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Place marker: Last RP of week The Queen's Gambit - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: RP Archive (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=113) +--- Forum: Archives (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=13) +---- Forum: "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=16) +---- Thread: Place marker: Last RP of week The Queen's Gambit (/showthread.php?tid=39810) |
The Queen's Gambit - Jenny Myst - 02-13-2021 She is a ruler, proud in her glory Sets hearts to flame, turns lovers to screams Her nails alone are ripped from a story Reduces soldiers to men without mean Eyes marble-black, with sharp slits in the center Hair that waves as though in water Glistening red as crowds begin to enter They know her tales, but none have caught her What she requires - they all deliver Her voice is a choir - that makes all shiver She doesn't walk She struts Bends over in a seductive style Caresses villainy in her seat Crooning, intentions hidden all the while Inaudible but the tread of her feet March, march, march on to the drums The Dark Majesty never forgets Absorbing herself in hymns and hums Oblivious to drunken admissions of regret Queen of tyranny will never rest But for serenity - she fails the test She's majestic But joy eludes her ![]() Jenny smiled for the camera, looking at her self in the front-facing camera and curling her hair in her fingers. She had a lot on her plate, but fame was nothing new to her. Since day one people have ,lined up to see Jenny Myst, but it hasn't been until recently that they have lined up to see her out of respect for her accomplishments, not her physical traits. She has tried so hard to be a legend here, and she tried so hard to be everything she dreamed about since she got into this business. She tried to be the embodiment of perfection every single day. How many times have we seen this before? How many times has this episode aired? The ups and downs, the turbulence, the big match wins and.......as much as it hurt, the big match losses. She had finally found a place here in the XWF. Finally had her footing. Sarina Hazard was back on the active roster, Ash Quinn was now on her side, B.O.B has been taking over the company, RMI has catapulted her stardom to levels never before seen. But she still felt empty. Something was still missing. Her phone buzzed. It was Tommy again. ROMEO: Jen, photo shoot at 6 and an autograph session at 630. We have a meeting with Disney Channel tomorrow for that character voice over, and Domino's has invited us both to their national headquarters. Please be on time, this benefits both of us. She looked at the Shooting Star Title she had hi-jacked from Lambeau. It was the epitome of everything she fought to accomplish, but her life was moving at a rapid pace right now. Everything else was catching up to her, and she was just trying to slow down and enjoy the moment. Sometimes, in order to succeed, you just need to let go. The Shooting Star Title meant everything to her, sure, but the Television Title was up for grabs. It was another rung up the proverbial ladder, and another step in the direction of a better "Jenny Myst." She imagined the photo shoots and how much better they would look with this title around her waist. Hell, maybe she would even bedazzle it a little, add some sizzle to the skillet. Hell, a year ago, she never thought she would ever be a champion again. Now, she had a chance to two in a few short months. MYST: Okay. Don't lose anymore hair over this, I'll be there. She hit send. She always broke Tommy's balls. She knew she wasn't the easiest to deal with. How was she going to explain to Peter Rice and John Landgraf that she couldn't appear on their channel because she was a loser and bald. A bald loser. Jim Jimson. ROMEO: Okay, I am sending a car. Be outside. She smiled at her phone. Her life was finally turning around and as she twirled her hair for the final time, she couldn't help but smile. She loved her hair, but she loved winning more. For the first time in her life, she felt whole. Complete. She was accepting the challenge. She would win on Savage, because she didn't have a choice. She chose the next life She thought she was out of options She left behind a knife In the hearts of all who knew her In fear they scattered Their hearts filled with darkness The name never uttered Became the evil thing they feared “Our children will turn! We must not speak of the evil queen.” But the children burned To know, to hear, to be heard To pull out the knife Embedded deeper with the silence Of the taken life. But the children never spoke. Darkness continued. The people still lived in fear Always pursued By the grief they refused to face Until the day One of the children chose to go To live far away The people screamed and mourned This wasn’t right This is not what they had wanted. Let pain bite Don’t pretend in never happened. Help it mend And learn from the mistakes For as the wise have said, History, if not learned from, will play again. ![]() ![]() "I am glad to see that after all of the abuse he has taken over the course of his career here, Charlie Nickles still has some cognitive reasoning skills. He has come to the conclusion that I want attention, that I want all