X-treme Wrestling Federation
droogz. - Printable Version

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droogz. - Tommy Wish - 12-03-2020

[Far removed from the hospital visit in Florida, we see a depressed Tommy in his hotel room. We see him pulling out some sheet of paper, and him writing out his thoughts and feelings about what transpired. Then he hears a knock on the door, and he opens it to see Reggie and JB who he lets into his room. Then they sit near a table that had two chairs, as Tommy sat on the bed still writing in his paper.]

JB: T, you okay?

[Tommy doesn’t respond.]

Reggie: Look Tommy, I know it’s a fucked up situation, but we gotta move on from it.

[Tommy then stops writing and looks at Reggie, with eyes of despair and looks back on his paper tryin to hold in those thug tears.]

JB: We need to move on, and Reggie is right that it’s fucked up. We can’t dwell on it, all we can do is push forward with our own life and our time here in XWF. They need you to focus on making our thug nam—

[Tommy slams his pen and paper on the bed.]

Tommy: They need me? ME? A guy who almost made YOU quit this company over some bullshit that happened last month?… yeah sure they need me, they don’t give a fuck about me or us at all. You know why I gave him the Freak gimmick…. I saw a potential in him, he was someone who I should have guided in a right way. They need us… fuck that shit.

JB: Look T, you need to get your head out of your sorrow ass… and face reality that he wasn’t going to make it in his lifetime and in the company. Look, me and Reggie are hurt too by this loss, but we can’t do anything but to move on from it.

Tommy: Right, move on… move on to what JB? Do know how long we’ve been waiting to be the fucking tag team champions?… oh no you don’t, you’re focused on being a lap dog to this company who doesn’t care about you or us.

JB:T, you need to stop talking out your ass and learn how to play the game.

[Tommy gets up from the bed, and he paces back and fourth. Reggie then tries to defuse the situation between them by talking to JB.]

Reggie: JB, don’t say all that shit. You know how sensitive he is, this man is just tryin to cope with the lost of Eric.

JB: I’m sorry, but he needs to be learning how to move on… and focus on the end goal of what we came to do in XWF.

Reggie: Yeah, but what has it done for us? Nothing… we have yet to make a real impact in that ring, and we are just the crumbs they push to the side. With Eric, we could have built the revolution; but with a fallen soldier, how can we do that?… we can’t.

[JB puts his hands up, and rubs his temple to not feel stressed out over this whole topic. Then he looks at Tommy, who’s still pacing back and fourth, then looks at Reggie.]

JB: Look fellas, i’m sorry for being an ass… i’ve dealt with losses to the point I want to ignore them, but can’t. Maybe, I am not as sympathetic as I could be… and Tommy, I know how important he was to you, and our little crew. So, all I can say is this…forget about trying to play the game of XWF, forget about wins and losses, forget about trying to be cool with everyone in the back. We are the misfits, outcast just like how Eric was.

[Reggie nods his head to JB’s assessment bout the crew. Tommy then stops pacing back and fourth, and he looks at JB with a smile on his face. Then he pulls out Dolly’s sweaty gym socks, and inhales them. Then the two look at him with a grin.]

Tommy: You know what, we are all that and more… fuck it, we are the true rebels from within this bitch. No more of trying to be cool with those who don’t understand us, if they don’t care about us… fuck em.

Reggie: Exactly T, we are better than the rest. We all are nobodies in the land of heartless entities who patrol on what’s good or not.

Tommy: This is why I fuck with you Reggie, on some real shit. You know what fellas, let’s go to fucking Las Vegas tonight. I already bought the tickets before I even checked into the hotel from the time we left the hospital. Are you both down, or y’all wanna stay and feel like shit?

Reggie: I’m down to roll with you there, don’t you got a match at the MGM Grand?

[Tommy nods his head, and pulls out his phone and show pictures on his opponent Addy, and Reggie and Tommy laughs at her.]

Reggie: That’s her?… oh man, this gonna be a slaughterhouse of epic proportions. She isn’t gonna last against you in that ring next Saturday.

Tommy: Of course not, i might as well feed her some cake too… and have her bitch and moan about me not building the proper flame, as inhale my nose on her toes. I’m gonna break her ankle like if i’m Ken Shamrock or Angle in their primes.

Reggie: That so true, T. I know you’ll come out of MGM Grand as new man!

Tommy: Yeah man, JB are you down to roll with us to Las Vegas?

JB: You know i got nothing better to do, let's head out there. Maybe i’ll hit the tables, get some sluts for the three of us, and other things.

[Then the three amigos all get themselves together, and leave the hotel room. Then about five hours later, they manage to get off the plane that wasn’t packed with many people in it to Las Vegas. Then the scene fades off with them riding inside a limo into the city.]


[Instead of line of coke, we see Tommy inhaling some hooker’s feet in nylons.]

“I’ll say this for free, this shit don’t come for free. Paid a good $250 for this shit, and worth all the time I’ve invested into it. Even though Eric passed, it gives me more of a shot to take life by the horns and ram it up it own ass. He was wild, inane, and crazy like me at some points. I still watch reruns of his old show in the site, and laugh at how ridiculous he was with his host and guests. Man, I couldn’t replicate that… but what I can do, is just be wild like that!

I am already wild, but not to his level. This coming Saturday is no different than the rest, I am an opener like worthless piece of shit I am, a guy who will make sure that people can come in before the main event even happens. Maybe, it’s a sign that they fear I will make everyone lose interest within the card itself, since their TV champion is busy stalking and reaming his head up the Heavymetalweight title Scene. Hey, get in where you fit in as they would say.”

[He does some more sniffing.]

“Look, I guess that Addy will be one of my many many MANY victims of either a HideYaFace or my newly patented Fetish lock, and she’ll run off back to the valley of the dolls. I don’t know where she came from, but it seems like Mattel lost one of their doll line ups or something. I mean, yeah she’s one of those Karen’s that i’ve seen in white chicks, who wanted to call the cops on Shawn Wayne’s character over some bullshit. Bitchin about how her mocha frappe isn’t filled with skim milk at a local Starbucks at 8 in the morning.

To be honest, there isn’t much to say about her, but all I can say is that she might not be able work in the ring at all. I guess I have to show her how, which makes sense why it’s basically an opener, just so people will not want to switch the channel or demand their refunds for her making herself a mess in her debut. I will make sure she knows how to get herself beaten by a man like me.

Addy, you aren’t ready to for the big leagues… don’t be chasing those waterfalls, and stick to the lakes and rivers you're used to. Because, I won’t hold back like how I am not holding back on paying another $250 on this low priced hooker on my hotel bed. You will learn, you’ll grow, and you’ll be mature to know that I am not the man to be messed with. Maybe by the end of the night, i’ll pay you less to lay in my bed for the night.”

[Then the scene immediately cuts off to a crudely drawn portrait of Santa Doc and then goes pitch black.]