X-treme Wrestling Federation
Abuse of Power - Printable Version

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Abuse of Power - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 12-24-2020

"As of right now, I am declaring myself the Federweight Champion."

"Got a problem with it, dude? Do something about it. Yeah I mean you, Thad Duke. I slapped your daddy so hard he forgot who you were. Bring it. Fuzz? Oh, my bad, SHAWN? You wanna tapdance again when I'm in a less charitable mood? Let's go."

"Betsy? Atara? Lycana? Ash? Give me a reason, ladies. I'd thoroughly enjoy making you look stupid."

"Oh, and even you, Baphomet. Drop that tiny pecker from your left hand and come get some."

"Fact is, I stay at my desk because I don't want any of you to feel bad about losing to your boss. Got an issue with me holding the Feder? Well MOLON LABIA, dudes!"