eyes on me, that I want to be noticed. Ding ding ding, whattya we have for him Johnny?! I am glad you finally figured it out after all this time. Then, just when I was about to give you credit, you realize that I have nailed you to the wall, that I have your number, you run and hide behind some different persona, claiming its a demon or some shit, and try to "re-invent" yourself before the biggest match of your career to date. What's the matter Charles? Caught a case of the limber tail? Afraid of a 5 foot woman? Your dick has gotta be so small that when you put it in a girl, her immune system attempts to fight it off. When I look at you, at this thing you've created, I don't' see something that instills fear. I don't see something I am supposed to be intimidated by. Whenever I try and picture who is the guy who clicks on “caught my stepsister playing with herself and I gave it to her hard” type of porn this is the face I see. You look like you live in a hotel in Vermont. You look like the fat guy in every ska band got into a bad case of alcoholism. Whatever this "Demos" is, I am not afraid of it, nor am I buying it. You seem to think I am supposed to fear you, like this entire façade you are putting on is supposed to throw me off my game. Why you change all of a sudden? Fear taking over? I think it is YOU who fears ME, Charles/Demos whatever the fuck. I think it is YOU who fears losing the only thing keeping you from wrestling dark matches....that title around your waist. It is your only validation, the only thing you like about yourself. The only thing that makes you whole. You've been rambling on, I called you out and exposed you in front of the world, and now all of the sudden you aren't Charlie any more? You're DEMOS. No. You're pathetic. The Left Hand already tried the creepy demon/voices thing Charles, it's played out. You're behind the times. This isn't new or refreshing. This is the same tired cliche over and over, with a leather face mask and and greasy scalp. You want me to be more original? Say something you never heard before? I’ll give you three: I love you, You’re doing a good job, It gets better. Calling the kettle black much? Can’t you feel your ego, bursting against your skull, just about to POP? How will you be able to drag your limbs to the ring on Savage when your mind is weighed down by your obsession over what others think of you?" Aren't you the one who obsesses over titles, trying to gobble them all up like the fat kid at the buffet, hoping that maybe someone will think you're good enough to matter? Sure, I "obsessed" and still kinda do over the Shooting Star Title but I held that title for 101 days, built a division, and created a culture around it. You've held yours less than 60 days already and have lost to all of the big names. You're just lucky they haven't wanted to take your title yet. I put the Shooting Star Division on the map, I got it added to the company website's homepage. You've been concerned with being a multi-champion and shit talking legends only to get your ass kicked then tell us it never happened. "You crave status." No, I earn status. There is a difference. I was recruited to B.O.B for a reason, I was the first signee of note to RMI for a reason, I was awarded promo of the month for a reason. I don't crave it, I've earned it. You are the one who craves it by trying to rack up as much gold as possible--the Freestyle Title hadn't been announced for 10 fucking minutes before you got your grubby mitts involved in it. Alias was doing it because he was bored, you're doing it because its just another luke-warm soup can to add to your dilapidated shelf. God you're such a hypocritical grease fire. Emphasis on grease. I bet 80 percent of your garbage is sticky Kleenex and 90 percent of your DVD's are Jenny Myst greatest matches. That is, if you even own a DVD player. I ooze confident, I sweat greatness. You just sweat. You’re the Virgin Hairy. Heavy Potter and the Goblet of Butter. I would have paid good money to see your mom fucking those Ewoks. If I were choosing who would be Television Champion, you wouldn't be it. If I were going to cast a new 'Mario Brothers' show where I was trying to cast ugly slothy looking hairy assholes that actually looked both like plumbers and guys that owned rape vans, you would be my first pick. Venturing south from your non-existent jaw line and offensively hairy and effeminate face, we unfortunately arrive at what I sincerely hope is a costume and not what you wear on a daily basis. I could find a better jacket in a trashcan out the back of a thrift shop, and you couldn't even bother to put on an equally shit tie. Or is it rather that you couldn't be bothered to google how to tie one properly? Look. I have had fun ripping you to shreds and making fun of your apperance, I truly have. Everything I have said has been spot on down to the letter and everyone knows it. You decided to get real personal real quick. Okay, you wanna get graphic? We can go the scenic route. Don’t you know what the Demos is, Jennifer? It is the body of the people. The very embodiment of their hopes, dreams, desires….. Hopes dreams and desires? Whose? Mine? Surely not. My hopes, dreams and desires were to not only be a competitor here but to be a damn legend. To be someone to be remembered