fury plays coy.

Miss Fury: "Did I say that? No! I have nothing but respect for the woman who time after time beat and embarrassed poor Vita to the point of exposing her for the piece of shit human being that she is! These rules are in effect NOT to skirt our beloved commissioners new rules for Anarchy, but instead to ensure my safety in the ring."

Say what? TK is puzzled by that claim!

But he sells it!

Thunder Knuckles: "Damn right! ... Damn fucking right! ... Hey you know, with guys like Shawn Wyld, you can't be too careful! As a matter of fact, maybe the entire fucking roster needs to get on board with Fury's rules! Think about it! We constantly have these fucking pricks who can fly, shoot lasers outta there fucking asses, fucking teleport! How can you fairly wrestle some dude who cam BAMPF! on you in the middle of a match, huh! Then you got these fucking assholes like Oswald, love you man, but fuck you for being some sort of cosmic powered ass hat who can fucking dig into some twisted fucking dimension to find a female Barney Green, but can't be bothered to win a match! Yeah, fuck these God types in the XWF! They're just toying with us, and at a whim they could ZAP us into another fucking world! Or change us into a whatever you and Graves were! Good for fucking YOU for standing up to the man and demanding a sensible way of defending yourself!"

Miss Fury: "Exactly! Plus these so called heroes cheat all the time! The only difference is that they're never held accountable! Officials conveniently don't see, or don't care! Fans blatantly cheer as they perform the same actions we are hated for! I said enough! Let's remove that rule from the board and see where we stand when then playing field is FAIR!"

Thunder Knuckles: "Not that it can REALLY! be fair when you're facing off against a cosmic spider fart!"

Miss Fury: "The hero that is so full of himself, his narcissistic ego perfectly counters his abilities. I may as well be handed a by week like my sore loser of an opponent from last week. Somebody felt pity for for a man they falsely thought screwed out of this tournament. What that person didn't realize is that what we did was to protect him. Kieran Overton..."

TK interjects!

Thunder Knuckles: "Is a DOG FUCKER!"

Miss Fury: "I was going to say, Kieran Overton is a man who is so tough and so determined to win, that he puts himself in danger aspiring to be more than he really is. Kieran was out cold. No denying it. Check the tape! How he held his arm up at the end, it doesn't make sense! It had to be reactionary, like muscle memory because Kieran was in another world while locked in my Black Widow! Thankfully, Ari realized that and stopped the match to protect poor Kieran from serious injury! Watching him be reentered into the tournament really turned my stomach, especially when I found out that he was scheduled to face Noah Jackson! It's like the XWF is trying to purposely hurt this guys career!"

Thunder Knuckles: "I think that it's pretty funny, but tell me Fury, why do you care?"

Miss Fury: "I don't! Simply an observation!"

Thunder Knuckles: "Okay, who's your fucking picks this round?"

Miss Fury: "Noah Jackson, Osira Themis, Solace Tatum, Atara Themis, Betsy Granger, Shawn Warstein, Doc D'ville, and of course Miss Fury."

Thunder Knuckles: "D'Ville over Jenny!?"

Miss Fury: "Jenny Myst is a highly decorated veteran with a storied career, but I do not think that she makes it past The Good Doctor. Jenny is far too distracted with her new toys, Hell's Bells."

Thunder Knuckles: "What the fuck is up with THAT anyway!?"

Miss Fury: "Some find their place in the pecking order unsatisfactory. Jenny seeks a pond that she can rule, but she still abides by my rule for the time being."

Thunder Knuckles: "Oh, ominous! Out of your picks to make it into the next round, any stand outs you'd like to face?"

Miss Fury: "Betsy Granger hands down. I owe her for thwarting my plan to blow up Steve Sayors!"

Thunder Knuckles: "Oh yeah! She used that stupid fucking Tardus to stop the bomb!"

Miss Fury: "Ensuring more Steve Sayors interviews for years to come!"

"And they call me the bad guy!"

Thunder Knuckles: "Alright Fury, final question! Should you win it all, what are your plans as queen of the XWF?"

Miss Fury: "Let's wait and see where the dust settles before we start making plans."

Thunder Knuckles: "A fucking non answer? Cool! I'm sure that whatever you do, it's going to be fucking gold! After all, you are the one who took that cheap tin belt Big D tried to use to get himself over, and used YOUR star power to get it and an entire budding wrestling organization over in the fucking bWo, which I'm signed with bitches! Throw up the fucking graphic in post Todd!"

[Image: TK.jpg]

Thunder Knuckles: "Now hit that fucking like and describe button!"

Miss Fury: "Subscribe!"

Thunder Knuckles: "That's what I fucking said and be sure to check out our previous video if you haven't done so already! It has aliens!"