when the doors closed for good. I want to be a name that lives forever in XWF lore as one of, if not the best, female to ever do this. I can tolerate losing? Where do you get off saying that? Does Demos just say shit for the sake of saying shit because Charlie is too afraid to say it himself? I OBSESSED over the Shooting Star Title, and I still do, because HATE losing. Sure, its a blessing for me, and I learn from my downfalls, but doesn't mean its any less easy to handle. The body of the people? Yeah, maybe homeless people. You're a sham, and you only decided to bring out this ever so convenient "Demos" when I had you nailed and your blood dripped down the drywall. You think I am just some dainty little butterfly don't you? Mistake number one. You hide behind a mask now because you're afraid to show your face. Demos isn't an embodiment of the people, its an excuse. Charlie was a loser who floated through the TV ranks and lost to anyone with more than three zero's in their paycheck, so Demos is your way out. Demos is your ace in the hole, your escape-goat, per say. Don’t forget why you are main eventing savage, little birdy. It was my decree, not yours, that landed you that top billing you covet so much. At the flick of my wrist I could have you replaced with an identical challenger. So why didn't you? That would have been the status quo for your "title reign". Anything to protect yourself from the embarrassment of...well...yourself. You chose me because you NEED a signature win and you were hoping you could prey upon some vulnerability, hoping you could take advantage of a damaged mental state from back to back losses. No. 100 percent no. You chose this match because you thought IF you could pull off a win you could shut up the critics, and there a lot of them. You seem to think that I give two squirts of piss about Chris Chaos. You want to hold that over my head, its your calling card. Look at all I have accomplished without him. Look at everything I have done since he dumped me on national television. I have been one of the hottest stars in the business--literally and figuratively--while you floundered in the Television Division, finding every way out you could to keep your title and teaming up with a jobber whose entire angle is hating dolphins and expecting us to respect you. You haven't EARNED respect, that's the difference. Beating me would earn you what you covet most..... But a loss to me. Well, what would that do? It would prove everybody right. We can't have that, right? You may say I have changed…..but you couldn’t be more wrong. I am who I have always been. I am Demos. That is why you changed your ring gear to something less trailer park and something more cult-in-a-trailer-park? You put a mask on your face and began calling yourself by another name. You look different, but you are still the same person you were just last week. A fat, hairy loser with an inflated ego and a sense of pride because you have a winning record over curtain jerkers. I am a different person than I was then, very true, but I am a BETTER person. I have made changes to improve myself, you've moved parallel and expected us all to thing that you are something different. You know the definition of insanity right? You spent valuable time pointing out physical changes but overlooked the greatest change of all. I went from eye candy to champion, you went from small dick energy to small dick energy in a leather mask. Despite all these horrors, the straw the broke the camels back and the epitome of your laziness is your proudly proclaimed "challenge". You have the arrogance to share your sloppy ass, offensive depiction and issue these demands like some whiney, pre-pubescent, rich kid trying to stand up to the next group of dumb fuck high-school bullies to waste their time with you. Let me tell you, in your current state I suspect you weigh too much to stand as it is, let alone stand up to anyone. And in the off chance you manage to stand atop those thick pillars, you likely create a crater so large that the scum of society, and their shit, will always flow in your direction. Next time you want some attention, you lazy sack of underdone dumplings, lose some fucking weight so we cant take the easy road and target your celestial body-like appearance, instead of challenging us not to. I'm done with you. Go fuck yourself and lose some weight you diabetic cesspit of sugar and cholesterol. We have seen what you have to offer now, and nobody is impressed. We are calling our cable services immediately and asking for a refund. The Charlie Nickles show, season 1, has been cancelled. His episodes with Mr. Clean have been less than thrilling. We've suffered though 19 episodes and 3 cameo's now and we've seen enough. When the Queen comes to town and gives these people the real show they've been waiting to see, we will all have a reason to tune in again. Consider the Charles Nickles Show officially cancelled, and the Demos spin off shut down before even a single episode aired. The Queen's Court is the new reason to watch Savage, and when I take your precious title off your shoulders you'll have nothing left to do but to come clean and admit that you were never really all that good to begin with. But you'll probably no sell that too, won't you? Of course you will. ![]() |